
15 Things You Can Do Everyday For Your Health






I am a self-confessed health and wellness junkie. I LOVE taking care of my health because I LOVE feeling good. And also because I know what it’s like to not have your health…

When I hit rock bottom in 2010 and found myself lying in a hospital bed feeling more helpless than I’d ever felt before, I made a promise to myself: that I would never trash my body again.

And I kept my word.

From that exact moment I have been on a journey to care for my temple; to nourish this sacred vessel like my life depends on it… because it does!

Since that time, I’ve become so deeply committed to my health, to myself and to studying and learning from the best doctors and scientists in the world. Then I take what I learn, apply it to my own life, then share it with you… which brings us to this epic list I’ve compiled for you below!

Listed out here are the 15 things I do every single day for my health that really move the needle.

Even though some of them might seem like super small habits, they yield BIG results. Also (very importantly), these habits are all easy, doable things I’m doing for my health right now — even with a toddler climbing all over me at all hours of the day! Truly, they’ve resulted in radical improvements to both my mental and physical health. So if you feel called, try putting them into practice *right now* in your own life, so you can experience their remarkable impact for yourself.

Let’s dive in…

1. Practice gratitude every day

Gratitude is such a powerful, positive energy to sit in. And not only does it feel really good, the Universe recognises it and responds to it. So when you express what you are grateful for it will give you more things TO BE grateful for.

How to practice gratitude on a daily basis:

  • Start small.
  • Focus on the things in your life that you’re thankful for; that bring you joy, love, ease, simplicity, or grace.
  • Block out a time or times in your day where you are going to write down 3 things you are grateful for, (FYI writing it down is more powerful than saying it aloud).

I know that you’ve probably heard about the power of practicing gratitude before, but are you actually *doing* it? I promise it’s worth the effort. For me, when my health was at its lowest and my headspace was really suffering, gratitude was one of the things that finally helped me shift out of that dark place. So please, do yourself a favor and give this a proper go — it’s easy, free, and it can make a massive difference to your health.

Start today, what are 3 things you are grateful for? Share below.

2. Get outside in the morning and get the sun on your face

Exposing your eyes to 10-30 minutes of sunshine within the first hour of waking helps to regulate your circadian rhythm and tell your body to wake up. This practice is also hugely powerful for regulating your nightly sleep patterns too.

(If you’re someone who struggles to feel sleepy at bedtime, try this tip for a few days in a row, and your mind will be blown!)

Two pointers: Don’t wear sunglasses or contacts for the full effect; and never stare directly at the sun.

3. Scrape your tongue

This is an ancient ayurvedic detox ritual that will remove bacteria that has collected on your tongue overnight. It’s hugely beneficial for both your oral and overall health, and can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other conditions affecting the mouth.

But you know what? Even without all those incredible benefits, I’d still do this habit every day — it feels so good to have a squeaky clean tongue and gorgeous fresh breath!

4. Meditation

You guys know I am a mega fan of meditation for your mental health and happiness. It will reduce stress, calm your nervous system and send you out into your day grounded and feeling peaceful. What’s not awesome about that?!

5. Drink clean filtered water

Your body is 75% water and needs water to thrive. Make sure you are drinking the best quality you can, ideally not out of a plastic jug or bottle. If you are looking for an epic water filter check out Hydrogen Health and use the code Melissa for 20% off.

6. Journal

Journalling is a powerful form of self therapy. Even if you do just 3 minutes you will feel the benefits.

I love journaling so much, I even created a guided journal especially for mamas! The Wholy Mama Journal. You can find it here — it’s such a gorgeous gift to give yourself and all the mamas and mamas to be in your life.

7. Move your body

Move your body in some way every day, period! It’s so good for your body, mind and soul. It doesn’t matter whether it’s running, lifting, stretching, swimming, or even just walking around the block with your pup or your kiddo. Look for opportunities to move whenever you can — your body (and mind) will thank you for it!

8. Dance

Dancing is a type of movement that’s so rewarding and healthful, it deserves its own entry on the list!

Dancing releases endorphins — the feel good hormones — in your body. If you’re learning or creating your own routine, it also powerfully stimulates your brain, as well as doing so much good for your body. (Did you know that research shows that dancing can help combat the effects of aging by stimulating the region in your brain known as the hippocampus? As if I needed any more reasons to bust a groove!)

Commit to one song first thing in the morning and watch your mood shift and your day kick off to an awesome start. This is my fave playlist to bust a move to.

9. Get outside into nature

Mother Nature is powerful medicine! I never, EVER fail to feel better when I spend time soaking up her wonder.

Do your best to spend time in nature every day — whether it’s the ocean, the bush, the local park, your backyard, or even just gazing at a tree on the sidewalk.

And for the love of Gaia, don’t look at your phone during your nature time!

10. Waterpik

Have you tried a water flosser? Nick got me using one soon after we met, and I have to tell you: I’m now a total convert.

Put simply, a water flosser shoots jets of water between your teeth and along your gum line to clean away debris and plaque. Your mouth will *never* feel as clean as when you use one of these bad boys.

Also, oral health is SUCH an important factor in overall health and longevity — anything you can do to take extra care of your pearly whites is a plus, which is why I use my Waterpik every day! (I like this one.)

11. Massage

There’s something so luscious and nourishing about giving yourself a massage. I love to use an oil like organic coconut oil, and maybe a few drops of good quality essential oil (frankincense and geranium are two favorites). Then I lovingly massage my legs, arms, abdomen, often right before jumping into a bath.

Another option here is dry body brushing, which I also love. And or you can do this before your massage.

12. Listen to jazz music all day

Nothing shifts your mood faster than some perfectly calibrated tunes! At the moment, for me, it’s jazz all the way. I feel calmer, more grounded, and also more light and playful the *instant* those jazzy beats hit my ears. We have jazz playing most of the day and LOVE it.

13. Foam rolling

I’m a massive fan of foam rolling. I’ve done it for years, but it was only after Bambi was born and my back, neck and shoulders started giving me excruciating pain (from breastfeeding for a million hours per day) that I realized what a huge difference foam rolling made to my muscles and mobility.

14. Plan the day before

At first, this might not sound like a ‘health habit’, but it actually is! By planning my day in advance, I can plan out our meals and make sure we’ve got the produce and ingredients we need to nourish our bodies.

I can also make sure my schedule isn’t over-stuffed, which means my nervous system stays calm and I don’t veer into Stress-City..

15. Go to bed early

Aaaaaah, sleep! The most divine and nourishing of health habits!

Going to bed early is one of my best health hacks — there’s not a single system in your body that doesn’t benefit from getting better quality sleep!

To ensure I get a blissful night of zzzz’s, I turn off the lights, put on my red light and my blue-light blocking glasses on in the evening, I stop looking at screens in the 2 hours before bedtime, and I try to finish my last meal at least 2-3 hours before light’s out.

So there you have it: the 15 health habits I do every day to nourish my mind, body and spirit and boost my physical and mental health.

Now I’d love to know what health habits you swear by? Do you have anything to add to this list?

I’d love it if you could add your tips in the comments below, so that we can create a powerful resource we can all come back to whenever we need some epic health inspo. Share away, beautiful!

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  1. Michelle Kiesman says:

    I’m grateful for my kids, my health, and my friends

  2. Valerie Rivera says:

    I am grateful for my moon every month. This time allows me to slow down and rest more deeply. I am grateful for time alone to do exactly what feels nourishing for me. I am grateful for days full of inspiration like today.

    Something I do every morning is drink a tall glass of RO water with the juice of one lemon, a generous pinch of Celtic sea salt and a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar (only because I don’t really enjoy the taste too much but I know the health benefits are worth it) I also recently started adding gua sha to my skincare routine and I must say I feel it has cleared up my cystic acne. I’ve had relatively clear skin since I started incorporating this practice 5 months ago. Plus it feels nice, especially on mornings after I’ve had a glass or two of wine or poor sleep.

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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