Human Design Gene Keys

Human Design & Gene Keys: The Secret Sauce for Business Success | Emma Dunwoody






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Are you curious about Human Design and the Gene Keys?

Maybe you’ve dipped your toes in but felt overwhelmed by the complexity…

Or perhaps you know your ‘type’ already, but aren’t sure how to actually *use* the insights from these systems to elevate your life and business. 

Whatever your experience with Human Design so far, Emma Dunwoody is here to blow your mind — and your sense of what’s possible — wide open.

In this inspiring conversation, Emma, a master coach and Human Design expert, reveals the true power of these transformative systems and breaks down the practical ways they can impact your life.

Tune in to discover: how Human Design can reveal your unique strengths, how to integrate this system with the Gene Keys, understanding the five Human Design types, how this knowledge can guide your business decisions, how to use these systems when hiring new team members, and so much more.

So if you’re ready to expand what’s possible and start aligning your life and business with your true strengths, then press play now — this episode is for you!

About Emma Dunwoody

Emma Dunwoody is a Human Design Expert, Master Coach, Author, Behavioral Specialist, Speaker and host of The Human Design Podcast. After facing a number of personal and professional challenges including depression, panic disorder and feeling lost, broken and unfulfilled for nearly 20 years, she is on a mission to take Human Design mainstream to help millions of other people transform their lives. Her unique method of Transformational Human Design empowers people to become their most authentic self, align to the authority that lies within and embody their purpose.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The remarkable story of how she became an expert in Human Design (3:20)
  • The surprising difference that sets apart a ‘master coach’ from a life coach (6:11)
  • The game-changing way that Gene Keys can complement the insights from Human Design (10:54)
  • Human Design 101: What it is and why it matters for personal growth (12:57)
  • The five Human Design types and what they reveal about your strengths (14:39)
  • Using these systems to unlock new possibilities in your business (25:04)
  • Why Human Design is your new BFF when it comes to hiring dream team members (32:13)
  • Practical ways to use the Gene Keys and Human Design in your business (36:53)
  • The must-read book Emma believes should be on every school curriculum (41:45)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Emma Dunwoody (website)
  • Emma Dunwoody (Instagram)
  • Human Design Made Simple: Unlock Your Strengths & Discover Your True Purpose by Emma Dunwoody (book)
  • Ra Uru Hu’s Encounter with the Voice (youtube)
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (book)
  • Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D (book)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 637 with Emma Dunwoody, we are talking all about human design and the gene keys and how understanding both your human design and gene keys can radically change your life and business for the better. Plus, so much more. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini Show. I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis.

And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready, beautiful? Hey beautiful and welcome back to the show. I’m so I’m so excited about this episode because I absolutely love [00:01:00] human design and I love the Gene Keys. And for those of you that have never heard of Emma, she is a human design expert, master coach, author, behavioral specialist, speaker, and host of the leading global podcast, The Human Design Podcast.

Now, after facing a number of personal and professional challenges, including depression, panic disorder, and feeling lost, broken, and unfulfilled for nearly 20 years, Emma She is on a mission to take human design mainstream to help millions of other people transform their lives as she has done by making human design simple, applicable, and powerfully transformative.

Her unique method of transformational human design that includes human design, the gene keys and transformational coaching methods, empowers people to become their most authentic self aligned to the authority that lies within them and embody their purpose. And she has a beautiful quote that I want to read.

And it says at the end of the day, I believe we humans have one mission right now, and that is to raise our consciousness to do this. We [00:02:00] must choose to love, trust, and accept ourselves. And I know human design is the fastest way to achieve exactly that. So beautiful. And for everything that we mentioned in today’s episode, as well as doing your own human design test to find out what your human design is, we’ll be in the show notes and that’s over at melissarambrosini.

com forward slash 637. Now, without further ado, let’s dive in and bring on Emma Dunwoody.

Emma, welcome to the show. I am so excited to have you here, but before we dive in, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning? Oh my goodness. I haven’t had breakfast yet. Fair enough. 

Emma: Yep. I’m an absolute diehard lover of fasting. So I eat dinner early at night and then I just go until I’m hungry the next day.

And I’ll have my matcha that has all sorts of things like collagen and all sorts of things in it. So that’s [00:03:00] what I’ve had today. 

Melissa: Hmm. So good. Well, I’m so excited to have you here. We’ve spoken about human design and the gene keys on the podcast before, but separately, But something that I love about you is that you blend human design and the gene keys together in your work, which is so powerful.

But before we dive into that, I want to know how you got into this work. How did this all begin for you? 

Emma: Well, look, over 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression and panic disorder. And at that time I was given this diagnosis that this was something I was going to have to learn to live with. It wasn’t something that I would ever heal from.

And at that time, it just wasn’t an option. I was experiencing so much pain. I had considered taking my own life for many, many years and getting that diagnosis was something that really was like a punch in the face. It was this moment where I remember walking across the car park back to [00:04:00] my car and thinking, well, it’s Ada.

I just end it all, or I find a way to heal myself because that diagnosis just isn’t good enough for me. So that was this catalytic moment for me that I was determined that if I could work out how I got myself into that diagnosis, then I could work out how to get myself out of that diagnosis and get myself to a place where I could heal.

Initially, my focus was, was happiness. Like I just wanted to feel happy again. 

Melissa: How old were you at this age? 

Emma: I was 28. Saturn’s return. Exactly. Right. And it hit me really hard because I was so out of alignment of my true core inner values, which is what this Saturn return piece is all about. But of course I didn’t know that back then.

And. As I sort of journeyed through understanding human behavior and neuroplasticity and neuroscience and starting to really understand that I could change my brain and [00:05:00] my behavior, that I could heal myself, I did that. And what happened was I started to notice that every time something challenging kind of smacked me in the face.

I could use all of these tools to heal from it and move past it. And at the time I was an advertising executive, I’d, you know, it was quite successful in my role. Like I hit all my goals that I had for 30 by the time I was 24, but I was burnt out and I was miserable. So I feel like these two worlds kind of collided and I went down the path of becoming a master coach because I was like, I love this human behavior thing.

I love helping people transform. And the B piece for me is all about empowerment. You know, being told so often our conditioning is that we are powerless, that we can’t change these things. And my awareness was, holy crap, we can change things and we can do even more than that. And today I’ve kind of shifted into this obsession with human potential and our greatness [00:06:00] and our authenticity.

Like really, you know, expanding into what is possible for each of us individually and as a collective. And on that path, after I’d become a master coach. One second. What is a master coach? How is it different to a life coach? So as a master coach, I’ve actually, I spent three years training to basically do anything with human behavior, anything from facilitating negotiations to running workshops to life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching, leadership coaching.

You name it, I did it because I was just fascinated with basically getting the most out of ourselves as humans. It’s because. Yeah. I’ve always just had this, this niggling feeling. I know that there’s so much more potential within us than we’re even aware of right now. Even those of us that feel like we are living up to most of our potential.

Like I feel like we are just sort of skimming the surface. So anything to do with helping people really access what I call their greatness and their authenticity [00:07:00] has always fascinated me. So from that point, this thing in 2018, when I found myself, I had. You know, certified as a master coach, I had this beautiful business that was organically growing, working in corporate with C level executives, running workshops.

We had moved from living in the country in Victoria to Sydney. The kids had started school, there was all of this kind of like my whole life felt like it had turned around, yet there still felt like something missing. And the best I could articulate that is purpose. You know, I knew I was heading in the right direction.

I had healed my mental health. Life was so much better, but I still felt like I had this hole within me. And I actually got to the point where I was like, okay, universe, let’s be serious. You need to be so clear. About what it is that I’m here to do, because I can feel that it’s big and I’m going to have an impact and it’s going to be something that, that lights [00:08:00] me up and there’s going to be a big mission there, but I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

So after I’d kind of said that declaration to the universe, within 28, 48 hours, people started asking me about human design. In 2018, no one was talking about human design. No one, it wasn’t a big thing. It was just starting to sort of. Show itself in, in Australia, especially. And after it kept coming to me, I was like, Hmm, well, I have looked at this thing a couple of times.

I’ve, I’m, you know, trained in behavioral profiling tools like E disc, have used Myers Briggs a lot. And when I’d had a go at human design before this point, I was like, Oh, like it resonates, but the language net is negative and it’s a bit too woo woo. And then, because I had made this declaration to the universe.

And it had responded with this human design thing. I was like, all [00:09:00] right, well, I feel like I, I made a promise and the universe delivered, so I need to at least run my human design experiment. Meaning that understanding my type, my strategy, my authority, getting to know myself through the frame of my design.

And just seeing if I live more in alignment to this, do my results improve? Does this fulfillment piece fill in with me? And ultimately I, within a day of declaring that I would run this experiment, I found myself very serendipitously connected to one of the leading human design people, the only really experienced human design person in Australia.

And she literally lived one suburb away from me. And I sat down with Kim, had a coffee and she went through my design and I had never know me as well as she knew me in that moment. And I’d never met her before. [00:10:00] So I was like, all right, I got to run this experiment and see what happens. So really the rest was me following my strategy and authority.

I started the human design podcast and it just has a life of its own and grew the business from there. So we have a collective, the HDX collective. I’d run masterminds, retreats. It’s very manifesting, generator y, a lot of different topics within human design. But that, that fulfillment piece, that feeling like I’m on purpose, you know, I almost to the day it has felt full.

I have felt on purpose and the clarity I thought I needed back then. It’s not what I needed at all. I just needed this feeling of that’s what I know to follow now. You know, living in alignment with my design, I know how to follow what is correct for me. 

Melissa: I love that so much. So then how did the Jean Keys piece fit into this?

[00:11:00] Well, I came 

Emma: across the Jane Keys probably, Maybe a year or two after that, and like so many people that come to the Gene Keys, when I first listened to them, I was like, well, what now? Complicated. 

Melissa: I’ve got the book and it’s like a brick. When my friend first gave it to me, I was like, what is this? 

Emma: Yeah. And it’s properly like, when you first come to it.

It’s, it’s intense and it’s, you know, it can feel like a bit of word salad and, you know, it’s written by a poet, like Richard Rudd is a poet, but he’s also, this is what he calls a live transmission of information. And the way that, you know, the Genki’s came to me, the reason why I use it so much is because it gives us these very specific pathways.

And even more than that, within each one of, in the Genki’s they call them spheres, in human design, we call them gates. In each one of these spheres, we talk about, or at least Richard Rudd gives us the shadow, the [00:12:00] gift and the siddhic, which is the enlightened state. So as a behavioral coach, who’s all about transformation, this really lit me up because human design felt a little bit constrictive.

Like if you tell me I have, for example, I have the gate 36, which is the gate of crisis, depending on which book you read, it can feel very like, Oh, really, am I going to have this awful experience of my life? Whereas, when we overlay the gene keys, we look at it through this frame of, well, the shadow might be crisis, but actually the sitic, the enlightened state is compassion.

So it’s all about this journey of these energies that live within you. And as a behavioral coach, what I love is that we can actually then identify these behaviors within ourselves. And we can just become aware like, Oh, wow, I’m expressing the shadow of my superpower. So I can choose to express the gift instead.

Melissa: Oh, I love that. So that’s a little bit about the Genki’s for someone who’s like, what is human design? [00:13:00] I’ve never come across it. Can you give us like a high level overview of the different designs and what it is? 

Emma: Yeah, sure. So human design is a synthesis. of four ancient wisdoms, which is Western astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, and the Hindu chakra system.

And when I was a little bit cynical at the beginning, I was like, Oh, is it research based? Is it science based? But here’s the thing, these ancient wisdoms, That have been on planet earth for thousands of years, a very long time, especially the I Ching has been around for a very, very long time. They have somehow been mathematically mapped together to create this, what we call the chart or the, yeah, your human design chart or the body graph to give you your roadmap.

And this roadmap, it’s like a treasure map to the treasure that lies within you. So ultimately what it’s [00:14:00] going to give you is your authenticity. Now, we do start at a very high level with the five types, and I’m sure you’ve covered the types in more depth if you’ve, you know, already spoken about it. But these types is where we kind of have our jumping off.

It’s where the, the energy of our aura. So before we say anything, our aura is the thing that you experience of another person. It’s going to be somewhere around sort of six to eight seat around us. And when you experience that aura energy. In human design, we kind of have four, what we call types and one hybrid.

And this is where we start to understand that everybody’s energy is different. For example, our manifestos who are here to initiate, they’re here to start the fire, to start the trend, to start the idea. And their energy can feel big and it can also feel polarizing, like they’re either your person or they’re not your person.

Can you give us a celebrity example of who’s a manifesto? One of the best manifestos [00:15:00] as an example is the guy Ra Uruhu who brought human design in. So he’s a man that not many people, people don’t say really nice things about him as a person, but they think what he did is very profound. He started something new, right?

What nationality was he? He was American. He was an advertising executive who was I think in the middle of his second divorce He was burnt out going through another midlife crisis and he went to Ibiza to find himself and well, he found human design in eight days of this voice just telling him how to put it all together.

Melissa: Wow. 

Emma: Exactly. Right. Crazy. Literally told him word for word how to put it all together. What the purpose of human design is like ultimately the purpose of human design is for the children that we will ultimately one day children will be born. Then their parents will be obviously given their human design and that’s the way you parent the child.

You don’t parent the child the way you think you should, this is the way you parent the [00:16:00] child and then you empower the child from there. But yeah, he got very clear instructions. It’s an experiment. This is not a dogma. Don’t tell anybody that you have to be this or you have to be that. It’s very much about take this knowledge, experiment with it, discover what’s true for you.

So yeah, it was crazy eight days. The story he tells is very dramatic. He’s a, it was a very dramatic kind of energy. 

Melissa: How can we hear the story? Is it online somewhere? Yeah, you 

Emma: could probably just Google ra, so RA Space Uru, URU, space Hu HU. So Ra uru hu the voice download video or something like that.

Otherwise, if you’ll go on the Jovian web website and it’s probably there, but it’s, it’s very dramatic and it’s, he actually had his personality son, which is our biggest. Energy, all of us, that’s our biggest theme. He actually had the gate of shock. And I really believe that because [00:17:00] this man was so polarizing and shocking and, you know, he’d put a lot of negative energy behind human design.

Like I had to have my whole business cleansed a number of times of kind of the unresourceful energy. But I think that’s why human design kind of hit earth with a thud because, you know, people paid attention and often they paid attention because he annoyed them. But ultimately it’s not whether or not, you know, who he is, it’s about what’s the most impactful way we can get this, this knowledge through.

So this was, in my opinion, that’s why he was so shocking and so polarizing and sometimes quite offensive. Because that’s what he needed to be to really have this knowledge land. And these days, you know, there are other people that are teaching it. The leaders in human design, they’re not like that at all.

And everyone’s really cleaning up the language and that sort of thing. But yeah, he’s a perfect example of a manifesto, but maybe in what I would call an unresourceful one, [00:18:00] there’s so many beautiful manifestos in the world. And what is the percentage 

Melissa: of manifestos in the world? They’re just under 10%. Okay, cool.

So not too many. No, 

Emma: no. And they’re going to be the people that you’re either like on the train, like you really want to go where they’re going or you don’t, you know, it’s just trusting that. And if you’re a manifestor, trust it. You’ve got people that you’re here to inspire into action. And if people, if you’re not inspired, if people aren’t inspired by you, just let it go.

Not your people. Then we have generators. Generators make up around 70 percent of the population, including manifesting generators, which I’ll get to in a minute. And these are the people who, once they’re inspired into action, they want to build. They want to build the thing that lights them up. I often talk about, um, uh, These are the people that are building the new paradigm.

For example, Oprah is a generator. So she is really sharing so much of what she loves, what lights her up, the conversations she wants to have. You know, a lot like you really, like with your [00:19:00] podcast, like really following what lights you up and then wanting to put the rubber to the road, actually building something from that energy that you have to, to yeah, create.

And just to let everyone know, I am a generator. Yes, you are, you’re a 3 5 cycle generator. So then we have the manifesting generator, which is the hybrid 

Melissa: of the manifester and the generator. Which is what my husband and my daughter are both manifesting generators. Amazing. Beautiful. 

Emma: So the manifesting generators, they’re a hybrid, as I said, they’re fundamentally first and foremost generators, meaning that like generators, they’re in response.

So you’re in response to your external world. You might have an insight, you might have intuition, you might think you know where you want to go, but until something outside of you turns up and all of a sudden your gut just goes, Oh yes, I’ve got energy for that or no, I don’t have energy for that. That’s your true guide.

So with manifesting generators, [00:20:00] they’re this hybrid and they’re what we call non linear beings. These are the people who need a lot of freedom. They need to be able to jump from one thing to the other thing. Oftentimes, for example, I’m a manifesting generator and I look back at my career and you know, I started with a very successful advertising career.

In there somewhere, I managed a, an equestrian, a dressage horse, like dressage breeding property I was a chef, then I became a coach, you know, now I’m a podcaster. I do so many things. And when I look back, I can see the themes that I’ve got from each one of those things. And then I put them together because that’s what manifesting generators kind of want to do.

Like the kids that go through the toy box, pull out the best bits and jam them into the new doll, you know, like the one they invented. And they’re also very much here to create what lights them up. They’re very much here to demonstrate human potential. They can often feel a lot. For those MGs out there, that one of the things I want you all to [00:21:00] know is that you are too much and that’s a good thing.

That’s the point. So surround yourself with people that, that love your too muchness because that’s actually what you’re here to demonstrate. And a celebrity is someone like Beyonce. Beyonce is a manifesting generator. They can sometimes feel larger than life. Then we have projectors and projectors are our guides.

Okay. So they make up about 14 percent of the global 

Melissa: population. My stepson, who is 18, he is a projector. And you know, 

Emma: like all of like understanding our kids design is really, really important. And for projectors, it’s like. Mega important because these are the kids that in class, they probably want to put the hand up all the time and someone saying, Susie, put your hand down, let someone else have a go.

No, let Susie have the go because she’s here to be seen. She’s here to be recognized for her wisdom. And oftentimes projectors aren’t taught young to get resourceful [00:22:00] attention. So they look for unresourceful attention to be seen and to be recognized. But ultimately, if the manifestors are inspiring us into action, the generators and the manifesting generators are building this new paradigm, the projectors are looking at what everyone’s doing and going, okay, so here’s the thing, you’re wasting too much energy over there.

You could do this better. You could tune that, tweak that, drop that. So the, the, the projectors are really good at improving, but the thing is that they need to be invited in. They need to be asked to share their wisdom. So that’s very much the journey for projectors. And when we think about celebrities, well, Taylor Swift is a projector.

Interesting. I know, right? So she is what is called an energy projector. So she has three of the four motors for those human design geeks who actually know what I’m talking about, which is why she can do so much. But she’s such a beautiful example of being a projector because she’s found a resourceful [00:23:00] way to get attention.

She actually uses her not self theme, which is bitterness to write her music. And that’s how she processes. So, and, and the projector’s signature theme is success. So she feels like she, she lives really in alignment with being a projector. Also doesn’t fit what a lot of the human design dogma would have you believe about projectors, because a lot of them will sort of tell you.

They don’t have any energy and they need to nap all the time and they just have to wait for things to come to them. And for me, I find that very disempowering. I think the thing about projectors is that when they realize that They have so much wisdom within them. And if they’re in a situation, let’s say they’re a coach.

If you’re a coach and you’re wanting to, you know, sign a new client, then it’s going to be about how you ask questions because projectors are going to ask really powerful questions because they can see the gaps, they can see what needs to be filled. So the caliber of their question is, [00:24:00] is also demonstrating their wisdom, which often will invite in the invitations for them.

So yeah, that’s projectors. Then we have reflectors. And reflectors are 1 percent of the global population. They are here to reflect back the truth. Now that could be in a relationship, that could be in a family, in a group, that could be in a community, that could be in a business. But ultimately, if you have a reflector in your life, the odds are you are not seeing them.

You are seeing you. So if you have a reflector in your life, please ask them questions about themselves. Let them tell you who they are instead of you assuming you know who they are. Because most of the time, you’re just seeing yourself in them. And they really are the ones that are showing us the truth of what’s going on right now.

Melissa: Ooh, good. Love it. Love it. I love this so much. I [00:25:00] just, I’m so fascinated by human design and the Jinkies. But I want to know now, how can we use human design and the Jinkies to rock our business, to make more money, to have a bigger positive impact in the world? This is such a 

Emma: great question. So as you know, I teach this a lot, you know, my community, we’re very focused on business right now.

Um, just come off a retreat where we’ve been helping people. From start up to scale and anywhere, everywhere in between, like tweaking everything with their human design and their Genki’s because ultimately one of the biggest challenges we have in business in life is that we go, okay, I want to have this thing.

So maybe we want to have a certain amount of income or a certain purpose, or we want to even know what it is we want to do. So we look outside to everybody else, like, Oh, what are they doing and how do they do it? And then we try to model that behavior. And that’s really is the old coaching model, right?

Find out what you want, work out what they did, [00:26:00] model what they did, you’ll get the same results. But that’s not true because we are all a hundred percent unique. Okay. So what our human design does is first and foremost, even at the type level, we know a few things for sure. We know our strategy. Our strategy is going to say, okay, this is how the universe is going to guide us.

Okay. So if you and I, we need to be in response and I also need to be informing. Within a given, at a type level, our not self theme and our signature theme. Now these two things, here’s a bit of a cheat for you, if you know your signature theme, so your signature theme is satisfaction, your not self theme is frustration, These are like a bumpers, okay?

So when frustration is showing up, you’re out of alignment. When satisfaction is showing up, you’re in alignment. So you really have these very functional pieces from a human design perspective right at the top level that you can start using to guide you. Now, obviously your authority is also the other thing that’s going to be guiding you in the right direction.[00:27:00] 

But when we then think about bringing our human design and the Gen Keys together, then we can get super, super specific. We know from a type level how our energy is. So how much energy do I have to work? You and I, we’re on the planet to work and to build because we are sacral beings. That’s what we love to do.

But a manifesto, let’s say, Well, their business is going to look more like a sprint. So how do they build their team so that they can sprint and have space for the creative urge to come in. Projectors, one of the things we talk a lot about in business is how are we actually setting up the business automation from the word go, because these are the people that are going to need as much support energetically so that they can have the space to receive the invitations or the clients.

And reflectors have to know that the people, the places and the opportunities feel really good to them. Otherwise, they’re just going to drop, be trying to do something that’s never going to give them the fulfillment. [00:28:00] So we can start at these higher levels. And then when we start to bring in the gene keys, in the gene keys, Richard Rudd and his team have created these sequences.

So it’s called the golden path. And within the golden path, we have three, actually, I’ve just launched the fourth sequence. And the first one is our activation sequence. In human design, we call it your incarnation cross. So these are the most, the four most fundamental energies that sit within you. So when you start to dive into these and you cross it over with your business, you have things like your brand, you have things like your purpose, you actually can find within there your greatest challenge.

So every time you think you’re stuck, this is going to be the theme of that stuckness and how to move out of it. So it gives us these very, very specific ways that we’re designed to show up, that we’re designed to do business. You know, I think it was really cool. I heard you when I was interviewing on my pod, you on my podcast, I heard you literally [00:29:00] speak what is called your core talent.

You know, where you can, you can take all this big information and you can simplify it down and deliver it in a way that people can actually receive it, which is basically the 43. And you have the 43 in your core talent. So when we start to know how to weave all of the pieces in, we don’t have like, okay, I’m going to get my purpose from a questionnaire that I fill out.

We’re actually going to look at it. In my opinion, the best way to look at it is go, okay, so if my core talent, let’s say mine is also the 43 like yours. Where in the past has this showed up and how specifically did it show up to me? And then all of a sudden you’re seeing how you’re actually already doing these things and how you can amplify them.

Because again, the gene keys are going to be able to show you, okay, these are the, this is the shadow state. So this is the unresourceful behavior. Where does that show up? For example, the 43 is deafness. So where do you and I in the past. How do we [00:30:00] ignore things, refuse to hear the truth, you know, like block stuff out, because that’s the shadow, that’s the core wound.

And then if we see ourselves do those behaviors, then we can say, okay, well, actually the gift here is insight. And within insights, it’s a number of other themes, simplification, breakthrough. And then the acidic state, which is the enlightened state is all about epiphany. And I don’t know about you, but I literally walk around going, Oh my God, I just had another epiphany.

Like it, it was there so much evidence of that before I ever came to the Gene Keys. So as we start to understand https: otter. ai

You know, our journey and therefore the journey we attract in our clients. So it helped us write, you know, our ideal client. Yeah. There’s so much juicy stuff that we can just dive super deep into. 

Melissa: Yes. I love it so much. And I also can see [00:31:00] how once your client signs up, understanding their human design will shape the way that you coach them and interact with them and just how supportive.

That would be for them. 

Emma: Yeah. It’s, and you know, as a coach, it’s been incredibly powerful because. I mean, I love a manifesto and the, one of the biggest things to understand with manifestos is you just can’t tell them what to do. So as a coach, what does that mean for me? Well, that means that I’m going to ask them big open ended questions.

I can hear where they need to go and I can ask them questions that keep them talking in a direction for their, you know, their breakthrough or their epiphany to drop in. Whereas if I was coaching a generator, I would be asking them questions that their cycle can constantly be responding to, you know. So it’s great.

It’s really good. So I can coach the person in front of me as opposed to who I think is sitting in front of me. 

Melissa: Yes. Well, I’m so excited. You’re actually coming to teach a masterclass inside SheLaunch, which I’m so excited about. We will have to get everyone to do the human [00:32:00] design test to know what their human design is before we jump on that call.

So I’m going to make a mental note of that so that all of my girls know what their human design is, because it’s just so powerful. This information is so powerful. And it’s so powerful when hiring. So whenever I hire anyone in my business, I get them to do the human design test. I want to know what their human design is, because I want, you know, if I’m looking for a VA, if I’m looking for it, mainly VA is like, I want a generator.

I want someone who’s like gonna get it done. Who’s just like, I’m going to respond, like just get in there and get it done. So I can see as well in hiring how beneficial this would be. Can you talk to that a little bit? 

Emma: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I actually have the dream team and you know, people refer to, so Taylor, who works with me, she’s my COO.

She’s got this incredible strategy that she’s built the entire back end of the business and we, I just followed my human design to hire her. [00:33:00] Now we’ve done that a number of times and every time we do it. Every person we hire is just extraordinary. So it’s really about understanding first and foremost, like who is the visionary in the business and what does that visionary need is as a support person.

So for example, I’m a three five. So as a line three, I’m going to be having a lot of experiences. I’m probably going to be, there’s going to be messiness within that experience, but As a Line 5, I am impact driven. It’s all about leadership. It’s all about global. It’s big. So when I’m hiring someone, I need to have people that understand that vision.

For example, with Taylor, she’s a 5’1 So she, she shares the vision. The impact she shares the, we want to do a big job of this. We want to really universalize everything that we’re learning, but she has a line one. So if you have, if you’re hiring anyone that’s in a position where details matter, a line one is a [00:34:00] really great place to start.

Because they’re the ones that really gather all the information. They cross all the T’s, they dot all the I’s, and that’s where they’re really, really going to shine in the work that they do. And ultimately, you’re going to find, and again, this is where I use, also use the gene keys. For example, my personality son is also Taylor’s core talent.

So we can see the patterns within the gene keys, within the human design that’s going to really support me as the visionary. And her as the, you know, the, the one that actually is implementing everything and building all the strategy on the back end. And when I actually went to hire Taylor or that, for that position, my mind was so attached to someone else.

And this was someone that I knew already. I knew that she, that she got good results, like all of these things on paper. So that’s why she ticked all the boxes, came down to. My, you know, the human design and [00:35:00] the way Taylor had come to me was that a manifesto client of mine had recommended her. So straight away, if, if a manifesto recommends something, you want to pay attention because it’s the start of something new, especially for me, my authority said, pay attention.

And then I looked at this other person and Taylor’s chart against mine, and we could actually see how Taylor, her chart was more driven. To serve the community. She’s a transpersonal profile. She’s got a lot of collective energy. My important energy is also her important energy. So the odds are that we would work really well together.

Whereas with this other person, as much as I loved her, it just from a human design perspective, didn’t make sense. Like, why would you hire her? Because she’s probably going to go and do her own thing. She’s probably going to be more about, you know, her personal journey. Which there’s nothing wrong with that.

I’m not, you know, each to their own and that’s going to work for some people and not for others. But my energy, my, my governing energy is very tribal. So I need someone who’s about the [00:36:00] community. So we’ve just continued to do that. Every time we hire, we’ll do the, send out the emails. We always write the list of everything that we want them to do.

And then we’ll come down and just look at the charts and Taylor will pick out the charts that feel correct for her and I’ll pick out the charts that feel correct for me. Usually they’re the same ones, like they’ll, they’ll cross over. And then we’ll interview and follow our strategy and authority. I’m an emotional authority, so I need to sleep on it.

So often Taylor gets, cause she’s a sacral like you, she gets that in the moment, yes or no. And every time it’s been an absolute winner, like it’s such a powerful way to hire people. 

Melissa: Yeah, I absolutely agree. I think it’s so powerful to have this information because it’s going to save you a lot of time and stress and money.

Along the journey. So I love it. I love it so much. Okay. So more practical things that we can do to help us elevate our [00:37:00] business when it comes to human design and gene keys, what are some other things that we can do? So with human design 

Emma: and the gene keys, the thing is that they are complicated. So one of the things we need to be very aware of with the brain is that if something is complicated and there’s a lot of information, it will very, very easily tip us into overwhelm.

Overwhelm is just a lack of clarity. That’s all it is. However, that lack of clarity or that overwhelm can keep us very stuck. So whenever I’m teaching human design or using the Gene Keys, I want to keep it as simple as possible. So we start with the stuff that is the most important and then we can add layer upon layer upon layer.

So in the beginning of my business, I just focused on strategy and authority. So strategy for a manifesto is to initiate and inform. A generator is to respond. A manifesting generator is to respond and inform, a projector is to wait for the [00:38:00] invitation, and a reflector is to wait for 28 days. Okay, so we’re given this way that the universe is dropping the bread, breadcrumbs.

Then we’re given our authority. Okay, so that doesn’t, that’s not connected to our type, but we’re either a sacral, an emotional authority, a splenic authority, a will authority. Self directed or a mental projector or no inner authority. Now, when we understand our strategy and our authority, that we can grow our business just using those two things.

If we use the example of hiring, like we’ve just talking about, if you have an emotional authority like me, and you choose not to sleep on which candidate to hire, then the odds are your mind will jump in and hire the wrong candidate. But if you actually just sleep on it. Until you have what we call emotional clarity, it just feels [00:39:00] easeful.

You know, it doesn’t feel like, Oh my God, this person’s amazing or, Oh, this person is just not the right person. It’s this middle ground. And when you feel that emotional clarity and you hire from that space or you make a decision to work for it with a coach from that space, or you make a decision to sign up to a program from that space, then all of a sudden you’re going to be making the correct decisions that are going to get you to where you want to go.

And that’ll all depend on your unique authority. Right. So that’s the first place. And within each type we have what I talked to you before, the not self theme and the signature theme, which are these two feelings, these two energies that we have inside of us that, that are going to tell us when we’re getting off track and when we’re coming back on, on track.

So these are like the most basic ways that we can start. Now then we want to be very aware of our energetic aura. So our type. Because you and I, if there’s something that [00:40:00] lights us up, then we’re going to have a lot of consistent energy to build that thing. But for the non psychical beings, the manifesto, the projector, and the reflector, their energy doesn’t work that way.

So are you creating a business that supports you to work inconsistently? So how can you create consistency? Because consistency is all about, you know, one of the keys to success. So how do you create consistency when you don’t necessarily have the consistent work energy to do that? So this is something you can build in from the word go.

Then as we go deeper, we start to understand the, the actual themes and talents and superpowers that are uniquely ours. Perhaps that’s our profile. So for example, we use profile a lot in marketing in our business. So when we’re doing marketing. Where really I’m talking about the experiences that I’ve had and the solutions that I’ve provided.

My three and my five. [00:41:00] Now this is very high level, obviously there’s more detail to it, but if someone like, let’s say if we were doing marketing for someone else and their profile was at, let’s say, a one, four, then that person would be talking about detail and knowledge and they would be talking about relationships.

So our profile numbers, our profile lines can also really help us not only understand what our core experiences of life, the way we learn, what we’re here to teach, it’s also going to inform our things like our marketing as well, which I think is just super powerful. 

Melissa: Yeah. I just love this so much. I could totally geek out for days with you on this.

Okay, so I want you to pretend now that you have a magic wand and you could put one book in the school curriculum of every high school around the world. Besides your book, what book would you choose? 

Emma: Well, [00:42:00] I’m a manifesting generator, so I’m not going to have to give you more than one. I think the first book I would choose would be The Alchemist.

It’s my favorite all time book, and especially because it’s going into high schools. Both my kids love The Alchemist. And I think it’s such an important story of really discovering the hero’s journey that is our life. And that this, this is a story of us. And I think the other book that has had so much influence on me, and I know I’ll say this and then wish I’d said something else, but I think Power Versus Force.

That book really helped me understand how, you know, I used to be so lost at how human beings treat each other and. You know, why isn’t the world different? And you know, why can’t everyone just get along? And can’t we all just look after each other? And power versus force really helped me understand that there is a universal truth and we can access that truth always.

And that if we learn [00:43:00] to embody power, true power, that’s sustainability. You know, Mother Teresa had power. You know, these people that, you know, their message has sustained over generations. That’s power. Power. The influence is sustained over, you know, generations that’s power yet we live in a world where we are shown force all the time, but ultimately force isn’t sustainable.

So that really brings me back to this piece of like, where do we put our focus? Because what we’re focusing on, if we’re focusing on true power, then we’re going to be creating this incredible world, this new paradigm that we talk about in human design, this new world where People do get along, where equality is a thing, where love is the driving force.

Instead of allowing the, whether it’s the media, whatever it might be, that’s making us believe that the world is an awful place. That’s force. We need to [00:44:00] stay away from that focus and focus on this true power of, without sounding, you know, soppy, that the true power of love, because it’s the most sustainable energy that we have in the universe.

Yeah, I think it was, yeah, it was very, very profound for me. I loved it. 

Melissa: Mm. Beautiful. We’ll, we’ll link to both of those in the show notes as well as your amazing book. Okay. Tell me how your day looks. Talk us through a quote unquote typical day in your life. I want to know, do you meditate? When do you work out?

Talk us through a typical day in your life. 

Emma: Okay. So I’ll give you today and usually this is a day off, but again, I like to work when I have energy for it. So my typical day is I wake up around five. Meditate. It’s the first thing I do in front of my red light. Then I might do some journaling, some stretching, a little bit of yoga, probably go and walk the lighthouse, which is a beautiful hike we have here in Byron Bay.

Then I’ll head to the gym. Then I’ll come back and I’ll do a few hours work. I might be running a class. I might be doing a [00:45:00] podcast interview. I’ll do a few hours work. Then I might head to the beach for an hour or so, then I’ll go ride, ride my horse in the afternoon, come home, cook dinner, nice early dinner, because as I said, I love to fast and I get off to bed really early.

And yeah, then just kick back for maybe half an hour, watch something funny on TV and head to bed early. 

Melissa: Beautiful. I love that. Okay. I’ve got three rapid fire questions for you now. Are you ready? Yep. Ready. Okay. What is one thing we can do for our health? Get out in the sun and smile more. I love that.

Smiling changes the biochemistry in our cells. So whenever I’m meditating, I’ll catch myself and I’ll try and smile. And it really does calm the nervous system and literally tells your cells that you are okay and you’re not being chased by a saber toothed tiger and you can get out of fight or flight.

Emma: Oh, so true. I did a heart [00:46:00] brain coherence meditation, then the Vedic meditation. And the moment I get the coherence, I instantly, I get this smile that actually hurts my face after a while. It’s so, so big. So it’s always a sign of that coherence. 

Melissa: I love that. Beautiful. All right. What’s one thing that we can do for more wealth in our life?

Emma: Well, understand that abundance and wealth is everywhere. You know, like I often talk to my clients about, think about how abundant it feels to breathe air, especially for us in this world. Really understand that abundance is everywhere, that abundance is more. Freedom than it is about money. Money’s just a portion of that.

And I think I also would just love to add, when it comes to money spec specifically, let’s just talk about it more. Let’s make it a topic, especially women, we talk about all the time that it’s no longer something that is kept to old white guys. And it’s something that all of us can sit around, talk about, feel comfortable [00:47:00] with, problem solve, with grow, all the things.

Melissa: Yeah. I love that. I really do think we need to embrace the money conversation a lot more. There’s nothing taboo about it. We all have to deal with it. It’s just energy. So let’s just talk about it. Exactly. All right. Last one, my love. What can we do for more love 

Emma: in our life? Well, I think to receive more love, we really just need to give more love.

You know, one of my favorite quotes is to be curious and not judgmental. Like imagine if we just believed that everyone was loving and kind and yes, they get tripped up by. you know, thoughts that aren’t that. I think that the biggest piece is to, to give more love, to be able to share it more in the world.

And if we give it, then we are destined to receive more of it. 

Melissa: Yes, absolutely. That’s how it works. Give more and you’ll receive more. Yeah. Is there anything else that you want us to know or any last [00:48:00] parting words of wisdom? 

Emma: Well, I suppose the thing that I would love your listeners to know is that if you have that whisper inside of you, like most of us do, that there is something great within you and that there is something bigger for you to do in this lifetime.

I want you to know that that is true. That is your soul. That is your heart. And it’s my experience now that human design is a way that we can really access that, that it is the treasure map to access that greatness that lies within you. And if you want it. If you believe and you feel that it’s true within you, then your success is inevitable.

You just have to believe in yourself. It’s really that simple. 

Melissa: Yes. I love that. So beautiful. Such a beautiful reminder. You are helping, you are serving, you are supporting so many people with your podcast, with your work, with your retreats, everything that you do, your book, everything. So I want to know what I and the listeners can do to give back and serve you today.

Emma: [00:49:00] Ooh, I love that. I think the biggest thing that you could do is just be curious about human design. And especially if you’re a parent, be curious about your kid’s human design. And that’s not to say, I don’t encourage people to tell their kids their design to be like, this is who you are and this is how you behave.

But instead, understand the small nuances that are really important to your kids. For example, my two boys both have a line four in their profile and their father and I, uh, separated last year. And knowing that they’re line fours, I knew that the most important thing is that they had a strong foundational relationship, one on one relationship.

So I took it upon myself to be that consistent, reliable, stable relationship for them because that’s what they need. So I think that that’s the thing, like get curious about human design and if you have energy for it and you want to go there. and you’ve got kids, just get to know your kids [00:50:00] and tweak your parenting to support and empower them because I think they really are, they’re our future.

Melissa: Absolutely. I did my daughter’s human design, like literally the day she was born, I was like, I want to know what she is. Like, I was so fascinated by it and I’m pregnant right now and I’m excited to do the next little ones. See what they are. It’s just so fascinating. I love it. And the whole dynamic of the whole family is awesome to dive deep into as well.

So Emma, you’re amazing. Your work is amazing. Keep doing everything that you’re doing. Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom with us today. And I want to encourage everyone to check out your book as well, because it is awesome. 

Emma: Thanks so much for having me. I’ve had a ball.

Melissa: I hope you got so much out of this episode and. I want to encourage you to go and do your human design and find out what your gene keys are as well, because it is only going to help you understand yourself on such a deeper [00:51:00] level and those around you as well. And if you loved this conversation, like I did, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review on Apple podcast.

And as a thank you, I would love to send you my wildly wealthy meditation. So send me a screenshot of your review to hello at Melissa Ambrosini, and I will send you over that meditation right away. Now come and tell me on Instagram at Melissa Ambrosini, what is your human design? Are you a generator three, five like me?

I would love to know what your human design is because I love hearing from you and connecting with you. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you. You rock. Now, I know understanding your human design and your Genki’s will benefit every human on this earth.

So please share this episode with everyone that you know. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them. Do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next [00:52:00] time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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