Uncovering Your True Purpose, Practicing Extreme Presence & Becoming A Peaceful Warrior | Dan Millman

Uncovering Your True Purpose, Practicing Extreme Presence & Becoming A Peaceful Warrior | Dan Millman






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How can we chase big audacious goals, without getting pulled out of the present moment and thrust into dissatisfaction and longing?

And for the love of bliss balls, what’s the best way to uncover your TRUE life purpose and bring more meaning to your life?!

To dive deep into these profound questions, I’m joined on the show by the inimitable Dan Millman. You may know him as the bestselling author of ‘Way of the Peaceful Warrior’ (one of my husband’s favorite books on the planet). Or perhaps you’ve picked up his latest release, the incredible ‘Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit’. Or maybe you’re one of the rare people who hasn’t yet had the extreme gift of encountering Dan’s work. If that’s you, MY GOODNESS you’re in for a treat, because this episode is one for the ages — a powerful, transformative audio experience, stacked with the kind of spiritual aha’s that will blow your mind and uplift your soul.

Press play to hear Dan riffing on spiritual topics that can *literally* change your life, including: the intensely powerful mindset techniques that will help you move beyond fear, why presence is actually a *practice* (and how to get really good at it), the incredible story of his first-ever role model and the life-changing lesson he learned at age 7, the simple but genius tool that can help you overcome hurdles on your life path and discover your true soul purpose, his surprising definition of success, his epic tips for entrepreneurs (seriously, do NOT miss these), how to quit comparing yourself to others forever, and so much more.

About Dan Millman

Dan Millman, author of ‘PEACEFUL HEART, WARRIOR SPIRIT: the True Story of my Spiritual Quest’, is a former world trampoline champion, Stanford University gymnastics coach, martial arts instructor, and Oberlin college professor. His 18 books are published in 29 languages. His first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was adapted to film in 2006. Dan has taught in 32 countries.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Dan’s very first role model — and the surprising lesson he learned at age 7 that will last his whole life (0:28)
  • Three powerful techniques to quieten your mind and move past fear (4:02)
  • The daily rituals and habits that will shift you back into the present moment — even if you’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed (11:33)
  • Is it possible to chase big goals and be fully present at the same time? Hear Dan’s life-changing tips on how to find the sweet spot between these two states (18:36)
  • The simple but genius tool that can help you overcome hurdles on your life path and discover your true soul purpose (24:38)
  • Worried that you don’t have a life purpose? This epic insight is for you (30:45)
  • The crucial difference between a calling and a purpose, and why it matters for your life (35:50)
  • How to radically amplify the meaning in your life and cultivate deep, lasting, connection-based relationships (39:10)
  • Dan’s golden advice for entrepreneurs to increase your chances of success. (Plus: how to stop comparing yourself to others, once and for all!) (47:01)

Episode resources:

  • Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit: The True Story of My Spiritual Quest by Dan Millman (book)
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman (book)
  • The Life You Were Born to Live (Revised 25th Anniversary Edition): A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman (book)
  • Everyday Enlightenment: The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth by Dan Millman (book)
  • Body Mind Mastery: Creating Success in Sport and Life by Dan Millman (book)
  • The Four Purposes of Life by Dan Millman (book)
  • Life Purpose Calculator | The Peaceful Warrior’s Way (website)
  • Constructive Living by David K. Reynolds (book)
  • Comparisonitis (book)
  • The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout (course)
  • The Peaceful Warrior 4-Minute Meditation (course)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

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  1. Kim says:

    I love Dan Millman. What a wonderful guest and such a kind mind! One of my first spiritual books as well and just loved it. Can’t believe how many books he has written. Just went to my local library online catalog and they have almost all of them! I will also be reading The Way of the Spiritual Warrior again…my husband really liked that book too. Thank you for this and ALL of your amazing interviews. So forever grateful for everything AND every person that you interview who is just here to bring more love and light into our world. You are amazing and thank you Dan!

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