
The Power Of A Plant-Based Ketogenic Lifestyle With Dr Will Cole






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Keto diets are all the rage right now, with study after study revealing their many health benefits. But with their intense focus on meat and dairy, they can also cause a range of health problems… especially if you’re someone (like me!) who likes to centre their diet around plants.

But what if there was a way to fuse the incredible benefits of keto with the power of a clean, green, plant-based diet? Today’s podcast guest, Dr Will Cole, has found the sweet spot between these two ways of eating. He calls this nutritional revolution ‘ketotarian’, and in this episode, he’s walking us through his game-changing approach to food, so we can experience the difference for ourselves…

Dr Will Cole is a leading functional-medicine expert. He specializes in finding the underlying factors that lead to chronic disease, then customising health programs for his clients to help them achieve full body health the natural way. Dr Cole was named one of the top fifty functional-medicine and integrative doctors in the nation. His book Ketotarian: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation has zoomed to the top of bestseller lists, and has garnered high profile fans like Terry Wahls, David Perlmutter and Gwyneth Paltrow.

So if you want to find out how to reboot your health, boost your energy, crush your cravings, develop better brain function, and turn your body into a fat-burning machine then drop everything and press play — this episode is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why our bodies love and thrive on a mostly plant-based diet (06:41)
  • His story and how he got to where he is today (08:06)
  • Creative strategies to inspire your children to eat healthy (11:18)
  • The truth about functional/integrative medicine (and how a good practitioner can help you transform your health) (12:42)
  • The power of a plant-based ketogenic diet and what it can do for your body and mind (16:57)
  • Where conventional keto gets it wrong (and the health problems that can result) (26:29)
  • The orthorexia dilemma and how to overcome it (31:45)
  • How to reverse the signs of stress in your body (34:36)
  • The health benefits of a plant-based diet (41:16)
  • How to shift your energy from work mode to home mode (love this so much!) (52:40)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Will Cole’s website (website)
  • Will Cole on Mind Body Green (website)
  • Will Cole on Goop (website)
  • Ketotarian by Will Cole (Amazon)
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Amazon)
  • Join the Melissa Ambrosini Tribe on Facebook (Facebook Group)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)
  • Open Wide Video Masterclass (podcast)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Jhoei says:

    Thanks for sharing those episodes. I enjoyed most of them but my favorite is “How to shift your energy from work mode to home mode”. I will have to keep this in mind.

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