How to Overcome the Fear of Selling

How to Overcome the Fear of Selling (& Why Your Ideal Clients WANT You To Sell To Them)







  1. The simple mindset shift that will make selling feel more natural — and even enjoyable.
  2. Why authenticity is a secret weapon that leads to more clients and referrals.
  3. Why it’s okay if you’re not great at sales yet — and the best way to build this crucial skill.


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If you’re like most entrepreneurs, the word “selling” might make you cringe. 

Maybe you’re worried about coming across as pushy, or you feel like selling takes away from the heart of what you do.

But here’s the truth: selling isn’t just about making a transaction; it’s about providing the solution your clients desperately need, want and desire. 

So if you avoid selling, you’re not only holding yourself back — you’re doing a disservice to the people who could benefit from your expertise.

Let’s take a look at how to overcome this common fear…

1. Reframe Your Relationship With Selling

The first step in overcoming your fear of selling is changing the way you think about it. 

Instead of viewing sales as something that’s sleazy or uncomfortable, see it like this: selling is serving. 

When you’re selling your packages or products, you’re offering a solution to someone’s problem. That’s a gift, not a burden.

And to NOT offer it to them? That’s doing a disservice to both of you.


Hot tip: Next time you feel resistance around selling, ask yourself: What would happen if I didn’t offer this solution? Think about the people who won’t reach their goals, solve their problems, or fulfill their potential without your help. Suddenly, selling becomes a way to serve them at a higher level.

2. Embrace Authentic Selling

A major reason people feel uncomfortable with selling is because they think they have to use aggressive tactics or “salesy” scripts. 

But here’s the truth: authenticity is your best sales strategy. 

The more genuine you are, the more your potential clients will trust you — and trust is the foundation of any successful sale.

Instead of thinking of selling as a way to “convince” someone, approach it as a conversation. You’re helping someone make an informed decision, whether that decision is to work with you or not.


Hot tip: Lead with empathy. Ask your potential clients about their struggles and goals, then show them how you can help. If they’re not a good fit, be honest about it. This kind of authenticity builds long-term trust, which leads to more clients and referrals down the line.

3. Detach From the Outcome

One of the biggest reasons people fear selling is the fear of rejection. “What if they say no? What if they’re not interested? What if I put myself out there, and it doesn’t work?”

Here’s the reality: Not every conversation will lead to a sale. 

And that’s okay. 

The key is to detach from the outcome and focus on the process instead.

When you approach selling with a mindset of service (instead of desperation for a “yes”), it removes the pressure from both you and your potential client. You can relax, knowing that the right people will say yes when the time is right. 

And when you stop fearing the “no,” you’ll discover that selling not only becomes easier and more enjoyable, but it also leads to far better results than you’ve ever had before.

4. Get Trained in the Skill of Selling

No one is born knowing how to sell. It’s a skill that’s learned, refined, and mastered over time. 

So if you’ve never been officially taught how to sell (and yes, there is both a science and an art to it), or if your closing rate isn’t where it should be, it might be time to seek out experts who can train you.


Hot tip: At SheLaunch, we have some of the top sales experts in the world teaching our sales modules. The proprietary method we teach is called consensual sales. This approach is all about serving your clients — helping them make decisions that are right for them, without feeling like they’re being strong-armed into a purchase. And babe: it *works*. If you want to learn from my handpicked, world-class sales team, click here to learn more.

5. Practice Makes Progress

Selling, like any skill, gets easier the more you do it. 

The first few times you have a sales conversation, it might feel awkward or nerve-wracking. 

But with each one, your confidence and ability will begin to grow — and so will your conversions.


Hot tip: Set a goal to have more sales conversations. The more you put yourself out there, the less intimidating it will feel over time.
The Bottom Line: Selling Is Part of Your Mission

At the end of the day, selling isn’t just a necessary evil — it’s part of fulfilling your mission as a business owner. You have valuable expertise that can change lives, and selling is how you deliver that impact.

So, the next time you feel hesitant about selling, take a deep breath and tune in to your desire to start serving at a higher level.

Remember, it’s not about pushing someone into a corner — it’s about opening the door to transformation for your clients.

And that is a beautiful thing.

You’ve got this, Gorgeous. ✨

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Episode #615: How To Deal With Narcissists & Beating Bullies | Rebecca Zung

Episode #614: Big News! I’m pregnant & Sharing All The Details With You (No Holds Barred!)

Episode #613: Dr. John Gray | This Will Reignite The Spark In Your Relationship

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Til next time, sending so much love,

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