
The Jumpstart Guide to Feeling Sexy, Vital and Healthy with Pete Evans






Join Pete Evans and I as we discuss the keys to awesome health and a life full of happiness as well as the common mistakes people make with their health (and how you can avoid them).

I’m so excited to share this with you!

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  1. Penny Younger says:

    I’d like to know your thoughts on cacao powder vs carob powder… Which ones do you guys personally use, and why?

    I’d also like to know why legumes aren’t included in the paleo lifestyle. I understand the detrimental effects that grains, gluten and sugar have on our bodies, but don’t quit understand what effect legumes have?

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Penny, great questions 🙂 Cacao vs carob really depends on where you are at personally. If you are kicking sugar then maybe steer clear of carob due to it’s natural sugar content… but… with a caveat that cacao is quite a medicinal food and should only be eaten in moderation! It’s powerful stuff and can over stimulate your nervous system. Like grains, legumes and pulses are also high in anti-nutrients and is a post agricultural food. You can reduce the anti-nutrients by properly soaking and even sprouting them, but even then they can be hard to digest. If you following strict paleo then these are out, but always listen to your body and see how you feel. For me personally they just don’t go down well, which is quite common since most peoples digestion is far from optimal. If there is any doubt or debate, I just remove the offending foods xxx

  2. Jess says:

    Hey Melissa, you’re looking absolutely stunning lately (as always but there’s just been an extra spark recently) have you changed something recently with your diet? Can you share with us your diet ‘do’s and dont’s’ as a general rulE besides the obvious organic part. I wanna glow like you!! Xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Jess,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I share everything about my food philosophy in Get Your Glow On and The Glow Kitchen. Have you checked those out yet?

  3. Kate Bowern says:

    Beautiful webinar Melissa, I loved that 🙂 Lots to think about now. Thank you xo

  4. Aneta says:

    Hello Melissa,

    I missed online hangout with celebrity chef and paleo guru Pete Evans. Will it be able to have look in an archive anywhere?

    thank you

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