
Wait, The Secret To Scaling Your Business Is… Energy Work?! | Talyn Fiore





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What if your success in business wasn’t just about strategy, but also about energy?

In this deeply transformative conversation, I’m joined by Talyn Fiore — intuitive Reiki master, energy healer, and ‘The Modern Alchemist’ — to explore the powerful connection between spirituality and entrepreneurship, and how energetic practices can transform both your business and your life.

Press play to discover: the best tools to align, protect, and replenish your energy, why your sense of worthiness determines everything you attract, the simple but powerful practices that bring more ease and flow into your business, the surprising truth about energy work, the biggest misconceptions about intuitive healing (and what’s actually real), and how she built a thriving social media following while staying in complete alignment.

If you’re ready to unlock your highest potential, create a business that feels as good as it runs, and harness the power of energy, then press play now — this episode is for you!

About Talyn Fiore

Talyn Fiore is The Modern Alchemist. She is a published author and multi-disciplined artist with a background in business, acting, production, and interior design. She found her true calling in spiritual awakening and transformation as an intuitive reiki master following a profound personal loss. Talyn has dedicated her life to empowering others and aims to be a catalyst for transformation, encouraging individuals to realize their infinite potential.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The life-changing moment that led her to become an intuitive Reiki master (2:10)
  • The most powerful tools to align, protect, and replenish your energy (6:11)
  • Why worthiness isn’t just a mindset — it’s the frequency of everything you attract (12:53)
  • The spiritual practices you need to bring into your business for more flow and ease (19:19)
  • The secret to protecting your energy and recharging when life gets overwhelming (22:50)
  • The one book she believes every student should read (26:23)
  • Her unique definition of success and the key lessons that shaped her journey (27:24)
  • How to navigate change with ease (even when you struggle with uncertainty) (28:59)
  • The top spiritual hacks that every entrepreneur should know (32:56)
  • How motherhood transformed her perspective on receiving and staying aligned with her values (35:59)
  • Her daily rituals for staying grounded, inspired, and in energetic flow (40:46)
  • The surprising strategy behind her rapid social media growth — and how she stayed in complete alignment while exploding her following (44:24)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Talyn Fiore (website)
  • Waking Up: An Ode to Alchemy (audiobook)
  • Brown-Eyed Girl: A Book of Poems by Talyn Fiore (book)
  • Waking Up: An Ode to Alchemy by Talyn Fiore (book)
  • Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr Joe Dispenza (book)
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (book)
  • Talyn Fiore (Instagram)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini show. I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, and Time Magic. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life.

Hey beautiful, welcome back to the show. I’m so excited about this episode because we’re talking about two of my favorite topics, spirituality and business. And for those of you that have never heard of Talon, she is the modern alchemist. She’s a published author and multidisciplined artist with a background in business, acting, production, and interior design.

She found her true calling in spiritual [00:01:00] awakening and transformation as an intuitive Reiki master, following a profound personal loss, which we talk about in this episode. She has dedicated her life to empowering others and aims to be a catalyst for transformation, encouraging individuals to realize their innate potential.

And for everything that we mention in today’s episode, you can check out in the show notes and that’s over at melissarambrosini. com forward slash six four five. Now, without further ado, let’s dive into this incredibly expansive conversation with Talon.

Talon, welcome to the show. I’m so excited to have you here, but before we dive in, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning?

Talyn: Oh man, I haven’t had breakfast yet, but I did drink this raw greens virgin smoothie. So this is what I do when I do have an early morning call is I just, it’s bottled, but it’s delicious.

It’s all organic. So that’s what I’ve had. Half of that and a little bit of English [00:02:00] breakfast tea. Yum.

Melissa: Yum. I love that. Green juice? The best. Seriously, the best.

Talyn: And it gives you so much more energy than caffeine straight away, too.

Melissa: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Absolutely. Now, you have such a fascinating and diverse background from Business and acting, which I can relate to, to interior design and production.

What was the turning point in your life that led you to pursue spiritual awakening and become an intuitive Reiki master? Like take us back. How did this all unfold for you?

Talyn: Yeah, so I always wanted to be an actress and so going to LA and doing the entertainment bit felt so natural and I did it for years, but kind of rewinding back when I was 18, my father passed suddenly.

I was two months into college, and I would say for a decade it completely defined who I was. I was 18, you know, newly at college, kind of figuring out who I was, and he was completely my hero. But also, I wouldn’t say that [00:03:00] we had the best relationship, which made it even more complicated when he passed.

because I’d always been wanting his love and admiration, but then also there were so many times that I was so unhappy with him, so it really confused me. I also didn’t drink or anything really in high school, so. You know, take a freshman who her dad just passed and now she can drink and it’s just kind of this, you know, recipe for years of numbing and just shout like a superficial friend group.

It was fun, but nothing really deep because I wouldn’t let anybody kind of in my walls. And so for years, I just lived a very normal life of what people would consider successful. You know, I went to college, I had a great job, I had a boyfriend, I had the friends, I had everything, but inside it was like this black hole.

And so. I got into a relationship that wasn’t the healthiest for four years, and when that ended, it destroyed me. And upon therapy and looking back, I realized it was [00:04:00] actually the unexpressed grief of my dad that came out through the breakup, of course. But that was the moment that really led me to spirituality because I was so low and luckily my mom was quite conscious.

So she was like, I got you a week at this meditation studio, please, for the love of God, like get out of the house, go do something. I was living in LA at the time, I didn’t have friends, I was trying to act, which is a lot of rejection. So like trying to become an actress in a breakup is a tough duo and going to breathwork and meditation that week saved me.

And it was the first kind of feeling of anything besides just rejection and sadness. And I’m a bit of an extremist, so I just went all in. I just, for years, read every book, did spiritual, you know, retreats, plant medicines. everything you could really think of and it was the life boat that saved me. I never intended to be a healer.

I only went down the [00:05:00] path to save myself and I think that that’s why I have such a deep love and dedication for it because I know what it feels like to be just utterly lost and hopeless. And I’m just so grateful that Now, to that breakup, I’m so grateful for it. I’m literally, I think I wrote him like a thank you letter years later because I was like this thing that broke me is the thing that saved me.

So yeah, I’m really grateful for it. But of course, I wouldn’t go back to it ever. But it’s always our darkness that really unleashes our light.

Melissa: It’s so wild, like, that we have to go through these experiences, these dark nights of the soul to have these realizations. But for some people they don’t, you know, some people have this massive revelation on the yoga mat or in a plant medicine ceremony.

They don’t necessarily go through a huge heartache and heartbreak that you’ve been through and that I’ve been through. But we come [00:06:00] here born. Worthy, enlightened beings. And we get conditioned to forget and then we remember, and that’s the journey of life, remembering. So I want to know some of the tools that you use, like as a Reiki master, I work with a lot of female entrepreneurs who want to protect their energy, who want to call in their dream clients, who want to have the income and the impact that they desire.

What are some tools that we can use on a daily basis to make sure our energy is in alignment? Because I also see many people, they can come from that desperate energy place when they’re wanting to work with their dream clients or things like that, or even in a relationship, you know, they’re trying to date the guy and there’s that desperate energy.

So can you give us some energy protection tools and [00:07:00] Energy alignment tools. Like what are the best things that you have seen work with the clients you’ve worked with?

Talyn: Yeah, I think that the foundation for everything is self love. I feel like there are so many people I work with where they’re like, I have a great life.

And I’m like, okay, how does your partner treat me? Well, they don’t treat me too well, but you know, they’re, they’re this, they check all these boxes. Okay. Well, how do your clients treat you? Well, they kind of walk all over me, but I’m making a lot of money. And I’m like, your outer world expresses your inner world.

So if your partner is not treating you well, it’s because you don’t value yourself and you don’t see yourself as worthy of love. So whether you’re on that side of the spectrum or the other side, like you mentioned, you’re just starting your business, you want your dream client, it all begins with self worth.

And I think it’s the thing that a lot of us skip over because now there’s so many like, you know, different courses on how you can make 10k a month or do this or that. And it’s so beautiful that we live in this information age where people can help us. But really, the [00:08:00] baseline is self love and self worth because even if you make those first couple months, you’re making all this money, it’s the consistency of it is what I’ve noticed.

I myself, years ago, had, you know, a lot of success, but I wasn’t able to hold it because it was ego driven success and not heart led success of, Oh, I’m worthy of this. It was, Oh, I’m going to work my butt off. And I made a lot of money, but once I stopped hustling every single day and night, the money stopped because I didn’t actually think I was valuable enough to attract it.

So I think that one of the baseline things to do is inner child work. They always say one of the easiest things you can do in the morning. is when you take your first breath, just placing your hands on your heart, imagining whatever age comes to you in that moment, looking that boy or girl in the eye and just saying, I love you.

You are worthy. I love you. You’re worthy three times. And then just saying, let’s see how much fun we can have [00:09:00] today. And what I like to tell people is a lot of us will go on like an inner child retreat or we’ll do, you know, like a week course with it. And we have these amazing outcomes. But imagine if you were an actual child.

And your parents showed up for one week and they were so loving, and then they just disappeared the rest of the year. You would actually feel more neglected and more abandoned. So if you could have a small practice that’s every single day, or at least like 90 percent of the time, I find that that’s actually much more impactful.

Because you’re actually saying, Hey, every day I see you, I love you and we’re on this journey together. So that’s one of my favorite ways of simply kind of just bringing that person in with you because they’re also your creative muse. You know, they’re the ones that are going to come up with these ideas that are out of the box for you to find your dream client.

So I think that really starting with that baseline of just, I love you, I’m here for you. Let’s go rock and roll and have this incredible day. It’s such a huge way to start. [00:10:00] And then also having at least five minutes for yourself in the morning to connect with this thing, whether you believe in God or source or the universe, this thing, that’s larger than yourself, your highest self to connect with them in the morning, whether that’s through meditation.

Journaling, whether that’s through just making a cup of tea or coffee and smelling it and being really present with it, that’s putting your feet on the earth outside. I think it’s so easy to turn on your phone, jump into work, and just go on that very 3D kind of thread for the day. And if you can just take five minutes, literally five minutes, and just say the phone’s off, what can I do in this morning to feel a little bit more alive?

Not more productive, but more alive. And when I think of alive, I think of the five senses. Smell something, listen to something, see something, or touch something. Get into your body, first thing, and it will really change on how you show up throughout the rest of your day.

Melissa: [00:11:00] One hundred percent. So important.

Before I had my daughter, I was so good at this. I would not turn my phone on until I started my work at nine o’clock. I would wake up. I would meditate. I would go to the beach. I would watch the sunrise. I would move my body. I would journal. I would do all of these things. Then when I had my daughter, I got into, if she was still asleep, Oh, okay.

I better quickly do some work before she wakes up. So I would still meditate. I’ve always meditated first thing in the morning. Cause I love that. And then I would be like, okay, I’m quickly going to do some work before she wakes up. And I cannot tell you the difference that I felt in my body, in my nervous system, everything.

When I did that, it was not supportive for me. I didn’t enjoy it. I felt like it really was compromising my mental health. And since I’ve gone back to, okay, I’m intentionally not going to turn my [00:12:00] phone on till this time. I’m going to take the morning for myself. The difference that that has made again in my body, it’s incomparable.

It really does make such a difference. As a working mom, I get it. Like, You want to get in the work when you can, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You know, I teach my clients that you get to create the life that you want. You get to create when you work your hours. I teach them how to, you know, dial up their worthiness so that they charge more.

They charge a premium for their services. So they don’t have to work with so many clients. They can work with less clients, but their dream clients. And still have the life and the business of their dreams. So that’s what I teach inside SheLodge. And I’ve noticed such a difference in my clients when they really get that.

And I also loved, you know, you spoke about worthiness. I talk about this so much. It’s in all of my books. Everything we [00:13:00] do comes back to worthiness. Every decision that we make is a reflection of how worthy we feel. So the choices of food we eat is a reflection of our worthiness. The relationships we keep, reflection of how worthy we feel.

The business, the work that we do reflection of how worthy we feel. And I talk about in mastering your main goal, the worthy o meter and I want everyone to be a 10 out of 10 on the worthy o meter, but when I ask people this, like when I asked my clients, when they first come in, how worthy do you feel?

Some of them are like five, six, four, and I help them get right back up to that 10 out of 10, because that is our birthright. That is our natural state. And we can operate from that place every single day. It’s just, you know, a few little tweaks that we might need to make.

Talyn: Yeah, and you’re so right because there’s such a difference of feeling like you’re begging someone to work with [00:14:00] you is such a different energy than becoming the frequency of what you want and then someone who’s already dedicated to doing the work calls you and just says, Hey, I want to do a three month container.

That is such a different feeling of worthiness. Then begging someone to sign up for a one month container that then is broken up into six payments or whatever it is. And everyone is worthy to be worked with. And like you said, when you have these high premium clients, it’s a way to show yourself of your own value.

And it’s just such a different feeling because people that invest in themselves, they show up differently. They just are like, Oh, I know I’m going to do this. I know it’s going to work. I’ve done these other programs. And it’s just a matter of figuring out your ideal client because I’m not sure how you do it.

But one thing I like to do with my clients, if I’m trying to help them get the client of their dreams is I do this for partners too. People are always writing lists of the partners they want, right? I’m like, okay, great. You can do that. It’s good to have that. But write a list of [00:15:00] what you bring, all of the incredible value that you’re bringing to the partner.

You’re not talking about, oh, I need this. It’s like, oh my gosh, I’m funny. I’m this, this, this, this, this. Same thing with clients, instead of thinking always you of course want to know who your ideal client is, but also what do you bring to the table? What is your program or your whatever it is going to do for it?

And then once you get really excited, you’re like, wait, this is going to change their life. So instead of thinking, gosh, I hope they buy it, it’s like, I just want to give more people an opportunity to be free. And then once you switch that perspective, it no longer feels like selling. It’s I am brought to this person to change their life and if it aligns, beautiful.

And if not, it’s for someone else. And that is such a different feeling in your body than, Oh, I’m begging people to work with me.

Melissa: Absolutely, babe. And I don’t beg anyone to work with me. I don’t. And I teach my clients not to do the same. So I post on social media, I share, I give value [00:16:00] and my DMs are always open for the conversation and they can book a call, they can join my containers.

But for me, that desperate energy, that like begging, like convincing, I actually don’t want to work with someone who needs convincing to work with me. I want a woman who is like, you’re my person, Melissa, let’s link arms. And let’s do it together. Like that person, that type of woman, that’s my dream client.

So there’s definitely like no convincing or no begging from my part. And I definitely don’t want my clients to do that as well. I want their energy. And I want their work and their expertise to speak for themselves because they do. And those women that sit in that power, they’re the ones that become magnets, an abundance of their dream clients.

I’ve seen it time and time again. And yeah, we all know [00:17:00] what that energy feels like, that desperate, begging energy. And it’s not fun. It’s not sexy. In a romantic relationship, in a business relationship, in a friendship, like in any energy, you know, like even with my daughter, there’s sometimes where I’m like, can mommy have a cuddle or a kiss?

And she’s like, no. And I’m like, Oh, every part of me is like, please. And I want her. But then I’m like, that is so gross. I’m like, she’ll come around. She’ll want to give me a hug and a kiss later. But like, even that, you know?

Talyn: Yeah. And it’s like you said, it’s like how you show up in every single thing. Cause it’s like, if you have strong boundaries and strong worth and confidence with your friends, I think that that’s something that people often overlook.

is the friendship because your friendships, you know, they might be from 10 years ago when maybe you were a little bit of a different version of yourself. And I think it’s so important to kind of take stock of everybody in your life, you know, your family, your friends, your clients, your relationships, and say, how am I showing up?

Am I valuing my energy or [00:18:00] am I overextending for this person? Because maybe I’ve been friends with them for eons, you know, and it’s just like you said, with your daughter, it’s really making sure that in every moment you feel worthy and seen and Just holding yourself in that magnetic way, like you said, because it feels so different.

It feels like home in your body. It feels like the magnetic coming to you versus like the condition reaching that so many of us are taught of like, if I run faster, harder, stronger, I’ll get up the hill. And it’s like, what if I can just mag, you know, magnetize someone to carry me up the hill and I don’t have to run up it by myself.

And I think support too is something that’s huge with entrepreneurs. I know for myself, there was so many times where I just felt like I wish I had someone to lean on. So I always tell clients if they’re entrepreneurs now to surround yourself with like minded people or get a coach or a mentor because Having someone to reflect back to you, your worth is [00:19:00] so helpful and have someone like you do, I’m sure in your, in your programs of like, look, you’re, you know, a boss and we’re going to remind you every day.

And these are the different techniques we’re going to use to get you there is invaluable because really energy is the currency of everything much more before money.

Melissa: Yes, absolutely. What other spiritual practices can we integrate into our business to really support us in business?

Talyn: Yeah, so I’m also a really big believer in astrology with business.

And this can seem like something a little bit daunting, but sometimes you can just simply take your astrological chart and put it into ChatGBT. And if you have like, I was gonna launch something and I asked like out of these dates, which is best for me based on my transit and it will tell you, obviously you can work with astrology as well, but I like to always give people kind of free, you know, free possibilities because we all know that there’s some days you wake up where you feel charged up and there are some days you wake up and [00:20:00] it’s a little bit more of a against the current energy.

And I think that. Really having a deep understanding of your cycles and your transits can be really helpful, especially when running a business. And I think also just being gentle with yourself and getting that support that you need is really helpful because someone who’s already done what you’re trying to do, because I know I’m sure you as an entrepreneur, I’ve done so many things that I’m like, if anyone wants to publish a book, please give me a call because I did all the wrong things the first time.

So I can help you save so much time. Like, let’s just jump on a call for a chat because. If you help, if you find someone that’s done it, they can kind of help you cut through all of that. Another thing I’m a big believer in is a new moon manifesting, because I believe in the power of when there’s no one in the sky is the best time to manifest.

And so it’s a beautiful time to put your intentions in for the next 30 days. So I love this too because I think that most of us have some type of idea of what we’re trying to accomplish [00:21:00] within the month. I think sometimes like a New Year’s resolution can be a bit more daunting of 12 months of what am I looking at?

And so really getting just quiet every single new moon or possibly fasting that day. I feel like fasting is really, really powerful and just getting clear on what do I want to accomplish this month. I’m a big believer in intentions and goals because. The universe is always trying to help us, but you have to kind of show her or him what you’re trying to do, right?

So if like every month you’re having a check in with God, with spirit, and saying, this is what I’m going to do this month, this is what I want to call in, how can we co create this together? I see the universe as this. almost like loving parent or big brother that is just there to help you. But you have to ask, you have to feel worthy of it, like we talked about.

And there has to be that inspired action. So I think there’s a lot of that spiritual bypassing of, you know, I’m just going to feel great. Everything’s going to fall into my lap. [00:22:00] And feeling great is a huge But there has to be that inspired action and I think that really setting that intentionality and that focus every single month of what am I trying to call in is really helpful.

And then doing those lists like we talked about too of what am I bringing to the table and constantly reminding yourself with affirmations, self talk of how incredible you are just because you exist. Not because of anything you’ve accomplished, but just because like you mentioned, it’s your birthright.

To have a full, beautiful life. Absolutely.

Melissa: It sure is. And I look at my daughter, like she was born into this world. Perfect, beautiful, whole, worthy, just unconditional love. And she has reminded me that we’re all born like that. And so I just love that so much. Now, talk to me about protecting your energy.

What are some ways that we can protect our energy and replenish? Because so many people work [00:23:00] one on one with clients and I have a lot of clients that first come to me and they get super drained working with clients. So I’ve gotten really good at protecting my own energy. I know how to replenish my energy, but I’d love your thoughts on how to protect our energy and then how to replenish it when we’re working with clients, but also just like in our personal lives, hello, like there’s people I’m sure in everybody’s life, whether it’s family members or friends that they need to protect their energy from.

So I’d love your advice on that.

Talyn: Yeah, so what I like to do when I leave the house is just a really simple thing where I either visualize a bubble of light around me or I draw it with my fingers and then I just place my hands on my heart, take a deep breath in and just say, allow this bubble to protect me from all that doesn’t resonate while allowing in all that serves me.

And I just like to do that simply because I think sometimes from the human perspective, we might think something serves [00:24:00] us when it doesn’t, or we might not think we need protection from this when we do, and so I like to surrender that intention kind of to this higher power of show me what I need to see and allow everything else to be taken away from me.

And I think that for me, I noticed a huge difference when I go outside and do anything with that bubble or not. I feel a huge difference in the depletion of my energy. And then for me working as an energy healer, I personally always wear cedar beads whenever I’m engaging with someone in a kind of like a healing capacity because I just noticed that helps to protect my energy from taking on all of the kind of deeper.

heavier stuff we’re going into. And I also like to always do dry bathing after my sessions, which is a really easy Reiki technique. And it’s just a matter of essentially just wiping your body off, wiping your shoulders off, wiping your arms off, and collecting all cords that don’t serve you and cutting them.

And this is just a way to really engage with your clients during, but then also making sure that you’re closing [00:25:00] up your energy field after and calling your power back because it’s so easy to get really into our client sessions. We all love our clients. And that’s the point, right? You know, we always want to help as much as we can.

We want to make sure that after we’re closing that up. And then for me, because I’m working in my home and you know, in my space that I’m living, I always like to sage or Palo Santo every single night just to make sure that the energy of the actual space is cleared as well. And for me, a lot of the times, if I just feel a bit overwhelmed, I try to just get outside.

We talked about this earlier, but just going on a 20 minute walk, whether that’s just being really present with the sights, the smells and the sounds, or sometimes you need to put on your favorite track and kind of like walk around like a gangster, you know, like whichever vibe you need in that moment, but really just allowing yourself to get into the world, but in a way that’s replenishing.

When we’re on our computers all day and we’re making content, it’s [00:26:00] all singularly focused. And I think it’s really beautiful to get out in the sun or the rain and just realize there’s an entire world functions completely without you doing anything. So it just reminds you that you’re this tiny little thing in this beautiful earth and it just kind of allows you to be small.

And I think sometimes it feels good to feel small in a bigger world.

Melissa: Yeah, absolutely. If you had a magic wand and you could put one book in the school curriculum of every high school around the world, for boys and girls around 16, 17, 18, that sort of age, besides your books, what is one book you would choose?

It could be on any topic, doesn’t have to be spiritual. It could be anything. Just the first one that comes to your mind.

Talyn: Oh, two came to mind. You can share too, babe. Go for it. Okay, Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. Love that book. I love that he brings science in and [00:27:00] real proof of how the mind can change your physical body, physical ailments, and manifest.

And then, from a story perspective, The Alchemist. I think it’s one of the simplest books that is so profound because it’s told through story.

Melissa: Yeah, absolutely. Both incredible books. I’ll link to them as well as yours in the show notes for anyone who wants to dive in, but I highly recommend them. They are amazing.

I want to hear what your definition of success is and what do you attribute your success to?

Talyn: My definition of success is feeling safe, love, free. I think those three words really encapsulate it for me. Because when you feel safe, you typically feel heard and understood. And when you feel love, you feel open and expansive and connected. And then when you feel free, That can be financially free, that can be being your own boss, [00:28:00] whatever it is, free to create your own schedule, free to create.

So if I have those three words, feeling safe, love, and freedom, that’s ultimate success for me because that feels like the free is for the soul, the safe is for the body, and the love is for the heart and the soul. So really those three for me. When I have all three of those looping, you know, in a chapter of my life, I’m like, oof, we’re doing it right now.

And I attribute my success to my father, a lot of it. I was told very young that anything was possible and to always shoot for the stars. And so with that, it’s created a hunger for life. I am deeply hungry to learn, to grow, to travel, to experience. And I don’t feel like that will ever stop. And then of course there’s always months where I need to kind of slow down and nest and ground for the physical body.

But I think just having a hunger for life. I always want to pick up new skills and try new things and [00:29:00] change. I love change. And I think the more that you can get behind change, the less triggerable you’ll be because change is the only constant that there is. So once you fall in love with the changing seasons.

Everything feels like a blessing.

Melissa: How do you change? Like, what do you do on a daily basis to change?

Talyn: Yeah, so I, the last year and a half, I have moved, like, almost ten times. Like, I’ve been moving a ton, and that’s more God led, intuitive led. I get these pings to go somewhere, and then magic will always unfold.

But I find traveling to be one of the easiest ways. It’s kind of like a snow globe. You, like, shake everything up because you have to be so present. Because you don’t know where you are. Maybe you don’t speak the language. It’s all new, so it forces you into the present moment. So travel’s huge for me, also learning something new.

So I feel like if I’m in a nesting, you know, phase, like. I just started the artist’s way, which I did, you know, eons ago, but it’s just a way to kind of [00:30:00] feed the intellectual mind and the creative mind as well by giving it something to chew on. And I’m always just kind of trying to dig deeper and oh, you know, my meditation practice is feeling a little bit stale.

Let’s try transcendental meditation for a little bit. So it’s always just trying new things or maybe I’ll try a different food or start cooking more. I’m just always trying to put myself in a state of learning. And adapting and growing because it’s in the change that you stretch. And sometimes it’s uncomfortable, but that’s where the growth is.

Melissa: One hundred percent, totally agree. I love that so much. And it’s very easy to get caught in the day to day and that groundhog day. You know, it’s very easy, especially with kids, like the routine, but we are creative beings and we need change. We need to mix things up. So whether that is making a different smoothie or.

Going a different route to the beach, whatever it is, like, there’s just [00:31:00] little things that you can do that really make you feel, that really make the difference, you know?

Talyn: Yeah, and I’m, this is gonna be really random, but I’m a huge advocate in flipping a coin. Sometimes let’s say I have an afternoon and I don’t know what to do, I’ll kind of give myself two options of things that are totally off the cuff, and I’ll flip a coin for yes or no, and I’ll kind of go on these coined adventures.

And they lead me to the craziest places. I’ve met incredible people, creative projects have come through. So that’s just like a full surrender of, okay, where are you going to take me today, God? Let’s just like fully throw, put you in the driver’s seat and just see what magic comes. And I think that that’s a really fun way.

I do that like at least once a month and just totally throw myself into adventure.

Melissa: I love that my brother calls them backpack days where he just gets a backpack and he just like intuitively is guided to go somewhere and he’ll just get in his car and he’ll drive and he’ll go to a hike or a waterfall and it’s just such a beautiful thing.

[00:32:00] It’s so simple. And I think for me, the past couple of years, I’ve been in such mom mode. That I haven’t traveled and, you know, we had COVID and I was pregnant and then I was breastfeeding. Like I just got stuck in this being at home mode, which I love. And I’ve also felt the difference that not traveling has on me.

And I’m like itching now. I’m so ready. You know, I’m giving birth in a few months, so I’m not going anywhere right now, but. I’m so excited to explore more. And I keep like daydreaming about our next trip and things like that. So I think change is so important as an entrepreneur in your personal life. I just love that so much.

And there’s little things we can do each day, but there’s also big things we can do, like go on an overseas trip or things like that. So I love those tips. Is there any other tips, spiritual hacks or anything [00:33:00] for entrepreneurs that can really support us?

Talyn: I think that trying to get from a place where you’re making decisions from your higher mind instead of like what I call the human mind.

So whenever you’re kind of facing a decision in your business and maybe you feel like there’s a fork in the road or you’re hitting a wall, I think it’s really helpful to maybe just write out like a few pages and just get that brain dump out and then go on a walk and completely remove yourself from the question.

And put on a song and then just see what pops in. I’m also a huge believer in signs. So a lot of the times, once you just like get the brain dumped out, and then you’re just in the world, maybe go see a movie, go get a cup of tea, whatever it is, someone might say something to you that’s the exact answer you’re looking for.

Or you might hear it in a song or read it in a book. And so I’m just a big believer in putting it down. And then distracting yourself and allowing the answer to find you instead of trying to manufacture the answer in your head. Because [00:34:00] I believe that if you’re doing a, you know, business that you’re passionate about and you love that you are divinely held and supported.

So just allow your human to sometimes take the pressure off. And ask for those bigger questions, you know, write down in your journal, show me the answer to this business thing today. I think that a lot of the teams we think spirituality can help with spiritual questions, but it also helps with like really tangible logistical questions.

It’s just a matter of asking the question of a huge believer and asking out loud and say show me the answer by the end of the day. And seeing what happens because it really works and it will find you, but you have to ask and you have to be open and be paying attention to the possibility of the answer.

Melissa: I love that. And just getting super clear. Give me an answer by the end of the day, like get really clear on what you want. I love that so much. So powerful because sometimes we can say, show me a sign or give me an answer, but we need to maybe be a little bit more specific, like show me a sign in what [00:35:00] way like actually been doing this because.

Like I mentioned before, I’m pregnant and we’ve got like a couple of names for this baby. And I keep saying to the baby, give me a sign if you want this to be your name and things like that. But I’m probably not being specific enough. So maybe I can be more specific here.

Talyn: Because yeah, I think the specificity also shows you again, your value and your worth of yourself instead of being like, Oh, great source, you know, please, if you, if you love me, give me a sign, you know, it’s saying, Hey, I’m doing this business or this thing I love or creating an incredible human being inside of me.

I need an answer to move forward and give me one. And I think sometimes that assertiveness again comes from a place of confidence and knowing that you deserve an answer. Because sometimes we do get hung up and I think it’s also discernment because sometimes you like, I feel like the universe doesn’t listen, you know, to our, But I think that there’s the beauty of being really specific and seeing what happens.

And also I just want to [00:36:00] applaud you on being a mother in an entrepreneurial, like, it’s just, yeah, I mean, it’s so much easier to be grounded and all these things when you don’t have a child. So I can only imagine how different it is.

Melissa: Yeah. You have to be so in tune with your core values. Like I know what my core values are.

I know what my highest priorities are in my life. End. You have to make them a priority. Like you have to make your core values a priority. For me, one of my core values is self care. And so I have to make that a priority. And that might mean saying no to a social thing that I really want to go to, but I need to replenish myself or I need to do something nice for myself.

So. You know, when you are a working mother, like I am, which I love, I love doing both, you got to be intentional and you got to get over your inner mean girl telling you that you can’t possibly ask for support because you need support. You cannot do [00:37:00] this on your own. You can’t do life on your own. Like we’re not meant to, you know, we were in tribes and communities.

And I think. I have done so much work on myself over the years of like, being okay with receiving and asking for support. I am so okay with it now, like we have a nanny, I ask my mother, I ask my mother in law, like I have no issues with asking for and receiving help because it takes a village.

Talyn: Yeah. And that was one of the things too, is receiving.

That’s a huge thing up there with self love. If you cannot receive, if you’re blocking receiving. That’s just, it’s so much heavier to do things alone, whether that’s the business, partnership, motherhood, and really making sure that you can receive is a game changer. That’s amazing. Cause yeah, I know a lot of mothers that don’t feel able to, and I can see the wear and tear that it has on them.

Melissa: Yeah. Receiving in your personal life and receiving in your business, both. Receiving in all areas. [00:38:00] We’ve got to get good, really good at asking for and receiving in all areas of our life. And trust me, when you do, life just becomes so much more flowy and easeful and blissful. It truly does. Like when I got over it, I was like, Oh, wow, this is amazing.

How did you get over

Talyn: it? I’m curious if you just had one tip of how you did it.

Melissa: Looked at where it was coming from, where that fear of, or where that lack of worthiness was coming from. Like, Oh, I can’t possibly. Ask, you know, so and so to help me like, ah, it came from a lack of worthiness. And so I did all of the worthiness work.

I am worthy of asking for support. We all are, every single one of us is worthy of asking for support and just that deep knowing as well, that. We don’t have to do it alone. Like you actually don’t get a medal for doing it on your own. Like no one is coming to knock on your door to give you a gold medal for doing it on your own.

Like no [00:39:00] one in your business, in your life, like no one is coming to do that. And like where that deep seated belief came from for me, you know, that I couldn’t ask for support. Where did that come from? You know, usually it’s our parents. Where did that come from for me? And then just realizing that that actually wasn’t mine.

It was borrowed from my parents and I didn’t want to carry that forward. And I definitely do not want to teach that to my daughter, you know, and my future children. I don’t want them to feel like they can’t ask for support. I want them to own who they are, own their worth, and if they need support, ask for it.

Talyn: And yeah, like you said, it changes everything. Because when you don’t feel alone and you don’t feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it just changes how you show up in the world. Because you know that the thing you need is going to show up. Because you know that’s how the flow of the universe is and you can receive it.

And I know as an artist, when I started collaborating with other artists, it blew my mind. I was like, [00:40:00] wait, I can just do my part and they can do their part and we can, it actually gets even better. When you bring another soul and their entire experience into something, collaboration is something that I avoided forever.

Because I had a bit of that, I can do it alone, or I have to do it alone, and I can do it better than everyone else. And the second I got down, my work got so much better. Because you’re allowing you know, spirit to bring you the right people to collaborate with and people to lighten the loads that you can actually focus on the piece that you’re really good at instead of trying to hold all of the plates in the air.

Melissa: Does anyone hold all the plates in the air? Like, if you’re listening to this and you’re doing it, like, can you please DM me? Because I’d like to interview you.

Talyn: How do you do it?

Melissa: Yeah, exactly. Okay. So tell us about your daily life. I want to know a quote unquote typical day in your life. All of your routines, your rituals, like your morning routine.

Can you talk us through a typical day in your life? [00:41:00]

Talyn: Yes, so I’m recently in England, so things have actually changed quite drastically because of what the time change most of my sessions are in the evening. So it’s become really interesting to kind of figure out how that works in my life because I’m so used to doing sessions in the day and then having the evening off.

So what I’ve decided to do essentially is to have these kind of slower. more talent focused mornings because I know the evening is going to be filled with work. So I wake up, I immediately brush my teeth. I do this thing where I brush with my left hand and say I love you 10 times in the mirror. And you do it with your left hand because it’s out of the norm for you.

And then I usually drink one of these green drinks in the morning and I’m currently doing the artist way. So I immediately jump into morning pages, which is three pages essentially of a brain dump. And then I usually will make a bit of tea, a little bit of yogurt and granola. And I will either jump into work or I will jump [00:42:00] into writing.

I’m working on a novel right now. And so I have different days designated as work days versus writing days. So on a writing day, I will either go to a cafe and write for a few hours or I’ll spend time here and write for a few hours. And then in the afternoon, I make content. I do all my content daily. I tried to batch content a while ago and for me it just feels really good to feel it come through that day.

So I spend the afternoon putting my content together, putting it up, and then I usually like to go on a walk to get away from the screen for a little bit. And then I eat and then I usually jump into sessions or attunements in the evening. And then after that, I try to read and meditate or watch a show before I go to bed.

So the days are pretty full right now because of these nighttime sessions, but I try to find moments of peace and groundedness throughout the day.

Melissa: Yeah. And like we were saying before, bring that meditation into your everyday, you [00:43:00] know, that’s something I definitely try and do. Like, you know, there’s some mornings where say I missed a meditation, which is very rare, but like if I did, I would feel a little bit like frustrated.

And then I’m like, why am I feeling frustrated? Just meditate whilst I’m talking to her. Just meditate when she’s having. The big moments and the big releases of her energy. How can I meditate through those moments? You know? So yeah, I love that so much.

Talyn: I think also making sure like I have Saturdays where I take them off, like I don’t post content.

I don’t do anything with my business. And I think just having, I used to post every day and it got to the point where I was like there has to be a day. That I don’t do anything at least one day a week because then on Sundays, I always go to church and I always post something about God. That’s something I’ve started doing recently.

And so having that Saturday is so delicious of like phone down, no responsibilities, no client work, no emails, and just really being [00:44:00] able to be present. And yeah, I usually meditate in the morning as well. I’ve been doing the morning pages instead right now. I’m just kind of like trying that out and then I’m meditating at night, but it is a different feeling not meditating in the morning.

So we’ll see how it goes.

Melissa: Yeah. It’s always good to just experiment and feel into it and also go, hang on, that actually doesn’t feel as good as I’d like it to feel. So I’m going to go back to that. So it’s always a good experiment. Tell me how you have grown your social media. We have lots of people that are listening who are entrepreneurs.

Who want to grow their social media like you’ve got an amazing following. What do you think the key to that success is?

Talyn: So it’s an interesting story. I was very against social media for a really long time and beginning of 2023 I had three really strong signs of three people say you need to get on social media.

I had written and published and starred in a pilot that I was pitching to all the major networks in LA and everyone was like, you know, if you had a following that show would have gotten made. And so it was [00:45:00] one of those moments of, I don’t really like this tool, but I am seeing the value in it. So I literally just said to the universe, okay, I’ll give it one month.

I’ll post every day. I’ll just see what happens. I think a lot of the times it comes from commitment and that inspired action again, I said I commit to this. I’ll give you 30 days. Let’s just see. And it went viral within two weeks. And it was something that was a very loud sign for me and it was with Reiki.

And I was kind of at the beginning kind of posting a bunch of different stuff to see like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what would work. And Reiki was the thing that went viral with and really hit. And I saw that as a sign from the universe of okay. I hear you. I see you. I think I got like 10, 000 followers overnight from that one post on TikTok.

And it was a huge learning curve for me because I really favored TikTok in the beginning because it’s like the wild west. Anyone can get big on it. There’s no, you know, [00:46:00] favoritism. I didn’t have any followers that knew me, so I felt really free on TikTok to just fully go in on the spirituality, where on Instagram, I would say for a few months, I was much more conscious about I have friends from college on here and high school on here and kind of making it a little bit more tailored.

And my Instagram took much longer. Which is interesting, which I think it shows and TikTok, I was just being free and authentic and posting whatever I wanted. And I was curating a lot on Instagram. I don’t think it was until maybe like six or seven months later when I started to post the same thing on both platforms.

I finally was like, you know what, this is so silly to film two different things every day. People can unfollow me if they want, this is who I am. And once I started posting the same thing on both, my Instagram blew up. It was like, I moved to Ashland overnight. I think something hit a couple million views and it was like, I went from 4, 000 followers to [00:47:00] 100, 000, I think in like a month or two.

Like it was like wildfire. And I just started both of them a year and a half ago. So it really has happened very quickly. People always ask me, like, you know, do you use the trending audio and all the hacks? Like, I tried all of that. I think what works is being passionate about what you’re sharing, committing to posting every single day in the beginning, because I posted every day for a year.

And I think just being really authentic. I think in the beginning, I’d have the perfect lighting and the best outfit, makeup on. And then I started just posting. In my pajamas in bed and those were the videos that did really well because those were the videos that something came to me and I wanted to share it and it didn’t matter that it was 10 o’clock at night and I had no makeup on and I had a messy bun.

So I think the more that you can just be authentic, be passionate about what you’re sharing and also just commit to it. It is a [00:48:00] commitment. It is a separate piece. There is running your full time job. Or your business, and then there’s content. It is a separate job for over a year, I responded to every single DM, I was constantly responding to every comment, and there becomes a time where you have to say, okay, now where, where’s my mental health?

Because I’m giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, and then I had to kind of create some boundaries of not everyone can have access to me 24 7 because I need there to be some type of protection just for my own energy. But in the beginning, it is so essential to be responding and really talking to people because those are the people that need what you have to say.

So I see it more as this beautiful reciprocity as. I’m giving away this free value because I want to help people. And then if that leads to people working with me, great. But I really see it as kind of my offering to the world every day with no expectation in return. And I think [00:49:00] also because I never wanted it makes it helpful because I didn’t have this attachment to an outcome.

I just was like, let’s just give this a go because in life, the less attachment you can have to a specific outcome, the always, it always does better.

Melissa: Yeah. Beautiful advice. Beautiful, beautiful advice. I love that so much. So many things resonate, you know, just being your authentic self, sharing value.

Showing up consistently, these are all things that I teach inside SheLaunch as well, so I love that so much. You’ve got 236, 000 followers on Instagram. It’s just amazing. So well done, babe, congratulations. Now I have three rapid fire questions for you. Are you ready? I am. What is one thing that we can do today for our health?

Talyn: The thing that popped in my head was prayer. And whether that’s to a specific God or whether that’s to the universe or whether that’s to your younger self or your future self, I think having a devotional time every day will actually show up in [00:50:00] all places of your life, mental, spiritual, and physical. I think that there’s so many amazing things we can do for our health, but I think really getting into a place of prayer every day is pretty game changing.

Melissa: Yes, I love that. How do you pray? Like literally talk us through exactly how you pray because there’s so many different ways. I’d love to hear.

Talyn: Yeah. So for me, it’s I like a really dark room, so at night I like to actually pray as if God is in the room with me. And I think there used to be this kind of separation of like holier than thou, and now I really like to talk to God as a beloved friend.

And I think talking more of these are the things I’m so grateful for today. These are the things that were really hard, but thank you for giving me the strength to get through them. And these are the things that I really want if you can help me out. And kind of having it be all the pieces, of course there’s some days where I’m like, God, what is going on?

I need your help. [00:51:00] You know, of course. But I think always starting my prayers with gratitude, because there’s always something to be grateful for. Having it be more of like an actual dialogue with a friend, I think, makes it feel like to me, especially I’m in a new country, I’m, you know, a little bit, a little bit more removed.

I don’t have a community here yet. So having that time every night to say, Hey, thank you so much for this God. This was so incredible. And also, you know, I really had a hard time with this, but I’m giving myself grace and I, I just ask you to teach me what you’re trying to show me quickly so I can move through this portal.

And also, man, I would really like to call this in, show me the way to do that, God. And I will listen and just having it be simple, but deep and intimate.

Melissa: Yes. Beautiful. I love that so much. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Now, next one. What is one thing we can do for more wealth in our life?

Talyn: I think having a better relationship with money.

I think that I know [00:52:00] that there’s been times where I have been in scarcity and debt and you’re kind of avoiding. Looking at the money. I heard this on a podcast of going on a money date once a week and I really have started doing that. I really like it where you look at your accounts, you see what money is coming in, you see what money is going out, and you also write down goals.

But it’s this intimate thing. You wouldn’t have a partner that you just avoided and didn’t look at and were afraid to see what was going on, you know, behind closed doors. Once you start looking at your money and you know how much money is coming in, you know how much money is going out, then you have a better idea of, Oh, this is what I need to make next month to feel safe and secure.

So then you can tangibly call in that exact number instead of just saying, I’m wealthy, I’m abundant, bring in money. It’s like, what are you tangibly manifesting? And one also little thing, every time I spend money, in my head I say there’s more where that came from. Whether that’s groceries, you know, a big chunk, a coach, a mentor, whatever it is, there is more where that came [00:53:00] from.

Because then you’re seeing it as this beautiful thing that’s always flowing in and out. You know, keep your hands open with money because the more that you clench your fists. The more it’s going to get stuck, so you just, you give money away generously, because then you’re helping that person, and it’s going to put more money into circulation, and you know it comes back to you times ten.

Melissa: Mm hmm. Absolutely. So beautiful. Now, last one. What is one thing we can do for more love in our life?

Talyn: Cultivating self love, cultivating this deep self love of dating yourself, really truly partnering yourself, because the more that you feel that connection, that trust, that safety, that being understood and heard by yourself, The more you’re going to magnetize the right partner, I think we focus a lot on just magnetizing a partner.

You want, you’re going to attract where you’re at, so you want to make sure that you’re manifesting a partner that feels fulfilling. And there are teachers, it’s not always [00:54:00] going to be easy, but cultivating self love is the best way to find love in romantic relationships, friendships, family, because if you love and respect yourself, others will follow suit.

Melissa: One hundred percent, I absolutely agree. And our relationships are a reflection of us and we are the product of the five most prominent people in our life. So. It’s so important. Really important. You are helping so many people. You are serving so many people with your work. So I want to know, how can I and the listeners give back and serve you today?

Talyn: Thank you so much. So something a bit exciting happened this week. I found out that my, I recently published a poetry and photography book in May, but I did the audio book as an album on Spotify where there’s music and I’m speaking the poetry and it’s Reiki infused. And I found out this week that the album was submitted for a potential Grammy nomination.[00:55:00]

Melissa: Oh my gosh,

Talyn: that is amazing, hun. Thank you. So it’s not officially a nominated yet. Right now it’s in the voting process, but it is for Best Spoken Poetry Album, which I didn’t even know that was a category. So it was really cool to know that they’re honoring that. So the more that people listen to the album, download the album, save the album, it just helps the chances of it getting an official nomination.

And know that as you listen, you’re actually receiving Reiki, and it’s all about alchemy. So the first half is all heartache, grief, and then the second half is all inspiration, power, and love. So it’s meant to be something that you grab a cup of tea and a journal, and it, you know, you listen to it, and if something strikes you, that you pause it and you really write what it triggered within you.

So that you could alchemize that into power, turning that pain into something that’s beautiful and like, like we talked about at the very beginning.

Melissa: Beautiful. I love that so much. Congratulations. You’re amazing. Thank you so [00:56:00] much. This has been so beautiful and I’m sure everyone’s I’m going to walk away with so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom and takeaways.

I want to thank you so much for sharing so openly and lovingly and just giving your big beautiful heart to us today. I’m so grateful. This has been such a delight. Thank you for being here.

Talyn: Thank you so much for everything too. I love you’re such a inspiration for having it all. And I just really, really admire that as someone who wants a family and a, you know, blossoming business one day.

So just. Thank you for the light that you’re leading people through in the world.

Melissa: You’re so welcome. I’m always here. My heart and mind always open to supporting you. However I can, my love.

I hope you got so much out of this conversation and loved it as much as I did, and you’re inspired to take your spiritual practice to the next level. And if you loved this conversation as much as I did, please subscribe and follow the show. And if you [00:57:00] haven’t already, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts.

That would mean the absolute world to me and send me a screenshot of your review to hello at Melissa Rambrosini and I’ll send you a thank you gift, which is my wildly wealthy guided meditation, which is so powerful. Now, come and tell me on Instagram at Melissa Rambrosini, what you got from this episode.

I love connecting with you and I love hearing your biggest key takeaways. So jump on over there and share them with me right now. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you.

You rock. Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating and wealthy isn’t a dirty [00:58:00] word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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