Powerful Vedic Principles That Can Change Your Life | Gary Gorrow

Powerful Vedic Principles That Can Change Your Life | Gary Gorrow






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Do you sometimes feel like you’ve lost touch with your inner self? That stress and overwhelm are your constant companions? And that inner peace is not realistic for “someone like you”? 

Enter Gary Gorrow, one of the world’s foremost master meditation teachers and Ayurvedic experts. Gary’s message is simple but life changing. He says that there is incredible power in getting present, and that this power is accessible to ALL of us — no matter how time-poor or stressed you may be, and no matter how many times you’ve tried (and “failed”) to start a meditation habit. And in this hugely inspiring episode, Gary is sharing the Vedic practices that can help you tap into your inner stillness, access your inner power, and create a happier and healthier you from the inside out.

Gary Gorrow is a master Vedic meditation practitioner, qualified Ayurvedic health coach, mindfulness expert, and founder and director of Soma Byron (a world class retreat sanctuary in Australia’s Byron Bay). With over 15 years experience, he’s earned a reputation as one of the best mindfulness teachers in the business and is respected among his peers as a ‘teacher of teachers’.

Gary has worked with thousands of people from all walks of life — including Hollywood A-listers, elite sporting organisations, leading companies (like Google), and thousands of everyday folk seeking peace and transformation. He’s passionate about empowering people with knowledge and techniques that enable them to re-engineer their lives and find a gateway to their highest expression.

I’ve known Gary for more than ten years and during that time, his insights have transformed and deepened my personal practice and helped skyrocket my spiritual evolution. He truly is one of a kind, and I’m beyond thrilled that I get to share his genius with you in this conversation… prepare to have your mind blown!

So if you want to gain access to the silent inner field of potentiality that exists inside you, unlock the secrets of the world’s most powerful practice, and discover the single best way to model mindfulness for your children, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Gary’s incredible spiritual journey and how he got to where he is today (00:07)
  • What a REAL guru can bring to your life (and the supreme spirituality of India) (04:36)
  • How the Vedic philosophy of consistent truth can change your life (14:48)
  • The only goal you need in this life (and why heaven is within you at every moment) (22:02)
  • 3 daily practices to INSTANTLY feel more calm, present and creative (29:38)
  • Why you need to stop planning your life (and how letting go of your plans can be the key to unprecedented happiness) (33:33)
  • How to get into radical alignment with the Universe and live a richer life (42:28)
  • Is social media impacting our brains and our spiritual pathways? You NEED to hear Gary’s take on this (51:18)
  • How to nourish new souls and raise your kids the Vedic way (59:00)

Episode resources: 

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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  1. Nicoleta says:

    Thank you for a fantastic podcast that gave me energy and some ideas on where to start some changes!!! I don’t have any idea how did I come across your podcast with Gary. I was tired and asleep when I started listening to it and now I feel free and happy. Your podcast is from 2021, and it was done during your journey to becoming a mom – I too became one in 2021 and my world became so much more beautiful since then… but slightly disorganized and I needed to listen to you and Gary to ground myself a bit. Thank you to both!!

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