How To Cook, Clean, Shop, Live, Plastic Free | Kate Nelson

How To Cook, Clean, Shop, Live, Plastic Free | Kate Nelson






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It’s no secret that our planet is in crisis mode, and that we’re being called to step up and protect our environment before it’s too late. One issue that I’ve been passionate about for a long time is living a waste-free life, particularly when it comes to single-use plastics. This is an area where individuals can make a meaningful impact, and yet it’s also an area that can feel overwhelming and daunting, with many of us wondering, ‘Can one person really make a difference?’

To help answer this question, I’m joined on the podcast by Kate Nelson, a passionate environmentalist who’s lived waste-free for the past ten years — including using ZERO single-use plastics. She’s here on the show to demystify the zero waste lifestyle, show us how achievable it is to make simple shifts in our everyday lives, and demonstrate the incredible power we all have as individuals to trigger an avalanche of change.

Kate Nelson describes herself as a ‘water woman magical mermaid yogi goddess’. (How epic is that?!) Her journey to living plastic-free was sparked by a love of the ocean, and the horrifying realisation that single-use plastics are causing irreparable harm to our marine wildlife and ocean environments. Since having that lightbulb moment, Kate shifted the entire course of her life, to devote herself to saving the oceans and inspiring others to do the same. She has since volunteered under Dr. Andrea Neal at Jean Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society, visited the Great Pacific Trash Gyre, lobbied governments and corporations, spoken at schools all over the world, met with politicians of all stripes, founded a non-profit, and inspired thousands of people around the globe to live a zero waste life and reject single-use plastics for good.

Kate’s gift is in making change feel really doable and achievable — even if you’re completely new to the plastic free lifestyle, or have been uncertain how to take your efforts to the next level. Her suggestions are practical, easy to implement, and best of all, easy to sustain for a lifetime.

So if you want to learn what’s really going on in our oceans, discover genius shifts you can make today to reduce your personal waste and learn why the future of our planet relies on epic individuals like YOU, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The incredible story of how she went zero waste, and hasn’t used single-use plastics for ten years (my jaw dropped hearing her story!) (3:17)
  • Her signature ‘Trash Can Test’ and how it can help you start your zero waste journey (5:17)
  • The simple, genius ways you can help the environment at home (that are easy to implement, but that have a huge impact) (8:59)
  • What you need to know about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and what we can do about this human-created travesty (13:29)
  • Why ocean clean-ups are NOT the solution to sea pollution, and what we can do instead to address the underlying issues (16:21)
  • Her inspiring story of ditching tampons and pads, and how to make this empowering switch for yourself (19:36)
  • The secret to giving your entire home a zero waste makeover (without getting overwhelmed) (26:05)
  • Epic skincare and makeup options that are plastic-free. (This is something so many people struggle with, but these suggestions are game changers!) (28:27)
  • How to stay positive in the face of overwhelming problems, why you should always believe in the power of the individual, and why small actions are so important (35:27)

Episode resources: 

  • Follow Kate on Instagram (Instagram)
  • Subscribe to Kate’s Youtube Channel (YouTube)
  • I Quit Plastics (website)
  • Tips for Zero Waste Living – How a Family of 5 Makes Almost No Waste! | Life With Less Waste (YouTube)
  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch (website)
  • I Quit Plastics: And You Can Too by Kate Nelson (Amazon)
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (Amazon)
  • Early Bird Ningaloo Reef – Whale Shark Retreat — i quit plastics (website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave me a review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

This episode is brought to you by @boncharge_. Head to www.BONCHARGE.com now and enter the code MELISSA for 15% off your order.



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  1. […] How To Cook, Clean, Shop, Live, Plastic Free | Kate Nelson. […]

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