
Unlock Your Inner Clairvoyant And Heal Your Trauma with Teal Swan






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Have you ever felt like your spirit was so broken you might never be able to put yourself back together? Today’s podcast guest, spiritual teacher Teal Swan, knows all too well what that feels like. But there’s hope, she says, for all of us — no matter how fractured or painful your past may be. By living with authenticity, freedom and joy, Teal says we can ALL spark our own spiritual revolution… And in today’s episode, she’s here to show us exactly how to do it.

Teal Swan is known as ‘The Catalyst’ for personal transformation, and is ranked 27th on the 2018 Watkins List of Most Spiritually Influential Living People. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and empowering people to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain through authenticity, divinity and wholeness.

Teal’s personal journey is remarkable — from a childhood stained with extraordinary abuse, through to becoming a beacon of light for her followers around the world. Her insights and wisdom will amaze and ignite you… In fact, I dare you to not feel super inspired after listening to this wide-ranging conversation!

So if you want to rekindle your connection with your true self, unstopper your extrasensory abilities, and dial up your spiritual healing, then fasten your seatbelt: this episode is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her story of survival and her extrasensory abilities (08:11)
  • How she got the nickname ‘The Spiritual Catalyst’ (11:30)
  • How to unlock your inner clairvoyant — even if you think you’re not intuitive (14:41)
  • How to tap into your emotions for inner transformation (17:06)
  • Why you need to *feel* your emotions in order to evolve (20:58)
  • Her genius process for releasing emotions, feelings and past pain (24:00)
  • What is shame deflection? (32:48)
  • How to heal your inner child and childhood trauma (33:43)
  • The truth about your triggers (37:00)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Teal Swan’s YouTube channel (YouTube)
  • tealswan.com (website)
  • The Anatomy of Loneliness by Teal Swan (Amazon)
  • The Connection Process by Teal Swan (Amazon)
  • After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield (Amazon)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)
  • Open Wide Video Masterclass (podcast)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

Today’s podcast is brought to you by the brand new Certification program created by my health guru and one of my all-time favourite humans on the planet, Dr. Stephen Cabral (Naturopathic Doctor, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Ayurvedic Expert). This is a program like no other — it literally *saved* my husband’s life, and changed mine forever. With a powerhouse combo of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and cutting-edge science, this program is for anyone who wants to create epic health and next level healing for themselves and their family, or for anyone who wants a career in the health industry. Click here to get all the details and take control of your health and future today.



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  1. Lili says:

    This episode contains the most important content I’ve heard on your show yet. Learning more about Teal’s background helps me understand her style which allows me to better absorb her guidance and wisdom.
    I’ve been diving into emotions, releasing trapped emotions and wondering whether I’m on the “correct” path. There are so many variations on the philosophy of emotional intelligence. “Follow your emotions…Live according to your joy!l
    I’ll be transcribing this episode and compiling definitions for her perceptions so I can study and consume and live in my own authentic truth moving forward.
    Thank you, Melissa, for holding this space for us, your tribe, and continually introducing new ways of approaching life as our best selves.
    Please thank Teal again for her time and willingness to share her truth. Awesome!

  2. Stacey Rae says:

    First let me start off by saying “Right On Sister”. I LOVED this PODCAST. This was an epic episode, WHOA!
    Teal is so interesting, so captivating and really fascinating. Honestly though, my head at times throughout the podcast was slightly spinning by what she was saying, yet in some odd way I was getting it. I immediately went to her YouTube page and listened to a couple of her videos. Keep up all the goodness Goddess, you’re healing the world and I’m right there next to you enjoying the journey and gaining so much from you and all your guests! Love and Hug you Sunshine ☀️!!

  3. Niharika Gautam says:

    This was so amazing. Couldn’t have asked for a better podcast to wrap up 2018. Thank you Melissa and Teal

  4. Nyvia Roman says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. I feel like this came along at the perfect moment in my life. I most resonated with the discussion about going toward your shadow self and feeling your emotions. Thank you once again.

  5. Stephanie says:

    So thankful, relieved and grateful for this podcast, to know I am not broken and possibly experiencing shame deflection.
    This is so important.
    I am also dealing with the guilt of no longer being the kind, considerate, trusting person I once was, having been programmed to put other’s needs before my own.
    Experiencing triggers with Narcissistic, violent, abusive, controlling manipulative, liar, neighbour. Carbon copy of negative side of alcoholic Father now deceased.
    Process so painful, actually had out of body lucid dream that soothed.
    Emotions are overwhelming and what are considered “negative”, previously suppressed or denied fear, hatred, anger, revulsion, resentment, helplessness, disempowerment, worthlessness, never good enough, can never win, all re-surfacing. Have chronic fatigue. Scarcely able to function. Wonder if this re-surfacing is the reason?
    I agree negative emotions are also valid, if the fear and pain of feeling them can be tolerated to reveal the needed message, for e.g. to set boundaries aligned with own truth! too avoid repeating the pattern again, but this is far from an easy, entails misery. I fear getting stuck in a depressing spiral. I question if denial and suppression serve an equally protective and valid purpose?
    Any thoughts welcome.

  6. […] will protect you from the aftermaths of trauma and help you get back to your usual self soon. Teal Swan is a personal mentor and life coach who can assist you in dealing with post-traumatic stress […]

  7. […] how can one go about realizing the meaning of life? Teal Swan explains that finding the meaning is a uniquely personal journey for each one. What brings meaning […]

  8. […] with these quick tips to realize the inner strength, Teal Swan advises handing around with the right people who can positively contribute to your energy and try […]

  9. […] you to sail through your life problems effectively. He is the one who will show you the way. Teal Swan offers spiritual and holistic life skill support for her […]

  10. […] Teal Swan has many self-help videos on her official website, and with them, one can effectively get the daily guidance they need for a happy and meaningful life with success! In her books, she writes about a unique process called The Completion Process and how it helps people feel connected with their inner selves and others. This is a 20- step process that gradually ceases suffering and pain in people. […]

  11. […] Teal Swan is on a mission to bring this positive transformation to the world. In this way, with the help of her guidance and healing techniques, people can combat the sadness of being disconnected from themselves and others in society. […]

  12. […] Teal Swan is a specialist in inner child healing, and with her regular podcasts and workshops, she helps people of all ages get past difficult emotions and pain. They gradually release things that hold them back from leading a life of joy and authenticity. […]

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