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This is a super powerful episode. We’re exploring how the words you use — if you’re not being intentional — might be holding you back from achieving your goals and making progress towards your dreams. If you feel like you’re stuck and can’t seem to make headway no matter how hard you push, this is a must-listen episode.

Monday Motivation is a weekly dose of epic inspiration, delivered directly to you! These “mini episodes” are designed to clear out any mental clutter, shift you into clarity and uplift your spirit, so you can dive into your week bursting with love, focus and excitement.

Happy Monday!

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  1. Julie Richards says:

    Really thought provoking. How many times do I hear or say those? Am I leading by example and showing my children how to be their best version? I love the idea of family soul work. I’ll be pinning this up and inspiring my household to be mindful of these statements. I especially love number 7. What a game changer! Today I am grateful for being reminded that the universe does have ears. Thank you Melissa!

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