Marshall Sylver

The Millionaire Maker Marshall Sylver






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Do you have big financial goals? Want to create wealth and security for yourself and your family? Want to give back and help others? Maybe you even dream of becoming a millionaire so you can do great things in the world? If that’s you, today’s podcast guest, Marshall Sylver, is going to light a rocket in your belly. He’s here with action steps and ‘why-didn’t-I-think-of-that’ strategies to turn you into a money magnet and set you on the path to financial abundance…

Marshall Sylver is a leading expert on subconscious reprogramming and irresistible influence. For over twenty years, Sylver has entertained, educated, and transformed the lives of thousands of people. He is the author of Passion, Profit, and Power, and through infomercials, has sold over a million copies of his personal development programs worldwide.

Known as The Millionaire Maker™, Sylver motivates people to take action in the present moment and change their lives forever. He is now on a mission to win a Nobel Prize for single-handedly turning around the economy of the United States. (How’s that for an abundance mindset?!)

I discovered Marshall’s work in a very roundabout way (you’ll have to listen in to hear the details — it’s a great story!). As soon as I saw one particular video of him, I knew without a doubt that I HAD to get him on the show, so I could share his genius with all of you… and holy moly, did he deliver.

So if you want to rewrite your subconscious thoughts, reprogram and strengthen your money mindset, and learn the strategies millionaires use to create wealth, then pop in those earbuds, amigo… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Marshall’s story and how he got his awesome title: “The Millionaire Maker™” (06:46) 
  • The money beliefs that are blocking you and how to achieve an abundant money mindset (10:26)
  • The secrets of ‘The State of Certainty’ and how it can transform your life (14:21)
  • Why everyone is just an idea away from becoming a millionaire (19:47)
  • How to know which millionaire idea you should take action on (24:39)
  • Breaking the taboo and actually asking others about their success and how they make money (28:20)
  • How Marshall took care of his mother when she retired (32:54)
  • How taking big risks can lead to outstanding results (and lots of money) (37:20)
  • The unusual thing he attributes his success to (41:09)
  • A sneak peek at Marshall’s new Certainty Centers (45:36)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode Resources:

  • Marshall’s website (website)
  • Prosperity Alliance (website)
  • Marshall and his wife’s birth video (YouTube)
  • Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Amazon)
  • Jordan Belfort’s Push Peak Summit (website)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

This episode is brought to you by @boncharge_. Head to www.BONCHARGE.com now and enter the code MELISSA for 15% off your order.


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  1. Rose Walker says:

    Hello Marshall I live in West Africa , Liberia.
    I have low income Job which is not enough for me and Family of six three Boys , a girl along with my Husband.

    Please teach me the way out

    Thanks so much
    Best Regards,
    Rose Walker

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