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This is a powerful one. In this potent episode, we do a deep dive into the 6 actions you can take right now to guarantee you come out of the COVID-19 quarantine with your health, mindset and purpose dialled in. (Just quietly, nobody seems to focus on #3, even though it’s crucial for your mental health, while #6 is the most powerful natural mood-booster on the planet.) Tune in to find out exactly how to implement these 6 actions into your life TODAY, so you can start reaping the rewards as soon as possible.

Monday Motivation is a weekly dose of epic inspiration, delivered directly to you! These “mini episodes” are designed to clear out any mental clutter, shift you into clarity and uplift your spirit, so you can dive into your week bursting with love, focus and excitement.

Happy Monday!

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  1. Catherine Ferguson says:

    Great episode Melissa! Am really going to focus on dialling in my sleep this week as been finding it harder to fall asleep in the evenings during quarantine – I think it’s from spending SO much time on my lap top either working from home or the endless Zoom calls with friends in the evenings so it’s gotta be the blue light exposure! I’ve just ordered my first pair of BLUblox glasses (using your discount code – thank you!) so hopefully they will make a difference! xx

    • Hey Catherine, that would be affecting your sleep for sure so make sure you use your glasses and also put Flux on your computer whilst you work. Let me know how you go after a week of wearing them. xx

      • Catherine Ferguson says:

        Hi Melissa! The glasses have made a HUGE difference – my body is able to naturally wind down now at night – I fall asleep an hour earlier than I used to and within 10 minutes every time. Such a game changer. Thank you! xx

      • WOW! I’m so happy for you honey. Keep wearing them. xx

  2. Caddie Palmer says:

    Hi Beautiful,
    Recently, a close friend of mind gifted me one of your books when I was in a deep and dire need to straighten out my life, self-love muscle and choosing love over fear. I have a new found confidence, one that I had lost all memory of. Your book inspired me to water my grass, I loved your analogy of a descending aeroplane, we must attend to ourselves, before we can attend to others. A HUGE THANK YOU from me. After reading your books, I am inspired to listen to your podcasts. I will open the door to your meditations after listening to this podcast, a vital step to stay in tune with ourselves throughout isolation. Thank you again, Caddie X
    P.s. Would love an attachment to your side hustle recommendations

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