Melissa Ambrosini

Big News! I’m pregnant & Sharing All The Details With You (No Holds Barred!)






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Curious about how my pregnancy journey is going?

Wondering if I’m doing anything different this time around?

Want to know how I’m balancing pregnancy, motherhood and a broken ankle — all while running a business?!

In this very special episode, I’m sharing all the details of my second pregnancy, from the preconception phase to my current routine. 

Tune in to learn: how my diet has shifted, my approach to balancing the energy of a toddler with the demands of the first trimester, the best supplements for egg quality, the prenatals I’m taking, and how I plan to manage my business during maternity leave. 

I’ll also reveal if we’re keeping the baby’s gender a secret, how our daughter reacted when she found out she’s getting a sibling, and my experience with miscarriage.

So if you’re curious about how to thrive during pregnancy while juggling family and career, or just want to know more about my personal journey, then press play now — this episode is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Exciting details about my next free workshop that you won’t want to miss (1:34)
  • My unique approach to preconception — and why it made all the difference this time (3:31)
  • How long we tried for baby number two and what that journey looked like for us (7:53)
  • How was conception this time for me and did I do a pregnancy test (8:38)
  • How the journey looked like for us (9:22)
  • How different was the preparation and conception from my last pregnancy (11:01) 
  • The must do’s for preconception (11:44) 
  • Were we hoping for a specific gender this time around? Here’s what we were thinking (15:09)
  • Bambi’s priceless reaction to finding out she’s going to be a big sister (15:33)
  • Will I be sharing the gender of this baby? (16:40)
  • Was this pregnancy a natural conception or IVF? The honest truth (17:10)
  • A peek into my maternity care plan (17:19 )
  • The exact moment I found out I was pregnant (19:43)
  • How this first trimester compares to my last pregnancy journey (20:02)
  • The things I’m doing differently this time around (22:05)
  • How I’m feeling this time around — what’s changed and what’s stayed the same (23:07)
  • Has my diet shifted now that I’m pregnant again? Here’s what’s on my plate (24:13)
  • Balancing a toddler’s energy with the early days of pregnancy — my survival tips! (25:38)
  • My take on using ultrasounds and what’s been working for us (25:54)
  • The top supplements I’m taking to boost egg quality and overall health (29:10)
  • How I managed my broken ankle during pregnancy and whether I had an X-ray (29:26)
  • The prenatals I swear by to support my health and my baby’s growth (30:29)
  • How I’m preparing to manage the business while embracing maternity leave (33:57)

Episode resources:

  • FREE WORKSHOP: How To Get Pregnant Naturally, Thrive During Pregnancy & Have An Empowered Birth (register FREE now)
  • Wholy Mama (join here)
  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Solo: Conscious Conception, Pregnancy, Empowered Birth, Blissful Postpartum & Conscious Parenting (podcast)
  • Your Burning Questions Answered About Conscious Conception & Pregnancy with Melissa Ambrosini & Nick Broadhurst (podcast)
  • Loco love (website)
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[00:00:00] In episode 614, I am going to be sharing with you all about our pregnancy journey with this baby so far and answering all of your burning questions that you guys have submitted. Let’s dive in. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini Show. I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, And time magic, and I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible. Are you ready? Beautiful, beautiful,

mega, mega life update for you. And that is we are having a baby and we are so [00:01:00] excited. And when I announced this on my Instagram, we got flooded with so many beautiful comments and DMs. And I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to send us some love and well wishes. We are so excited. And this is a dream come true for us.

So thank you for taking that time and sending us some love. And when I announced it, I put a Q and a box on my Instagram stories and got flooded with so many questions about conception, pregnancy, and birth. And I thought it would be so fun to do an episode answering all of those questions for you. And also to let you know that I’m actually doing a free live workshop this Thursday, the 19th of September on how to conceive naturally, how to thrive during pregnancy and have an empowered birth.

So just go to Melissa Rambrosini. com forward slash mama, if you want to register for that, cause I’m going to be diving deeper into a lot of what I talk about today in that free workshop. So go and register and come along to [00:02:00] that. But in the meantime, I’m going to answer all of the questions that were submitted and I’m so excited for this.

So let’s kick off, we’ll start with conception, we’ll move to pregnancy and then we will move to birth. And then I actually got some really cool fun business and motherhood questions as well, which I will answer as well. Sharing this information is not easy for me. I’m a really private person and opening up like this.

And sharing everything that I’m about to share with you guys is very challenging for me. And I’m saying this because I want you to know that as I sit here and record this, it’s hard because what I’m sharing is very private and it’s very sacred and it’s just hard for me and I’m going to get emotional, but I just want you to know that the reason why I share this stuff.

Is because I know it’s going to help so many people and I feel like I can’t keep what I know inside. I have to [00:03:00] help women. Like this is what I was born to do. And I have so much wisdom and knowledge that I want to share on these beautiful topics that I just have to share it. So. I feel like I’d be doing a disservice to women if I didn’t, but I just want you to know it’s actually really challenging for me.

I know a lot of people online, like sharing personal stuff is really easy for them, but for me, it’s not, it’s, it’s really hard. And I just want you to know that. So if I stumble, if I sound nervous, it’s because I am, I am. So I want to kick off with the conception questions. Let’s dive in to the first one.

Did I find it difficult to conceive? Did we have any difficulties conceiving this time round? And for those of you that have followed my journey, or if you’re inside Holy Mama, Holy Mama is a program I created on conscious conception, powerful pregnancies, empowered birthing and postpartum and conscious parenting.

It’s an amazing program. You can check it out at HolyMama. com and that’s W H O L [00:04:00] Y M A M A dot com. And I share all about my journey there. And also I’ve done a couple of episodes on it. So I will link to the episodes where I talk about how it took us 18 months to conceive Bambi, 18 very gut wrenching, heart wrenching months.

I lived my life in two week increments. It was so challenging and we finally conceived and it was the best, one of the best days of my life. And so I exclusively breastfed for two years after we finished breastfeeding. I did some tests and the tests that I did, I share inside Holy Mama, the exact tests that I did.

And then I went on a full protocol, I share the protocol that I did in Holy Mama as well to prime my body for the next baby. And then once I finished that protocol, the second time around that we went for it, we got pregnant and then I had a miscarriage and I’ve never spoken about this. [00:05:00] And this is really hard for me to talk about because You know, when I think back to the miscarriage, I feel quite neutral about it now.

And there is nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to miscarriage. Animals miscarry in the wild so often. So many women have miscarriages, and I don’t have any shame around it. What I want women to know is, There’s nothing wrong with you if you have a miscarriage, you’re not broken, you’re not faulty, there’s nothing to be shameful or anything like that around it.

It’s just nature, you know, it’s nature. And I truly believe that everything is always unfolding the way that it is supposed to. And although having a miscarriage, it was physically and emotionally very taxing at the time. And then the recovery was really big, especially because I passed it naturally. I don’t think a lot of people understand like you have to treat [00:06:00] it like a postpartum and you have to really rebuild your body and build your body back up.

And so I just want every woman to know that if you have ever had one, it is nothing to be ashamed about. And there is so much support out there and to get support and to take care of your body, but also to take care of your mental health as well. And I also just want to say, like, when I think back to the miscarriage now, I feel totally neutral about the whole situation.

I did physical work, I did emotional work, I released it, I wrote letters, I burned them, I sat in stillness, I had a ceremony, I did all of these beautiful things, I prayed, I meditated, I did all of those things. And so now when I think back to that time, and I feel very neutral about the whole situation. So after the miscarriage, I wanted to rebuild my body because I needed to.

Like I said, I passed it all naturally. I didn’t go to the hospital. [00:07:00] I did some acupuncture. So when I found out I went and got some acupuncture and the acupuncturist that I was working with, she said, you know, give me three sessions and you’ll probably pass it after the third. And so I did some acupuncture and she gave me some Chinese herbs and literally after the third session, I passed it and it was big emotionally and spiritually and physically it was big, but you have to rebuild your body, you have to rebuild your body and your mental health, you need to take care of that as well.

So, I treated it like a postpartum, I rested, I nourished my body, I literally treated it like a postpartum. And that was really helpful and I want to encourage anybody, if you have experienced that to take care of yourself and to really nourish your body and your mind and your soul. And so then, after I felt really good in my body again.

We went for it again and we [00:08:00] got pregnant that first time, which was so great. And I was so excited and also didn’t know what to expect after, you know, it taking 18 months with Bambi. So to get pregnant the first time after that was just amazing. And so we were so excited. So that is, yes, that’s, I hope that answers your question.

Did we have any difficulties conceiving? That is the story and we are so excited for this little angel to be growing so perfectly and healthy and strong inside right now. So that kind of answers the next question. How long were we trying for and did we have any issues conceiving? I feel like I’ve answered that one.

The next question is, did I feel conception this time? And did I do a pregnancy test? That time that we did go for it, I knew straight away, like those of you that are inside Holy Mama will know that we did a beautiful ceremony for Bambi. We made it a really sacred, beautiful spiritual experience. It was so beautiful.

And we knew that night as well, that [00:09:00] she came through and same with this one. So we knew, we knew straight away and then I waited the two weeks to get my period and didn’t get it. So the day after it didn’t come, we did a test, but we knew, we just knew, we just knew. So that was really exciting for us and yeah, we’re just so excited, so excited.

So the next question is yours and Nick’s individual preconception journey. So yes, like I said before, we did a whole bunch of tests and then we had a specific protocol that we followed. We both did this and it’s very powerful. And I share this in Holy moment. I’m also going to be sharing it in detail in the free workshop.

on the 19th of September. So come along to that if you want to hear more about that. But yes, we definitely primed our body, mind, and soul in the preconception phase. It’s very important, you know, especially like minimum three months before you want to conceive, you really take care of your [00:10:00] temple. You really nourish yourself.

You really take care of yourself. You want to get into the best physical, emotional, spiritual place that you possibly can before you conceive. And I teach all of this inside Holy Mama, but it’s just so important. I don’t think people understand how important it is that you treat your body like a temple all the time, but especially before you’re going to make a baby.

And same with men, you know, they need to be doing the same thing as you at least three months before conception. So, you know, you want to be taking care of yourself and you want to think about your body, your mind and spiritually as well. You want to think about all those three areas. And yes, you want to get a bunch of tests.

You want to make sure everything’s good. If not, you want to be taking some supplements, really nourishing your body, removing stress from your life. And just treating yourself like the absolute queen that you are to get yourself in the best place possible before you conceive. That is going to stack the odds [00:11:00] in your favor.

So next question, how did the preparation and conception journey differ with this pregnancy compared to with Bambi? It was very similar. And I’m so glad that I had everything inside Holy Mama. I just went and redid everything that I taught in that program because it worked. So, I just did that. It didn’t really differ that much.

I guess the only thing that was different was the amount of rest that you get. I didn’t have as much space to rest in the preconception phase as I did with Bambi. But it was still beautiful and I still took care of myself and really nourished my body, mind, and soul. So it didn’t really differ that much because I just followed what worked the last time.

Okay. What are the non negotiables and must dos for preconception and the preparation period? This question I’m going to dive deeper into in the free workshop. So come along to that this Thursday and you can register at [00:12:00] melissaambrosini. com forward slash mama. I don’t want you to miss this, but.

Definitely you want to think about, like I said before, the three areas, physical, the emotional, and the spiritual. You want to make sure that you are doing everything physically for your body to thrive so that your vessel is in the best place possible. To home, a beautiful little being. So the must do’s are taking care of your temple and then taking care of your mental space, and then also spiritually, you know, connecting with the baby, calling that baby in, communicating with that baby.

A great book that you can read is called Spirit Babies. It’s so amazing. So check that book out. It’s really beautiful. So make sure that you are doing the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual work before you call in that little angel. And I just want to say as well, like when it comes to conscious conception, The more that you can pour into yourself and the more your [00:13:00] partner can do the same, like you’re just stacking the odds more in your favor.

So the more that you can take care of yourself, the better and get your partner to do the same, ideally the absolute better and think of the body, the mind and the spirit and do everything you can to really take care of yourself. And you want to make sure that. At least three months before, like ideally longer, like ideally you would have six months and you want to make sure you get a whole bunch of tests.

Like I said, I share the test inside Holy Mama that I did. And then you want a specific protocol to support whatever’s going on for you, because we’re all different. Like you might have low iron and I didn’t have low iron. You might have this and I might have that. You know, so it’s one of those things where that’s why testing is so powerful, because then it’s very individualized to what is going on for you and your partner, and then you can work with what you’ve got in front of you.

So definitely the more you can do this conception work, [00:14:00] the better. And the more time you can give yourself, the better. So even if you’re not thinking about having babies for like years, then definitely get onto this now. And that’s what I did with Bambi, as you’ll know from listening to some of the other episodes that I’ll link in the show notes and also inside Holy Mama.

Like I talk about, I got my body ready for years before we were even thinking about having a baby. So the more that you can take care of yourself, treat your body like a temple, you’re just stacking the odds in your favor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I know, you know, everyone’s journeys are so different and it’s so important that we don’t compare ourselves to anyone else.

Yeah. We’re not here to compare that this person got pregnant in this time and this person got pregnant in this time. This is not a comparison. All we are doing here is wanting to stack the odds in our favor as best as we can and take care of ourselves and get our body and our mind and our soul in the best place possible to consciously conceive that beautiful [00:15:00] little.

soul that wants to come through. So I’m going to share more about this in the workshop. And that is all the conception questions that have been submitted. So let’s not jump to the pregnancy questions. Cause obviously I am still pregnant. Now, first question, were we trying for a particular gender or just happy to have another baby?

And no, we were not trying for a particular gender. We were just. Happy to call in whoever was waiting and ready to come down next. And we are just so excited. Oh my goodness. I’m just so excited. And the next question is, have we told Bambi and if yes, what was her reaction? Yes, of course we’ve told Bambi and she was so excited and she is so excited.

And I think she gets more and more excited as my belly grows. Because it’s more real, you know, when you can’t see it and you say there’s a baby in there, kids are probably like, what, what do you mean? But now that she can see my belly growing, she is so excited. She [00:16:00] tickles it. She kisses it. She is so excited and she is going to be the most amazing big sister.

She’s so soft and loving and kind and nurturing. Like the way that she even plays with her dolls and teddies is just so beautiful. She feeds them and it’s just so gorgeous. So I’m so excited to see her, like it makes me emotional actually, just like, I’m so excited to see her as a big sister, like, I’m just so excited for that moment.

Oh my goodness, it’s just going to be so beautiful because I know she’s going to be so amazing. Oh, I’m just so excited. And she’s going to be at the birth. I’ll talk about the birth stuff in a minute, but she’s going to be there, which is so exciting. All right, next question. Will I share the gender of this baby?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I did a little poll and asked what you guys think, and it’s so fun. I don’t know. I might just keep it and then just announce when they are here. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I’m not sure yet, but watch this [00:17:00] space. Stay tuned. If I do announce it, it’ll be here and on my Instagram first.

So make sure you are subscribed to the show and you follow me on Instagram so that you know. Was this pregnancy natural or IVF? All of my pregnancies have been natural and I’m so grateful for that. Truly so grateful for that. What does my maternity care look like this time? Do I have a midwife? Yes, I have the same amazing midwife.

Her name is Gemma and she is one of the experts inside Holy Mama and she is amazing and I’m so glad that she was available. So glad. So we are having a at home water birth again, like we did with Bambi and Gemma is our midwife and I’m so excited. She’s become such a good friend and it’s just so beautiful.

Bambi comes to all of my sessions with her. Literally, this morning I said to our nanny, I’ve got a session with Gemma this week. And then Bambi goes, can I come to Gemma? It’s so cute. She loves coming. And, you know, I get to explain to [00:18:00] Bambi that this was her midwife and that’s just so special. And their relationship, like Gemma and Bambi’s relationship is so special.

It makes me emotional again. It’s just so special to have that, you know, it’s really beautiful. Like I have no idea who birthed me. And when my mom was in labor with me, I have no idea, but that’s just so special. And I hope that she’s in our life for a long time. So that is really beautiful. We’ve got a midwife and I wanted the same photographer and videographer, but she moved across the country.

So she can’t do it, which is such a bummer because I really wanted the same team because the team that I had for Bambi was just so amazing. And I talk about how to call in and set up your dream team inside Holy Mama, but I really wanted the same team because they were just so amazing, but that’s okay.

I’ve got another friend who’s going to do the photos and videos, and I’m so grateful for that. So that is my maternity care and then I’ll have Nick and I will also have our [00:19:00] beautiful nanny there to take care of Bambi. I know Nick could do it, but I just don’t know like how involved he’s going to be. So if we have our beautiful nanny there, then she can take care of Bambi.

And then we’ve got Nick and my beautiful midwife and the photographer and videographer. And there’s always a second midwife. So here in Australia, you have to legally for a home birth, have two midwives. So you have your primary one and then you have a backup midwife and you know sometimes those backup ones don’t even make it on time if you have a faster birth but sometimes they are there and they’re kind of like just that extra set of hands which is great.

So that is my maternity care. Next question. When and how did you find out? And is there a video? Yes, there is a video, but I don’t know if I’ll share it. I don’t know. I shared so much of the journey with Bambi that I don’t know. I might, I might not share it. I’m not sure. We’ll see. And how we found out was I was one day late for my period and we did a pregnancy test, but we [00:20:00] knew, like I said before, we knew.

Okay. How did the first trimester compare this time to with Bambi? So. It was very similar from around six to 12 weeks with both of them and even the miscarriage. I felt nauseous and just fatigued. So with all of my pregnancies from around six weeks to 12 weeks, I felt nauseous and fatigued. But that’s really it.

I have not vomited in any of mine. The thing is, is with this time, having a toddler. You just don’t have the time to rest in the day like I did in my first pregnancy. So if this is your first time being pregnant and you are listening to this, enjoy it, soak it up, sleep in the day, nap, do all of the things, because when you have other ones You just don’t get as much of that.

Now, of course, if they go to daycare, if they go to school, or if you have a nanny or any of those things, yes, you can do it [00:21:00] then. And I definitely did. Like there was some days where I had to ask our nanny to stay a little bit later because I was just so tired. There were days where I would be playing on the floor with Bambi and I would literally fall asleep mid play.

I would be reading books and fall asleep with my arms still up holding the book. And Nick would just walk in and go, Oh, poor mama. So yeah, get support in that first trimester. Get support. I have no problems asking and receiving support. So get support from family members, from friends, from whoever, so that you can have a nap if you need to.

But definitely. Um, make sure you have got some support, especially when you’ve got the toddler and really rest when you need to rest. So there’s not really much that was that different in the first trimester besides just not being able to rest as much and [00:22:00] as often as I would have liked, but I did still do it, just not as much as I did with Bambi.

What are you doing differently this time around compared to last time? There is a few little things that I’m doing differently, I’m going to share more about that in the free workshop as well, but. I think the biggest thing is just everything is different because I have a toddler. So everything is different, but beautiful.

And also so magical and so special and so wonderful to share this experience with her as well and watch her step into that new role, more of a leadership role. It’s really beautiful. So yeah, there is a few things I’m doing differently and mainly just, you know, navigating being pregnant around a toddler is probably the biggest thing and still fitting in all of the things that I want to do, like acupuncture and Cairo and osteo and massage, all of those beautiful things that are so deeply soul nourishing and so good for you when you’re pregnant.

It’s just navigating doing those whilst having a toddler. [00:23:00] But other than that, I’ve kind of done a lot of what I teach inside Holy Mama and what I did last time because It worked. How am I feeling? Any differences this second time round? Very similar. The only thing is, with Bambi, I experienced a lot more UTIs and my nose would bleed, which are very common things in pregnancy.

So, I don’t know. Had a little bit of nose bleeding situation for a few weeks, but nowhere near like I did with Bambi and yeah, a little bit of UTI, but nowhere near like what I have with Bambi. This time around, I’ve experienced a lot more eczema, so eczema on my face and on my arms and hands, which I didn’t really have with Bambi.

But there could be another reason from that. I have been quite stressed and I think that might have been contributing to that. But I know what to do and getting out in sunshine and doing all my things, that always helps. So. Other than that, [00:24:00] there’s not really that many other differences. I feel very similar to my pregnancy with Bambi, which is, yeah, really beautiful.

But I’m just so excited. I’m so excited to meet this little angel. Oh my goodness. I’m so excited. All right. Let’s talk about diet. I’ve got lots of diet questions. Has anything changed in your usual routine while pregnant diet and lifestyle? So not a lot has changed. I will say, and this leads on to the next question, which is how did you change your diet during pregnancy?

With Bambi, I was so diligent. I never ate out. I did not eat out once. I didn’t eat chocolate at all. I was so meticulous with my diet and I loved it and it was just so fun. I have been a lot more relaxed, let’s say, around those things this time around and still eating at amazing places like clean and organic and great places.

But I’ve eaten out a lot more this time and I’ve eaten a lot more Loco Loves this time, [00:25:00] which is the most amazing raw organic vegan chocolate. And yeah, I’m just going with it because I just love it and it brings me so much joy. And Yeah, but you know, I talk about this in Holy Mama, how raw cacao is definitely not ideal for you when you are pregnant.

It’s kind of like caffeine and alcohol. It’s still a stimulant. So I’ve tried not to have too much of it, but I definitely have had a lot more than I think I had in my whole pregnancy with Bambi. I think I probably had chocolate. Maybe four times in the whole pregnancy. So yeah, this time I’ve had a lot more, a lot more.

Okay. How do you balance your energy with a toddler in that first trimester? I’ve answered this question already. I feel like you’ve got to get support in that first trimester. Get support as much as you can, as much as you possibly can. Did I have ultrasounds? Okay. So after Bambi and when I got pregnant that [00:26:00] next time, that was the miscarriage.

I had planned to only have one scan and I was going to have the 20 week scan, which is compulsory to have a home birth. You need to get that 20 week scan to see where the placenta is, to make sure that it is not covering your cervix and that you are safe to have a home birth. So I was just going to get that one.

Then I had a miscarriage and going into this pregnancy, I was so nervous. I was nervous. And so I wanted to have a few more scans to just hear the heartbeat and to make sure everything was okay. So I did like the dating scan and then I went back like a couple of weeks later because I was like, Oh. I don’t know.

And so I think I had two or three early scans where you just go in and they’re very, very quick and they just go, yep, the heartbeat’s there. And then you leave. It’s super quick, super, super, super quick, which is great. And then I had like the 13 week scan and I’ll have the 20 week scan [00:27:00] as well. So here’s the thing.

There’s research on ultrasounds. And some people say, obviously it’s an intervention and it’s not natural. And then there’s some people that say they’re totally fine for my mental health and my peace of mind in that first trimester. After having a miscarriage, I really, for my own sanity, I needed to do a few of those heartbeat scans just for my own peace of mind.

I just needed to do it. Did I want to do all of them? No, I didn’t. I didn’t want to do them, but I just needed to, but I didn’t want to. So it was like so tricky. So yeah, this pregnancy I’ve had a lot more. I only had two with Bambi. I had the 13 week one, and then I had the 20 week one. roughly around there, but this one I did have a few of those quick heartbeat scans in the early days to just help my peace of mind.

But you got to do what feels right for you. And I think with [00:28:00] all things, when it comes to pregnancy, and I teach this inside Holy Mama, they will Say there’s this test, there’s this test, there’s this test, there’s this ultrasound. There’s so many things. Like I remember the first time I was pregnant with Bambi, I was like, Whoa, there is so many things.

It can be really overwhelming. What I would say is do your research, you know, join something like Holy Momma, do your research so that you can make the best decision for you and your baby and your family. You don’t have to do everything that they present to you. I definitely did not do everything they have presented to me the first time.

And this time you are in the driver’s seat here. So you need to do the research and know your options. And you know, with everything I would say to my midwife, what are the pros and the cons always tell me the pros and the cons before I say yes to this. So, when it comes to ultrasounds, when it comes to any of the [00:29:00] tests, just know that you have options and it’s not compulsory that you do all of them and you get to decide.

So do your research, okay my friend? Do your research, okay? Wondering about the best supplements for egg quality. I’m actually going to be sharing about this. In the workshop. So come and register for that for free. And I also talk about this inside Holy mama, but I’ll leave that one and come and dive deeper into the science behind it in the free workshop.

Okay. Next question. Did I get an X ray on my foot while I was pregnant? Okay. So I want to talk about this as you guys know, if you follow me on Instagram, I broke my ankle, so I fell down two stairs out the front of my house. Couple of weeks ago now and broke my ankle. I’ve never broken anything in my life and I broke my ankle.

Like Nick and I still look at each other and we’re like, what the actual, that is so funny, like, just talk about universe wanting you to slow down. Hey, so I broke my ankle and. [00:30:00] Obviously, you cannot get x rays while you’re pregnant. So I got an ultrasound on my ankle, which was quite painful because they have to use the little ultrasound device and push on where it’s really sore.

But that was able to tell me that it was broken. So just know, if you do break something, and I really hope that you don’t. You can get an ultrasound instead of an X ray. And I hope that doesn’t happen to anyone listening. I really hope that doesn’t happen to you. Do I take any prenatals? Yes, yes, yes, I do.

And I talk all about this inside Holy Mama and I talk about exactly what I take there. And also I’m going to be sharing some of the things I take in the free workshop, so come along to that. But yes. You want to be taking some prenatals but you also want to be doing the tests to know what your body needs because we’re all so different.

So that is all of the pregnancy questions. Now moving on to birthing, I just want to say that I am so [00:31:00] excited to birth again. I am so excited and I just think it is one of the most magical, sacred, spiritual experiences I And it gets to be that way for you. And the more intentional you are about creating a beautiful space for yourself, wherever that is, wherever you choose to birth, the more intentional you are about setting up and creating a beautiful space for yourself.

with things, with the right people, with the right prep that you have done, the more you are stacking the odds in your favor. And so please be intentional about that, you know, create a beautiful space for you, choose and tune in, ask yourself, ask your baby, where do you want to birth? Where do you feel the most safe to birth?

And then who is in that birthing space, because that is a very, very sacred, special space. And whoever is in that [00:32:00] space, that you have chosen to be in that space, is such a gift and such a privilege, and not something to be taken lightly. So Make sure that you choose the right people to be in that space.

And then you’ve done the prep. You know, you’ve done all the prep that you need to set yourself up for success. To stack the odds in your favor. But I’m so excited to give birth again and to have Bambi there. Oh, so magical. She keeps saying, can I get in the pool? And I’m like, sure, babe, if you want to get in the pool, you can get in the pool, but I’m going to be so in my zone.

I also think for me, this birth is going to be so different. I feel like this one, you know, it was very much Nick and I for Bambi. And I feel like this one, I just feel like I’m going to be more on my own. You know, I feel like I’m going to be in the bedroom just on my own a lot more and just going inward.

And I’m going to be talking about the things I’m going to be doing differently this time around in the free workshop. So come along to that, but [00:33:00] I really feel like. This birth is going to be again in the daytime. I feel like it’s going to be half the time. I think Bambi was around seven hours of labor. I feel like this time is going to be like three hours and they’re going to be here.

And I just feel like it’s going to be more of me on my own. Yes, of course, Nick is going to be there, but I just feel like. You know, him and I very much did it together last time. And I feel like it’s just going to be more of me, you know, going through it and going inward. And I’m really excited to experience that.

And I’ve got such a beautiful team. I’m so excited for it and to see how it’s, you know, different this time. And have Bambi there. Oh, just so, so, so excited. So just a reminder that you get to create the beautiful space and you are in control of that and it is your birthright to do that. So please don’t forget that.

Okay. Now I’ve got a couple of last final questions around business and [00:34:00] motherhood. So one of the biggest questions I got is around maternity leave and how will I manage she launch and. All of my different businesses and what am I going to do this time round? So for those of you that have been following me since my last one, I took a very long, beautiful, juicy maternity leave with Bambi.

I still had the podcast going and I went back to the podcast, but I didn’t launch any new programs or anything like that during that year. And it was so beautiful and so luxurious to have that time and that space to just be with her and Just do the podcast, which I loved doing, but this time I feel like it will be different.

I feel like I will still be doing my SheLaunch calls because I love them so much and they bring me so much joy and my weekly calls with my clients are my favorite thing. So I only do one a week, so I feel like I’m still going to do that. Obviously, [00:35:00] you know, I might take a couple of weeks off and maybe I was thinking I will have one of our coaches because we’ve got a couple of coaches.

I might have one of my coaches just on standby in case, you know, something happens or I can’t make it on, but having someone on standby. But to be honest, those calls are the highlight of my work week. Coaching my girls is the highlight of my work week. So. I can’t imagine wanting to take too much time off that and same with my social media and my weekly emails that I send out.

I just love all of it so much. So chatting with my team at the moment, seeing how we can batch a lot of that stuff. We will batch a lot of the podcast episodes. I’m recording lots at the moment, so I’ve got a whole lot that will come out whilst I take a little bit of time off, but I don’t know, I might take three months off this time.

I’m not sure, but I’ll definitely batch the podcast episodes. I might pre write lots of newsletters. I don’t know. I’m still trying to work it all out with the team, but I will definitely be still doing my she launched calls [00:36:00] because like I said, highlight of my work week, highlight of my work week. Also, I did the 40 day lying in period last time and it was so beautiful.

We literally did not leave the house for 40 days. We had a meal train. It was like being on the most amazing, luxurious retreat. beautiful, organic meals delivered to my door every day. And just Nick Bambi and I hanging out for 40 days in our love bubble. It was the best. And one of the reasons why I really wanted to do it as well was because I knew I was never going to get that time again.

This next time I’m going to have Bambi. So, I mean, in Ayurveda, they say at least, you know, try and do 11 days in bed. If you can, if you’ve got lots of other kids, it might be different, but if you can definitely stay in bed for at least 11 days, get support, set yourself up. But I know for me, if Bambi’s like, mama, let’s go to the beach.

I’ll probably be like, yeah, I want to go to the beach with you too. So I don’t know what it’s going to look like. I’m not sure entirely. [00:37:00] But I’m open, but I will definitely try and do the 40 days as much as I possibly can. But I’m also not going to be too stressed if I don’t. And yeah, I’m just going to go with it.

I want to be there for Bambi as well. I’m already talking about the support that I’m going to have from our beautiful nanny, which I’m just so grateful that I’ve got her. She is going to be there. And my mom, I’ll have her come and stay with us for a little bit as well. So we’ve got some extra support there as well.

And I’ll do a meal train again, but I’m just so excited. I’m so excited. And we will be in our new house. So new house and new baby all in the same month. Very, very exciting. So thank you everyone for submitting these awesome questions. Always happy to help and support. And I want to remind you to register for the free workshop.

All we have to do is go to melissarambosini. com forward slash mama, M A M A. And I’ll link to it in the show notes as well. Check out Holy Mama if you’re interested. [00:38:00] And I cannot wait to share more about this journey with you guys. Send any other questions through Instagram. But I really hope that you got a lot out of this.

And if you did, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review. If you haven’t already, I’d be so, so, so grateful and come and tell me on Instagram what you got from this episode. I’d really love to hear from you. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you, you.

Now, if there is someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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