Marianne Williamson - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

A Course In Miracles With Marianne Williamson






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Do miracles exist? And if they do, are they just reserved for monks on mountaintops? Or are miracles really possible for anyone and everyone? These powerful questions are the starting point for my conversation with today’s incredible podcast guest — author, spiritual mentor and thought leader Marianne Williamson.

Marianne is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. For the last 35 years, she has been one of America’s most well known public voices, having been a popular guest on TV shows such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Bill Maher.

A goddess in the world of spiritual development, Marianne is both prolific and profound. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times Best Sellers (seven!), four of these were number one, and her mega best seller A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality.

This episode is one that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and I’m so excited for you to listen in and soak up this spiritual goodness. If you’re craving the kind of sacred insight that connects you STRAIGHT to your heart-space and helps you see your own truth in sharp relief, you are going to froth over the wisdom in this wide-ranging conversation.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why Marianne doesn’t consider herself a ‘spiritual teacher’ (03:46)
  • How Marianne came across ‘A Course in Miracles’ (05:43)
  • Sneaky signs that you’re off your soul’s path (08:16)
  • Her recent experience where she had to lie for a friend, and how she dealt with the guilt (09:08)
  • How to get back on your path (10:45)
  • Found yourself in a dark place? Do this one thing before anything else (13:19)
  • Why we shouldn’t avoid sadness (15:00)
  • How you can teach your kids about spiritual principles (LOVE her take on this) (18:40)
  • The truth about forgiveness (22:24)
  • Why judgemental thoughts will hold you back from living your best life (26:21)
  • The simple morning hack that will transform your life (35:26)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • MarianneWilliamson.com (website)
  • A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson (Amazon)
  • A Course In Miracles (Amazon)
  • Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke (Amazon)
  • Books by Marianne Williamson (Amazon)
  • Marianne Williamson on Instagram. (Instagram)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Lynda says:

    Hi Melissa, I just listened to this and similar to yourself, I had an a-ha moment when you recognised some people pleasing traits. As a health prac its so easy to buy into an individuals excuses for not showing up for themselves…From listening to Marianne’s response it really gave me amo to step up even more for my patients, otherwise we are cheating them of whats possible for them…Thank you for your vulnerability… 🙂

  2. Kaitlin says:

    Hello Melissa!

    I hope this finds you happy and healthy! I had a vegan kelp noodle bowl and a chai tea for breakfast, btw.

    I’ve known about your work since 2015, but I’ve been a lifelong follower of MW. When I was a little girl, way back in the 80’s, my amazing mother towed me to her lectures. As an adult, I visited her every Monday night at the Saban in LA, which sadly, we lost her to NYC. I really enjoyed your interview with her! You asked questions I wanted to hear. I also loved your graceful and vulnerable response when she got a little “mother-like” with you about practicing spirituality “for just one min a day”. I cringed a little, scared of how you would take that. You revealed in the context of the moment in such an honest and vulnerable way it made me appreciate the work you do more! I like when the subject goes deeper. It makes me relate to you more as a woman and as a fellow lightworker! This episode inspired me to show up more vulnerable to my audience across my platforms, as well as extend my morning routine. Or rather, this helped to give me permission to extend my practice. Excuses be gone!

    Thank you for this valuable episode. I had plenty of my own ah-ha’s and had shared it with my boyfriend and mother!

    Love + Light


  3. Annette Demeny says:

    I absolutely love your show as well as Broad New World! I’ve literally told hundreds of people here in North Carolina about your show and your books! I wanted to take a moment to tell you how I much I appreciate that you DO NOT partake in any politically bashing on your show. It’s so refreshing to learn about health, wealth and relationships, not negative remarks about politics. Thank you for that! You stand above the rest!!!

  4. Carly says:

    Really enjoyed this Melissa. Thankyou. Also felt very refreshing for the depth of truth – I too have often thought that there is no way 1 or even 5 mins would get me in that ‘grounded’ space. Yet, I understand why you want to ‘encourage’ people with limited time to begin. It’s tricky. Yet, as with my own writing/work I’m learning that we can only work/share from where ‘we are’ at (whilst being mindful of other’s situations) and therefore it’s not going to always and entirely resonate with all.

    As a listener – in a very chronic health position – ill admit it often doesn’t for me with many people I admire and follow because our worlds are so very different. Yet, I respect that I’m listenning to ‘you’ and thus I adapt the content from ‘your’ framework. And this is perhaps the work meant for me …. to do this. To take the foundations and build an individual reframe. To take it further when it doesn’t quite fit…

    And I imagine as your own life evolves (perhaps with children) the framework will naturally shift and shale and you’ll petal resonate with a different group more …. So you can never fit all. Only be where you are.

    Your work is beautiful and your intention works for all though. Thankyou. Love carly xx

  5. Bernie says:

    Wow Marianne was really deep and yes I agree to not sugar coat so much. I’ll be listening to this episode again for sure. Thanks Melissa!!

  6. Susanna says:

    I listened to the podcast and there are many wisdom moments; I would like to say about the moment you mentioned a one minute time of reflection.. well although I can see the MW way to react .. I also would add that some of us are here also to show the bliss of light and light has no time… so what deep can mean to one person is not tied up to time! Never discourage any being from trying even for a minute can be their eternity … and although it sometimes feels to us as sugar coating , we know deep inside that it is not, it is beleiving in the other being , it is compassion very deep within ~ one important question to ask ourselves is : did I said that because I wanted to please an audience? or did I say it because I truly beleive that one minute, one can change some one’s life? I beleive in the second… much love

  7. Liz Jackson says:

    Such a great podcast! I loved it. Thank you Melissa, such inspiring work. 🙂 x

  8. Isabel says:

    What an awesome interview! Thank you so much!

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