Colin O’Brady

Crossing Antarctica Unassisted & Climbing Everest TWICE! | Colin O’Brady






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How do you achieve a goal that seems impossible?

How do you overcome the fear of playing big?

And what does it take to move beyond your perceived limits and defy your own expectations?

To answer these questions, I’m joined by Colin O’Brady — a true adventurer and 10-time world record holder who has shattered boundaries and redefined the limits of human endurance. From the icy landscapes of Antarctica to the breathtaking heights of the Himalayas, Colin’s awe-inspiring achievements have stunned the world and forever altered our understanding of what’s possible. And in this riveting episode, I’m picking his brain to uncover the secrets of his unparalleled accomplishments.

It would be easy to assume that Colin’s success is due to his vigorous training regime and impressive athleticism. But as he reveals, it’s not all about physical prowess. Prepare to be captivated as he opens up about his mental and emotional battles, offering invaluable insights on conquering fear, mastering your inner critic, and getting clear about what truly matters in life… then pursuing it relentlessly.

This enthralling conversation is packed with valuable lessons and heartfelt moments that will leave you feeling empowered, inspired, and ready to pursue your life’s purpose with renewed energy and passion.

Put simply, if you want to conquer your own personal Everest, do NOT miss this once-in-a-lifetime conversation with the unforgettable Colin O’Brady.

About Colin O’Brady

Colin O’Brady is a ten-time world record breaking explorer, speaker, entrepreneur, and expert on mindset. His feats include the world’s first solo, unsupported, and fully human-powered crossing of Antarctica, speed records for the Explorers Grand Slam and the Seven Summits, and the first human-powered ocean row across Drake Passage.

Colin’s highly publicized expeditions have been followed by millions and his work has been featured by The New York Times, The Tonight Show, The Joe Rogan Experience, and The Today Show.

He is the author of The New York Times bestseller The Impossible First and now The 12-Hour Walk: Invest One Day, Conquer Your Mind, and Unlock Your Best Life (Scribner; August 2nd).

Colin regularly speaks on mindset and high performance at Fortune 100 companies such as Nike, Google, and Amazon and at top universities including Harvard, Yale, and UPenn. His TEDx talk has nearly 3 million views.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The mind blowing accident that changed Colin’s life forever (4:50)
  • His unusual but incredibly empowering perspective on pursuing your life purpose (10:21)
  • How he shifted his inner dialogue from being negative to positive, and the powerful results that he saw after making this change (16:18)
  • The simple but genius steps he uses to master his inner critic (and what he learned about himself while trekking alone in the wilderness) (22:54)
  • Harnessing the power of intuition when facing a challenge or setback (32:56)
  • The hugely exciting project he is currently working towards. (Prepare to be inspired!) (35:47)
  • Why it’s crucial to assemble a cheer squad when going after big goals (38:32)

Episode resources:

  • Time Magic (Book)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl (Book)
  • Open Wide (Book)
  • Comparisonitis (Book)
  • No One Has Ever Crossed Antarctica Unsupported. Two Men Are Trying Right Now. (Article)
  • The Impossible First by Colin O’Brady (Book)
  • The 12-Hour Walk: Invest One Day, Conquer Your Mind, and Unlock Your Best Life by Colin O’Brady (Book)
  • Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything | Colin O’Brady | TEDxPortland (YouTube)
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Book)
  • 12 Hour Walk (Website)
  • Follow Colin O’Brady on Instagram
  • Participate in the 12 Hour Walk (Website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

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P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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