I love traveling, but don’t really like the whole flying part of it. I feel dry, sometimes blocked up and out of whack, not to mention it’s incredibly vata aggravating. But I travel a lot for work and leisure — I’m on a plane roughly every 2-3 weeks, sometimes even more — so I have had to get used to it.
I’ve tried and tested many things to make the trip more comfortable, to minimize the stress on my mind, body, and soul, and to avoid jet lag. And today I want to share them with you.
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Here Are My Top Tips For Healthy Flying…
Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses
These are a must (use code MELISSA for 15% off) for whilst you are at airports and on the planes as you are exposed to a lot of toxic blue light. Wear them the whole time to minimize exposure to blue light.
Use Essential Oils
These are my favorite essential oils and you can learn how to use them here.
Use Ayurvedic Nasya Oil
This will help to lubricate the nasal passages and clean out excess mucus from the sinuses. It’s also very balancing and is traditionally said to improve quality of voice, strengthen vision, and promote mental clarity. Make sure you get an organic brand that is toxic-free.
Use Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray
This will boost your immune system and fight bacteria and viruses. Again make sure you get a clean brand.
Use An Ionbox
This is a negative ion generator that outputs up to 20 million negative ions per second. It’s an epic mobile ionizer and travel air purifier which eliminates pollutants, allergens, mold and germs.
Try A NES miHealth
The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, and re-educating energy flow and muscles. As stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body’s innate healing intelligence can revert back to its original, optimal state.
Use Noise Cancelling Headphones
I have a pair of Bose noise-canceling headphones (don’t get the Bluetooth ones as you don’t want Bluetooth sapping your brain). They block out so much noise you can actually get some decent sleep, plus they are way better to watch movies compared to the ones they hand out for free. Again, the noise on airplanes is very vata aggravating, so cutting out as much of it as possible will do you the world of good.
Take Auramore Black Tourmaline Crystal
This crystal is great for EMF protection and energy generation.
Use A Homemade Hand Sanitiser
I use these essential oils to make mine. Check out this program if you want to learn how to make loads of other toxic-free products and how you can live a toxic-free life.
Use A HumidiFlyer Face Mask
This is a personal HumidiFlyer that may help with preventing infections. It is a comfortable filtered mask designed for air travel, which traps the expired moisture from your breath. When you breathe in, that moisture is then used to humidify the dry cabin air. This enables the air you breathe to remain moist, preventing the dehydration that contributes to jet lag and infection. Using the HumidiFlyer travel mask, you’ll arrive in the best possible condition.
Take A Warm Scarf & Socks
It’s imperative you keep your neck and feet warm whilst you fly. They really drop the temperature during flights, so make sure you keep both your neck and feet as warm as possible. I have forgotten my scarf before and ended up getting sick when I landed… not fun! You are most likely to forget these travel essentials if you’re leaving a warm climate and going to another warm climate, but don’t be fooled — you will need them!
Protect Your Ovaries
Wearing a belly band or using an EMF blanket can help protect you from EMF radiation.
Take Your Own Food
The truth is, you couldn’t pay me to eat plane food. It’s full of ‘food-like substances’ and has been sitting in those aluminum packs for God knows how long. Instead, try taking your own nourishing food with you. Things like salads, cut up veggies, homemade dips, activated nuts, chia pudding or bliss balls. I pack my food in a stainless steel lunch box and dive in whenever I’m hungry. Another hot tip… I also eat at home before I leave for the airport that way I am full for a while and could even fast if I needed.
Nourish Your Body
Flying and animal products are very contracting and can put a lot of stress on your body. So when your body is already compromised make sure you’re supporting it by eating expanding foods such as veggies and fruits. Stay away from animal products and fill up on all the other goodies you have packed. Packing a high-quality superfood green powder is great to flood your body with goodness.
Drink Loads Of Water
Take this epic glass water bottle filter and fill up with filtered water at the airport. You’ll have to drink it before you go through security, but once you’re on the other side, most airports have filtered water stations all over the place so you can fill it straight back up again. Easy peasy! Flying is very dehydrating, so make sure you drink loads before you get on, during the flight and even after you land. And remember, you can always ask the staff on the plane to refill your bottle with filtered water. For extra hydration, take some electrolytes with you such as Essential Electrolytes by NutriBiotics or the amazing Oxygen supplement CellFood.
Take Essential Oils
It’s best to avoid toxic perfumes and sprays at all times but even more so whilst you are in a confined space. You can use good quality essential oils instead. Try lavender to help you fall asleep and peppermint to invigorate and wake you up once you land at your destination.
Use An Eye Mask
This is a non-negotiable if you’re going long haul. You want to try and get as much sleep as you possibly can to avoid jet lag, and using an eye mask will help with this enormously. Take your own though because the freebies on the plane are oh-so-toxic. This is the one I have.
Avoid Alcohol
Like animal products, alcohol is very contracting. Avoid the booze trolley, and load up on filtered water and herbal teas instead. Hot tip… Take a selection of organic herbal teas and ask the staff to bring you a cup of hot filtered water.
Meditation calms the mind and the body. Try practicing while you’re in the air — whether that means listening to one of my guided meditations in your headphones, focusing on a mantra, or simply tuning into your breath. Do it for as long and as often as you can and really soak up the opportunity to get some deep and long medi’s.
Take A Good Book
Flying is the perfect time to read Mastering Your Mean Girl and Open Wide. For some other epic book suggestions check out this post with all the books that have impacted my life.
Use A SomniLight For Reading
The SomniLight is a non blue light reading light that clips onto your book. Although it’s not 100% necessary if you have blue light blocking glasses I still love it and use it every night in bed.
Move Your Body
Get up and move as much as you can. Do some light stretches or yoga poses wherever you can. You want to keep the circulation flowing freely through your body and prevent any joint stiffness or muscle cramps. I love the app Down Dog for yoga.
Oil Up
Flying really dries you out so make sure you take some organic coconut oil or sesame oil and lather up before you get on, whilst you’re flying, and for a few days after.
Reduce Your Exposure To Radiation
For those of you who want to take this further, take a look at limiting your exposure to radiation with products like the Pocket Resonator by EMFBlues.com
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!
This one is pretty self-explanatory but as much as you can, get some sleep. Despite the long list of movies try and get as much sleep as possible to avoid jet lag.
So there you have it… my top tips to help with your next trip (you may want to bookmark this page).
Now I would love to hear from you. Do you have any helpful flying tips of your own? Please share in the comments below and together let’s create an epic long list we can always refer back to.
Thank you for being so awesome and helpful as always in the comments. You rock!
Thank you for these tips. I fly unregularly. My whole life I flew about 5 times =) But you’re right. It’s a huge stress. I flew to Spain and it was only for about 2 hours, but I was really down. I got sick 3 days before the flight so it was hard with air pressure etc.
Hah thanks Melissa, this is exactly what i needed right now, as I m flying from Australia to Europe soon and this flight always makes me feel quite sick afterwards, so I was thinking how to better prepare and you re tips come in handy. Thanks anyway for everything on your site, I find you so inspiring and sometimes i just go on the website, when I m feeling a bit down and it makes me feel better
Keep doing the good work, lots of love!
Awesome babe! Will definitely use these tips before i head to LA in a few weeks
When we flew to Europe last year my sister and I got up every 2 hours to do a stretch session in the back of the plane! Ponches are really hard to hold on airplanes
maybe it puts us off balance being so high up. Haha
beautiful post mel x
Hi Mel,
Thank you for this amazing post. Your help and advice is always so wonderful. Congrats on your wedding too – you looked so beautiful!
I have a question. I have an international flight coming up. I am super petrified of flying and always find it difficult to sleep. I panic myself awake at the slightest bit of turbulence or a crying baby or my other half moving – a light sleeper in other words. I wanted to give your meditation sessions a go. Can you recommend a particular one to help with my problem? Do you have any other tips you could give me for my problem? The problem for me is the fear of flying and how panicked I get on the plane and then the lack of sleep that ensues! My other half wants me to get a sleeping tablet prescription from my doctor but I have flat refused until I see if there’s a way around it.
This is perfect, thanks Melissa! I am flying to Europe this month and will take on board all of your advice
looking forward to some onboard Choc Heaven Bliss Balls already!
Thanks beautiful! Perfect post for my travels in the near future YOU rock!
I love to use Indah Organics Lalu Travel Balm on my wrists and temples as a perfume or to inhale it if feeling motion sick or need some grounding. I also make up my own essential oil mix for motion sickness as i suffer from it very easily. I mix up ginger, lavender and peppermint. Few drops on your hands rub together and inhale to relieve. Works a treat! (:
Love these tips for flying! Some I already do but now I have some fantastic upgrades!
Great tips Melissa! Love them. xx
There are some great tips here! Looking forward to using them in August!
Just one question for any one who can answer it – are you allowed to take food on the plane? I’ve been told that you can not take any food (apart from what is bought once past customs) on the plane. Maybe there’s a difference between domestic and international flights in Australia? I would be so grateful for any answers to this. My partner is Canadian, so we regularly fly over and I often get sick and very bloated from eating food on the plane. Thank you lovely ladies!
Hey Becky,
Yes you can take food on the plane. I do all the time both domestic and international and it’s never been an issue for me.
Hello Becky and lovely Mel,
I believe the distinction is between taking food on the plane and taking it off on the other end in another country. I’m sure when Mel has taken things like fruit or veggie sticks on the plane they haven’t survived the trip (in a good way yum yum!) so they don’t incur the wrath of quarantine in the next country. If you make sure you eat your fresh things on the plane then you should be fine. I’ve previously packed extra snacks for the way home like some Loving Earth buckinis and luvju bars in my suitcase with no hassles.
Happy travelling!
Yes Jenna, you are right my love. You wont be able to take the fresh food into the country so just eat it on the plane
Thank you so much Mel and Jenna! I really appreciate it!
I love this post! And when we flew to Bali a couple of weeks ago (from New Zealand) I had your beautiful guided meditations to help calm my whole system in order to then fall into a peaceful sleep to arrive fresh for a yoga retreat! Bliss. And thank you xx
Oh how nice honey. Meditation is awesome when you’re flying. I love it!
do you recommend any sleeping tablets? i have trouble relaxing/ sleeping when flying?
Hi Summer,
No I don’t honey but have you tried meditation? That is great for relaxing the mind and body and helping you hep.
Give that a go.
i tired to upload your mediation and it doesnt work =( not sure what went wrong.. i tried many times
Hi Summer,
Please email your receipt to hello@melissaambrosini.bitnamiapp.com and we will help you right away.
thank you mel x
Just saw these tips Mel thanks so much for sharing I’m actually heading back to Brisbane after 3 weeks in Easter Europe which has been amazing. I took my own snacks on the plane ride over here and it made such a HuGe difference. I also travelled with a herbal throat spray and didn’t get sick once and I was travelling with 2 people who have been sick the whole time.
Hi Melissa,
I am wondering where you get your chemical free eye mask? I am also looking for organic/chemical-free ear plugs? Do you know any reputable places to purchase these?
Thank you SO much!
Love and Light,
Mikaela xo
Hey Mikaela,
Ear Plugs – http://earplugsonline.com/?gclid=COH7w5ODi8ACFZcnvQodWx8A9g
Hope this helps darling.
Hi Melissa,
I am just wondering where did you purchase your eye pillow from? An organic one seems hard to find.
Thanks xo
Hi Mem,
Here are some great places to get an organic eye mask.
Enjoy sweetie pie.
Ahhhh-mazing post! Thanks so much I’m going to America on Friday and would love to take my own food.. What containers do you use? I know you can only take 100mils which isn’t much? I want to take chia seed porridge on the flight can’t find any containers though that are just 100mils xx
Hey Chloe,
America whoo hooo how amazing. I use ball mason jars for everything. They are awesome.
Have the best trip.
I use Bose earphone too, they are great.
Hubby works in the airline industry, he takes vitamins on the plane everyday he is working.
We travel a lot overseas and with my family in Ireland it’s such a long flight, so when I travel I swear by taking a double dose of Vitamins, helps Jetlag big time.
Hey Melissa,
Thanks for your tips. I have a pair of Bose wireless headphones but I’m wondering what your thoughts are on using bluetooth wireless. I’m not sure what to believe if they’re harmful to your health or not. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hey Cynthia, great question… I personally wouldn’t ever use wireless headphones because I know how detrimental Bluetooth is and I don’t want that near my brain. But that’s my opinion. I hope that helps. xx
Thanks so much! It does help but just wondering do you use them with the cable or is there another way you use them? Cause the ones you link to above are a pair of wireless Bluetooth headphones which is what I currently have. Thanks so much x
Yes the ones I have are with the cable. xx
Hi Melisssa,
Love the article! I travel a lot for work, and would love to invest in some noise cancelling headphones. However, I’m really struggling to find some noise cancelling headphones that are not wireless and bluetooth, and have a cable. The ones you link to are wireless, but I know you said you use cable ones. Could you please link me to the pair that you use?
Thanks so much!
Hi honey, these are the ones we have. Enjoy! xx
Hi Melissa
I would like to know the headphones that you were using while traveling in New York in the taxi? I can’t remember what you called them.
Thank you so much
Hey Rosie, these are the ones we have. Enjoy! xx