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Red light therapy is everywhere right now — health influencers can’t get enough of it, beauty bloggers are praising its anti-ageing benefits, and professional athletes have jumped on it as a way to speed up recovery from exercise, accelerate the healing of injuries, improve sleep, and increase strength and endurance.

But what actually *is* red light therapy? Can it support your health and lifestyle? And most pressing of all, what does science have to say about its ability to rejuvenate the body?

Today’s guest is the exact right person to answer these important questions. Meet Wes Pfiffiner from Joovv, a science-based health and lifestyle company that are making medical-grade light therapy treatments accessible to the public.

Wes is a complete nerd when it comes to all things health and fitness related, and he’s the perfect person to explain what the deal is with red light, why it’s been called a ‘miracle drug’ for optimal health, and how we can all be taking advantage of this powerful therapy to improve everything from inflammation to immunity to insomnia.

Nick and I have been huge fans of red light therapy for a long time, after having experienced its incredible healing powers for ourselves. It was so great to do a deep-dive into the research behind all its benefits, and to hear how the science of illumination is fast becoming one of the biggest breakthrough areas in achieving epic health and avoiding illness.

So if you want to learn how to integrate red light therapy into your health routine, discover how it can help you build resilience to stress at a cellular level, and hear why sleep specialists and anti-ageing experts are so excited by this technology, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why  is there so much buzz about red light, and does it actually work? (03:46) 
  • Why illumination is such a massive (but overlooked) part of epic health (and the crucial difference between red and blue light) (05:37)
  • How infrared therapy can fix your circadian rhythm and solve your sleep issues (10:44)
  • Are you a mama? Why this life-saving red light is a must for your breastfeeding night routine (15:42)
  • How the Joovv can help heal your wounds, stimulate collagen growth (for glowing skin) and give you a delicious 8-hour sleep every night (20:55)
  • Concerned about red light and its safety? Here are all the details you should consider (26:20)
  • How our modern lives have become overrun with blue light (and how this is causing damage to so many aspects of our health) (28:30)
  • Two mind-blowing books about sleep that kickstarted Wes’s entire journey (34:02)

Episode resources: 

  • Joovv (website)
  • Why We Sleep by Mathew Walker (amazon)
  • The Circadian Code by Dr Satchin Panda (amazon)
  • PubMed on Light Therapy (website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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