melissa ambrosini, mastering your mean girl

My Book Unveiled: Mastering Your Mean Girl






“You can’t write a book. Who do you think you are, Stephen King or something? Don’t you remember? Mrs Bowman from Year Two called you stupid. Just spare yourself the pain and heartache — no one is going to read it, let alone buy it; no one cares what you have to say. It’s going to be a flop. Stop now before you humiliate yourself.”

Meet my Mean Girl.

As I sat down to write my book, Mastering Your Mean Girl, with a blank white page staring me in the face, she reared her head with lightning speed, planting seeds of doubt and fear in my mind. In the past, it would have been enough to stop me in my tracks. To send me sprinting back quick smart to my comfort zone with a soothing chocolate bar and a glass of wine in hand. But because I now know the truth about her sneaky little games, I was able to take a different approach. Instead, I gently closed the door on her and returned to my truth — getting the words and my story down on paper so I could share them with you.

You’ve heard me talk about your ‘Mean Girl’ before — it’s that fear-based voice inside your head that whispers you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, fast enough, whatever enough. No matter who you are and where you come from, we all have one. And for years I let her run the show, but after a very spectacular encounter with rock bottom, I learned how to master her and become wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. And now I want to help you do the same by sharing exactly how I did it.

Enter my epic book Mastering Your Mean Girl which I am literally bursting at the seams to tell you about. I have poured my heart and soul into this baby, and experienced many vulnerability hangovers in the process. But I am so proud to give you a sneak peek into my story and my book today.

It has been a dream of mine to become a published author and I am so excited to FINALLY share this with you (my beautiful tribe) today. Pinch me! It’s so surreal when you have been working on something for years and you get to finally birth it into the world. And being a type A personality it’s easy to skim over it and swiftly move on to the next project, but today I am going to take a few moments to sit and be still. I am going to acknowledge myself for achieving this massive goal I wanted to achieve.

I wrote this book for you, my darling, so you too can live your wildest dreams. I believe women everywhere need to read this book and learn how to master their Mean Girl. I set out to write the kind of book that I wish someone had given me — it would’ve saved me a lot of tears and heartache! But if I’m being honest, I wouldn’t change a thing about my journey — it’s given me the greatest lessons of my life, and allowed me to live my passion and purpose every single day.

My mission on this earth is to inspire and support women, and this was my utmost intention I had whilst writing every word. My wish is for all women to realize how truly magnificent they really are, to own their worth, to step up and to live the life their soul desires… and Mastering Your Mean Girl will help you do exactly that.

Mastering your Mean Girl will rock your world and radically change your life!

So without giving too much more away, I am super proud to let you know that from October 1st 2015 until December 14th 2015 you can pre-order Mastering Your Mean Girl. YAY! (Insert happy dance!) And if you pre-order between those dates, you’ll get my brand new 10-part Mastering Your Mean Girl Meditation Series for FREE valued at $67. These 10 powerful guided meditations are designed to help support and guide you to really live a life you love. (And let me tell you, these meditations are truly next level, with new game changing subliminal audio technology developed with my Indian consciousness engineer to really help you go deep and create lasting change so you can lovingly master your Mean Girl.)

There are two different editions of the book coming out, depending on where you’re located. Why? Because why not have two different editions! For all you folk Down Under, Mastering Your Mean Girl will be available in bookstores and online in Australia and New Zealand from December 14th 2015. This edition (published by HarperCollins) is jam packed with beautiful images, Soul Shares, worksheets plus so much more. I am so proud to birth this baby into the world and can’t wait to get it into your hot little hands.

The second edition (published by Penguin Random House in New York) will be coming out in March 2016 and it will be available in the US and across the globe. YAY! This edition is more of a novel style book, perfect for those peeps who prefer something more compact.

Get Mastering Your Mean Girl here today, and make sure to send us your receipt here to receive your FREE Mastering Your Mean Girl Meditations.

So tell me beautiful, what do you think of the cover? (I have to admit, I did my best Beyoncé booty-popping happy dance when I saw it!) I can’t wait to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

As always, thank you so much for being here. I am honoured! I wrote this book for you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I thoroughly enjoyed writing it for you. Here’s to mastering our Mean Girls together…

All my love and more.

P.S. Do you know someone who needs to master their inner Mean Girl? Forward this article to them. Or even better, buy them a copy to help kick start their epic life  — they will love you for it!

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  1. Suzzi says:

    EKK…..So excited. Congratulations and pre-ordered birthday number one purchased – Just need to tell the boy I’m sorted for my birthday thank you :P.

    Thank you for creating and releasing this beautiful gift to the many hands, eyes and minds that need your message and even more so “I wish someone had given me — it would’ve saved me a lot of tears and heartache!” AMEN. I hope every young lady reads your beautiful book. Again honey congratulations so excited for you. BRING on December 14th 🙂

  2. Catherine says:

    Oh Melissa! This is SO wonderful! I am so proud of you for making this happen! 🙂 Woot wooot! You go girl! I can’t wait to get my order in! 🙂
    Just a quick question … if I am from Canada, can I still pre-order and get my copy sent by mail before Christmas? Thanks for the clarification! xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Catherine,

      The best thing to do is ask Booktopia what their cut off dates are for Christmas as every retailer is different. So maybe shoot them an email and ask so you don’t miss out 😉


      • Madeline says:

        Hey Melissa! I’m so excited for your book a huge congratulations to you!! Your programs have jump started my life! For those of us in the US is there a way to preorder yet? I tried online & it’s only in AU so far. Xox Madeline

      • Melissa says:

        Hey Madeline,

        You can pre-order on Dymocks which post to the US 😉


      • Barbara says:

        Hi Melissa,

        Is there a way to pre-order the Australian edition and have it ship to the US? I would much prefer the edition with all the worksheets and images, etc.

      • Melissa says:

        Yes darling you can get it from Dymocks 😉

        Just make sure they ship to the US.


  3. Emma says:

    I am so excited! Congratulations! I just bought my copy here in the UK! xxx

  4. Lisa Bryan says:

    The cover is simply gorgeous! Well done and you should feel over-the-moon proud of such a huge accomplishment! Can’t wait to read it in the US. 🙂 x

  5. Jennifer Chavez says:

    Wow! I’ve always wanted to do the same-and even just talked about it with my man two days ago! I’m so happy for you! Good for you for making it happen. I can’t wait to read it. I seem to just keep a hawk’s eye on my email inbox and Pinterest for any new little tidbit from you-I think I’m addicted. 🙂 Your cover is stunning too! I love the bright, lush colors. It’s a step away from what you normally look like-but different is good! You look sexy and vibrant….and HAPPY! From one girl to another: I’m PROUD of you!

  6. Kerrie says:

    YAY!!! so excited for you beautiful girl!! all of your dreams and aspirations are coming true!! I can’t wait to let my eyes pour over the pages of this book! Congratulations! xxx

  7. Melissa!! It looks amazing I can’t wait to dive in and soak it all up. ✨

  8. Naomi Arnold says:

    Ooohhhh, squeals, congratulations Mel, you world changer you!!! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. x

  9. Jeanette says:

    SO EXCITED AND PROUD!!! I cant wait to read it!! Love the cover, you look amazing X

  10. I am SOOOOO excited and happy for you, gorgeous Mel! Huge congratulations on a dream come true! Ordered (for me and my clients!!) XOXO

  11. Kate Bowern says:

    I am doing a full blown happy dance too, it’s MAGNIFICENT Melissa. The cover is bursting with your energy and love and that’s what makes it catch the eye. Your hair looks stunning and your smile is magical. Love the back too- it’s a perfect cover. I am so truly excited beyond words for you and can’t wait to start reading it. I can’t wait until my daughter is older, to pass this piece of gold onto her to read as well. So much love xoxo

  12. Sarah says:

    Wow! Well done!! A lot of hard work… The cover looks AHmazing!! You are one beautiful lady.
    I need a copy!

  13. So excited for you, sweets. The cover is divine. All the <3 !!

  14. Kellie Robins says:

    What a gorgeous cover! ❤️ I recently had the pleasure of meeting you in Noosa at my work when you came in. Such a beautiful girl.
    So happy that you are bringing out this book. I’ll also pass it onto my teenage daughter to read. Thank you xx

    • Melissa says:

      SOOOO lovely to meet you Kellie and I can’t wait for you and our daughter to read my book. You are both going to LOVE it.


  15. Sarah says:

    Looks like booktopia only ships to Aus. Looks like Amazon I can preorder for next March. Does your bonus offer apply to Amazon pre orders as well? Thank you! It sounds amazing!

  16. Congratulations, Melissa! I am so excited for you! I have a question though–I live in the US but I want a copy of both versions. Can I still order the Aussie/NZ version and have it shipped to the US? Do I do it through the same website? Thanks and I can’t wait to read it!

    • Melissa says:

      You sure can honey, got for it!

      You are going to love both copies they are stunning.


    • Charlotte says:

      Hi Alex

      I just have a question,

      i am outside Australia and would love have the Australian verison of the book as you. I actually didn’t manage to order through booktopia as they deliver just in AUS and NZ.

      Did you find a way to order it?

      Thank you


    • Barbara says:

      Hi There 🙂

      Quick question. When I go to the Dymocks website it says the version of the book is from Penguin USA and out in March 2016. I really want the AUS version. Is this the same book? I don’t want to pre-order and get the novel as I would like the worksheets and images.


      • The MA Team says:

        Hey beautiful,

        There are two versions on the Dymocks site. One is US and one is Aus. Here is the link to the Australian version which you can order and ship overseas x

  17. Kirstin says:

    Such a gorgeous cover!! So excited for you Mel 🙂 And I can’t wait to read it of course. It must feel amazing to finally have all the pieces come together and be so close to putting it in the hands of your tribe.


  18. Ashleigh says:

    Congratulations Melissa! Gorgeous cover 🙂 I’m so excited for my copy to arrive xx

  19. Anita McKenzie says:

    The cover of your book is so eye-catching and you look absolutely divine Mel! So proud of you for achieving your author-dream and writing your book to help others. If it’s anything like your ” Get Your Glow On” Course, it’s an AMAZING book. Can’t wait to hold it in my hot little hands!
    Mel, take heaps of time to dance, rejoice, fist-pump the air and jump with joy! You are such a gorgeous gal and deserve to be SO proud.

  20. Erin says:

    Love love LOVE and SO excited to get my suprise delivery in the mail. Keep kicking goals Melissa you are such an inspiration xo

  21. Leila says:

    The cover is just beautiful!! I’ve just pre-ordered my copy and I can’t wait to read it and no doubt share with my amazing clients 🙂 Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS! xx

  22. Sarah Thornborough says:

    Congrats Mel!!! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to read this little beauty! Can’t wait to share it with my sis and other loved ones too! Whoop!
    Keep shining that beautiful light of yours. Such an inspiration.

  23. Rhiannon Priestly says:

    AH-MAZING!! I literally am going to by a copy for all of the close goddesses in my life, my Mum, Sister and Besties- everyone needs to hear your message! Christmas pressies sorted 😉

  24. Congratulations on putting this beautiful work and book out into the world Mel, it sounds – and looks absolutely gorgeous!

    Well done on continuing to master your mean girl – and for leading the way for so many others!

    Amazing work lovely lady x .

  25. Lia Halsall says:

    I’m loving the vibe on the cover and the back Mel. You’ve been captured beautifully and positively oooze health wealth & love. I can’t wait to get my hot little hands on it so I can and read it from start to finish.

    Congrats on being true to yourself. Now give yourself a huge pat on the back for achieving yet another one of your dream goals.

    I’m proud of you!

    Lia xxx

  26. Louise Holz says:

    Woah – my heart is racing reading about this Melissa! I can only imagine how you would be feeling – congratulations Hun, ‘birthed’ is a fantastic word. Dec 14th is my birthday so can’t wait to receive my parcel in the post (and thanks for the generous medi’s too – can wait till they are available!) PS Christmas pressies also sorted for some of my special peeps too! Love Louise xx

    • Melissa says:

      What a beautiful birthday present for yourself Louise and Chrissy present for your loved ones. They are going to LOVE it honey.

      I can’t wait for you to read it and hear your thoughts.


  27. Heartfelt congratulations Mel on the release of your book — it’s stunning and I can’t wait to read it. (Have just placed my pre-order). You’re a constant source of inspiration for me. Thank you for sharing so generously of yourself. cheers, bianka (one of your B-Schoolers from 2014 and a super-fan)

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words Bianka. I LOVE having you part of this epic tribe. You’re amazing!

  28. Amy says:

    Yay! I turn 21 in November, so will definitely be putting any of my birthday money towards this book. A massive congratulations to you beautiful 🙂 x

  29. Mia says:

    So excited to read your book Melissa! Will it be available in the U.S.? XOXO

    • Melissa says:

      HELL YEAH honey. It will be in bookstores from March 2016 and online from December 14th 2015.

      I can’t wait for you to read it.


  30. Talitha says:

    Hi Melissa, super excited to read your book 🙂 I am Aussie but live overseas and would like the Aussie version. Is that possible when paying from overseas? Or should I get a gf to send it to me? Wishing you every success from Sweden! 🙂

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Talitha,

      Just check with the online retailer you decide to purchase my book from as they are all different.

      I can’t wait for you to read it 😉

  31. Kelly Hensley says:

    Omg i checked my email and almost wet myself!!!!!!!! Im out west with almost no service but grabbed my dads phone to write 🙂 I LOVE the cover and can’t wait for this to come out. SO freaking proud of you!

  32. Pippa says:

    Yay!!!! What a way to start a new month and a gorgeous gift for you to share with all of your tribe 🙂 I can see so many super excited and happy people who cannot wait to get their hands on some more of your beautiful words and inspiration. Thank you for putting so much love into this and everything you do, you have helped me believe in myself and to live my life with more love, compassion and gentleness for myself, as I give to those around me. I am sure this will be a game changer for so many girls, women and even boys and men around the world! Everyone can learn and grow and become happier from your words, which is the best gift ever.
    Sending you loads of love and hugs beautiful xoxo

  33. Shalee says:

    Well done Mel! I cannot wait to read it 🙂

  34. Charlotte says:

    Hi Melissa

    One more time, congratulation for your book. I am so excited about it; we are so lucky to have you.

    I would like to know if the australia version will have all the content that the other version will have?

    I want order the Australia version but I am more than ready to order both version if there is not everything in the Australia version.

    (I just gonna hope that the book shop deliver everywhere ;D )

    I just c’ant wait to have this wonderful book.

    Send you much love


  35. Deborah says:

    Hi Melissa, Congratulations on achieving this goal. The front cover looks amazing and I know from being part of the goddess group that you run that this will be a great read. Please can you let me know if it is possible to order the book in the UK and still receive the meditations? I have both of your previous series of meditations and really value them. With love, Deborah

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Deborah,

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      Yes if you pre order before December 14th 2015 you can get my meditations 😉

      I am so excited for you to read my book.


  36. Madeleine says:

    Soo excited!! I have been waiting for this!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your love and knowledge with the world 🙂

  37. Talia Chai says:

    Congrats on a beautiful book with a powerful message that yes, all women need to hear. I just love the photos, you look stunning!!

  38. Erika says:

    Melissa! This is incredible and you look absolutely gorgeous! I’m so inspired by your writings on the blog and can’t wait to get my hands on this book:) I know each and every word is going to be infused with love and am so excited to soak it all up!

    Thank you for always being you and sharing it with the world.


    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much beautiful Erika, I know you will LOVE this book and I can’t wait to get it in your hands.


  39. Charlotte says:

    Does anyone outside Australia order the Australia version?

    I just wish so much the Aus version but the delivery is even more expensive than the book (45$ which is a litle bit crazy).

    If anyone order, coudl you tell me please if you have the same amount?

    Thanks girls


    • The MA Team says:

      Hey beautiful, you could try the Kindle edition of the Australian version? That way you won’t have to pay for shipping and will still get to see all the beautiful pictures and workbooks. You can purchase it here. Hope that helps xx

      • Charlotte says:

        Thank you so so much!!

        For sure I will do that and by the way by the worldwilde version in paper with the australia version in kindle.

        Do we stil get the meditation gift even if we take the kindle version?

      • Melissa says:

        Yes darling as long as you purchase before December 14th 2015 you get my meditations.

  40. […] the effervescent personal development teacher will know better than most that life has its shit-bombs, but she just refuses to degrade herself to […]

  41. […] Melissa’s book, Mastering Your Mean Girl is the ideal gift for the stone-girls in your life. In store December 15th or pre-order to receive 10 game changing free meditations. […]

  42. Gillian says:

    I have just pre-ordered my copy of the book. Can’t wait till March as I live in Scotland and shipping from Oz is just to expensive. However I have tried to upload my receipt to receive my meditations. I cannot find the page to do this. I have noticed from the post above that this had to be done by 14 December, but the advert advised to buy by 15 December, which right now for me is. Can you clarify??

    • The MA Team says:

      Hey Gillian, I have added you to the list for the meditations which you will receive over the next couple of days. Stay tuned for an email 😉 xx

    • Gillian says:

      Hey, Just wondered if the meditation emails have been sent onto everyone as I have not received anything as yet? Thanks

      • Melissa says:

        Hi Gillian,

        It sure was. If you login to the members area you should see it in there.

        Let me know how you go.


  43. […] sure of.  My gorgeous friend Melissa Ambrosini has freshly launched her new and debut book – Mastering your Mean Girl.  I’m here to tell you, THIS is one read that will leave you feeling inspired, shaken up and […]

  44. Stephanie Montgomery says:

    Hello 🙂

    I just finished the book on audible (this book is incredible!) and I am wondering where I can get worksheets. I’m not seeing them anywhere on the website. Any help would be appreciated. I took a lot of notes as I listened, but I would really like the worksheets.



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