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What is the key to finally getting the life of your dreams, unlocking your true potential, finding your destiny, and calling in your soulmate?

Mark Victor Hansen — one of the godfathers of personal development — believes that by learning how to ask the *right* questions you CAN manifest the life of your dreams.

You may know Mark as the best-selling co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand. Or maybe you’ve had the opportunity to be captured by his charismatic, dynamic, and compelling talks. Or perhaps you’ve become inspired by one of his 307 books such as the Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, and Dare to Win.

In this energetic and soul-awakening episode, Mark shares with us some of his wisdom on how to ask and get what you want. Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? How can you call in your soulmate? Luckily Mark is here to teach us the secret art of asking and fulfilling your true life’s purpose. His energy and joy are contagious and once you finish this episode it will leave you with an urgency to get exactly the life that you want. So, what are you waiting for? Press play and start receiving.

About Mark Victor Hansen

Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand, setting world records in book sales, with over 500 million books sold. Mark Victor Hansen is a prolific author, renowned keynote speaker, entrepreneurial marketing maven, and leader. He has authored and co-authored 307 books such as the Power of Focus, Dare to Win and his most recent one Ask! Mark is known for his philanthropist and humanitarian work and is passionate about creating a clean planet. He is co-owner and founder of Natural Power Concepts and Co-Chairman of Metamorphosis Energy.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How to live from your heart (3:37)
  • The exact questions you need to ask to manifest what you truly desire (9:34)
  • How to move past your inner critic and ask for what you want (14:16)
  • How to call in your soulmate and how to take your current relationship to the next level  (21:21)
  • The secrets to a successful and long-lasting relationship (31:52)
  • Devotional practice — why it is important and where you can start if you don’t have one (40:41)
  • The power of gratitude (49:19)
  • Powerful parenting tips that will change your relationship with your children (51:05)
  • How to handle ‘rejection’ and achieve your big goals (56:18)

Episode resources:

    • Mastering your Mean Girl (book)
    • Open Wide (book)
    • Comparisonitis (book)
    • The Original Chicken Soup for the Soul By Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield and Amy Newmark (book)
    • Chicken Soup for the Soul (website)
    • Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny By Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen (book)
    • Join Ask! The Book Club (website)
    • Deepak Chopra (website)
    • Tony Robbins (website)
    • Mark Victor Hansen (website)
    • The Melissa Ambrosini Show Episode 468 with Gregory David Roberts (podcast)
    • Ask! The Fable of Micaela By Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen (book)
    • The Ultimate Gift: A Novel By Jim Stovall (book)
    • The Ultimate Gift Movie (video)
    • The Automatic Writing Experience: How to Turn Your Journaling into Channeling to Get Unstuck, Find Direction, and Live Your Greatest Life! By Michael Sandler (book)
    • Shantaram By Gregory David Roberts (book)
    • Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (book)
    • Resurrection By Neville Goddard (book)
    • The Garage: Five Kids. One Dog. Big Dreams. By Deven J. Wohlwend (book)
    • Strategic Coach | Dan Sullivan (website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

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  1. Kim says:

    This was so amazing!!! Thank you both.

  2. Kim says:

    You are honestly both magic. I am so grateful for your wisdom, kindness, love and ‘incredible-mess’ that you shared. I so needed this today and just listened to it for the second time. Namaste!! Hugs

  3. Kim says:

    Aaaaw, thank you! One of my favorite things about his interview was just his incredible enthusiasm for life and believing anything can happen — and also how he just saw you light and your beauty and your magical aura shining all around. I only listen…but I could just imagine the smiles and I loved that he wasn’t afraid to share/and compliment (and love) so freely and you allowed him to just be and talk and share with us. So so amazing! Plus…I have always loved his books. My mom loved them and the really are ‘chicken soup for the soul’. Oh…and I loved that his book was turned down by so many publishers…but he pushed on with his belief and has helped millions of people because of it. Thanks again. xx

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