Jill Stanton

Millionaire Mindset Unlocked: How To Build A 7-Figure Empire & Thrive As A Mama | Jill Stanton





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How do you cultivate a mindset capable of building and sustaining a 7-figure empire?

Is it possible to achieve massive success in your business while still having time for family, fun, and personal growth?

And is it possible to break free from lifelong self-sabotage and finally step into the abundance you’ve always craved?

To explore these questions and more, I’m joined by Jill Stanton, the brilliant entrepreneur behind the Millionaire Girls Club. Jill’s journey has taken her from building wildly successful online businesses to founding an exclusive, high-end community for female entrepreneurs generating over a million dollars a year. In this inspiring conversation, we dive deep into how Jill designed her life and business for massive success — and how you can too.

Press play to discover: how Jill’s first taste of online business success led to the creation of the Millionaire Girls Club, the behind-the-scenes process of crafting a high-end brand, her powerful strategies for hitting 7-figure income without burning out, the importance of carving out space to pursue your life’s purpose, and how living your passion can leave a lasting impact on your kids.

So if you’re ready to scale your business to the million-dollar mark (and beyond), escape the trap of self-sabotage, and live a life filled with alignment and purpose, then press play now — this episode is for you!

About Jill Stanton

Jill Stanton is the Founder and Host of Millionaire Girls Club — a high-end private network for female entrepreneurs making over $1M/year that infuses strategic growth and connections with ultra-luxe experiences.

When she’s not CEO’ing, she can be found in Thailand where she lives with her husband Josh and their little guy, Kai.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The surprising journey that led to the birth of the Millionaire Girls Club (02:39)
  • The transformative modalities behind the Millionaire Girls Club and how Jill stays deeply committed to her business and herself (13:53)
  • Her techniques for personal expansion and overcoming self-sabotage (15:12)
  • The powerful strategies she uses to achieve and sustain a 7-figure income — that you can apply too (19:30)
  • How pregnancy and motherhood have fueled her drive and the resources that keep her thriving (25:24)
  • Why creating space in your life is key to fulfilling your life’s purpose (34:01)
  • How doing what you love can leave a lifelong impact on your children (38:40)
  • Her personal definition of success and how it guides her every move (47:27)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Millionaire Girls Club (Instagram)
  • Millionaire Girls Club (website)
  • Jill Stanton (Instagram)
  • A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi (book)
  • I Am Enough by Marisa Peer (book)
  • How to Transform All Areas of Your Life Using Hypnosis with Marisa Peer (podcast)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 619 with Jill Stanton, we are talking all about online business success. How to beat self sabotage, powerful strategies to achieve and sustain a seven figure income, how to have a successful business and still be an epic mother. Plus so much more. If you are a woman in business, a mama in business, you are going to love this episode.

Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini show. I’m your host, Melissa, bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready beautiful? [00:01:00] Hey, beautiful. Welcome back to the show. I’m so excited about this episode because Jill and I have been Instagram friends for a really long time. We recently met in person at one of her business mastermind dinners that she put on for women who are doing over a million dollars a year, which was just so beautiful.

You’ll hear more about that in the episode and now she’s on the show and I’m so excited. So excited to dive deep with her. And for those of you that have never heard of Jill, she is the founder and host of Millionaire Girls Club, a high end private network for female entrepreneurs making over a million dollars a year that infuses strategic growth and connections with ultra luxe experiences.

Yes, please. And when she is not CEOing, she can be found in Thailand where she lives with her husband, Josh, and their son, Kai. Now for everything that we mentioned in today’s episode, you can check out in the show notes and that’s over at melissarambrosini. com forward slash 619. And without further ado, let’s bring on the incredible Jill.[00:02:00] 

Beautiful Jill. I am so excited to have this time with you today, but before we dive in, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning? Oh, no. Coffee. Oh, God. The pressure. I get up really early for these calls. You’re in Thailand. What time is it? 6. 30 a. m. 

Jill: Babe, I appreciate you so much. Thank you.

Like I would miss this. Of course. My pleasure. So I’m caffeinated. I just did breath work. I’m feeling good. I’ll do my workout after that and then comes like my smoothie and all that. 

Melissa: Yeah. Beautiful. I love it. Now we have been IG buddies for a really long time. We both did a business training back in like 2011 and we recently met in person, which is just so delightful.

You invited me and six other female entrepreneurs all doing over a million dollars a year in their business to an amazing [00:03:00] networking dinner that you hosted, which was just absolutely beautiful and such an experience. Now, your entrepreneurial journey has taken you from creating successful businesses to founding the Millionaire Girls Club, which I love that name, by the way.

Tell us how you got here. How did this all start for you, 

Jill: hun? Okay, so like, I’ll try and keep it succinct because every part of me wants to be like, well, back in 2006, which is really where like my first entrepreneurial spirit started getting sparked, but I started a web TV show back in 2006. Now, for context, that’s like days of my space, like that was the year that Google bought YouTube.

So this is how Oh, gee, this kind of thing is. But I had a web TV show called 20 something. And it was like dating, sex and relationships. Thank God. I recorded that when you could still delete things off the [00:04:00] internet because No chance I would want that out there now. Zero chance I would want that out there.

I want to see it. Nah, absolutely not. There are some things that only a 20 something girl would ever admit on the internet. So, anywho, that really started sparking my awareness around like, wait a second, I always knew I didn’t want a job. Like, much to my parents dismay, my mom would call me in my 20s being like, Please, Jill, please, just get a job.

And I’d be like, Now, I will not. It was My Enneagram 8 was in full display. I just knew I wasn’t meant to get a 9 to 5. And so I carved out my own path. I was modeling, doing TV, I had my web TV show, and in 2009, I decided to move over to Australia with a girlfriend of mine. We were phasing out 20 something and we were about to start a new one, a travel based web TV show.

And we had it sponsored by like the Gold Coast Tourism Board and all this kind of stuff, Wicked Vans, like [00:05:00] all the fun services and things for backpackers in Australia. And two months before that, I happened to meet through mutual friends, my now husband, Josh, and he was living in Beijing, China, randomly.

He’s Australian. He was living in China. I’m Canadian. I was moving to Australia, and we happened to meet in Toronto. So, that was like a whirlwind. He came into my life and swept me off my feet. Absolutely not. He wanted nothing to do with me for the first few weeks that we met. And he was like, This is a setup.

I want nothing to do with it. He was like bachelor for life at that point. And we just really started hitting it off. And he was my first real example of someone making money online and carving out their own roles. And I was like, what is this all about? Like, yes, please. I want that add to cart. And so just over the years, I just started watching him and seeing what he was doing and how he was running things.

And I started my first like money making business, doing a social media service for [00:06:00] bars and restaurants. And then around the same time, this is like 2011, Josh and I equally are getting disenchanted with our businesses. I had this social media business. He had a software company. And I remember he said to me, like, we should start a business together.

And I was like, yes, I’m in a hundred percent. What are we doing? And he’s like, I think we should start a network of affiliate sites. And I was like, what’s an affiliate site? Like I just said, I was so green. It’s so cheesy to say like my, it was my first mentor, but like truly he showed me the ropes. He showed me how to like get traffic on the internet, how to write for the web, how to build a list, how to build an audience, how to sell products, how to do all the things, SEO, like all of it.

And as we were really starting to gain steam, people started asking us what we do, like, how you guys making money? What’s going on here? Like you’re traveling all the time. What are you drug dealers? Like what’s going on here? And so on the one week where you’re probably not supposed to work our wedding week.

We just couldn’t turn off. We were vibing so high. We were making like, we had just hit, I think, our first 6, [00:07:00] 000 a month. And we were like, we are Oprah rich! Like, we are killing it. This is late 2012. And he said we were just about to move to Thailand for the first time because there’s a huge network of online entrepreneurs here, digital nomads.

And he said to me, I feel like we should start a site that shares our journey. Everyone asks us like, how are you doing this? How are you making money? How are you working on the internet? We should start documenting our travels and our life. And I was like, yes, let’s do it. And he was like, why should we call it?

And I was like, screw the nine to five. And so both of us were like, I wonder if it’s available. And so we snatched it up and we sat on it because we had never built a personal brand. Like, we had affiliate sites reviewing skincare and stuff like that. So then to put our faces front and center, which for me was fine because I had a background in web TV and modeling and all that.

But for Josh, he was like, Oh, what are we doing here? So we floundered in that for a good like 18 months. Really like, how long do we make [00:08:00] money in this? We had a few hard scrapes, a few hard failures during that time, which really helped to refine our path. And when we really caught fire was when we started building a community.

That was huge for us. It just was like, boom, like rocket fuel for our business at the time. And so that’s the days of like free Facebook groups. This is 2014, 2015, 2016 days. And that was huge for us. We really started building this beautiful community that called themselves Scroopies. So screw groupies.

And we just like, we went on to make a membership site. We hosted live events. We had meetups and house parties and we just built this beautiful community. And then we had our son and it was like anyone who’s ever become a parent knows you walk through the portal of initiation. That is motherhood or parenthood in general, and that was a deeply confusing time for us because all of a sudden, everything that we used to do no longer felt aligned with how we [00:09:00] wanted to run our lives, how we wanted to run our business, who we wanted to be, the kind of hours we wanted to keep, like we were working like maniacs before we had our son.

And then when Kai came in, it was like, he just threw a beautiful alignment bomb into our life. And by the end of that year, which is 2018, we shut down everything that no longer served us free Facebook groups, over 50, 000 people, communities, like our membership that had been everything to us, like 85 percent of our revenue, every program that no longer served us, like everything, we just did a massive cleanse in service of who we wanted to be, what we wanted to grow and how we wanted to lead.

And in 2019, so we kicked off January 1st, 2019 with no products, no anything, no revenue. We scrapped our whole team, everything. We just did a massive cleanse in service of the knowing that we had that it was time for something else. And in 10 weeks made all of 2018’s revenue and just found this new [00:10:00] path for us.

And in that first few months of 2019, we were in Bali, we were living our best lives. Really started to come into this momentum and we were on a motorcycle ride and it just hit me like a lightning bolt. Anyone who knows human design, I’m a splenic manifester. So when I say like a lightning bolt, it was like, boom, this is the move for you.

And it was, I’m going to run luxury retreats for women who make over a million dollars a year. But there was not one part of me who was the version of me who could lead that at that time. Like I was so intimidated by that vision. I had just had so many. strained experiences with women in the past over like a 10 year period during my most formative years.

And I had developed a belief that women will either attack or abandon you. And so then to have a vision to create a container that serves the most powerful women, like I was just like, nope, sounds lovely, but no, but I couldn’t shake it. And for the next 18 months, it was just, it [00:11:00] wouldn’t let me. I just could not get it out of my head, but I was just like, am I self sabotaging if I do this?

Like, we’ve got a good thing going on with screw the nine to five. Why would I do anything different? But I can’t shake this. So I finally gave myself the permission. I was like, F it. Let’s just see what happens. I put it out there in 2021, filmed my first event. It was absolute magic. I couldn’t unsee it. I couldn’t unfeel it.

That was a big turning point for me because I was like, holy shit. I came home and I said to Josh, like, in all honesty, if I could just back up real quick, like that first event, which was in COVID time. So like, I’m sure that had part of it to like, had a part of it because all of us were like, Oh my God, we’re traveling again.

Like I’ve missed people. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Just. So excited to be out of their house again. But that week really opened up something for me. It was like, Oh my God, women can be safe and I can do this and I can lead this and maybe [00:12:00] this is my path. And then when I went home the next day, I was right back into screw the nine to fives work.

And it was so devastating for me because immediately I was like, I hate this. I hate this. I’m done with this. This is push energy for me. And it took. Like a good two months of me probably crying every day for my husband to be like, maybe it’s time. Maybe it’s time you go on and do your own thing. So that came with its own like challenges, like almost like grieving me leaving screw the nine to five.

It was a real mind deaf for me, but I just, I couldn’t shake it. And so probably like by the end of September, I will have run 11 events in the last 18 months. So it’s just been this beautiful moment. experience of just moving and shaking and meeting amazing women. And now I’m in a new season of expanding what I do where MGC is no longer everything I do.

It’s just one part of what I do and I’ve really expanded how I serve women and [00:13:00] specifically female leaders. So it’s been like a big ass journey since 2019, but I’m finally in a place that feels like this is where I’m meant to be. And that feels good. 

Melissa: Yes, absolutely. So is Josh still doing Screw the 9 to 5?

Jill: It still exists, but we don’t maintain any active clients. So it still makes passive course sales from strategies we’ve taught. But we’re not actively pursuing it. He has come into my business now to help me build the infrastructure of that. Since I’m in manifesto surge right now, I’m like, I’m going to do this and this and this and this and this and this and this, and I need you to build all the pages and all the structure and all the automation for it.

So. That’s lovely because I’ve had his help and we’re just such a dynamic duo. We are like ying and yang. 

Melissa: Oh, I love that so much. Yes. I work with my husband too, which is a whole nother podcast on its own. So you’re doing the retreats. How many retreats are you doing a year at the moment? Are they all over the [00:14:00] world?

Jill: Yes. Okay. So I have various kinds. So I have five day retreats, three day, and then I have two day getaways just are like one night kind of things. They’re all all inclusive, luxury, all focused on like the inner game, obviously community, connecting, doing a lot of future self work, a lot of identity work, and all of that kind of stuff.

So I’ve had dinner parties. I have a two day experience in Byron coming up in a couple weeks. I’ve done five day retreats, and I’m actually taking a break from retreats for a bit after the Byron one. And because I’ve been on this incessant pace with it. One of my biggest commitments to myself with MGC was I would only ever do it from a place of alignment.

And I’ve just been on an incessant pace. I think when I made the decision to go all in on MGC, I also developed a belief that like, okay, well, I got to run a ton of events because now I have an events company and like, I got to push and I got to grind and I got to hustle and I got to do the things and I got to fill the events and it was [00:15:00] great and I’ve loved it.

But it’s also been a bit of an incessant pace and I’m Um, and I’m really keen to just have a bit of a, a realignment, a readjustment for what I’m doing in the world and how I serve women. 

Melissa: Yeah. Beautiful. And so you said there’s some new things that you’re doing or coming up, like what does that look like?

Jill: We’re about to get a glimpse into what my inner processing looks like. But. In April, I started having a lot of conversations with random people in different settings from all around the world, and all of them were saying the same thing, and it started catching my attention. And so, started in mid April, I started talking to people, and all the conversations tended to be around like, did you know that other people would pay you to do this kind of thing for their clients or their teams or their audience or whatever it is?

It’s like, I would love to hire you to facilitate retreats for my clients or my [00:16:00] team or my audience or my influencers or whatever it is. And I started thinking like, What is happening here? Because I’ve never had anyone say this to me. And yet in the span of like six weeks, I had five different people say it to me.

And the last time was I was at my son’s tennis lesson and I was talking to one of the dads there. He works in luxury space as well. And I was telling him about my latest retreat and he was like, surely you do this for companies for their female leaders. Right. And I was like, what is going on here? Like I’ve had so many different conversations.

With so many different women or just so many different people all around the same kind of concept of like, did you know people would pay you to host this for their female audience team members, whatever it is. And so I said to him, I was like, you’re like the sixth person who has mentioned this kind of same thing to me in the last five weeks.

Like what is going on here? So I went home and I did breathwork, which is always my favorite way to like integrate and process things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, [00:17:00] I did breathwork, like a potent breathwork session, for like 30 minutes, which really means I cried for like 29 of those 30 minutes, and on the other side of that release came this like beautiful awareness of like, wait a second.

The thing I love the most about MGC is being my little activator y self and getting to support the women around rising up in their leadership, deepening their power, strengthening their identity, and like all the things that go into that, processing the things that hold them back. Everything that lives in the realm of personal power, self leadership, identity, emotional intelligence, all of that that I infuse into my events, I love doing that.

And I would love to be hired by someone else to come in and do that for their team. And once I realized that, it was like I couldn’t unsee it. But similar with MGC, it’s like I had to then process that clarity. It was like, am I self sabotaging? If I go [00:18:00] forward and I build this new brand that is centered around me, like Jill Stanton being the like, face of it, what does that look like and am I taking my foot off the gas at MGC?

Because my biggest hiccup there was, I want to talk about this stuff, but I didn’t know how to infuse that into Millionaire Girls Club, which is a community focused retreats brand, and I didn’t know how to bring that in without making it about me. You know what I mean? And so that was always my incongruence with MGC is like, how do I talk about the things that matter so deeply and the things I already support all my clients with anyways?

How do I bring that to the forefront when this is a retreats brand? And so I started my Jill Stanton brand. So I have a new IG for it. I am Jill Stanton, and that is allowing me to support female leaders, female entrepreneurs. around the concepts of personal power, identity, leadership, self trust, self belief, all the things that we all crave in deepening and expanding our experience, making more [00:19:00] money, building that like rock solid identity for ourselves.

And so that has been, within the last few months, I’ve finally allowed myself to explore that. I had to process a lot of my own feelings around like, Oh my God, am I doing this to myself again? Am I quote unquote self sabotaging? But once I realized I’m not self sabotaging, I’m expanding what I do. And only good things come from that.

Then I gave myself the permission to like really go headfirst into it. 

Melissa: Beautiful. I love this for you so much, honey. Now, as someone who has successfully scaled different businesses, what key strategies or mindsets have been crucial in helping you and your members achieve and sustain a seven figure income?

Jill: There’s a few things actually. This is one thing I always do with my clients when we work in a deeper capacity together is there’s like three stages to this. There’s like the exploration phase, like understanding how they tick. And then there’s excavation, which is where I’m going to like focus on here.

And then there’s [00:20:00] expansion, but the excavation part is really drawing out the things that no longer serve you. So a lot of the limiting beliefs that we have is like, who am I to make this kind of money? Just a lot of the things around gender roles, like dynamics, who am I to make this kind of money? Is this greedy?

I work too much. Like what will people think of me? I shouldn’t be too loud about my success. Like there’s a lot of ways that we minimize our power and our magnetism by thinking if we stand in that. If we are that, if we deepen that, we will be quote unquote too much for people. I’ll be too successful, I’ll be too shiny, too loud, too powerful, too confident, too unwavering.

And I think that rocks a lot of boats for people because they want to be accepted. They don’t want to be judged. They don’t want to be talked about. And so they tend to minimize a lot of their power in service of being accepted. But when you’re operating at seven figures plus, like the best thing you could do for [00:21:00] yourself is strengthen the resolve and the vision and your own power, like strengthen your resolve and your vision for your company, for your life, for your family, for yourself.

And then really doing the work to become the version of you that leads that. I think that’s the biggest piece. I think that’s the one piece that a lot of people, at least in the beginning, overlook. And there’s always new layers of it coming up, right? Like I work with a woman who is one of the Beyonce’s in the online business space.

And it’s been such an eye opener because at every level we all have this stuff. We’re always peeling back layers of like, what if, or the burden of providership is a huge one for women operating at that level, right? Like they have a lot of people to take care of, expenses can feel daunting for them, payroll taxes, having to take care of a lot of people that can put a lot of pressure on people.

And so knowing how to alchemize that pressure and turn it into ease, I think is so clutch for women who [00:22:00] are moving into seven figures, multi seven figures, eight figures and beyond, right? Because. It can really mess with you. It can really start to take you down, thinking, oh, this is too much. I’m too much.

This isn’t enough. I’m not enough. Like, we mentally torture ourselves with the what ifs, and I think it can be. A real mental game for the most part. But if you can really work on your own identity and knowing that no matter what you’ve always got it, like you trust you no matter what, like your self belief is rock solid and you trust your decisions and your guidance and your vision and who you are as a leader of the company.

I think that kind of work always supports women at every level. And so there’s a couple things that I always operate with, for myself at least. I can’t share like what everyone else does, but for myself I have like quite a few reminders. I use a lot of Stoicism, the school of thought. One of their core foundational beliefs or just like mind tools that they use in that philosophy is called the dichotomy of control.

The [00:23:00] whole basis of it is like the things you can control versus everything else. And the only things you can control according to stoicism is your actions, your thoughts, your opinions, what you do desire and what you don’t desire. Everything outside of that is outside of your control. Even if you have a little bit of control, you don’t have full control.

And so at the basis of it, you don’t have control over that. And when you can allow that to sink in, things get much more. pleasurable because you’re not attaching yourself to outcomes, attaching yourself to other people’s opinions or their actions or their reactions or things they might say to you. You only focus on you and what you can control.

And that has been so deeply of service to me and to my clients. And so another thing that I use a lot in my own expansion is another stoic mind tool. And they say, this is nothing to me. With this is nothing to me, what that allows you to do is minimize the like severity of everything that we put onto things, right?

Like we’re [00:24:00] always like, this is a big damn deal. But when you think to yourself, actually, in the grand scheme of things, one launch, or one offer, or one promotion, or one team member, or one year, or one month, or one insert anything here, in the grand scheme of things, is nothing to me. I trust myself. I know how to lead myself through this.

I trust my team. I trust my nudges. I trust my ideas. I trust my vision. And it allows you to kind of like dilute the severity of it and the stress behind it so that you can get back into the driver’s seat and make conscious decisions based on Your own leadership, your own alignment, your own vision. So that one’s been big for me.

And then I always tend to skew towards like declarations for myself. So my current one that’s on my phone screen, it says, I always find a way to win. That one has been so deeply supportive for me, especially in a season of transition, because if you have the belief that you’re the type of chick who always finds a way to win, you’re never out of the game.

And I think whether you’re [00:25:00] starting out or you’re operating at your highest, that one can be one of the most of service beliefs for you because you realize you’re never out of the game. You always have another at bat. You always have another round. You always have another idea. You always have another vision.

And if you can trust yourself to lead yourself through that, only good things come from that. 

Melissa: Yes. I love that so much. So beautiful. I’m going to share a block that’s come up for me. Like Nick and I were having this conversation last night and he’s like, what’s next? Like we’ve got SheLaunch, we’ve got so many amazing things happening.

And he’s like, If you could do anything, like what would you do? And I’m like, I want to do more in person events and like a mastermind where three times a year we go to Greece or Italy and then like Australia and then maybe America. Like, I want more in person things. And then I’m also pregnant and having a baby.

And so my mind goes, how does that [00:26:00] work? Like, how does doing more events and possibly traveling all over the world fit in with wanting to be a really present mom? Is it a block for me or is it like really just like getting strategic and going, okay, how could this work? Like, how can I make this work? I also know for me, like, after having my daughter, I exclusively breastfed those first two years of her life.

Like, I just wanted to be at home. Anyway, I’m just like, is that a block for me? Or can we strategically work around this? You know what I 

Jill: mean? Yeah, man. I think you can do anything you want at any time. Also, I’m a big believer that babies bring abundance. And so like, why not bring your kids? Or why not just start in Australia?

In the beginning, so that you can be present, so you can be there. Don’t put the conditions on, if I’m gonna do in person, it can’t be in Australia. It’s like, of course it can. For this season, of course I’m gonna start here. I live in a gorgeous country, and there are so many spots where people would love to go and take it offline.

When I was looking at [00:27:00] retreat spots, Hamilton Island is a beautiful one. Like there’s just so many gorgeous spots there. And so I wouldn’t set the conditions of like, I either run events and it’s overseas or I don’t do it. It’s like I run events and I have my second kid. I run events and I’m Exclusively breastfeeding.

I run events and I bring my baby with me. I run events and I bring a nanny with me. Like I have a girl who’s coming to my Byron Bay event and she’s bringing her nanny. She lives in New Zealand and she’s bringing her nanny with her and her nanny’s staying in her room and she’s going to take care of the kid because she’s breastfeeding as well.

And so it’s like, of course I want you to do that. 

Melissa: I’ve never even thought of that. I’m like, that’s a great idea. I’m thinking for me, like if I want to go do a retreat, I’m like, I could just bring the nanny or bring Nick and like, of course, why not? 

Jill: Yes, absolutely. I am such a big believer that like, we are well resourced and we can create anything we want.

Like, it’s only us who sets the conditions of like, Oh, well, I’m having a baby, so I can’t do this. Like, of course you could. And if nothing else, it’ll [00:28:00] probably shine a light on how motherhood and that experience of being mother and creating stuff that is on your heart can coexist. It doesn’t have to be either or.

We take a stand for both. You know what I mean? And so you’re resourceful. And also, this is the beauty of creating success is you also have the resource of money. And when you have the resource of money, damn near anything is possible because money gives you options. So of course you could bring Nick and your daughter.

Of course you could bring a nanny. Like you could be so well supported in that event that you have a event manager who handles all the logistics. You have your nanny who is there to watch the baby if he or she is sleeping or playing or whatever, right? And you get to be present with your attendees. And with your daughter, like you can have it all.

And I think that is the one thing that a lot of women, they set a lot of conditions for themselves. I’ve certainly done this for myself. Like it either has to be this or this. And I think when you can sit in a place of challenging that for yourself, it’s like, wait a second. Is that actually true? Right?

Like I was talking to one of my clients and she’s going [00:29:00] into a big season in her business and she has a lot of conditions coming up for it. It’s like, well, it’s either this or I do this, or it’s either this happens or this happens. And it’s like, bro, you’re thinking so linearly. You can create whatever conditions you want.

Like, you’re the one who’s setting the conditions. Which means you can create anything you want. Because you’re the one who creates the experience. You’re the one who hires the people. You’re the one who draws them in. You’re the one who facilitates. You’re the one who is the mother. You’re the one who is the boss.

You get to call the shots. You’re in the driver’s seat. And it’s only limited to your vision and the possibilities you can see for yourself. And I think that when women really anchor into that. A whole new world opens up for them because they’re limitless. They’re not bound by limits and setting conditions for themselves.

That’s when we really see these women like, just skyrocket. In their wealth, in their power, in their presence, in their vision, in their audience, like you’ve seen it. You’ve seen women come into this like, almost like it girl [00:30:00] moment, where it’s just like, boom, everything just finally clicks and off they go.

You know what I mean? I feel like that really happens when you remove the conditions and you allow yourself to experience it all. Mm 

Melissa: hmm. Yeah. I’m a three, five generator for me. Like people are my jam. Like I love in person events and I love being in rooms with other women. Like it just lights me up so much.

I realized like, yeah, it’s just like my mind, my limiting belief has been, how will this look with a newborn baby? I can’t see it, therefore, it’s not time. Or I can’t see how it will all piece together, therefore, I shouldn’t do it. Which is just complete BS. Like you said, we are all so resourceful. We can make anything happen.

You just got to get creative. Okay, what do you want? And then you get the team to help you put it together. That’s it. Like, sure, yes, I won’t be able to do it all on my own. But like, I need [00:31:00] support to help me make this manifest. And who would 

Jill: want to do it all on their own? You know what I mean? Like it’s so much more expansive to be supported in that.

And also this is where the belief of like, I always find a way to win would be so deeply supportive. It’s like, well, I’m the type of chick who always finds a way to win. So if I want to do this, how could I do it? You know what I mean? Like I’m the type of chick who always gets what she wants. So how can this come to be?

I know it’s on my heart for a reason. Even when you were at my dinner party in April, you said, I want to do events. I want to speak on stages. I want to be out there. Like I want to be in person. I was like, you should fucking do it. You know what I mean? And so I’m thrilled to hear you’re moving on it. And it’s so beautiful that it’s happening also when you’re pregnant.

Like, I feel like that is like the greatest initiation because you had two things you wanted and they’re both happening at the exact same time. 

Melissa: Yes, I know. And I think, you know, this could resonate so deeply with so many people. Like, even if you can’t see it, See exactly how something is going to work out, [00:32:00] whether that is in your business or in your personal life.

That doesn’t mean scrap it off the list, draw a line through it. That just means get resourceful, babe. Ask questions, get support, get a coach or a mentor. That’s what it means. Like chat to friends. Like, how can we make this happen? How can we manifest this? 

Jill: And I also think a couple of things, as you say, that is like challenge those conditions, like challenge those expectations you have of them, of yourself and like how this has to be.

And I really think this is where women trip themselves up because they think they have to know the end goal. Result or like how it’s all going to happen. And in doing that, you even set conditions for it. Like you limit the experience because you’re trying to control the outcome. This is what it looks like and this is how I’m going to do it.

But again, going back to dichotomy of control, all you can control is like, this is what I want to create. What can I control? I can control my actions. I can control who I hire, all of that, right? I [00:33:00] can control like the thoughts. I think my opinions about it, whatever. Right. But the thing you need to take your focus off is the outcome and you need to put the focus on the process.

That’s how you create the outcome. It’s not by trying to control what that might look like, or who’s going to say yes to it or how it all comes to be. It’s like, here’s the vision. Here’s what I want to create. And now day by day, I just do my best to take actions, to control the process of it. Because it’s trying to control the outcome where it feels painful, where it feels sticky, or stressful, or uncertain.

That’s where the self doubt comes in, especially if it’s not, quote unquote, happening the way we thought it would. That is where a lot of the friction comes in for us, but if we can release that piece of it, and just be like, Okay, what do I need to do to bring this to light? Who do I need to be? What do I need to think?

What questions do I need to ask? Similar to what you were saying, like, I’m resourceful. Who do I need to ask? What questions do I need to ask? Who can I tag in for support? That’s controlling the process, not the outcome. That’s where magic comes in. 

Melissa: Yeah. I love this so much. So [00:34:00] powerful. So helpful. How do you, with running so many events, do that dance between motherhood and your business?

What do you 

Jill: do? So this is another reason why I’m going to just slow down the pace of my events because this year alone, I will have run six and that’s just a lot. I have a six and a half year old. Everything I’m going to say here sounds so first world problems. One I live in Thailand. I think it’s very important to mention, I live in Southeast Asia where cost of living is.

very different to the rest of the world right now. And you have a very high quality of life for a lower cost of living. So my husband is very present with our son. And then I also have a full time house manager. And so that is very supportive. My kid also goes to school full time. Obviously, he’s six and a half.

He has a great school here. He goes to like a private international British school. And so we’re well set up. Again, we believe in the resource of money. And so we use it to create space for ourselves and get support. And so when I am away, I’m not away for long stretches, like while I’m in Australia, I’ll be [00:35:00] there like seven days turnaround, like start to finish.

So that’s not too bad. And my son is involved in sports and activities and all that kind of stuff. Plus I have our helper, our house manager, my husband. And so I just, you know, They send me videos every day. I talk to him as much as he wants to talk to me, really. My kid isn’t the best on the phone, so he’s like, Hi mom!

K bye mom! And then that’s about all I get. So cute. But I just try to explain to him. I’m like, I’m gonna go do the thing I love, and I’ll be back. Just try to explain it to him consciously. He’s six, so he doesn’t really He’s like, You going to work? And I’m like, Yes. And he’s like, Okay, bye. Like his concept of how long I’m away is probably very different to mine.

So I just realized that it’s It’s a season for myself. I’m in the process of realigning what I do and how I serve people and how much I travel and how available I am and how present I am with my kid, and I’m always in a refining for myself. I can’t really stay [00:36:00] static. That’s probably been the biggest thing that I’ve realized about myself.

I’m a manifester in human design and I’m an Enneagram eight, and so anything that someone tells me I can’t do, I will challenge. And so I’m always just looking like what feels good to me? What feels aligned with me? Like what unlocks my energy here? What gives me energy versus forcing something or being improving energy because I think I have to stick with something or I have to be this version or I have to have this version.

These offers, I’m just kind of like, no, I’m going to do it whatever effing way I want to do it. And I trust that when I’m in my alignment, things move for me because alignment is velocity. And I trust that and I know that to be true for myself. So if I can just operate in alignment and lead myself to the greatest of my abilities and create offers I believe in and experiences that feel supportive to people, I trust that the rest is taken care of.

Even if that sounds a little, 

Melissa: No, not at all, babe. So beautiful. I love it. I love it. My daughter is three and a half and I’ve never had a night [00:37:00] away from her. And my husband’s like, honey, it would be nice for you to maybe go and have one night away before the next baby comes by yourself. Emotionally, I’m just like, I don’t know if I’m ready to do that.

Jill: It’s for like, I love hosting these, like I don’t want to do one or the other. I want to do it all, I just don’t want to do it all myself. I want to have it all, I just don’t want to do it all myself. And I’m, I’m also a bit different in my experience with motherhood. It’s like, I actually really value space.

It’s how I’m more present and more, just, it’s just how I’m a better mom for my kid. And I’m so proud of the, relationship we have together. Like someone else was interviewing me and they were asking me about motherhood. I was like, the thing I’m the most proud of is the connected, present, sincere relationship I have with my son.

So grateful for that. So beautiful. 

Melissa: When I’m like, I’m going to do some work now and we’ve got a nanny. I don’t feel bad about that because it brings me [00:38:00] so much joy. Like I love coaching my women inside SheLaunch. Like I love recording podcasts. I love what I do. so much. I love going and speaking on stages.

And I try and like, let her see. 

Jill: I was just going to say that. She gets to see you in that. I can’t even think of a better model for young girls than that. You know what I mean? Like going after your dreams, creating this massive impact. Like, That’s huge for them, huge for them in a world of TikTok nonsense and OnlyFans and all of that crazy ass shit.

Like a strong, confident woman in deep service with her message, like, bruh, it’s the greatest thing she could see. 

Melissa: Talk about your experience with guilt, because I know a lot of mothers experience guilt when it comes to their kids. doing what they love, their work, and feeling guilty about not being with their children.

So talk to me about, have you experienced that? And what is your advice? How can people move through [00:39:00] that? 

Jill: So this really came up for me in the earlier years of having my son. Like he’s six and a half now, right? So he’s shifted. Like he, he wants to play with his friends. He wants to do tennis. He’s a boy. He wants to like be rough and play and wrestle and do all the things.

He doesn’t want to just like sit there and color with me anymore. But in the earlier days when I was, I was really gearing up for this and I invested in help straight away. Like, my mom came for the first six weeks of my son being born and then Josh’s mom came for two months. And then she left on a Friday and I had a nanny start on Monday.

I always knew I wanted support. I was never the mom who was ever going to sacrifice. what she wanted in service of just like, quote unquote, motherhood. And in that, I mean, like abandoning your dreams in service of just taking care of your kids. That was never going to be my thing. And no shade to anyone who Is in deep motherhood mode.

I think it’s like the greatest thing you could do. It just wasn’t for me. I wanted both. And so I needed [00:40:00] to invest in help, but one of the biggest things I had to heal for myself was actually a comment from my mom. And I was in this phase of trying to find the right nanny. And so I was like bringing in a couple different nannies to just see if they clicked with our kids.

And I remember my mom said, I hope you’re not going to keep surrounding your son with all these random women. And that was like a real dagger for me. It was just like such a judgment. It just made me feel like so much shame. And most of the deepest work I’ve done for myself is actually been healing a lot of the dynamics with my mom.

Like that, for me, has been really big. And I am so happy for you if you guys have all had like easy breezy, full on loving relationships with your mom. I’m very tight with my mom, but I also have a lot of dynamics that just no longer feel aligned for what I’m going to allow in my life. And so healing that one, I remember I was at a mastermind dinner and I brought that up and this is in 2019.

It [00:41:00] was like Amy Porterfield and John Lee Dumas and Pete Vargas and like, I can’t remember who, maybe like Stu McClaren, like all these people. And we were all sharing like one thing we’re struggling with. And then I was like, I’m really struggling with having a nanny. This was the days where Rachel Hollis was really owning the scene, right?

And I remember someone said, a takeaway that Rachel had said to them, and she was like, I want my kids seeing me do this. I want them to look at me and be like, wow, my mom is, insert anything here, powerful, amazing, like strong, successful, confident, brave, courageous, all that stuff. And just the reframe of like, no, no, no, I want my kids to see me doing this and in order for that to happen, I need support and like really diffusing the link between like, we have to be fully there all the time with our kids in order to be like, quote unquote, a good mom.

Whatever a good mom [00:42:00] means to you is what it means to you. No one else has to raise your kids. No one else has to live your life. No one else has to run your business. No one else has to manage your money. That’s a you thing. You have to lead yourself. You have to determine your values. The biggest thing you could do for your kids is understanding your own values, understanding the virtues you want to operate within, and then being that to the highest of your abilities and being present with them, obviously, and Letting them know you love them and you’re always there for them, but then also doing the shit that lights you up, that brings your man to the world, that helps you make an impact, because this one little, like, tiny stretch of their lives, it’s not the full story.

I want to raise a strong, confident leader for a boy. You know what I mean? Like, I so strongly believe the world needs a strong boys. I fervently believe that, especially right now. And so I want to raise my son to be strong. I want to raise them to [00:43:00] be a leader. I want to raise them to be courageous. I want to raise them to be self sustaining.

And so he needs to see his dad and me. In that mode for ourselves, like going out, creating freedom for ourselves, creating impact, creating our message, getting our movement out there, like making money, doing whatever we want, having like off the grid vacations together. Just the three bears. That’s what we call ourselves, me, Josh and Kai.

It’s the three bears, like various vacations where we are fully present with them. Like we can have it all. I don’t need to set limits or conditions. And like the guilt often is the meaning we are making something like I’m bad because I’m not doing this arbitrary thing, or I’m not doing what people on the internet think I should do, or I’m allowing their opinions to impact my own self belief.

And the thing I really want people to hear, I think this was big for me, is like their opinions doesn’t make it true. Like their opinions of what you should do, their judgments of you does [00:44:00] not make it true. That’s a you game. Like you have to determine that for yourself. And I think there’s, I have certainly been caught in this.

This might be my biggest thing to heal is like releasing my need to please people, to have their approval. So often for so many years of my life, especially in Screw the 9 to 5, I was chasing outside approval, external validation. And I think the real flex is when you can start to value self approval.

over other people’s approval, right? Like self approval where you approve of you and your choices and your mission and your work and your family and your way of doing things over anyone else’s. That, self leadership, deep self trust, and like a knowing that no matter what, you’ve got you. No matter what, you’ve got kid.

No matter what, you’re there for your family and you can have more. And you can be whoever you want when you take the [00:45:00] lens off other people’s opinions and judgments and expectations of you and you start to tune into what you value, what you believe and what you approve of, that’s where life gets so much more enjoyable because you realize, like, wait a second.

The only person I need to have approval of essentially is myself. Like, do I approve of the life I’m living? Do I approve of who I’m being? Do I approve of my values? Like, is this good enough for me? Not all these other faceless people on the internet who have all these opinions or whatnot. Like they don’t have to live your life.

And I think when you can really let that sink in for you, it’s like, is my life good enough for me? That’s a whole new level of permission. Is my life good enough? for me. And 

Melissa: if no, get 

Jill: resourceful and get clear on what you want. Exactly that. Get clear on what you want. Like, what are those things for yourself?

And not just like, what are those things? Who are you [00:46:00] in that vision? What values do you lead yourself through? How do you process Discomfort, or fear, or self doubt, or opportunities, or leadership, or team, how do you carry yourself in that? Not like, I want a mansion, and five million dollars invested, and this car, and this trip, and these accolades, and blah, blah, blah.

It’s like, who are you in that? How does she show up? I would think values or virtues that are supportive for that is like, detachment. Courage, integrity, honesty, true leadership values, getting clear on who that is, and then being her now. Not just like, I feel like that’s very vague. Be her now. I always used to hate that when people would say that to me.

I’d be like, what does that mean though? And to me it means like, think the thoughts she would think, make the decisions she would make, take the actions she would take, have the habits she would keep, have the standards she would hold. I think that one is [00:47:00] a big one. Have the boundaries she would have. Make the decisions she would make.

I think that’s a key piece. It’s like people that just think you have to think like that. It’s like, no, no, no. You have to be it decisions, actions, beliefs, thoughts, opinions, desires. Like that’s what goes into that. It’s not just like, what does my vision board look like? It’s like, who’s the version of me who has that, who lives that.

Let me be her now. That embodiment is the like, quote unquote, secret hack. 

Melissa: Yeah. A hundred percent. What is your definition of success? And what do you attribute your success to? 

Jill: So this has shifted for me over the years, but essentially success to me is doing what I want, where I want, with whom I want, whenever I want.

That to me, like, especially as like a manifester in Enneagram 8, I’m like, Yes, do what I want without anyone having any opinion about her or telling me what to do. But truly that is what it is for me. And then on a deeper level, success to me is peace and spaciousness and presence and connectedness.

Connected to myself, to a higher power, to my family, to my son, [00:48:00] to my husband, to my friends, to my mission, to my vision. Everything I, I do, I run through that vision. I even have it tattooed on my wrist. Peace and power ’cause it’s just so important to me. It’s like peace, manifester, like my signature vibe when I’m in alignment is peace.

And then my Enneagram is power, which is like, Really going after what I want, challenging what people tell me I have to do or who I should be and creating something that really energizes me and feels deeply impactful. 

Melissa: Yeah, beautiful. I love that. Let’s pretend you have a magic wand now, and you can put one book in the school curriculum of every high school around the world.

What is one book you 

Jill: would choose? Oh man, I think it would be a happy pocket full of money. By David Cameron Giacondi, don’t let that name like deter you. It is a life shifter of a book. If you can get through it, because it’s a bit like, especially the first two [00:49:00] chapters, it’s like all around the concept of time and quantum physics, and I remember going through it the first time, I was like, what does this mean?

But I’ve read it probably like 11 or 12 times. It really is a life shifter if you can let it land for you because it is all around managing your inner, your inner world. Again, going back to what we said, like values, virtues, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, like allowing yourself to be in the discomfort of that.

process that for yourself versus allowing it to hang over you or have a hold on you like this energetic grip on you, allowing yourself to process that and move through that. I feel like that’s one of the greatest things that we can give to kids is like they hold the power for themselves, especially now, like truly with social media or gaming or any of the stuff screens like any of that.

I feel like the best thing we can do for our kids is to showing them how to lead themselves and stay true to themselves and understand their values and their virtues. and move through life [00:50:00] from that place. So it would either be happy pocket full of money, or if I could have a second one, it would probably be, I am enough by Marissa Peer.

Both of those books are fantastic. One is all around like self acceptance. And then the other one is all around the energetics of creation, expansion and money. I feel like that’s deeply of service to the world right now, especially when I don’t know, I feel like there’s this like underlying vibe that just, vilifies wealth and success lately.

And it’s just like, not good. 

Melissa: Absolutely. I’ll link to both of those books in the show notes. I have not read either of them. I’ve had Marisa on the podcast, so I will link to both of those and I’ll link to her episode as well. She’s amazing. Now I know no two days are ever the same, but can you talk us through a quote unquote typical day in your life?

Not when you’re traveling, your routines, your rituals, when you work out, what you do from the time you wake up to when you go to bed. Okay, 

Jill: so yes, it always shifts, but my morning routine is so important for me. So I wake up early. [00:51:00] I always wake up before my boys so I can have just sit in the dark and quiet and I have coffee and I do breath work and I just process anything that’s coming up for me.

It’s just such a fundamental part of my life. And so coffee and breath work always in the morning, in the quiet, in the dark, watching the sunrise, which is one of my favorite moments of my day. And then when my son gets up, typically I always say good morning to him, have a little bit of time with him, and then I go work out.

My husband does school drop off and pick up because I do early morning calls like this. And so after coffee and breath work, I’m typically doing calls Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I always have calls in the morning. And then I’ll go work out. I do hill hikes, so not like necessarily hill sprints, not there yet.

But I walk at a quick pace up a very steep hill. And I do that about seven or eight times. That’s typically also where I’m either listening to books or meditation tracks or unboxing clients. And then I come back and I do a bit of weights work. And then I have a shower, then smoothies [00:52:00] and supplements. And then I just go into creation mode.

Like what moves the needle for me right now? I’m kidding. certain projects or creating content or having calls with people or doing client calls. And so it’s a mix every day. Like, especially as a manifester, like I ain’t doing the same thing every day, all day. And so I really just follow what will move the needle for me.

How can I grow myself? How can I grow this movement? How can I get it in front of more people? What opportunities am I chasing after? Who do I need to connect with? And then Towards the end of the day, I’ll typically stop, Josh and I will have like an hour to chill and then he’ll go get Kai and then it’s like three bears time.

We turn off our phones, we play board games, we have dinner together. And that’s really the time where we get to be present together. And then on the weekends, it’s always like three bears time. Always every single month, Josh and I always prioritize an overnight getaway for each other because we have been through the last year and a bit for us.

We have just been deeply devoted to expanding and improving and strengthening our marriage and overnight [00:53:00] getaways for us, where it’s just him and I has been so critical in that. So we really prioritize that as well, which probably again goes to the conversation around guilt, around leaving your kid. For us, we’ve uncovered like our marriage comes before everything, because if we’re not rock solid, Nothing matters.

Like our son will experience that. Like if we are not rock solid, if we are misaligned, which we have come out of a season of that in the last 18 months, which is why we’re so such fervent believers and why this is such a priority for us. Because when we were misaligned, it didn’t even matter. Like our, our family suffered because of it.

We suffered personally because of it. And so now that we are like really going to bat for our union, that is such a huge priority for us to prioritize each other and our marriage and our connection. 

Melissa: A hundred percent. I had a mentor once say to me before I had my daughter, my wife is my number one. And he has two daughters at the time.

I’m like, what do you mean your wife is number one? Is it not your [00:54:00] kids? Like, what do you mean? And then he went on to explain. No, like if we are rock solid and the love is flowing, then everything else in the family unit flows. And I was like, wow. And then I had my daughter and I was like, Oh, I get it. I totally get it.

And I am so excited for Nick and I to have a night away, whenever that is. 

Jill: You should give yourself permission for that. 

Melissa: I know. I know. I don’t know if I told you this as well, but I also broke my ankle. 

Jill: Oh no. 

Melissa: Yeah. So I’m like, maybe when my ankle heals and before the next baby comes, like we could definitely do a little night away.

We talk about it and we’re so excited to do it. So thank you for the inspiration, babe. I’m definitely going to do it. 

Jill: I broke my ankle last year as well, or I like sprained ligaments in it. Oh God, it was painful. But I went to a physio and she’s like, have you been carrying a lot of pressure for yourself?

Like the burden, like the set and everything. And I was like, no. But meanwhile, my life felt the hardest at that time when I [00:55:00] broke my ankle. And she was like, this typically signifies someone who is just caring too much for themselves. And I was like, 

Melissa: yeah, 

Jill: yeah, 

Melissa: a hundred percent babe. We’re also building our dream home at the moment.

So on top of like being pregnant, on top of like building an empire and doing what I love and being a mama to a toddler and building this dream home, I’ve felt a hundred percent like, okay, it’s interesting because with my pregnancy with Bambi, I was so chilled. I meditated twice a day. I was sleeping in the day.

I was so relaxed. I was so Zen. And then this pregnancy, I’m like, I have been the complete opposite. Then I felt bad. I’m like, you know, for this babe. And then I’m just like, I feel like, yeah, the ankle thing happened for me to really stop and slow down and trust that everything is always unfolding the way that it’s supposed to.

And to take that pressure off myself. It’s so fascinating. I always [00:56:00] look into the symbolic reasons of everything when it comes to your body. 

Jill: Yeah, one of the best things someone ever told me when I was about to have my son was, just remember they’re joining your life, not the other way around. And I was like, what does that mean?

And I didn’t get it until I had my kid because there were certain things like when my son was 11 months. We left Canada, we went to Australia and Bali and San Diego and back to Australia. Like we were just traveling around and he, we just popped him in the baby Bjorn. And he just was like a little world traveler with us.

He’s been on like over 30 flights already. And I realized like, if we had operated under, like, you have to be this in order to be a good parent. We would have ended up so misaligned, frustrated, and angry, which doesn’t serve my kid. But if we can be who we are, like, if you’re in a season of like, I’m doing things, and I’m making moves, and I’m in a moment of expansion, it’s like, you should lean into that.

Not like, [00:57:00] stifle it, just because. You know, I’m not saying this is what you’re doing, but just for anyone listening is like, if you’re going through this season of expansion or having another kid or whatever, and you think it has to look a certain way, just challenge that for yourself. Because that again, is just things that we are putting on ourselves and it doesn’t necessarily have to be true.

It matters what you want and how you want to be. And if that is like, in a moment of expansion where you’re just like riding the wave of momentum. Like, I don’t know if I would stop that for myself. I feel like that’s the shit we live for. It’s why we are in entrepreneurship is the thrill of contrast, right?

Like, we wouldn’t know the like momentum and the thrill and the ease and the success and the fun and like the excitement if we also didn’t have seasons of like self doubt, second guessing. And so Or failing or whatever it is, right? Challenges, obstacles, things not going the way we want, low vibes, whatever it is, things that we’re healing.

And so when you’re in that moment of momentum, I always, I’m like, ride the shit out of that, homie, like, just keep going. [00:58:00] You’ll know when it’s misaligned and that’s when, again, you tune in to. Okay, how do I want to lead myself through this? Do I want to slow down? If so, great. I’m going to pare back what I do, or I’m going to, like, make myself less available, or I’m going to say no to more things, and I’m going to allow myself to, like, nest and go into mom mode.

And if you’re in that moment of, like, no, I’m, I want to ride this wave, like, this is what I live for, then that’s what you do. Like, your kid will come out not knowing any other way. He or she will just know, my mom’s really happy. 

Melissa: Mm hmm. Yeah, totally. I love that. All right, babe, I’ve got three rapid fire questions for you now.

Are you ready? Hit me. What is one thing that we can do today for our health? Supplements and a green smoothie. Detaching from other people’s 

Jill: opinions. What’s one thing we can do 

Melissa: for 

Jill: our wealth? Learn how to manage your money and be a good steward of it. And what’s one thing we can do for more love in our life?

Give that to yourself first. 

Melissa: 100%. I’m a big believer in helping women become wildly wealthy, fabulously [00:59:00] healthy, and bursting with love. And so I always love hearing, like, what your health, wealth, and love tips are. So thank you for sharing, babe. This has been so delightful. I have absolutely loved connecting with you.

And thanks for the coaching. Totally unexpected. Is there anything else you want to share or any last parting words of wisdom with us? 

Jill: I think the one thing I just hope for women coming out of this particular episode. Is that they walk away with like a declaration that really feels supportive for them.

So whether that’s like, I always find a way to win, or this is nothing to me, or I’m the type of chick who always gets what she wants, whatever it is, like finding your statement for yourself that helps you really own and step into your own power, into your own self leadership, into your own emotional intelligence and self awareness and all of that.

I think that’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself, to your family, to your friends, to your work, all of it. It all starts with you. And when you lead yourself more powerfully, only good things come from that. So that’s my hope for everyone. 

Melissa: Yeah. Beautiful. A hundred percent. [01:00:00] You are such a light in the world.

You are helping, you are serving, you are supporting so many women all over the world. So how can I and the listeners give back and serve you today? 

Jill: Oh, that’s so sweet. I would just love to connect with anyone on IG. My Instagram is IamJillStanton and just please know that if you’re going to come into my world, I am direct, I am blunt, and I am always doing it from a place of service.

But it is my true intention to help women unlock their innate power that they already have, deepen it, develop it, and use it to create absolute magic in your life. So if that’s something Something you want to explore and expand into. Like I would love to connect with you. 

Melissa: Beautiful. Yes. And we’ll link to your Instagram and your website and everything that you’re doing in the show notes as well.

So people can go and check that out. You are amazing. I am so grateful to know you, to call you a soul sister and cannot wait to get to squeeze you in real life again. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me.[01:01:00] 

I loved this conversation so much. I hope you got a lot out of it and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. And if you did, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review on Apple podcasts. If you haven’t already done that, please do that. Send me a screenshot to helloatmelissarambrosini.

com or on my Instagram. And I will send you a little thank you meditation for taking the time to do that. If you have not done a review, please do that for me right now. I’d be so grateful. And come and tell me on Instagram at melissarambrosini what you got from this episode. What was your biggest key takeaway?

I would love to hear from you. And just a reminder that there’s no point really listening to podcasts if you’re not going to implement and take something away from it. I want you to always walk away with at least one nugget of wisdom from every single episode. Ideally more, but at least one that you implement into your life.

So come and tell me on Instagram what that one gold nugget was for you from this episode. I would love to hear. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you [01:02:00] so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you. You rock.

Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, take care.

Don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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