melissa ambrosini, health

13 Reasons To Dry Body Brush Every Day







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Having a morning and evening routine is so powerful. The morning routine sets you up for a kick-ass day and sends you out into the world with an ‘I can take on anything’ attitude. And a night-time routine helps you let go of the day, fall asleep faster, and sleep more deeply.

There are a few things I do every single morning. I meditate for 20 minutes, journal, list what I am grateful for, exercise and dry body brush. I do this every day without fail. When I don’t do it, I feel off.

Since starting my dry body brushing habit, my skin has become smoother, more even and I have even got rid of cellulite.

Here Are 13 Reasons To Start Dry Body Brushing…

  1. It spreads energy through the chakras.
  2. It opens up the pores to release stored toxins.
  3. It softens deposits of hard fat below the skin and prepares them for discharge.
  4. It allows excess fat, mucus, cellulite and toxins to actively discharge to the surface rather than to accumulate around deeper vital organs.
  5. It relieves stress through the meditative action of rubbing the skin.
  6. It calms the mind.
  7. It promotes circulation.
  8. It activates the lymphatic system, especially when scrubbing underarms and groin.
  9. It’s an easy form of massage and deep self-care.
  10. It can be a truly sacred moment in your day, especially if done with candlelight and a drop or two of essential oil, such as lavender.
  11. It creates a profound and loving relationship with the body, especially parts not often shown care, and especially for a person with body image problems.
  12. It reduces muscle tension.
  13. It energises your system in the morning and deeply relaxes you at night.

Dry body brushing can be done before or after you shower. I do it first thing in the morning, before my shower. Do it both morning and night for maximum effect.

You can brush anywhere from 2 – 20 minutes depending how much time you have, obviously the longer the better. You can even turn it into a moving meditation if you like. Light some candles, dim the lights and start giving your body some love.

Important Notes:

  • Do not brush over sunburnt, inflamed or irritated skin.
  • Avoid the breasts and genital area.
  • Wash brush before use to remove dead skin cells.
  • It has a deeper physical, mental and emotional effect if done at the sink and not in the shower.
  • Brush from your feet upward and toward your heart.
  • Brush from the left to the right side of your body.

Give it a go, hot stuff, and prime your skin so it’s silky and smooth!

Do you have a morning routine gorgeous? Share with me what’s included in your ritual. And remember your comment may just inspire someone else with their morning routine. So share away!

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  1. Lisa says:

    Hi Melissa,

    May you please recommend a body brush I should purchase? Which one do you use?

    Thanks so much,


    • Melissa says:

      Hey Lisa,

      I just got mine from my local health food store. It’s similar to this one.

      I can’t wait for you to try it, I love doing it.

      Let me know how you go.


  2. Jocelyne says:

    I just purchased one this weekend. I did it two mornings in a row and I really love it. The brush is not that soft, but it is really calming and a great way to start the morning.

    My morning routine at the moment is dry body brushing and cooking some scrambled eggs. I need an hour in the morning for myself but I really love it.

  3. Katee says:

    Just bought my dry brush! Excited to add this to my self care list!

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