
Crack The Code Of The World’s Most Successful People With Alex Banayan






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 What do world-class achievers have in common? And what does it take — really — to succeed at the highest level? Today’s podcast guest, Alex Banayan, spent seven years interviewing the most innovative leaders of the past half-century, including Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Larry King, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Jessica Alba, Quincy Jones, and more, to see if he could uncover the secrets of peak performers and discover what made them so successful. And what he discovered might just blow your mind…

Alex Banayan is the only nationally bestselling business author under 30 in America. His story is crazy: the day before his freshman year final exams, he hacked The Price Is Right, won a sailboat, sold it, and used the prize money to fund his quest to learn from the world’s most successful people. Since then, Alex has been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list and Business Insider’s Most Powerful People Under 30. He has contributed to Fast Company, the Washington Post, Entrepreneur, and TechCrunch, and has been featured in major media including Fortune, Forbes, Businessweek, Bloomberg TV, Fox News, and CBS News.

Alex’s findings are life-changing. Whether you’re at the start of your career journey, or are a few decades in, you can’t afford to miss these lessons on getting noticed, leapfrogging your competitors, and achieving your dreams in record time. (I seriously wish I’d known this stuff back when I first started my business!)

So if you want insider success tips, to crack the code of the world’s highest achievers, and become world-class in whatever you do, pop in those earbuds… this episode is for you.

In this episode we chat about: 

  • His story from hacking The Price Is Right, to where he is today (05:30)
  • The 3 biggest lessons we can learn from the world’s most successful celebrities (13:43)
  • What Jessica Alba taught him (and how it changed his life) (16:58)
  • After interviewing dozens of celebrities, who’s the one person who inspired him most? (20:44)
  • His unusual strategies for bouncing back from setbacks (22:57)
  • The #1 thing he attributes his success to (29:21)
  • Alex’s mission in life and the story that inspired him (31:44)
  • The one book he would put in every school curriculum (35:03)
  • What he wants to work on within himself (36:28) 
  • The one thing he does every morning to set himself up for a productive day (38:17)
  • The inspiring lesson he learned from his dad’s death (40:52)
  • Plus so much more! 

Episode resources: 

  • The Third Door by Alex Banayan (Amazon)
  • Follow Alex on Instagram (Instagram)
  • When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Charisse says:

    I just have to put it out there…I absolutely detest hearing people say “when you love yourself others will love you” or any other derivative of that “ you need to love yourself first before you find love’. A quote Alex used in this podcast. (Loved the podcast yet cringe and get angry when I hear this quote)

    WTF…. so if you don’t love yourself yet you are screwed no one else will love you!!! No no no!

    You deserve love just because you are you, because you are precious just as you are, you are beautifully, flawed and beautifully human, you are totally lovable… do not ever forget that!!

    you don’t need to feel the pressure of being totally and fully loved up on yourself. We are always growing and learning… if you are not there yet you still deserve love, you are still lovable. Yes by all means I am not saying striving to love and accept yourself is not totally important … it is. But because you might not be there yet does not mean you don’t deserve love right now. Look at all those currently in loving relationship.. do you think every single one of them loved themselves first before they meet??

    Please stop telling people who already struggle to feel connected and lovable that they will miss out on love because they can’t yet find it in themselves. Stop the pressure please.

    • Hey Charisse, I don’t think that’s was what Alex meant. You are right we ALL deserve love. And we don’t have to wait to love ourselves before someone else loves us. I remember times when I didn’t love myself but my mother and father still loved me. I think it’s important that we work on flexing our self love muscle each day, but know that we are loved and loveable always. Sorry if there was confusion. xx

  2. Suzana says:

    I love love love your show I listen to it on my drive to work and I’ve become the person that looks forward to more traffic whenever I still have a few minutes left to a show! I loved this one in particular which led me to comment to let you know how much much I appreciate your work and how it lightens my day by giving me new positive perspective! What I love the most about it is how you ask the same questions to all these great people and to see their different answers is fascinating.
    I like the book Suggestion on the show “when things fall apart“ and I was wondering if you had a book suggestion that I can offer to a friend that is going through a rough time with a family member that has cancer. They are very hurting but not willing to open up and talk about it. A book that might make them feel less alone..

    Thank you for everything that you do!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words Suzana I’m so grateful. I’m sending you and your friend so much love and I can’t think of any book besides Conversations With God. That was a game-changer for me. Let me know what you think. xx

  3. I love all your podcast interviews but this one stroke a special chord!
    Great guest and questions – soulful, human, inspiring.

    Thank you, beautiful Melissa!

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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