
We’re Having A Baby






Nick and I are having a baby!!!!!

The fact that you are here reading this means you are part of the MA Tribe and for that I LOVE and adore you, which is why I wanted you to be the very first to hear my special news and the most sacred announcement of my life… Nick and I are having a baby!!!!!

Are you ready for it?

Nick and I are PREGNANT!!!!!

I created a very special, vulnerable, and sacred video to share with you.

Have a watch and please leave a comment below as I would LOVE to hear your thoughts.

We are over the moon excited and can’t wait to share this journey with you. I have a podcast episode coming out next week sharing all the details of our conscious conception and pregnancy so far, so make sure you subscribe to my podcast so you don’t miss out. 

I also have a weekly Youtube vlog coming out sharing everything I’m experiencing week by week during my pregnancy. Make sure you click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don’t miss a video.

Thank you for being here and for all your love and support.

I adore you.

P.S. Please let me know what you think of the video in the comments below.

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  1. Janelle says:

    Congratulations Angels how beautiful

  2. Nikki Jones says:

    Congratulations Melissa & Nick! So happy and excited for you guys! Loved the video, had me in tears! Just Beautiful! Much Love X

  3. Stephanie Wilson says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Melissa you’re going to be the best mom! I am so happy for you and this new chapter of your life. There’s literally nothing like it and you just can’t understand until you’ve been through it how absolutely miraculous it is to not only birth a baby but to birth a mother in the same moment. You are forever changed in the most AMAZING way!!
    P.S. I KNOW you’re going to plan for a natural home birth, never forget or doubt that your body was made for this and you are fully capable and stronger than you can imagine!
    Sending so much love!!

  4. Kate says:

    I am SO SO SO excited for you Melissa! Congratulations to you both. Such a beautiful video ❤️

  5. Jeynaya Maurer-Griffiths says:

    Congratulations beautiful! You are going to be the most amazing mother (:

  6. Diane says:

    What a special time for you. I feel the love from this video. Congrats on the bubba and best wishes for a peaceful and healthy delivery on baby Ambrosini – Broadhurst

  7. Claire says:

    Actual tears watching this, esp the reaction of your bestie since 13 years old! Just beautiful, congratulations you two, amazing news!

  8. Hannah says:

    I am bursting with joy for you guys!! I’ve been your biggest fan since HealthTalks and it has been a joy to watch you evolve and grow- from marrying Nick to now having a baby!!! I am overwhelmed with happiness for you both. Congratulations! Sending so much love all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA! Xoxo

  9. Kim says:

    Goosebumps and tears! So so so happy for you both!!! Funny, I was only thinking the other day whether you two would have a baby
    Massive congrats
    Best news xxxxxx

  10. Jodie says:

    Gosh, this video brings me to tears !
    So so happy for you, your deserve the best and this baby is so lucky to have you both !
    So so much love for you and can not wait to see your journey !
    Keep inspire us Melissa, thank you for the share and for all the good you spread by being you everyday !

  11. Tanya Harris says:

    You guys!!! Gentle rivers flowing down my cheeks, I am SO happy for you both. Congratulations!!! Oh this is the best news. The most amazing news. So much love and wow, congratulations again beauties. Wrap yourselves in a bubble of all the goodness. Lots of love X X

  12. Tracey Vandersluis says:

    So beautiful that you recorded the special moment xxx

  13. Oh this is sooo beautiful Melissa and Nick!!! Congratulations!!! 🙂 so happy for you!! <3

  14. Kym Piez says:

    So so happy for you. I’m crying, because you’re both so damn happy. Best. News. Ever.

  15. Gemma says:

    Wow this made me almost cry!! Congratulations! I’m so excited to follow your journey – and grateful for you sharing – as starting a family may be on the cards for me in the coming year or two (something I thought would never happen due to loads of past trauma and health challenges, but thanks to lots of inner work I’m now in a good place!!). Can’t wait to see your journey unfold xo

  16. Alisha says:

    Oh my goodness! That was really the best. So many happy tears! That beautiful little baby is so loved already. Congratulations and all the best with your journey beautiful family xx

  17. Bernadette Andrews says:

    Wow that’s amazing news. Congrats and look forward to the journey.
    Best wishes

  18. Stephanie says:

    Omg this is so beautiful!!! I cried!! Congratulations xx

  19. Stephanie says:

    This is absolutely beautiful so raw and vulnerable. I was in tears watching this. Congratulations!!!

  20. Rhiannon says:

    Nawww that’s amazing, that video totally made me tear up, congratulations you two, can’t wait to watch your journey unfold X

  21. Rhonda says:

    That is such lovely news and thank you for sharing that video with us. I remember that feeling 13 years ago when I fell pregnant with my son – the day I did the test and found out. The joy and happiness is just like no other. It took me two years to fall with my first baby (mainly because I was away every month for work at THAT time), then my daughter was conceived only 9 months after my son was born, still breastfeeding (ended up tandem feeding them both for a while – that was FUN). I loved the way you told your family and friends, spreading your joy and happiness – all the best to you both and can’t wait to follow your journey.

  22. Katee Trinkle says:

    Congratulations!!!!!! I am so deeply happy for you! That is one lucky little babe to have you as parents! Much love!

  23. Sam says:

    I cried the whole way through!
    Immensely happy for the two (plus Leo) of you, and cannot wait to watch this journey continue.

  24. Olivia says:

    Congratulations to you and Nick! How incredible, what an amazing raw and real video as well xx

  25. Andrea says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I cried!
    All the best to you guys!!

  26. Naomi Bowden says:

    I’m soooooo soooooo happy for you! I shed a tear of happiness watching this! Having kids has been a journey for me so when people share their precious memories like this it makes me feel so special. Love that you have helped me face my mean girl, love that you give me Monday motivations and also you were the first podcast I ever listened too and you have changed something instead of me that I knew that needed changing but having no idea where to start. Thank you ❤️ Can’t wait to share this journey with you!

  27. Beck says:

    Aweeeee crying for you guys this is the best!!

  28. Susannah says:

    This is so beautiful and emotional! So very happy for you both xx

  29. Bella says:

    Congratulations to you both! How exciting!! Sending lots of love ❤️

  30. Lyndall says:

    Congratulations!! What a lucky little soul to have chosen such wonderful parents and to be surrounded by so much love from treasured family and friends. A truly gorgeous video recording the most special of times. It certainly made me tear up! Very best wishes to all 3 of you. Enjoy!

  31. Oh my goodness Melissa this video made me cry seeing all of those beautiful, emotional moments. I cannot thank you enough for sharing such an honest and raw video of yours and Nicks journey so far. You’re incredible and inspiring and CONGRATULATIONS! What an incredible blessing for you all, wishing you magical transition into motherhood x

  32. Lisa says:

    Congratulations Melissa and Nick! This video bought tears to my eyes, what precious moments sharing such special news with your nearest and dearest.
    Enjoy the journey of your pregnancy there’s nothing in the world more magical.
    Thanks for sharing xx

  33. Jillian says:

    A huge congratulations Melissa and Nick! Looking forward to hearing all about your pregnancy journey

  34. Jemima says:

    How beautiful congratulations guys such a special time

  35. Nat says:

    <3 So pleased for you xxxxxx

  36. Simone says:

    Oh guys! Congratulations! I’ve never cried such happy tears for people I haven’t actually met hahah what a beautiful video- Melissa I prefer the real clip to the ‘wish we filmed it nicely’. This is the reality of it all, it’s gorgeous in its natural organic state.
    The reactions and the fact you filmed it is so great!!!! Such a treasure!
    Congrats again guys, many more ‘the best day ever”S to come:)
    Xxx love and light

  37. Hannah says:

    Congratulations Melissa & Nick! Such beautiful news! xx

  38. Phoebe Collins says:

    Tears!!!! Most beautiful photo ever and can’t wait to hear about your journey!
    Congratulations guys!

    Just wiping my tears off my face! Hehe

  39. Bronte says:

    Congratulations you guys!! Such beautiful news for you both. Enjoy the journey, and your newest adventure.

  40. Alexia Clarkson-Rowntree says:

    Omg! Congratulations guys!! This IS amazing! So much love!!!

  41. This made me sooo happy – I have tears in my eyes – you truly deserve this happiness – Congratulations xx

  42. Carla Anderson says:

    Melissaa and Nick, what a beautiful moment to share. I loved the video, You had me in tears!!! Wishing you all the happiness in world in your new little adventure

  43. Sonia Ali says:

    I am so happy! Congratulations lovelies

  44. Loralee Jade says:

    I have actual tears streaming down my face! Congratulations beautiful people

  45. Maddie says:

    Congratulations Nick and Melissa! Such exciting news.

    This video was so beautiful and had me in tears.

    Looking forward to watching your pregnancy journey. Thank you for sharing your beautiful moment with us all xo

  46. Olivia says:

    Congratulations Melissa and Nick! That is such exciting news and you will make beautiful parents.

  47. April says:

    Oh my goodness, I wish I could squeeze you both. ❤️
    The video is so real and so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with your tribe.

  48. Courtney says:

    So exciting! So many happy tears shared with you!

  49. Kayla says:

    Absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations! I can’t wait to follow your beautiful journey ahead! ❤️❤️

  50. Kylie says:

    The video was so beautiful. I actually shed a few tears myself. I am so happy for you both. Congrats!!

  51. Xenia says:

    I sensed that you are pregnant and hoped for months that you would write it. I came to tears and I was so happy for you guys. I congratulate you very much and I am really happy about the many insides about the pregnancy. Big hugs, Xenia from Switzerland

  52. Mindy Mahoney says:

    I’m sitting at my computer blubbering after watching such a raw and honest video!
    My deepest congratulations to you both X

  53. Sally says:

    Ohhhh you had me in tears, so so thrilled for you.

    I never comment on anything but wanted to send you so much good energy and love.


  54. Christine says:

    Cried like a baby over your video! Makes two of us, can’t wait to go on this journey with you! So much luck and love.

  55. Lauren says:

    Congratulations to the both of you!!! This video was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing it with us The surprise on everyone’s face was priceless and made me cry lol

  56. Webby says:

    When I received your email this afternoon and read the Headline… I just knew that you where pregnant.
    I remember that feeling… it is the most exciting, joyous, happy time of your life.
    It only gets better from here!
    I’m so so so happy for you both!
    How beautiful.
    Ps. The filming was more than perfect the fact that you where in your Qantas Jamie’s and back to front pants… It just makes it so much better than a perfectly filmed video.

    I recon it’s a girl! ❤️ Sending all my love!!

  57. Maja says:

    Wow, what a true blessing! This video is filled with so much love! Best of luck on this new, magical journey! Love from Europe

  58. Kate Clark says:

    I’m so happy for you both. It’s wonderful news. Loved your video. I started my personal development journey from reading both your books. They were super inspiring and have led me onto read and learn a whole lot more. Thank you. I’m grateful to have found you.

    Sending you love. Kate

  59. Jayne says:

    Congratulations Beautiful, so happy for you! Thank you for sharing with your tribe! Sending lots of love x

  60. Katie says:

    Congratulations to you both xx that is amazing news and you two will be the best parents! I am so so happy for you both!!

  61. Natasha says:

    This is amazing! Massive congratulations! What a beautiful video, almost in tears could feel the raw, real emotion of it. Thanks for sharing. So excited to follow you on this journey. Its a magical one ❤️

  62. Lauren Luckman says:

    I just watched this while I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my first. pulled on the heart strings and I shed a tear. This was my exact reaction when I found out I was pregnant too ❤️ So so special. Congratulations!!! So happy for you both!

  63. Deborah says:

    That was absolutely beautiful! So magic congratulations to you both! ❤️

  64. Amanda says:

    Massive congratulations, such a beautiful and special time ahead Gorgeous video xx

  65. Sam says:

    Congratulations Melissa and Nick. What beautiful and awesome news. Your video gave me tears (happy tears). I have been following you way back since ‘Health talks’ and I am happy for you both. Sending you my very best wishes on this beautiful journey xx

  66. Alicia says:

    Oh my gosh you guys… this is the most amazing video! It had me balling my eyes out. I’m so happy for you both. Huge congratulations beautiful people!

  67. Veronika Barry says:

    Ok ecstatic for you both – your video was such a tear jerker (in a good way) We have our first baby due in January after 4 years of IVF. I know that feeling of just being so excited when it finally happens and I can’t wait to watch you bloom Melissa

  68. Evelyn says:

    Beautiful news shared together! that’s how it should be.
    Congratulations guys

  69. Michelle says:

    So excited for both of you! Look forward to watching your pregnancy videos as you grow and bloom. Love and hugs XXX

  70. Shilo Taylor says:

    This is the most amazing video, so so happy for you both congratulations beautiful souls ✨

  71. Rebecca says:

    OMG! Congratulations beautiful xxx

  72. Mindy Coe says:

    This is such incredible news guys! Super excited for you both and I cannot wait to follow your next adventure! Eeeeee! xxx

  73. Astrid Van Der Linden says:

    Congratulations Melissa & Nick,
    Such exciting news and I was really hoping it was baby news, when I saw that there was going to be an announcement. Thank you for sharing the lovely video. Wishing you all the best for this wonderful new chapter ahead. It’s truly a wonderful gift Love Astrid & Nick

  74. Jane says:

    You couldn’t have filmed that ‘any nicer’! I was in tears watching that and I’m in the UK never having met you guys!
    I’m so happy for you both!! xxxxx

  75. Laura Clutterbuck says:

    OMG!!! I am so happy for you both!! That made me cry and your bubba has chosen the most amazing parents EVER!!! Sending you all so much love That has freakin made my day!!

  76. Emily Warner says:

    Oh My God, Blubbing like a baby at your video guys! SOOOO happy for you both! So much love x x x

  77. Christie says:

    OH MY GOSH! Hunny I cried watching this I’m soooooo excited for you! It sounds like it’s been a journey for you as Nick said, making it even more special for you both! I’m due to birth my little number two next month so I understand exactly where you’ve been! SOOO EXCITING!! A massive congrats xx

  78. Jen says:

    Congratulations!! That was the most beautiful video, showcasing so many beautiful emotions and feelings. Aww my heart. Thank you so much for allowing us all to share this beautiful and amazing next chapter in your lives.

  79. Sydney says:

    Oh my gosh!! Huge congratulations to you and Nick!! That is amazing news. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. The video you made is beautiful and was so lovely to watch. I was definitely shedding some tears of happiness watching it! Congratulations again!! You are going to be an absolutely incredible mother to this little one.

  80. Bernie says:

    I love your podcast Melissa, and congratulations on your beautiful news. There will be a wonderful future for you both, with a lots of pyjama pants in it!

  81. Susan says:

    Congrats this is amazing!!! Love the video especially the way you shared the news with others xo

  82. Mel says:

    Congratulations!! Such amazing news. Your video had me crying and can’t wait to watch this journey xx

  83. Kate says:

    Soo happy for you two…so beautiful…it made me cry! Finding out your expecting is the most exciting news every single time…wishing you all the best in the coming months…can’t wait to follow along and see your journey into parenthood together…your baby is very lucky to have you as parents ☺️

  84. Cindy Benbow says:

    Oh my goodness what an absolute beautiful way to share your special news. Your video made me cry happy tears. Congratulations to you and Nick.

  85. Debbie says:

    Congratulations guys. I’m so happy for you both. That’s going to be one healthy baby. All the live in the world to the three of you, and bonus brother of course x

  86. Tanya says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this very special moment with us. It was so raw and vulnerable – you have so much love and support around you which is truly beautiful to see. Wishing you all the best and can’t wait to hear more about this incredible journey xx

  87. Ashleigh Trollope says:

    Congratulations guys. This is such wonderful news! I had a giant grin the whole time and tears in my eyes. What a gift xx

  88. Holly says:

    Tears of happiness streaming down my face! You two are going to be next level parents!!! Melissa – I’ve been following along on your journey literally since your path to wellness days – since the beginning & don’t usually say much on here, but I just can’t help but express what a pleasure and privilege it’s been to see you blossom into the shiny shiny soul you are today! Thank you for showing up at your desk & sharing your stories, they’ve helped me tremendously !! My deepest congratulations to you both ! Love love love!! Xxx Holly

  89. Claire Croft says:

    Congratulations to you both,

    I can FEEL the LOVE
    I smiled & cried all the way through your beautiful video.

    Thank you for sharing

  90. Sarah says:

    That is the best news! I’m so excited for you guys. I got so ready just watching your video. Can’t wait to hear about the journey ahead xx

  91. Stella says:

    Congratulations!! This video is so precious, it had me in tears! Wishing you both the best on your new journey together ❤️.

  92. Joanna says:

    Big Congratulations Guys!!! Seeing happiness on both of your faces is soooo beautiful

  93. Kylie Smith says:

    OMG so happy for you guys!

  94. Talitha says:

    That made me tear up. You two are so loving and beautiful. Blessings to you all and vig brother Leo.

  95. Bianca-Jade says:

    OMG!!! That is the best news I have heard all year! I had tears streaming down my face! I’ve only just started on my journey with you Melissa, but that genuinely gave me goose bumps! How EXCITING and AMAZING!! I can’t wait to watch you on your new journey. You are my biggest inspiration in life. Sending all my love

  96. Oh.My.Goodness! Congratulations!!! This is such wonderful and exciting news.❤️

    This is going to be such an significant chapter in your life’s journey together. It’s going to be fabulous!

    Thank you for sharing such tender, sacred and precious moments with all us too. I feel so privileged to be witness to the love you share for each other, your family and loved ones.

    You are two truly beautiful souls and I know you will embrace every single moment of this experience.

    Stay well and may you always be showered with blessings, love and light.

  97. Kate says:

    Congratulations what an exciting journey for you both

  98. Laura Kazak says:

    Dear Melissa and Nick!
    I am so freaking happy for you and over the moon! You are already amazing parents to Leo and now you get a new soul to guide, nourish and watch live.

  99. Mathilda says:

    So happy for you!!! I wish you a wonderful and mind-blowing time! For myself I very much hope you will not turn into a mommy-bloger but if you do so I’m sure it will be epic for those with kids.

  100. Brenda Faulkner says:

    This is such wonderful news. Congratulations to both of you. It was a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing it with us. It reminded me of the first time I got pregnant.

  101. Chantel Harris says:

    This is so exciting Melissa! Congratulations!!!! I am keen to watch you blossom and thrive and be glowing throughout your pregnancy. I watch you everyday and learn from you more than you could ever imagine, you are such an inspiration and angel, a true role model I look up to. Such an amazing time for you both, enjoy! PS LOVED how you gifted your news in the boxes, so sweet! xo

  102. Nicola says:

    I am so happy for you both, congratulations ❤️ Sending you all so much love

  103. Tiffany says:

    Congratulations! This video is so sweet. You will make great parents.

  104. Robyn Berg says:

    I cried like 18 times! Congrats!!!!!

  105. Elaine says:

    OH MY GOSSHHHHH you guys!!!!! I just cried the entire video!!! So many happy tears for your expanding fam! Congratulations and big love xoxo

  106. Stephanie Woods says:

    I am soooo soo happy for you guys! I have been following your journey for many many years. Can’t wait to see how the next chapter unfolds for you guys. x

  107. Tash says:

    Oh my goodness!! Congratulations you two!! I could’ve guessed as soon as you started making podcasts about pregnancy/birth etc I knew something would be a comin! Soooooo gooood! You’re going to be amazing parents ❤️ Love love love!! Xox

  108. Teaghs says:

    What an amazing video to announce your pregnancy. Congratulations to you both and Melissa welcome to motherhood. I cannot wait to watch this baby grow from being in the womb to his or her life on the outside. Its always a pleasure watching your videos.

  109. Melissa & Nick,

    While you may not know who I am, it has been a joy to witness the relationship & lives that you both lead with. Not a day goes by that I don’t bless you both with abundant love, laughter & freedom (Truly, you’re in my prayer journal <3)
    When I got the email of your announcement, I literally BURSTED with a smile & clicked the link immediately. While watching the video I was moved to tears…. the radiant joy was contagious & I couldn't be happier for you all! The sweet angel you're bringing into the world is incredibly blessed to have such amazing humans as their parents. And at the same time, the child you've created will be a beacon of light in your own lives. I bless all three of you with a connection of a three-stranded cord — not easily broken & as strong as iron. May your days be full of laughter, peace & love, and may the Light of God surround you all in every moment.

    Joyful can't express how I feel for your growing family… and for the way you THREE will impact this world <3 Congratulations!!! And I'm sending you SO much love!

    Rachel Vineyard

  110. Shannon Fowler says:

    Congrats to both of you!

  111. Laura Kazak says:

    I am so happy and over the moon excited for you both!!! I can’t wait to hear all your adventure!

  112. Courtney says:

    Congratulations to you both and your families! I am over the moon for you! What a blessed soul to be joining you. I look forward to following your journey. Xx

  113. Charlett says:

    Congratulations Melissa & Nick! I am so happy for you. I cried the whole video! So many happy tears! I love you guys ❤️

  114. Stacey Rae says:

    Martin and I are sending you both joyous love for you beautiful news and the new addition that will come into your wonderfully delicious loving family! We are SUPER excited and SUPER and HAPPY for you both, just over the moon HAPPY! YIPPEEEE! BIG HUGS from Los Angeles!!!

  115. Silje says:

    Congrulations! So so happy for you! And it was a beautiful video❤

  116. Eloise says:

    Congratulations beautiful people! The best news ever! ✨

  117. Kellie says:

    Congratulations to both of you! That little soul chose well! Born into a conscious, loving and beautiful family. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy and best wishes for the arrival day xoxox

  118. Louise Mckenzie says:

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing.
    I admire how brave you are wanting to share something so personal so publicly.

  119. Meshele Ouwinga says:

    I am so happy for you both, and big brother too!

  120. Lisa says:

    I cried happy tears watching this! Lucky child scoring you two as parents. Congratulations!!!

  121. Jackie says:

    So so happy gorgeous humans xx
    My baby girl is 14wks pregnant after 4 miscarriages so i totally understand your happiness

  122. Gab says:

    This is so beautiful! Congratulations x

  123. Jennifer Johns says:

    Congratulations you beautiful couple!!! My daughter and I are so thrilled for the upcoming expansion of your family! I had a feeling you were pregnant!!!

    Sending you both love ❤️ from the east coast of America. xx

  124. Louisa says:

    Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you, enjoy every minute as best you can as pregnancy sure has its ups and downs! Your video was so sweet and it was so good seeing & sharing in the happy tears. Thank you for letting us in on the lovely moments. xx

  125. Rebecca says:

    Just the happy cry I needed today! Enjoy every minute, Melissa. It’s an incredible feeling! x

  126. Jade says:

    Congratulations!!!! So beautiful.
    I’m crying happy tears for you. You will be the best Mum!!


  127. Sophie says:

    You’re shaking in the video, well, I”m crying for you. So so happy for you two incredibly beautiful souls. What wonderful, wonderful news! Wow you have done so well to keep this quiet but I’ve been waiting for this day. You are such an inspiration, your energy is so vibrant and you always light me up with everything you do. Oh congrats so much you beautiful beautiful woman. I am so happy for you. And I’m still crying.

  128. Kirstin Bernau says:

    Congratulations Melissa! I’m so excited for you!! You will be such an amazing mother. I can’t wait to hear all about the pregnancy and your motherhood journey. Lots of love to you and Nick and little baby also- I love how real the video was- pj’s and all.

  129. Skye holland says:

    Congratulations to the both of you!! I cried and cried tears of joy!!

    Iam so happy for the both of you and I can’t wait to watch your journey xx

    Kind regards
    Skye x

  130. Oh Melissa!!!!! I has tears streaming down my face watching your reaction!!!! What a BEAUTIFULLY raw and moving video. Congratulations to you and Nick and your families. Your little munchkin has chosen an amazing set of parents!!!! Soo happy for you. xxxx

  131. Lauren says:

    Naww! Congratulations!!! Such a sweet video.

  132. Natasha P says:

    Congratulations Melissa and Nick! Melissa, your podcast was a huge catalyst in terms of me getting my body, mind and soul ready to conceive. I owe you many thanks! I’m about to give birth next week.
    Sending all my love to you – mumma to mumma.
    Best wishes,
    Tash xx

  133. Laura gild says:

    Congrats! This is great news.

  134. Debbie says:

    OMG this was so beautiful. I cried with joy for you both. It brought back such amazing memories of when I first learnt I was pregnant so my beautiful now 22 year old son. A huge congrats to you both. I will truly be the most incredible special journey for you. With love xx

  135. Sophie Lee says:

    A massive Congratulations to you both! You will be amazing parents, I hope you are feeling well. So excited to watch you guys as this beautiful journey continues xox

  136. Breanna says:

    OMG this was so special and beautiful to watch!! Trackies were still super cute 🙂 So many happy tears for you both thank you for sharing it with your tribe <3 Looking forward to seeing your journey unfold as your family grows xx

  137. Chloe says:

    OMG congrats you 2!
    This made me tear up, such wonderful news.
    wish you and Nick nothing but the best xxxxxxooooooo

  138. Anni says:

    Congrats guys!! I’m so happy and excited for you!❤️

  139. Heather says:

    Hey there Melissa (and Nick )

    Awesome news for you both! Watched the video having my lunch break at work….had to wipe some tears away to go back into the office!
    Parenthood is another amazing journey you are both going to LOVE looking forward to watching this space…take care of yourself Melissa with the big heart!

  140. Kelly says:

    Congratulations guys!! This is such a beautiful video to watch – I loved that you recorded your families reactions! Something to show your little nugget when they’re a bit older 🙂 I hope all goes well, you will make beautiful, conscious parents xx Love Kel

  141. Nakita Clarke says:

    Wow that’s amazing congratulations to you both!! Never give up hope xx

  142. Brenna says:

    yay!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you both. Have listened to your podcasts and enjoyed them so much. You give so much and deserve it all back to infinity. Enjoy every crazy moment. Cheers to an awesome 2021 with your new pumpkin!

  143. Bianca says:

    Congratulations beautiful souls! Your video is so heartwarming and touching. Wish I had a tissue handy!! All the very best to you and Nick for this exciting new chapter of your lives xx

  144. Grace B says:

    Hey Melissa,
    I am a 16 year old girl who is so inspired by everything that you do…when I read you book, I thought wow, I am so lucky to have people like this so I know the right way to live. I told my besties that they too should read your book. When I saw this pop up I was so excited for you! Thank you for inspiring me so much and congratulations!!

  145. Nichola says:

    This is such a beautiful and amazing video – pure joy and so emotional. Thank-you for sharing this beautiful moment – congratulations xxxx

  146. Lynn Hand says:

    Congratulations guys on your awesome news. xx

  147. Maria says:

    I am not crying, you are crying!!. Seriously thou. I don’t know you but this warmed my heart. As a mom I know the feeling. As a woman who suffers from Endometriosis and infertility, I know the feeling even more. There has to be a better word than Congratulations to express how happy I am for you guys. I am bursting with love ;). Bye , Maria .

  148. Amy says:

    My heart is sooo full!! I love seeing the reaction of you and all your loved ones. How special. I can’t wIt to watch your journey! Soo much love!

  149. Kristy says:

    Crying! Love. Best of luck guys, it’s going to be awesome…♥️

  150. Nicky says:

    Congratulations!!! That’s super exciting news and I hope all goes well with your journey! I can’t wait to be there every step of the way. We are having our first baby as well (due the 4th of Feb next year)!! Sending lots of love your way.
    Nicky and Josh xx

  151. Olga says:

    Massive congrats!!! this is so beautiful. blessings to you all

  152. Janet says:

    I’m so happy for you and Nick congratulations! wishing you all the best for you and your growing family lots of love XXX

  153. Bec A says:

    Congratulations!! So exciting! And what a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing! Feel so warm & fuzzy now seeing all your loved ones reactions!! xxx

  154. Stephanei says:

    Every child should have a welcome such as this. Beauty and love were so magnanimous I could feel it in Montana. What a blessing!!!! I look forward to seeing where this journey take you all. Welcome to the world little Angel May your life be as blessed as you

  155. Tracey says:

    Best thing I’ve seen all day! Or all year … or all 2020 and 2021 .
    Congratulations and what a lucky little baby that is ❤️

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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