If You Want To Make $1M, You Have To Give Up These 7 Things

If You Want To Make $1M, You Have To Give Up These 7 Things







  1. Embracing THIS can radically speed up your journey to the $1M mark.
  2. How to avoid becoming a bottleneck in your own business.
  3. The single best way to turn your dreams into reality.


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Do you dream of hitting the $1 million milestone in your business? 

Awesome babe. 

But here’s a crucial insight that too many entrepreneurs overlook: getting to the 7-figure mark isn’t just about what you do; it’s also about what you’re willing to give up. 

Here are 7 things that are worth letting go of asap…

1. Perfectionism

When you’re scaling to 7 figures, you can’t be afraid of falling down or looking less than perfect. Doing so stifles your progress and keeps you playing small. There’s simply no room for it.

When you overcome perfectionism — and by extension, accept that roadbumps are part of the growth process — you liberate your true potential. 

Remember, the real world rewards those who act and learn, not those who wait for perfection.

2. The Need to Be Liked by Everyone

Here’s a hard truth: not everyone will like you — and that’s okay. 

When you set massive goals, like making $1M, ruffling some feathers is almost inevitable. 

Instead of aiming to be universally liked, stay strong in your values, be impeccably aligned with your own moral compass, and respect that true leadership inevitably comes with its share of critics.

Whether you choose to pay attention to them or not is entirely up to you.

3. The Desire For Immediate Gratification

Quick wins are great. They get you motivated and give you a huge dose of momentum. I love them.

But if you want to build a business that’s sustainable over the long term, you need to play the long game too. This means being patient and consistent, even when you can’t see the results right away. 

Keep showing up, keep putting in the work, and trust me, it’ll pay off big time. Your future self will be super thankful for the solid foundation you’re building right now.

4. Control Over Every Detail

As your business scales up, your ability to control every little aspect will scale down. 

This means you must learn to delegate and trust others to take charge of different parts of your business. 

Yes, they might do things differently from how you would do it, but that can be good — even great. Learn to embrace it. Diversity in approach can lead to a stronger outcome.

5. Certain Relationships

It’s tough, but true: some relationships will suffer as you pursue your dreams. 

Not everyone will understand or support you, especially those who might feel threatened by your ambition or who prefer a safer, more conservative path. 

You’ll need to be okay with outgrowing certain relationships that no longer serve either of you — even though it can feel like a hard pill to swallow.

(And by the way, if you want friends who are your biggest cheerleaders, then make sure that YOU are embodying that energy for THEM first.) 

6. Short-Term Opportunities — Even Good Ones

7-figure entrepreneurs are great at saying no to things that don’t align with their greater vision. They’re okay with passing up good opportunities to make space for the great ones.

They know that focus is everything, and that one project that truly aligns with their goals can be worth more than ten that are just ‘okay.’

So don’t be afraid to be discerning and hold out for what really fits your dream. Trust your vision — it’ll lead you to extraordinary places.

7. Your Comfort Zone

Finally, the big one: your comfort zone. 

If making $1 million was comfortable, everyone would do it.

Real growth starts where your comfort ends. 

So get ready to stretch yourself, to tackle things that scare you, and to step into the unknown. Train yourself to not just be ‘okay’ with discomfort, but to embrace it — it’s the single best way to turn your dreams into reality.

The Bottom Line

Letting go of these seven things isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. 

They are the price of admission to the life you want to lead and the success you want to achieve.

So, what will you give up today to move closer to that $1 million mark? 

You’ve got this, Beautiful! ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #595: Heal Your Nervous System | Jessica Maguire

Episode #594: The Simple But Genius Techniques to Reclaim 5-10+ Hours Each Week

Episode #593: 6 Science-Backed Habits That Will Transform Your Health | Dr Gemma Newman

Episode #592: Unleash Your Genius: 6 Surprising Ways to Spark Creativity & Brilliant Ideas

Til next time, sending so much love,

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