Gabriel Cousens - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Veganism, Whole Person Enlightenment And Spiritual Nutrition With Dr Gabriel Cousens






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Can the food you eat nourish your soul as well as your body? For today’s podcast guest — Dr Gabriel Cousens, M.D. — the answer is an unequivocal YES. In fact, his 20+ years of clinical experience have shown that not only can ‘spiritual nutrition’ help you create vibrant health in your body and soul… it can even help you achieve enlightenment.

Gabriel Cousens is a man of many titles — including medical doctor, homeopath, psychiatrist, Ayurvedic practitioner and Chinese herbalist. To top it off, he’s also an ordained rabbi, expert yogi, bestselling author, and a Native American sundancer.

As the founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation, he’s helped thousands of patients create thriving health through conscious eating, mindfulness and connecting with the spirit. He’s also particularly renowned for his work in reversing modern diseases like diabetes, anxiety and depression.

So if you want to learn how to feed your spirit, decode your unique mind-body connection, and decrease depression by 400%, look no further… this episode is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • His journey — from seeing visions and meditating at age 4, to where he is today (06:15)
  • The life changing experience that happened to him at age 16 (07:14)
  • What is whole person enlightenment? (12:05)
  • What is spiritual nutrition? (13:45)
  • How to decrease depression by 400% (15:58)
  • How to be enlightened (16:25)
  • The big question: Do plants have a soul and consciousness? (22:38)
  • How to understand and find out your mind-body constitution (25:14)
  • The 3 powerful questions to ask yourself to uncover your unique mind-body constitution (26:52)
  • The optimal amount of protein for your body (28:31)
  • The biggest requirement we need as we age (that almost everyone overlooks) (34:56)
  • Why we all (not just vegans) need B12 supplementation (39:17)
  • Why it’s so important to eat organic and support organic farming (43:35)
  • The 6 foundations of a spiritual life (56:59)
  • The 7 fold path to enlightenment (58:34)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Spiritual Nutrition by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • Creating Peace by Being Peace: The Essene Sevenfold Path by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • There Is a Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • Conscious Parenting by Gabriel Cousens (Amazon)
  • World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle (Amazon)
  • Tree Of Life Foundation (website)
  • Tree Of Life Center (website)
  • Follow Gabriel Cousens on Facebook (Facebook)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

This episode is brought to you by My Wellness Community. Join the movement that spreads wellness across the globe, empowering every home to live a more natural lifestyle. Learn more at mywellnessessentials.net today.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.


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