Emma Isaacs - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

How To Achieve Everything You Desire With Emma Isaacs






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Trying to find a work-life balance that allows you to do all the stuff that’s important to you WITHOUT burning out can at times feel tough… impossible, even. So who better to ask for tips than someone who’s absolutely killing it in their business, while also being a hands-on parent?! That’s why I was so pumped to interview today’s podcast guest, Emma Isaacs — Founder of Business Chicks and mama to five kids. (Yep, you read that right: five kids… #Supermum, right?!)

Emma makes “doing it all” look easy peasy — but she’ll be the first to admit that she’s totally winging it. In this candid conversation, Emma pulls back the curtain on the life-changing philosophy that’s allowed her to achieve success in the areas that are most important to her — from being the global founder and CEO of Business Chicks one of the largest communities for women, right through to having five blissful births in the comfort of her own home.

This is a woman who isn’t afraid to rewrite the rule book… or to turf it out altogether when needed! And it’s this courageous and creative attitude that has earned her high profile fans like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and Diane von Furstenberg at her Business Chicks events.

So if you want to hear a truly refreshing perspective on achieving success on your own terms, embracing vulnerability, and protecting your time for the stuff that matters most, this raw and revealing conversation is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her story and how she got to be the successful ‘super woman’ she is today (08:48)
  • What is ‘winging it’ and why we all need to embrace this life-changing philosophy (14:37)
  • Why you need to master your mind to achieve anything in life and business (17:58)
  • How to inspire others (20:55)
  • Why being a student for life is key to your personal evolution (21:44)
  • Her best relationship tips and tricks (24:39)
  • Why vulnerability is the key to success in all life areas (30:06)
  • Her secret to 5 epic blissful home births (39:27)
  • Why you need to be mindful of your stories and inner dialogue (42:16)
  • What she attributes her success to (43:16)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode Resources

  • Winging It by Emma Isaacs (Amazon)
  • Business Chicks (website)
  • Emma Isaacs on Instagram (Instagram)
  • Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | TED Talk (video)
  • The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown (Amazon)
  • Books by Brené Brown (Amazon)
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Amazon)
  • Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel (Amazon)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

This week’s podcast is brought to you by Organifi which is a superior organic, all natural, vegan, superfood blend refined and clinically tested and time proven. As most of you know I travel a lot, but my health is one of my top priorities and something I am so passionate about and will never skimp on, which is why when I travel I carry my little Organifi green juice sashes with me so no matter where I am in the world I can always start my day with delicious, alkalizing, nourishing greens. Which is great because no matter what happens after that I have at least started my day loaded with green goodness. And the best part is they don’t just do greens, they have red juices, gold turmeric blends, clean protein powders, probiotic blends and more. And if you want to get 20% off anything store wide all you have to do is head to organifishop.com (which I will link to in the show notes just in case you’re driving) and type MATRIBE at the checkout to get your 20% off everything in your cart. How epic is that!

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  1. Amy says:

    Mel’s podcast has added so much value to my life! I can really feel the “wellness prevention” conversation becoming more and more natural in the fitness and medical industries, which is a tribute towards the popularity and expertise here. Personally, I have not only achieved remission drug-free from an auto-immune disease (the first in 15 years) I’m studying my meditation teacher training, my menstrual cycle has returned after 20 months post having the Implanon removed, and I am having the most divine sex with my husband. I am also able to create my dream of bringing holistic health information and strategies to Nurses and Health Professionals through http://www.wholehealthmagazine.com.au

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Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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