melissa ambrosini, business, wealth

The 5 Best Ways To Build Your Tribe + Boost Your Sales






There is no quick fix when it comes to getting more sales and building your tribe. As much as we’d like to think there’s a magic formula, it’s really all about refining and workshopping what’s right for you, your brand, your tribe and your business.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade now. At age 17, I started my own mobile spray tanning business to make some extra cash whilst I was studying performing arts. It was a fun side project, and I did it for about 8 years in between the big gigs. It was a great money maker, I got to meet loads of super cool people and I really enjoyed it. Then once I closed the door on that chapter of my life, I opened it on this one — still an entrepreneur, and still doing what I love.

I love being my own boss. It comes with so many perks — setting your own hours, priorities and goals is freakin’ awesome. However, everything does rely on you to run the show. Which isn’t a bad thing, it just means you need to lead the horse. If you aren’t steering the way, nothing gets done — even if you have an incredible team, which I do and I am incredibly grateful for. You still need to show up each day with passion, heart and commitment, otherwise your team will feel it. They won’t be as motivated and things won’t move forward.

Although there isn’t one solution for getting more clients or building your tribe, today I want to share with you the top 5 things that have worked for me over the years.

1. Be Authentic

People can smell inauthenticity a mile away. It reeks! Vulnerability makes people lean in and connect with you.

Being yourself is like a magnet, and once you get over your Mean Girl BS (‘No one wants to hear from me!’ ‘What if no one likes my post?’ ‘What if people laugh at me?’) prospects will be drawn to you.

When I first entered the online world, I held back. I censored myself. It wasn’t until I got real and raw — when I wrote a post about my struggles with eating — that my site went boom. It taught me a big lesson: writing what is true in your heart is the only way to go. Even when it’s scary.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to share everything — you absolutely do not. But you do have to be yourself. Don’t try to write or be like anyone else, people will see through it. Just write in your own voice and share what’s real and genuine for you.

2. Give, Give And Give More

Give loads of free content away — whether it’s doing interviews, answering questions or blogging your heart out. Even simple quotes, a recipe, daily insights or inspirational images go a long way.

Don’t hold back here, or save your best and most juicy content for a later date. More will come! The juice isn’t going to dry up. It’s actually the opposite: when you give wholeheartedly, you create space for more juiciness to flow through you and onto the page.

Another super important point, come up with a seriously kick-ass opt-in strategy that’s going to convert like crazy. Don’t just offer another PDF of fluff and filler, find out what your tribe really wants and give it to them. Discover their fears and desires and use that as your compass. And then give and give some more. (Oh, and did I mention — give?!)

Being unapologetically YOU is your birthright and it’s the best thing you can do for business.

3. Treat Your Tribe And Potential Prospects Like Gold

Treat every email, every comment, every person who takes the time to write to you like gold. These people are your tribe. Without them, your business doesn’t exist. People don’t remember what you said to them, but they do remember how you made them feel. These are wise words to live by. Write ‘em on a Post-it note and stick it on your computer.

In my biz, treating people like gold means that every single email gets a thoughtful reply, whether from myself or one of my awesome team members. I personally read every comment I get on my site and respond to every question. I make sure every comment on Facebook is read and liked. I read every Instagram comment and see who is re-pinning my stuff on Pinterest. I’m always there taking note, and always grateful.

Of course, there are some things that get missed — that’s natural, and is to be expected when you’re running a growing business. But when the intention is there, and you genuinely care about your readers and customers, your tribe can tell and they’ll respond accordingly.

4. Interact

Following on from the above point, you must engage with your audience. Comment, write back, ‘like’, retweet… If someone has taken the time and energy to engage with you, give them some love back. Again, there will be ones you miss —especially if you have a massive tribe —but that’s ok. Just do your best. People love to be heard and acknowledged, so jump in the fray and start connecting.

5. Cultivate A Masterpiece Mindset

The quality of the work you are putting out into the world matters. Take pride in what you do, and treat everything — from the tiniest blog comment to the biggest event — like a masterpiece. Pretend that you’re Michelangelo and you’re sculpting your latest work of art.

This means re-reading every email before you press send, crafting inspiring and helpful Facebook updates, treating your blog posts like feature articles, thinking before you whack something up on Instagram and never settling for anything less. Remember, once your work is out there, it’s out there.

So there you have it — my favorite tribe-building tips for heart-fuelled entrepreneurs. Was this helpful? If so, please share it with your friends so we can all create beautiful work that inspires, helps and supports others.

And do you have a hot tip of your own? Please share your insights with our beautiful tribe in the comments below. Remember, your tip may be the one thing that someone has been searching for.

Thank you as always, my darling, for being so honest, open and loving in the comments.

I love the heck out of you.

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  1. Arabella says:

    Thank you Melissa, this is exactly what I needed to read, I myself have been trying to start my own business and lately have stumbled and gotten lost with it a little, fallen of the wagon you could say, close to giving up on the whole thing, all because I haven’t been seeing the results I have wanted… After reading your post a lot makes sense and I realise I was looking at everything in the wrong way. I have been trying so hard to match everyone else, comparing myself to everyone around, that I have forgotten to let myself come through. I haven’t been giving as much as I could, because I didn’t realise business would come from doing that. Now the fog has disappeared and I am ready to give it a shot once again, thanks to your well written heart felt post. I cannot wait to implement a few of your suggestions above. Thank you for your post it really helped and thank you for inspiring so many people… Have a beautiful rest of your week xx

  2. Fran says:

    Mel, this was awesome. I have been following you for years now but I love that you are offering stuff beyond just health now. I’m just starting out blogging and I’m sure I’ll find this info really useful.
    Thanks again, honey xxx

  3. Sacha Marie says:

    What perfect timing! I launched my site just a few weeks ago so your words of wisdom are very helpful. Thanks Melissa!

    The other piece of advice that really helped me was to take risks and try new things.

    “If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.” Neil Gaiman.


    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      Beautiful honey. Thanks for sharing.


      • Bianca Howard says:

        I am going into a new business & the adventure leading up to it has been, not what I was expecting. I have lost sight to what my dream is & these words of knowledge, wisedom, love, caring, professionalism from you. I will be forever gratful & keeping in a special place. Love Bianca x

  4. Cynthia says:

    Mel, I L.O.V.E the heck out of this post.
    GIVE is my guiding word for 2014 – the more generous I am with my tribe on FB and through the blog the engagement bolsters.

    Such a gorgeous thing to watch.
    There are times when comparisonitis sets in and I criticise everything I post and edit it like a mad woman – when this strikes I’ve made the rule that I will only ‘post from a place of love’ and only write when what I have to say will add value to my tribe rather than posting because I think I have to.

    Authenticity is the bomb.
    Printing these tips for my blog board…thank you for sharing.


  5. Dani says:

    What a great read. I have been wanting to write my own blog for a long time now. This has given me the kick start and inspiration to get started. Thank you for another great read.

  6. suzanne says:

    Hi Melissa, a great post at and very timely. Love the times and am reminding myself that comments aren’t the main things when you have great interaction on other social platforms. Also not comparing my chapter one with other people’s chapter 20. Growing slowly and strongly is the aim.
    Thanks for sharing

  7. Krystal says:

    That was a great post Melissa! I was actually just thinking of you, cause I first saw you on wellness warrior site, Health Talks. I was the healthy eating specialist in London Wholefoods market. I saw all you girls have such amazing different opinions, Jess is vegan, you eat clean meats, Nat does TCM. And I have studied Ayurveda so I leaned towards you, it’s like a girls band everyone has their fav and you were mine. Not just cause you are very beautiful and of course I want to eat what you do to be like that but you are smart woman and I watched you guys every week and recreated in the shop what you did I. A raw foods class or fertility supplement workshop. You have taught me so much and I’m now at IIN and won a trip to the New York conference because my letter to my body was chosen! We had to tell our bodies how we like to treat them this year in school possibly get to read them at the seminar. So long story short you have been in the grand of it all my green goddess and guru! Thank you Melissa for being real. Xx Krystal

    As they say, it’s the ripple effect. 🙂

    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      Thank you so much Krystal. Green Goddess and guru made me laugh. I am so glad you are loving IIN and hope you like it as much as I did. It changed my life.

      Keep me posted with how you go honey.


  8. Lauren says:

    Melissa, this post could not have come at a better time as I’ve just started IIN this week. Thanks for your amazing inspiration, your posts are always engaging and fantastic to read.

  9. Rhiannon says:

    Ohh my god, I put a question out to the universe LITERALLY YESTERDAY about how some of my most admired health and fitness colleagues got their businesses up and running and saw this in my inbox this morning. How much does that rock?

    Some amazing tips that I can implement straight away. Thank you for being authentically you because it is inspiring me to do the same.

    Rhi =)

  10. Emily-Rose says:

    This has just made my morning Mel xx One a beautiful yellow post it note I’m writing down how grateful i am for your wise words and authentic magic.

  11. Stefanie says:

    Thank you for this great email Melissa. Exactly what a 24 year old girl starting her own business needed to hear!

    What I have experienced so far is that there are people out there wanting to start their own business just to make money, which isn’t a bad thing, but I strongly believe that we are all here to serve and help one another. If your product in some way will benefit or help the lives of others and you stay true to that, then the reward will come. If it is JUST the money you are focussing on people will feel that. It’s all about the energy.

  12. Oh Melissa! Thank you for sharing your insights. We couldn’t agree more with you on every single point. It’s easy to rush things and just press publish before re-reading and making it perfect! This post was a great reminder for that. For us, engaging with our tribe is the most important. Responding and liking and asking questions! As you said, they are GOLD! Look forward to reading more from you. e + c

  13. Melissa,
    Thanks so much
    I share this importance of deeply honesty
    Is your post about your struggle with eating still available to read, I would love to….
    I am sometimes always thinking one day when i will really have overcome this more than 15 years deep struggle and acceptation with anorexia…but I feel I need to do more inner work before sharing…
    Even if I attract a lot of woman in my astrological reading who suffers eating disorders…..
    Thanks so much for your inspiration

    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      Hi Moye,

      It was available on my old site but I have just put it in my book. You will have to wait till then darling to read it.


  14. Torrie says:

    Ohhh this is great!! As always. Thank you. I agree 1000%. All the heart-centered entrepreneurs I purchase from whether it’s courses, online programs, coaching, digital pr

  15. Torrie says:

    Ohhh this is great!! As always. Thank you. I agree 1000%.

    All the heart-centered entrepreneurs I purchase from whether it’s courses, online programs, coaching, digital products, etc. they ALL have these above in common.

    As a newbie in the online world, I take advice like this very serious. I truly cherish my tribe and want them to know it. Thanks for the gorgeous reminders and calls to action 🙂

  16. Kristen says:

    Wonderful post Mel, Thank you. I really resonate with treating every part of your work as a carefully thought out and sculpted master piece. And engaging with your tribe on a more personally level, it feels so very special to both the giver and receiver. Thank you for holding this close and dear.

    Love Kristen

  17. Monique says:

    Hi Melissa,
    Many thanks for your generosity in sharing your tips. This is just the “reaffirmation” that I needed today. Thanks gorgeous, Monique 🙂

  18. hi melissa,

    LOVE your fabulous tips!! yes, I’m working on a fantastic opt-in now…was thinking the same thing…it must be extra special and amazing!

    so many fellow INN classmates. I am halfway thru the program and am having fun and learning a ton.

    melissa, your energy and enthusiasm is contagious and gorgeous…keep up your great work!

    cheers everyone & be your gorgeous selves always,
    cathy xo

  19. Hi Melissa – thanks for the wonderful post. I started a blog with my fiance around 2 months ago (about picnics of all things – it’s super fun). We don’t really have a tribe yet (unless you count my mum who is our biggest fan :)) but we’re in the process of trying to create one and encourage people to get outdoors, explore new neighbourhoods, and connect with each other, which is the premise of what we write about. It’s great to hear that the simple yet effective practice of being real and authentic is key – at first I thought I may be exposing too much, but I cant seem to write any other way. I’m also pleased that the juice doesn’t dry up and more ideas come when you give freely and without expectation. Thanks for sharing x

  20. Nicole says:

    You’re one awesome chicky babe Mel! Such simple but effective ‘rules’ to follow when it comes to biz – thank you! x

  21. Kylie says:

    Love this advice, Mel! Especially about give, give, giving of high quality content. So important! Thank you!

  22. Chantel says:

    Wow Mel – Thank you for this fantastic insight into the world of “true success”! I can absolutely feel all 5 points from you and genuinely want to achieve this for myself. Thank you x

  23. Chloe says:

    Thank you for yet another great read! What I needed to hear and hone in on lately. Have had the rollercoaster of doubts and emotions with starting a small business with my partner, it’s so refreshing to hear simple yet effective points like this that you can relate so personally to. I have been having problems with comparing ours business to those already fruitful businesses, it has not been a healthy thing to do! Needed this reminder to focus back on the important things and remember everyone begins somewhere (my tip to myself and everyone)
    🙂 Thank you again!

  24. Felicia says:

    This is wonderful – thank you for this! I really needed this today.

    Much love xxx

  25. HI Mel

    Thank you for this! It has come at the right time for me too! I have been blogging for a few months and watching my baby grow is something that I am so proud of and excited by. But every now and then, my negative self talk starts up and I feel like everything is falling away.

    It’s such a good reminder for us to show up as ourselves, because by doing that we will always give only ourselves. And where there is honesty, there is truth and passion.

    Thank you


  26. Charlotte says:

    Thank Melissa for sharing. What impress me is that you are so loyal to each one of us and your tips are so You. Your tribe, mylself included, can really fell it so thank you.

    i can’t wait to the day you gonna sale your book!!!!

    Much Love

  27. Thank you soo much for this Mel! I have been learning more and more about wellness over the last few years and can’t get enough! I love reading both your and Jess Ainscough’s blogs and from the two of you was inspired to create my own blog. I just wrote my first post, went into my emails and this was waiting for me! Must be a sign that I’ve made the right choice to start one!

  28. Pauline says:

    Totally love this post! Thanks Mel!

  29. Wilma says:

    Great post Melissa! I am working through BSchool modules and struggling with the concept of connecting with people who I think are fabulous and rocking their online business. I thought I would come across as needy and a wannabe, however your post has confirmed what Marie teaches and I am seeing popping up everywhere at the moment – authenticity! I have butterflies in my tummy thinking about what I need to do – what doesn’t scare you doesn’t change you!!
    W xx

  30. Jessica says:

    Thanks for the great post! It really helps to put things in perspective. As a blogger myself, I find that I often compare myself to others and their accomplishments, rather than focusing on my own. Being yourself is key – thanks for the reminder 😉

  31. Madison says:

    I love love love this.
    Thank you for your constant outpouring. I an in the US and see inspiration in health and love seriously lacking. It is my desire to see a tribe like this grow in my backyard, to see my friends and family and community embrace a love message. Thanks for being a great online mentor, even across the globe!

    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      You’re so welcome honey. I hope to meet you one day in person 😉

      Keep being the example.


  32. Caroline says:

    I love this post! You are such a beautiful person Mel! Everything you do is genuine, honest and comes from the heart… It comes through in everything you put out there… Such an inspiration 🙂 so honored and happy to be part of you tribe xo

  33. Megan Bullen says:

    Thanks so much for sharing Mel xx
    I’m just starting out as a Health & Wellness Coach and my top tip to share is to walk your talk… I know other people starting out that are surviving on next to no sleep to get their business off the ground, and have gone back to unhealthy ways when they’re teaching people to be healthy! Doesn’t make sense to me. I truly believe that if you just be you and be patient and go at your own pace, it will all work itself out and those that are meant to be with you will be attracted to you for who you are.
    Megan xx

  34. I love coming to your site for inspiration and awesome advice each week!! I love reading what you have to say Mel! You are highly motivating and write in such a beautiful way that totally resonates with your readers! Thank you xx

  35. Hi Melissa,

    This post is full of wonderful real advice. I love how you mention to give
    give give. Thank you for sharing what you have learnt along the way with us all.

  36. Nadia says:

    This is a wonderful post thank you Melissa!

    I can certainly attest to you replying to instagram personally and it always makes me smile xx

  37. Ange says:

    Melissa! I had this flagged in my emails to read when I got time and of course the universe had it ready for me just when I needed it. Starting to feel overwhelmed and a little like I’m trying to do too much and this post gave me the clarity I needed for this moment. I totally love being a part of your tribe xx

  38. Wow! Brain explosion and head nodding happened all through reading this post. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  39. Cathe says:

    Your are a most delicious inspiration of a goddess. Keep your light held high for all to see.

    Blessings from an Empress, and an admirer.


  40. Siobhan says:

    Thank you so much for writing this, and everything you share with us!! I appreciate it soooo much and always seem to read the most appropriate write up at the BEST time.
    I’ve been hesitant of getting myself out there, exposing myself and allowing myself to be vulnerably ME rather than just sticking to the norms.. Now i’ve quit my job it’s the perfect chance to start my OWN thing! Even though it’s freakin’ scary, it’s freakin’ exciting too!! Life’s too short to be anyone else, so thank you for inspiring me and reminding me to be my true awesome self 🙂

    • Melissa says:

      WHOOO HOOOOOO YAY sista! I am so proud of you. You’re right life is WAY too short to be anyone else. YOU ROCK! It’s time to fly honey.

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