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Ever wondered how to optimize your menstrual cycle for better health and well-being? 

Curious about the biohacks that will keep you feeling youthful and energized from now through to perimenopause and beyond?

Or maybe you’d just like to know how to finally feel like the main character in your life, instead of a mere sidekick?

In this enlightening episode, we’re joined by Aggie Lal, a visionary biohacker, podcaster, author, and digital creator. Despite the thriving health and success she enjoys today, Aggie’s journey into the world of biohacking was born from personal challenges, including a life-altering car accident that left her disabled. Her inspiring story and groundbreaking insights are detailed in her latest book, “Biohack Like a Woman,” which focuses on creating epic health by harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle.

Tune in to learn: the surprising signs of a healthy menstrual cycle and what to look out for when things are off-balance, powerful biohacks to optimize your period and manage symptoms like PMS and cramps, common misconceptions about women’s cycles and the myths that need debunking, why ‘when’ and ‘how’ you eat are just as important as ‘what’ you eat, how to align your exercise routine with your menstrual cycle for maximum benefits, her favorite biohacks for anti-aging and longevity, specific strategies for navigating perimenopause with ease, the importance of cultivating “main character energy” for achieving success and practical strategies for living a ‘vision board life’ and turning your dreams into reality.

So if you’re looking to biohack your way to better health, seeking clarity on women’s health myths, or craving actionable advice to live your best life, then press play now… this episode is for you!

About Aggie Lal

Aggie Lal is a renowned public figure, best-selling author, certified nutrition and health coach, podcast host, TV personality, and TEDx speaker. With more than 1.5 million social media followers and a vast audience across multiple channels, Aggie has become highly influential in the areas of health, biohacking, personal development, entrepreneurship, and travel & lifestyle.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The pivotal moments that inspired her exploration of Biohacking (3:51)
  • The unexpected challenges of being a travel influencer (8:07)
  • Getting started with cycle hacking (and why it’s a fantastic launchpad for other health benefits) (11:52)
  • The surprising signs of a healthy menstrual cycle (17:57)
  • Best-ever biohacks for cramp-free periods (21:20)
  • The hugely common menstrual myths that people are still falling for (29:57)
  • Popular biohacking practices that women should avoid (31:04)
  • The critical importance of *when* you eat (34:36)
  • Powerful biohacks to prevent decline, feel energized, and continue thriving as you age (39:39)
  • Perimenopause hacks that EVERY woman needs to know (46:51)
  • Why women need more main character energy (48:16)
  • Her top 3 tips for living your ‘vision board life’ (49:41)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • InstaTravel: Discover Breathtaking Destinations. Have Amazing Adventures. Capture Stunning Photos by Aggie Lal (book)
  • Higher Self Academy (website)
  • Aggie Lal (blog)
  • Biohack Like a Woman: How to Get Fit Effortlessly, Feel Beautiful, Have More Energy, and Unleash Your Superpowers With Biohacking by Aggie Lal (book)
  • Melissa Ambrosini Collection – Bon Charge (website)
  • How To Be Leaner, Smarter And Boost Your Energy with Dave Asprey (podcast)
  • A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle (book)
  • Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Five-Stage Process to Heal Relationships, Let Go of Anger and Blame, and Find Peace in Any Situation by Colin Tipping (book)
  • Aggie Lal (instagram)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 581 with Aggie Lull, we are talking about biohacking like a woman. We’re talking about cycle syncing. We are diving deep into diet, exercise, aging, perimenopause, self love, achieving success, and so much more. If you are a health nut like I am, you are going to love this episode. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini show.

I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, and Time Magic. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready [00:01:00] beautiful? Hey beautiful and welcome back to the show. I’m so excited about this episode. And for those of you that have never heard of Aggie, she is a renowned public figure, best selling author, certified nutrition and health coach, podcast TV personality and TEDx speaker with more than 1.

5 million social media followers and a vast audience across multiple channels. She has become highly influential in the areas of health, biohacking, personal development, entrepreneurship, and travel and lifestyle. Her journey to success is a testament to her resilience and determination. She was born in post communist Poland, and she faced numerous challenges, including a life altering car accident that left her disabled.

But despite these obstacles, she was determined to forge her own path, rather than be defined by her circumstances. From sailing across the Pacific in 2012 to founding the Travel in Her Shoes blog, That has captivated millions worldwide. She has [00:02:00] built a social media presence that chronicled her discovery for a love for adventure, seizing the moment and encouraging others to live their own very best lives.

Now her first book, Insta Travel, is a worldwide bestseller. that chronicles her extraordinary travels and experiences as a renowned travel personality. Then Biohack Like a Woman is her second book and delves into the world of biohacking from a uniquely female perspective by providing invaluable insights for optimizing health and well being in routines and practices maximized for women’s bodies.

This is so important. Now with her dedication to holistic wellbeing, she is at the forefront of empowering women to optimize their health and thrive in all areas of their lives. Now, for everything that we mentioned in today’s episode, you can check out in the show notes and that’s over at melissarambrosini.

com forward slash 581. Now let’s bring on the incredible Aggie and let’s dive in.[00:03:00] 

Aggie, welcome to the show. I am so excited to have you here. But before we dive in, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning? 

Aggie: Oh my God, I think you just surprised me with that question. It’s been super, super basic. It is exciting and I love going out, but I feel like when I’m home, my meals are like super simple.

I have a piece of salmon, sprouts, avocado, and that’s it. And I have a lot of spirulina, so like when I’m in Bali, I have raw spirulina or I have it in a capsule form. Cause sadly it doesn’t taste very good, but I usually, I’m too lazy to cook like a elaborate meal so it’s just like anything that you can just take out of the fridge and have very quickly is my go to.

Melissa: Yeah, I love it. And you are currently in Bali? Yes. Yes. I live between Bali and Los Angeles. Oh, heaven. Now, I am so excited to chat to you because today you are a visionary biohacker, you’re a podcaster, [00:04:00] you’re an author, a digital creator whose health is absolutely thriving, but it hasn’t always been that way for you.

So can you take us back and walk us through the challenges that saw you to get into biohacking in the first 

Aggie: place? Yeah, I’d love to. So I thought that my health is my priority. We often say that, like, obviously health is the most important, family is the most important, money isn’t really that important because we’re all like feeling like we’re very virtuous.

But when you actually think of the Aggie in 2018, Was I really spending a lot of time educating myself about nutrition independently? No. Was I really prioritizing my sleep? No. Was I really doing a lot of labs to understand what’s going on with my body on a daily basis? Absolutely not. So, there are a lot of things that were happening that wasn’t necessarily bad.

You would never see me eating McDonald’s, eating chips, or having chocolate cake for breakfast. Like, I wasn’t an extreme case of someone who was, you know, [00:05:00] uneducated. It was just like, hasn’t been my priority. And I have to be like really honest about it. And so I was vegan, so I thought I was eating healthy.

And as things Got worse and worse. I realized I’m like, dang, maybe I should spend a little bit more time and read a couple of books on nutrition. Some of them were boring as hell. And some of them were like, Oh, that’s actually interesting and exciting. And is this what’s happening in my body? So imagine if you saw me in 2018.

My face was puffy, my skin was full of acne, I had bald patches on my head that I was like super embarrassed about just covering because as women, we’re so attached to our hair, right, like we obviously it’s like a sign of femininity, and here I had bald patches so it was giving me, I had panic attacks, I would go to a shower in New York and I’d be like, oh my god, I can’t breathe.

And so all of these kind of compounded. No one ever told me that it’s due to my diet and lack of exercise and having oat milk latte for breakfast. So I just basically started educating myself. And then over time I [00:06:00] got to where I am today and it’s still a journey. There’s so many things that I want to learn.

I’m just right at the beginning, but I guess the biggest message for me is like for women to come back to this wisdom. I feel like with biohacking, when you learn something like, Oh, organ meat is important and having whole foods is important. It’s not about whether bread is bad or good, whether pizza is bad or good.

It’s what we have done to it over hundreds of years now, or the last hundred and fifty years that we over processed it to a point that he’s, it has become unhealthy, but nothing is inherently quote unquote bad, it’s just like what we have done and how we distorted that food. And so that has been like my biggest.

aha moment of wow, like, it’s exciting, but at the same time, all of that information, I kind of knew that. It felt really familiar, right? Because it just makes sense, my feminine intuition and for all the, I imagine, do you have mostly women in your audience? Yes, lots of women. And I feel like we’re listening to this and if I told you [00:07:00] like all the principles that like biohacking is about, spend time in the sun and breathe properly and get good sleep and all, just coming back to the basics that your inner wisdom and intuition would be like, fuck yeah, I knew that.

Like, I just know that It feels right. And so it just never made sense to me that starvation diet, counting calorie is the way to go. I was like, doesn’t make sense that we were born to count calories because it’s such a new concept. So I was like, okay, cool. There’s something more important than calories and that’s like nutrients, right?

And we’re always drawn to nutrients and you’re overeating because your body is starving for nutrients. You’re malnourished, right? So you be, you can be obese and malnourished. Which is a funny concept, but it’s true, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So that’s my story. And now I’m like. On a mission to get women more excited about biohacking because I just believe that we’re naturally just amazing biohackers as women.

We just know this shit. You know, I’ve been biohacking from the very beginning. From the moment we get our first period, I’m [00:08:00] like, okay, what do I need to do to feel a little bit better? Right. And so, yeah, we’ve constantly had that biofeedback. Yes, absolutely. So what were you doing before all of this? I was a travel influencer.

So I was traveling the world and visiting What, 80 countries a year and being away from home for 300 days a year and just working with the best hotels and just obviously terrible for my circadian and phradian rhythm when you’re just constantly jetting around the world. And I think my average was two nights at a place at a time.

So it was like really intense schedule and obviously that had a massive impact on my health.

Melissa: Wow. And I’m just thinking about that. The amount of flying, being on an airplane is not a natural thing for [00:09:00] anybody. And the air and what that does to your circadian rhythm, like you said, what that does to your bowels. There’s so many effects of traveling that much. No, it’s no wonder, like, your body was like, This isn’t working for 

Aggie: me anymore.

I’m good. Yeah. And I’ll also compound that with like my spiritual journey when I realized, you know, I was like a very successful travel influencer. And then I just had this, Oh, like, I loved being like known, right? Like I was like, Oh, that’s cool. Like I’ve known and had a million followers and it’s cool.

And then I realized that as I started to fail, like my business started to fail because people like, she’s not traveling anymore. She sucks. I hate her. I was like, Oh, people don’t love you. They love the perception of what, who you think you are. And I think it’s just, that was really like ego crushing, but ego crushing it can possibly have because now I just as I do everything I do it’s like mission driven and when I see people get excited about what they [00:10:00] think is me I’m like it’s not me it’s what you think I represent to you and you’re excited about that because it’s within you but it has nothing to do with me.

I’m a complete what who you think Aggie is just your idea of what you’re striving to become. It’s not really me because I’m just like I realize that it’s it’s it’s a different context but It took me a second to get to that conclusion. So it was a big spiritual journey as it was all happening. 

Melissa: Yes, spiritual and physical, emotional upgrades on all levels.

Yes. True death, true rebirth and true death as it was happening. Oh yes, yep. I’ve had one of those, a big one of those too, where I ended up in hospital. This was in 2010. So a huge spiritual upgrade for me and it was life changing and put me on the path that I’m on now. So I’m grateful for it, but at the time it’s, wow, it is challenging.

But on the other side of the mess is [00:11:00] always the magic. And I think for 

Aggie: anyone listening right now, because we listen to these podcasts too, because we want to feel inspired or feel like I’m just having a good conversation. And we’re all waiting for that, like for that one moment, that one message. I feel like this is the message for you that if you’re going through something difficult right now, it is because there is a part of you that like is down with who you are right now and you’re ready for rebirth and then an upgraded version of you that it didn’t even think was possible.

And so, Looking back, same for you, when you look back at that time, it’s, wow, like, way better what you’re doing right now, but, and, you know, hindsight’s always 20 20, so if you’re going through something difficult, just, I want you to remember that you gotta look back at this time and just be so grateful that it happened.

Melissa: Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes so hard in the moment to remember that, but for me, I like to. Write it on a post it note and stick it on my bathroom mirror to remind myself, like during those challenging times, like this too shall [00:12:00] pass. And that has helped me so much during challenging times. So I love that message.

It’s beautiful. Now, your book, Biohack Like a Woman, I love the title, I think it’s awesome. It’s all about creating epic, amazing health by biohacking your monthly cycle. Like when I saw this, I was like, yes. So why is cycle hacking the starting point for so many different health benefits, including ones that at first glance might seem unrelated?

You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. I 

Aggie: think it’s just like claiming your cycle back is an act of rebellion to the male centric biohacking in medicine that we have been following up very timidly as women. I’m like, okay, well, all of these big bros are doing this and they’re cold plunging every day and they just do X, Y, and Z.

And so I shouldn’t be doing that. I should be fasting as well and cold plunging. I’m like, no, you shouldn’t. And I think. [00:13:00] It’s, it’s this book or this movement of living according to the cycle is like the big, most loving middle finger to all of that movement of, and just women waking up and being like, no, thanks.

I actually am going to honor what feels right to me. And I appreciate that you’re a man. And I just recognize that I bought into this bullshit that I shouldn’t be the same as you. Like, you know, by seeing him being able to fast or push, like, obviously I compare myself to him because. I don’t, I used to because I didn’t know any better, right?

So I was like, Oh, he’s fasting. I’m going to be fasting too. Oh, that’s good for him. I should be doing that. I’m like, no, if you are a woman and you’re 30s planning to have kids, perhaps you should chill and not have the cold plunge and fuss for too long, depending on where you’re going, how busy your life is.

So I think Just in general, I think whether you learn cycle syncing through me or through other experts that are out there, they’re amazing. This is just like a, you will [00:14:00] discover that it doesn’t matter what the science says, you’ll discover that, Oh, I’m cyclical and I have another rhythm. I don’t have to always go, which is the masculine wounded energy.

I can just, before my menstruation, I’m going to slow down because I no longer buy into this narrative that slowing down makes me less productive or that productivity is something I should be proud of. Because we’re not here to be the most productive machine, even though we’re trying to and the most successful, because what is success?

Is it making the most amount of work and the most amount of money, or is it just discovering who you truly are? And that only comes from stillness and from your feminine energy and wearing sun dresses and, you know, now that I’m in Bali, people are like, Oh, good for you, you have like time to go to Bali and live from Bali.

I’m like, honestly, if I want to do big shit, like I need to spend time with myself because I need. The big ideas and the really life changing ideas [00:15:00] come from within, not from outside and doing more things, but from stillness. So how can I learn to be more, listen to my infradium rhythm and infradium rhythms that are 28 day cycle.

So I don’t know what that journey has been for you personally, but I think it’s just claiming your power back pretty much, right? Absolutely. 

Melissa: And I wish we were taught this in schools. I just wish. Like where was this information 20 years ago when I was in school? I got no education on this. Literally, like my mom, bless her, didn’t speak to me about my menstrual cycle.

All of a sudden, one day, there was pads and tampons in our bathroom drawer. And that’s it. There was no conversation. There was nothing. There was no celebration. There was nothing. So I had this very disconnected relationship with my cycle. And it was something that we didn’t speak about. It was something that was like almost shameful and dirty and things like that.

So reclaiming my [00:16:00] cycle has been such a gift. It has been so empowering. I love it. I love, and I’ve actually, I’ve got an app that I track and I’ve been tracking since 2011, cause I can see all my data. You’re using the same app. The same app. And. All my data is in there from 2011. So like I can go back and tell you like what date that period was like 5, 10 years ago, you know what I mean?

So it’s so cool because I can see these trends and these patterns. It’s brought me so much joy to chart and to connect in and to honor myself in this way, to follow that rhythm, that the seasons that we go through in the month and to know, okay, like I’ll be out on a walk, I’ll just start running. And I’m like, oh yeah, let me just check.

Yeah, I’m ovulating. Yeah. I’m just like, okay. Cause I wouldn’t usually just start running. Like [00:17:00] I’m not a runner. Enjoyed so much deepening my knowledge and my connection with myself. And it’s such a gift and I have a daughter and I’m just so glad that. I’m going to be able to pass this wisdom onto her and celebrate her when she gets her cycle.

And I already talk about it with her, already say things because she sees me and I’m wearing period undies in front of her and things like that. So I’m already talking about it, but it’s just such a gift that we can give our daughters and ourselves and our sons too. 

Aggie: Yeah. And it’s such a beautiful, just, it feels like it used to be such a big taboo.

And I always think back of, I don’t know if you had that experience, but If you’re a woman and you had a period and you’re at the restaurant with friends or family and you wanted to change your tampon or change your pad, like you will take it out, either take a handbag with you and if you didn’t want to take your handbag, just like, you step in your sleeve and kind of hide it that you’re going to the bathroom and it’s fine.

I’m like, why is this like, such a [00:18:00] taboo, like, you should be so proud that you’re fertile. I should be like, hey, I’m going to the bath. 

Melissa: Totally. It’s a sign of health that you’ve got a period. It’s a sign of health. So. Speaking of that, I want to know what are the signs of a healthy menstrual cycle? What are some of the signs that things could be out of whack?

And what are some signs of a healthy menstrual cycle? 

Aggie: Amazing. And I think what you just brought up earlier that I immediately thought about, it was just like so good because if you track back, look at the apps of the last 12, 13 years that you’ve been doing it, you probably can see, Oh, my period was delayed or was my PMS was stronger.

What was I eating? I don’t know. And the month prior to that, if it was my period was delayed, was I stressed? Was I traveling? Period is your fifth vital sign, is one of the most amazing biofeedbacks for a woman. If your period is not showing up in the healthiest way possible, then it’s, this is just, you’re not broken.

It’s just, feedback from [00:19:00] your body. Hey, I’m letting you know because this is my way of trying to get your attention that things are like thriving, right? Which is okay. And so what does it help? What does it even mean to have a healthy cycle, right? We have normalized all of these things like PMS and women eating a tub of ice cream and having painful periods and having intense mood swings.

and feeling like we want to kill ourselves and everyone around us and painful periods or intense periods that like, only until I started diving into science and started like claiming my cycle back, I’m like, wow, that’s actually a sign of this hormonal dysregulation. Right? So like, When you think about it, like nature didn’t create you to suffer every month.

It didn’t, right? And so like, if your periods are painful, that can be, or irregular, could be PCOS, could be endometriosis, like there are so many things that are happening and your period is just letting you know that it’s worth checking it out. [00:20:00] And I think for me personally, it’s been. Such a great teacher.

Cause like you said, as you learn, you realize that, yeah, my personality changes, because if you actually look at the graph of what’s going on in your body, that will have an impact, but it’s being more introverted and being more connected to your emotions is very different than I want to kill my husband.

I’m super emotional. I’m going to cry every two seconds. Right. It’s like a big lie. Right. And so I noticed that when I. Eat processed foods when I travel, like when I have a lot of inflammation in my body, whatever, I go through my period very differently and everything feels overwhelming and I just need to eat everything versus when my period is regulated and I’m like, Oh, cool.

Like I definitely feel the need to slow down. I always like to alternate my diet where the last 12 days before my period, I had down on fats, cut down. I still eat a lot of fats, but I basically keep the same amount of protein in my diet, but instead. I [00:21:00] switch carbs with fat, right? So imagine protein takes about 40 percent of my diet and then the remaining 40 and 20 just alternate.

So at the beginning of my cycle, I go higher fat because my body can handle it and I just love the benefits of keto and what it does to insulin and glucose, and I just think it’s great for skin, great for hormones. And then towards the second part of my cycle, I have just more nature carbs, like. sweet potato and rice, like white rice and whatnot.

So yeah. I love it. 

Melissa: Awesome. Now, how can we impactfully biohack to optimize our period? Because it’s interesting. Like I had a friend who was an acupuncturist. She was a doctor of Chinese medicine. And about 10 years ago, she said to me, Melissa, painful periods and cramps, like that’s not normal. And I was like, Oh yeah, it is.

Everyone gets it. I was like, yeah, no, no. It’s you just have a painkiller. It’s all good. And she was like, that’s [00:22:00] not normal, sweetie. And I was like, Oh. It’s actually not. And then when I started getting healthy and then I would have periods and they would just come and go and I would barely notice them, I was like, Oh, this is what she was talking about.

It is possible. It is absolutely possible. So, what can we do, what biohacks can we do to optimize our period 

Aggie: itself? Oh, so I, I mentioned the diet already. When it comes to, you can adjust your fasting if you choose to be fasting. I know we have four phases, but just to keep it super, super simple technically, let’s just split it into two.

The first two weeks of anterior ovulation, it’s the time for you to push yourself. You can do good with fasting, some sort of calorie restriction. You can do incredibly with exercise and you’re going to, you can push yourself at the gym, [00:23:00] you can go much heavier. This is time for you to go for your personal best, especially towards the very end of that.

And after ovulation, this is the time for you to like replenish, right? So this is time to slow down and go for longer walks instead of licking something super heavy. Have like more nurturing, so it’s not fast. I’m a big fan of avoiding red light, artificial light for women. This is the reason why a lot of women are not synced to the moon or they don’t have regular periods.

Because when you think about it, I talked about traveling, obvious, when you get a jet lag, it’s, you don’t have to explain to people, anyone who has traveled from Asia to Europe or to the U. S., like, we all experience jet lag. We’re like, why is it, right? And what do you do when you want to fight jet lag? You spend time outside because your body adjusts with natural light.

But then we somehow forget when we live in, in our everyday life that the same principle applies to you. If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do, [00:24:00] you look at your phone that already phone is super bright. Your body’s, Oh, it’s the middle of the day. I need to spike the cortisol must be midday.

Then we have a crash. Then we obviously sitting on watching TV and we’re on our phones. till the very last minute, this close from our face. And so we’re really, the straps are a circadian rhythm, which is connected in a phradium rhythm. So like when I have a hormone course for women and it’s like biohacking and I’m like, all right, now we’re going to get witchy and no light from above.

Like I was posting a story the other day, with my audience. And like, my mom was like, I need to like the light, top light. And I’m like, I wear a hat in the evening. So the light above just confuses your body that it’s midday. Cause the only time you get the light from above is when it’s the middle of the day.

Right? So you don’t ever want to have lights from above your head. You always want to have like side lights, which is really important. That they’re all dimmed. They’re all like yellow. You can wear biohacking glasses that are like blue light blocking glasses. [00:25:00] I take that so seriously. Yeah. And I just love it because back in the day, the only lights that you would be exposed to in the evening is moonlight.

That’s why we were so synced to the moon, right? So if it was full moon, then it was like, you would see your lover. So it would be ovulating, right? And full moon, and it was dark and it was, sorry, a full moon. And then new moon is when you would have your period, right? So it’s, you go within and it’s dark and all the women were synced to the moon.

And now it’s not the case because we’re just, It’s right, it’s like, you look into that room. Or we might be so good about, like, following the light, and what do we do? Take off our makeup in the bathroom, which is usually the brightest, ugliest light in the house. 

Melissa: Right? Absolutely, babe. And think about it. So we would just have the moon and then a fire.

We would have a fire, which is red. It’s the red. I am exactly the same as you. We have little red lights, amber lights. We have blue light blocking glasses. We We take this [00:26:00] stuff so seriously to the point where like, we’ve been wearing blue light blocking glasses for about 10 years now. And when they first came out, they were like space goggles.

Yeah, they’re so ugly. They were so ugly. Now they’re so cool. Like I have my own line of them with Boncharge and they’re so cool. Amazing. Yeah. And then it’s like a flex 

Aggie: and everyone knows you go to a restaurant with those and be like, I know what you’re doing, but like you were wearing them like five years ago on a plane, which is great for jet lag, by the way, as well, and people were like, what are you doing?

Melissa: Who are you? I went to an event a little while ago. It was in the evening under bright white lights in an auditorium and the speaker on stage, he had his on and I was like, damn it, I forgot mine. I was like, Oh no. And I usually had a pair in the car and I’d taken them out cause I was wearing them because I wear them when I’m driving at nighttime.

I don’t often drive at night, but when I do, I wear them. The amber ones, because of all of the bright lights, I take them out to restaurants with me. I take them. [00:27:00] I’m walking through airports with them, but I wanted to let you know, we are building our dream home at the moment and we are building in circadian lighting into our home.

So when it gets dark, the whole entire house We’ll go from amber, orange to just eventually red and we can time it all so it’ll come on exactly when we want it to come on and it will mimic the sun, there’ll be amber and red. And so then also, this is really cool, in the bathrooms we’re going to have a sensor light that’ll be a red light so you don’t even have to turn on any lights.

So like if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night. I will just walk into the toilet and a little tiny red light will come on. This is so cool. Like we walk around with red lights at night now and we’ve got the glasses and stuff, but I’m not even going to need to do that in my new house because it’s all going to be wired in, which is so 

Aggie: cool.

That’s amazing. It’s so cool that they’re doing these things. It’s like when I was like also in Bali, as we’re building this, I was [00:28:00] like, obviously ozone pool, right? Like instead of swimming in chlorine or even saltwater. You can now have ozone pools and you can create cables that like protect you from EMFs, right?

And all the exposure and turning off your wifi for the night, et cetera, et cetera. It’s just, it’s super alternative right now, but I feel like in five to 10 years, everyone’s like, Oh my God, what were these people doing with those bright lights? 

Melissa: Totally. Like I say, we’re building our dream home. There’s no wifi in our new home.

There’s all circadian lighting. There’s also, we’re going to be doing an ozone pool. So we’ve got an ozone pool. Like a lot of the materials are natural materials, stones and timbers. What else are we doing? Like non toxic paints. And this is another cool thing. So all the wiring in the walls in the house and especially in the bedrooms, even if you have a wire behind your bed, so if you have a wire behind your bed, like for a nightlight that is still emitting a [00:29:00] frequency.

Aggie: Yeah. So you can get the protector for the cables, right? I don’t know what it’s called, but yeah. 

Melissa: Yeah, you can get Farragut caging, but you can also, like what we’ve done in the house is we have kept all of the wires. Up high in the roof so nothing’s in the walls behind the bedhead. Like there’s so many cool things that you can do now.

Aggie: Yeah and I think it’s just, it’s still like very niche but I think it can be overwhelming and I think when people are listening, oh my god I live in this house that has Wi Fi and it’s okay like. you’re all of the little biohacks there that you can do that are, that will help massively. And we’re at the forefront of all of this.

Now, obviously if you’re like one of the first people to do something, there’s always going to be that disadvantage of things being quite overwhelming or expensive or less accessible or harder to figure out, but at the same time, it is exciting and I think at the end of the day, what you’re really doing with your home is.

[00:30:00] Going back to the roots and showing what it’s like to live in a tent, really. Very expensive tent. 

Melissa: Yes, when you’re building your forever dream home, it’s worth it. Definitely worth it. Okay, so what are women still getting wrong about their cycles? Are there any common myths that you wish that you could put an 

Aggie: end to?

I think the biggest one is like the PMS is normal and that you, the mood swings are normal and that period is. Like, this annoying thing that happened once a month and it could be painful and it’s perfectly fine to call in sick because, you know, you’re suffering. That’s not the case. And the second thing I would just say, like, no one ever told me, like, the benefits of ovulation.

So many women are on the pill because no one ever tells them, Hey, actually ovulation is, like, pretty good for you and your body, and it makes your bones stronger, and it makes you more beautiful, and people find you more attractive, and strengthens your hair, and helps your glucose and [00:31:00] insulin, and da da.

No, I’ve never been told that. Never been told ovulation’s, like, a cool thing, and that when you’re on a pill, you’re, Not ovulating and it’s in nature’s way of rewarding you every month. So I think that has been like a way of celebrating every single part of the cycle. 

Melissa: Yeah, I love that. So beautiful. And we’ve mentioned that for a long time, biohacking, well, it seemed to be dominated by mainly men.

Now I first heard about biohacking probably nine years ago from Dave Asprey, who’s been on the podcast. That’s where I first heard about biohacking and I was like, Wow, this is amazing. And I was like, I’m all in, but are there any popular biohacking practices that you don’t recommend for 

Aggie: women? I think the truth about biohacking, that’s highly in the individual, right?

And so I think just making those big statements of like women in general shouldn’t do, yes. I would just say like, perhaps called plunging, if you’re trying [00:32:00] to. work on your fertility and you already go have a quite a stressful thing. But I know also cold plunging is amazing. And there’s, depending where you are, what stage of life you’re in, whether you want to have kids or not, whether you’re 50, whether you’re 20, what’s your DNA makeup, because genes make such a big role, I think the biggest.

I would say never take a general advice. I think it was like, as I was following Dave Asprey, who’s fucking amazing, and I love Dave and he changed my life, but it’s even that like, anything that you learn from anybody, you just need to test for yourself and really have the labs, the information, their genetic makeup testing and whatnot, just so that you can come into Just he has information, feedback on the body so you can make an informed decision about everything, right?

So yeah, that would be like my number one advice, which is like unique, right? And so you have to see what [00:33:00] works for you. 

Melissa: A hundred percent. Like, and what works for someone may not work for you. And it also, is very dependent on what season of life you in. Are you in baby making season? Are you breastfeeding?

Because I know for me, like when I was pregnant and when I was breastfeeding, I didn’t do any saunas or any ice bars or anything like that. I know there are Some cultures around the world that are doing saunas and ice baths while they’re pregnant. But for me, intuitively, it was just like a, it was a no.

My body was like, no, that’s too much. It’s too much for my body right now. 

Aggie: It’s funny how like, it’s very true for a lot of women that when they become pregnant, they like tap into their intuition more so than when they’re not. Yeah, 

Melissa: absolutely. It’s heightened. It’s so heightened. Yeah. Which is beautiful.

Like what 

Aggie: a gift. 

Melissa: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So you do need to honor what season of life you are in and tune into yourself [00:34:00] and just because I’m doing this or Aggie’s doing this, like you have to listen to your body and go within. 

Aggie: Yeah, which is the hardest and so much easier to outsource your power, which is what we are trained to do because it’s just feels like it’s easier, but at the end of the day, it’s really not.

And it’s like, what big question is, why are you here? What’s your goal in life? Yeah. And like I said at the beginning, people are like, Oh, because I just want to, I just want to be happy. Or I just want my family to be happy and healthy and whatnot. But it’s like, everything outside of you is a reflection of the inside state.

So if you’re. If you’re not healthy from within, everything around you will not be healthy. And just showing that with your actions like a big priority to just connect what’s going on inside of your body. Yeah, absolutely. 

Melissa: Now you are a big advocate of when and how you eat. Now being more important than what you eat.

So can you [00:35:00] tell us how this works and how can we take advantage of this technique? Because I first learned about food combining from Donna Gates many years ago, and she talks about the order in which you eat food and things like that. So talk to us about when and how we eat and how that’s more important than what we eat.

Aggie: Well, obviously the quality of the food is really important, but I think if you explore every single diet, they very much focus on A, calories and then B, like these are the things you can eat or the macros, as long as you hit your 2000 calories or under 2000 calories and you have 40 percent of protein, it doesn’t really matter how you’re going to get it, right?

That’s one school of thought. It’s very dominant on social media, right? It’s just like, you can have a Nutella for breakfast. And you’re like, no, sure, you can every now and then, you’re not going to die, but it’s just like, what’s your priority? And so when people get into biohacking, it might be really [00:36:00] overwhelming to just say, we recommend eating grass fed meat and quality over quantity.

And now we eat on nutrients, calories, all of these things. And I noticed that a lot of people get really overwhelmed and like, they feel like, Oh, this is, I have such a busy life. I have a family, I have a job, I’m not like you Aggie that can spend a whole day like reading about nutrients. I need something actionable.

So what I recommend in the book is how to even start, right? So how do you go from living a mainstream life that is making you sick to starting properly biohacking? So I said just take, work on the timing. So when you actually eat, so stick to your diet. And you don’t have to change anything about your diet.

You will just like at every meal you would eat food in the right order, which is fiber first, fibers, general vegetables. Then you’re going to have protein and fats. And only then you have going to have carbohydrates and sugar, right? So doesn’t mean that you [00:37:00] can never have your pizza. No, it just means that before I have my pizza, I’m going to have Some protein, I’m going to have some fiber beforehand and that will support my glucose levels.

And glucose is really hyper inferior for women more so even than men, because it’s just so closely connected to our hormonal health as like. the hormones and the period and the cycle and whatnot. So that will be like a really big one. Then instead of having five or six meals a day that disrupt your gut and disrupted gut or leaky gut can lead to skin issues, hair, health, bloating, weight gain, inflammation.

Just have three meals a day. So it’s, we’re like starting a day with an ultimate latte and two hours later we have breakfast and then we have another latte two hours later and then I would have a lunch and then after that lunch, two hours later I would have a snack because I thought it was like, Oh, it’s a dessert.

So I’ll have it as a snack. And so we’re now realizing that it’s better to just combine everything into three bigger meals instead of just grazing throughout the day. So if [00:38:00] you, I was just having, if you guys are watching this, Considered a meal. So I just had lunch as we were, as I was just getting ready for this interview and right after that I just had my matcha because I don’t, for me it’s like part of a meal.

I don’t want to have it as a separate meal just give my gut a reset. Amen. If you can limit your eating window to a minimum of 10 to 12 hours, right? So like, don’t have a late dinner. You can try intermittent fasting, depending which part of the cycle that you’re in. But fasting might not be for everybody.

If you’re breastfeeding, you should not fast at all, same when you’re pregnant. So I would just like, okay, that’s fair. A minimum of 10 hours. It’s something that everyone should be doing just to give our gut a reset. And you realize that just changing the timing of what you’re already eating will make a massive difference.

And then we can work on the diets, but like first month, just do those things. [00:39:00] 

Melissa: Yeah, I love that so much. And yes, when you are pregnant and breastfeeding, like all the rules go out the window and when I was pregnant with my daughter, I’m eating in the middle of the night. Yeah, sometimes I just had to, cause I felt so nauseous.

It’s the only thing that helps you not feel nauseous. So my husband would laugh like in the first trimester, it was only for about six weeks from week six to 12. Did you have like crackers? I had crackers and apple, always a cracker and apple. So just like an organic rice cake beside the bed. And I would have an apple cut up already.

And sometimes I would just roll over, take one bite and then go back to sleep. And it was so funny because I would never do something like that. But it really does help. It really helps. But yeah, you just got to do, again, it comes back to what we’re saying, like the seasons of life that you’re in, you have to really honor that.

A different season is aging and perimenopause, and I want to talk about that. What are your favorite [00:40:00] biohacks to keep us looking and feeling youthful and energized and to prevent decline? Do you have any that we haven’t already mentioned? 

Aggie: Oh God, there’s so many. Aging comes from inflammation, often that’s called inflammation, aging, whatever the word, like you, you pronounce it.

We know that we age because there are adolescent cells in our body, they’re called zombie cells that just stick around our body, our body doesn’t clean properly through autophagy and so that makes you age and be a little slower. So there’s ways you can supplement, different supplements to support that.

Anything that supports your mitochondria and your cells and like a proper detoxification process. would be really helpful to make sure that you and anything that’s anti inflammatory in a way, right? Have your inflammation in check would be super helpful, right? Then that also includes diet, right? So a lot of things like highly processed foods are inflammatory.

So, How can you tell if [00:41:00] you’re inflamed? Well, you’re puffy. You have a puffy, you have puffy eyes, you have puffy face, like there are these very viral reels on Instagram, people are like, I had puffy face and I fixed my cortisol. It’s cortisol, but also like cortisol is linked to inflammation and it’s inflammation truly that is making us feel like that there’s that extra layer of something on you that you don’t know how to get rid of.

Melissa: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Oh, gosh. I was so puffy back when I was unhealthy. I was so inflamed. I look back at photos of me in my early twenties and I was so inflamed. I had a round face. My whole body was inflamed. Like when I show my husband, he’s, is that you? It’s https: otter. ai Living and eating an anti inflammatory diet and lifestyle and just everything shifts.

For me, like cutting out gluten was such a huge thing that was affecting me and my gut [00:42:00] so much. And I feel like instantly everything became lighter when I did that. 

Aggie: What else did you, I’m curious, what would you find for you personally? What did you eliminate or what did you add comparing it from, from the previous times?

Melissa: Oh my goodness. Well, I was eating very poorly. I was drinking a lot of alcohol. I was partying. I was not prioritizing sleep. I was always exercising because I used to be a professional dancer. So movement was always a part of my life. But it’s the sleep, it’s the alcohol, it was the junk food, it was, yeah, lack of nutrients, it was the gluten, it was the dairy for me, like, I had eczema and every time I had any dairy it would flare up and there’s so many things, also, relationships, light, not getting enough vitamin D, all these things, it was just a mixture of so many.

Aggie: And I just want to say, it’s funny how like we, we obviously eliminating gluten dairy is like a really big one, but I think what’s really important to mention as well, that if you [00:43:00] get the reason why people are gluten tolerant, it’s usually because of glyphosate, which is a herbicide that they spray on top of your gluten.

So a lot of people think they’re gluten tolerant, where in fact they’re like glyphosate intolerant, which is a massive toxin that just creates this film on top of your like biofilm on top of your gut and makes you sick. Yeah. And so it’s what we have done to food. Like I have a corn, uh, wheat bread and I’m perfectly fine and I don’t have any issues versus like traditional gluten that has changed chromosomes and has been like cross bred to create the super gluten what we’re actually eating.

So it’s not the same bread that our grandparents had 200 years ago. And same goes for dairy, the biggest issue with dairy, for those of you feel like, Oh my God, I can’t live without dairy is because it’s not only pasteurization was like always like you, some people heat up milk and whatnot. It’s the homogenization, right?

So [00:44:00] homogenization is the thing that can create inflammation. And obviously you are what your food aid. So if you’re, if the cow is fed soy, like genetically modifying corn, and then you’re drinking her milk, of course that’s the milk is not, it’s only as healthy as the cow. Right. And if she’s full of antibiotics, drinking, eating corn.

What do you think you’re going to drink, right? So I think if you go back to raw milk, grass fed, you will very quickly realize, Oh, actually maybe dairy is not a thing. Maybe it’s what we have done to dairy that’s making me 

Melissa: sick. A hundred percent. And I think a huge one for me was just moving away from processed and packaged foods.

And sugar. It’s so simple. These are all very simple, low hanging fruits that anyone can start to do today, like prioritizing their sleep and just turning the lights off. And they’re very easy things to do, but people are so set in their ways, they don’t want [00:45:00] to change. Like, it’s really interesting. Or maybe it’s just not bad enough yet.

Aggie: I have so much empathy because I feel like when your biology. is out of whack. Like, it’s easy to say that from a perspective of a healthy person. Like, it’s so easy to stop versus food. It might be much harder for people because it’s like food isn’t just food. It’s how we deal with our emotions. Food is also habits and lack of education or like it’s so linked to your worthiness.

If you don’t have a lot of self love. You don’t feel like you’re worthy of being healthy in a way, right? So a lot of people that are not taking care of their health is because they don’t really feel like they’re worthy in a way. And so for me, I always like to think if you’re eating processed foods, continue to do so, just add some greens right before.

That’s what I did with my mom. She lost 25 kilos already because she was like, I’m like, mom, have the croissant, like this morning, I’m like, have the croissant, but you’re going to have a little bit of avocado and a little bit of salmon and And then [00:46:00] have your croissant and that helped her made this massive change because she realized she doesn’t have to give up.

And what happens when you have the avocado and the croissant over time, over a period of two, three, four months. You crave less and less processed foods because you just get used to it, but you’re not eliminating anything. You’re just adding actually just healthy, good green calories that are good for you and they help regulate your leptin, ghrelin, the satiated, like the hormone that makes you be satiated and hungry.

And so that regulates as you crave less. Processed food is designed to make you addicted to it. So if you’re struggling to give it up, like you are going against a ton of scientists that are sitting in labs designing food to make you addicted to it. So like, that’s not a fair fight. So just have some empathy to yourself and just start adding healthy things and I guarantee your palate will change.

It will make things so much easier. 

Melissa: Mmm. I love that so much. So beautiful. When I [00:47:00] studied nutrition, they called that crowding in. You’re crowding in with all the good stuff. I love that. I want to talk about perimenopause. Like this is something that more and more of my friends are starting to get interested in.

Now, knowing that it’s coming down the line at some point in the future, for women who are either entering perimenopause. Or even in the thick of it right now, like what specific biohacks should they be taking advantage of? 

Aggie: It’s so individual, like part of me wants to say, hey, fasting would be great. Part of me, whether it’s peptides, but that’s just, it gets a little bit more like whether it’s hormone replacement therapy, whether it’s specific supplements.

It would be really hard again for me to like just give women one advice except for the fact that like it’s worth working with a doctor, like a functional doctor that can help you feel your abs so best that it’s not the time to feel shit. Just like period isn’t time to feel shit. There’s many ways that you can do.[00:48:00] 

Anything that like is anti aging is also how it’s going to help you with your perimenopause as well. That just as a rule, also biohacking isn’t anything, we’re all doing things for longevity. Anything that extends your life is good for you, extends your fertility and regulates your hormones. So these principles work for literally everybody, right?

Because the whole idea, biohacking is basically just anti aging science or longevity science just used much earlier in life. 

Melissa: Yeah, I love that. Now I want to shift gears a little bit because there’s a part of your book that I’d love you to elaborate on. Can you tell me why do women need more main character 

Aggie: energy?

Well, I think like this is science just now discovering they’re like, oh, maybe there’s something more to illness than eating a healthy diet and whatnot. And I think victim mentality, which is basically feel like life is happening for you is extremely stressful for your nervous [00:49:00] system. And we now know that this regulated nervous system is the root cause of a lot of these issues, right?

So it’s like, what’s more stressful than having the wrong mindset and feeling like life’s happening to you, right? Not ideal, right? Like you’re constantly, humans are the only like ability that like create the stories and they live in their pain body and just keep looping the same story about someone is being mean to you and they hate me or like, I’m not worthy or people don’t see me.

So I think what I was encouraging women in my book is to realize that unless you actually step into main character energy and claim your power back, You’ll constantly, well, continue to get sick because it very much links to how we perceive ourselves and again to that feeling of worthiness that’s so important.

Melissa: Yeah, I love that. I love that. We all need to reclaim that main character energy. I love it. And you have a course that has one of the best titles ever, [00:50:00] Live Your Vision Board Life. It is so good. I love it. Can you tell us three tips for how we can live a vision board life? 

Aggie: Three tips. Taking accountability, extreme ownership of your lives and step, the very first thing we do in the course is get out of your own way and whether you believe in spirituality or religion or whether it’s Kabbalah, like there’s so many, Abraham Hicks and law of attractions, we attract, everything is a reflection, everything that you experience is a reflection of your inner world.

And if you feel like you’re, if you can’t see the beauty. of life and that you’re not really a victim and life is happening for you. That’s like the number one thing to realize that. And I think it was just like, I’m sitting here and I’m like, well, I did absolutely nothing to earn the right to see the beautiful sky outside and the beautiful plants.

I’m just like, all of that I get to enjoy and see and truly it’s really feeding my energy, but I did [00:51:00] nothing to deserve it. And it’s just inherit birthright to be. Yeah, to know that I’m worthy to have it all, to sin not to have it all. And just, I’m super grateful for everything that’s happening and everything that’s happening is happening for me.

That’s number one. And second, just understanding that like our mind’s so powerful. So creating those stories in our heads that usually don’t serve us. Probably not a good idea and what can we do to make sure that we create stories about ourselves that bring us the most value. And then a third thing I would say is just understanding that everything is important.

And so yes, health is important, family is important, but you going after your dreams and living your purpose and making a shit ton of money is also important because if you step into that like ultimate abundance from the universe, everything should be aligning. Yeah, absolutely. 

Melissa: What’s your definition of success and what do you attribute all your success to?

Aggie: [00:52:00] My definition of success is knowing yourself and being true to yourself. And then what do I attribute to my success? I feel like the fact that I’m a constant learner and I absolutely love just hiring the best people I can to help me grow. 

Melissa: Beautiful. You’re welcome. 

Aggie: What’s bringing you the most joy in your life right now?

Honestly, I’m just in Bali with my mom getting married in a few months and just having that mother and daughter time has been really special and we’re just like really stepping into my feminine with my mom is such a beautiful rite of passage. It’s just been a wonderful month of us just hanging out. 

Melissa: So beautiful.

When are you getting married? I can’t say that. Oh, it’s a surprise. Yeah, it’s a surprise. Is it in Bali or not in Bali? I can’t say that either. Sorry. Oh, wow. How beautiful. Well, I can’t wait to see the photos once it’s done. I’m sure it will be absolutely beautiful and special and amazing. Let’s pretend [00:53:00] now that you have a magic wand and you could put one book in the school curriculum of every high school.

Now besides your incredible book, what book would you choose? Let’s pretend yours is already in the curriculum because it definitely should be. 

Aggie: Oh, thank you. I don’t know if it would be New Earth, really special, like book that changed my life. But I wonder if it might be a little too advanced for people, but I think maybe Radical Forgiveness is one of those books that I feel like if we learn how to truly forgive, the world will be a whole different place.

Absolutely. I agree. Forgive ourselves and forgive others. 

Melissa: Yeah, 

Aggie: the book literally blew my mind. 

Melissa: Yeah, it’s beautiful. Now let’s talk about your day. I would love to hear like a quote unquote typical day in your life. Talk us through when you wake up, your rituals, what times you eat, when you work out, I want to know everything.

Aggie: Okay, so here in Bali, I [00:54:00] naturally wake up around 5, 5. 30 and it’s just one of the times for me to just sit down, have my shilajit, just like all kind of. drink, whatever, just like full of minerals. I have that. I read my book and it’s usually, I love starting my time with the book. It’s like my alone time, meditate, and then usually go for a walk.

But before it gets too hot here in Bali and just like, it’s again, one of like, I don’t get on my phone. It’s just like such an important time for me to focus on myself. I go to the gym, have my, uh, have small snack before the gym and then have proper big protein breakfast right after, and then I have lunch around too.

Again, lunch is less important for me. Usually the dinner and the breakfast is the two big meals for me. Lunch is like, I’m busy and it’s not as important to have as much protein for lunch as it is for dinner. And I usually have dinner around five, three, six. I have quite early dinners and in LA in the winter, when it gets dark [00:55:00] early, that would be around.

4 p. m. actually. 

Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. We eat dinner at five. I love it. Early dinners are the best. The 

Aggie: best, honestly. I just feel like it’s such a big difference in my body and I’m like, it’s not worth it. But I feel like we need to normalize that because we went with my mom to dinner yesterday at five and we’re like the only people in the restaurant.

It’s like the emptiest. And you come back at eight and so busy and I’m like, Oh. Can we change that? I know, I 

Melissa: kind of like that I’m the only one there, but no, it’s like, we are often the only ones there at five o’clock. They’re like, are you sure? We’re like, yep, yep, five. Yep, that’s fine. 

Aggie: Yeah. We’re like the first one.

It’s like really annoying because I’m European and Polish, but it’s really annoying when you actually go to Europe and they don’t open till seven. You’re like. Come back at 10. I’m like, no, I’m really hungry. So 

Melissa: yeah, I know Europe is next level. They eat at 10 o’clock and I’m just like, What? What? I’m like, I’m [00:56:00] asleep.

Like, I can’t 

Aggie: stay awake that late. Yeah. I don’t want to be eating that late. It’s just like miserable. 

Melissa: Anyways, I hear you. All right, babe. I’ve got three rapid fire questions for you now. Are you ready? Awesome. Okay. What is one thing that we could do today for our health? Get better sleep. Yes. Agree. What’s one thing that we can do for our wealth?

Aggie: Step out of the victim mentality. 

Melissa: Yes, absolutely. And what’s one thing we can do for more love in our life? 

Aggie: Love yourself more. 

Melissa: And 

Aggie: just stand in the mirror and just make your relationship or yourself is going to be reflected in every single relationship that you have. So I think what I think back of my 20s being obsessed with guys and just feeling like that person’s the one, I’m like, I’m the fucking one.

I don’t really have that anymore. And I wish I knew that 10 years ago. 

Melissa: I know, but we’re living, we’re learning, we’re evolving. And that’s the point. We got to continue. You know, you said before, you’re a [00:57:00] learner. Me too. I’m a student for life. 

Aggie: Yeah, it’s exciting. And it’s like anything that is just, as we, a lot of things that we’re talking about right now might not be relevant.

In the while, right? But it’s more like how your attitude towards it and the journey itself. That’s so exciting. 

Melissa: Absolutely. Last question for you. What is the best purchase that you have made in the past six months? Now it could be 10 purchase, or it could be a 10, 000 purchase. Like, what is the best purchase that’s made the biggest difference to your life in the past six months?

Aggie: Oh, well, I’m going to say sauna. I think that like, I love sauna and I think it’s a big investment, but what it does to my body and how it detoxifies in such a good way. I didn’t know what to do in the evening, so I just watched TV. And now I just do sauna, listen to a book. And I’m like, wow, the quality of my life, when I think about it, spending 3K on a TV is [00:58:00] pretty standard.

Oh, it’s a good TV. Spending 3K on a sauna sounds like excessive, but I feel like I would take sauna anytime. And watch movies from my phone. 

Melissa: Yeah, totally. We don’t even have a TV, which is awesome. It’s been a game changer for us. 

Aggie: Yeah, Jacob loves good movies. So that would not be, we don’t watch TV. We just watch like specific movies.

Melissa: Well, we are putting one in our new house. We are currently renting and that’s why we don’t have one, but it’s been so great to not have one. It’s been. Wonderful. It’s been such a game changer, but we’ll like every now and then we might watch something, a movie, and we’ll just watch it on a laptop. But to be honest, I don’t last like my husband’s like you’re asleep in 10 minutes.

What’s the point of watching a movie with you? I used 

Aggie: to be a person that will like, could not, I had to finish the show. I’m like, it’s not the case anymore. 

Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. It takes us like three nights to get through one movie. And I’m like, babe. You married me, that’s part of the deal. [00:59:00] Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s 

Aggie: so funny.

I’m totally the same. 

Melissa: Oh, babe. Is there anything else that you want to share with us? Or any last parting words of wisdom? I feel like we’ve covered so much, but is there any other nuggets of wisdom you want to share? 

Aggie: No, I think it’s just like, it’s really important to practice what you preach. And I think as I’m getting older, I think part of me, what I really like, even right now, like I’m wrapping up because I just booked myself a massage and like stepping into that worthiness that you deserve all of the beautiful things in life.

It’s so important and I think once you like fall in love with yourself, none of the things will be a question of it would be nice. It would be a question of I really need this to thrive and thriving is my birthright. So 

Melissa: whatever 

Aggie: it takes. 

Melissa: Absolutely. Beautifully said. You are helping and serving and supporting and inspiring so many people.

Look at what you’ve created and done. It’s so amazing babe. So I want to know what I and the listeners can do to give back and serve you today. [01:00:00] Yeah. 

Aggie: Just come hang out with me on Instagram at Aggie. Like it’d be really good for you to just spread the word because I feel like more women need to hear it.

So. That’d be my, my biggest like request. 

Melissa: Yes. Wonderful. We’ll do that. And I’ll link to it in the show notes as well. This has been such a delight. You are a treasure. It’s been so beautiful. Thank you for being here. This has been so much fun. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Thank you, honey.

Isn’t she a delight? I loved this conversation. She is such a treasure and I hope you are inspired to take your health to the next level and to. Really focus on nourishing your cycle. And if you got a lot out of this conversation, and if you loved it as much as I did, please subscribe to the show and leave me a review on Apple podcasts.

Because that means that we can inspire and educate even more people together. And it also means that all of my [01:01:00] episodes will just pop up in your feed. So you never have to go searching for a new episode. Now, come and tell me on Instagram at Melissa Ambrosini, what you got from this episode. What is your biggest key takeaway from this episode?

I love connecting with you and I love hearing from you. So jump on over there. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you. You rock. Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now.

You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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