Jessica Zweig

Harness Your Divine Feminine Power to Unlock True Potential | Jessica Zweig






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What happens when you intentionally infuse your life and business with spirituality?

If you ask Jessica Zweig, bestselling author, renowned podcaster, and serial entrepreneur, the answer is clear: you unlock unprecedented success and alignment.

Described by Marianne Williamson as “a voice of her time” and hailed by Forbes as a “Personal Branding Expert,” Jessica is the woman you call when you want to unlock your inner gifts, unleash your light on the world, and scale your impact to new heights. 

In this hugely inspiring conversation, Jessica reveals how a trip to Cairo ignited a profound spiritual awakening, how joy can radically transform your daily energy and productivity, why stepping back from non-stop hustle is key to sustainable success, and the steps you can take to discover your true purpose. 

We also dive deep into divine feminine leadership and how it can protect you from burnout, plus I pick her brains on what makes a standout personal brand.

So whether you want to align your feminine power with your cosmic potential, get some next-level business tips from an 8-figure entrepreneur, or simply feel more like *yourself* again, then press play now… this episode is for you.

About Jessica Zweig

A serial entrepreneur and visionary, Jessica Zweig founded three businesses, and recently sold her agency, SimplyBe., the nation’s premier personal branding company.

Her first book was the #1 bestseller, Be: A No Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Your Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself. Her forthcoming release, THE LIGHT WORK: Reclaim Your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth, Illuminate the World, hits shelves August 2024.

Host of top-ranked podcast, The Spiritual Hustler, Zweig is a highly sought-after speaker for companies like Google and Nike, a leader of a global community of spiritual women and hosts sold-out retreats on business, branding and spirituality across the world.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The fateful overseas trip that sparked her spiritual breakthrough (03:48)
  • The crucial importance of infusing joy into your life (10:07)
  • How to break free from non-stop hustle and prioritize your peace (14:08)
  • The surprising connection between spirituality and business success (21:46)
  • Simple steps to uncover your true purpose in life (24:15)
  • How radical responsibility can awaken your personal power (26:41)
  • How embodying divine feminine leadership can help you avoid burnout (30:01)
  • How she structures her day to stay centered and in flow (35:51)
  • How to create a magnetic personal brand that attracts highly aligned clients (40:22)
  • Why diversifying your content is key for content creators (48:04)
  • Why personal brands are always evolving — and that’s okay! (53:52)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • My Near-Death Experience with Melissa & Nick (podcast)
  • Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself by Jessica Zweig (book)
  • The Light Work: Reclaim Your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth, and Illuminate the World by Jessica Zweig (pre-order)
  • The Spiritual Hustler (podcast)
  • Jessica Zweig (Instagram)
  • Jessica Zweig (website)
  • The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor (book)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 601 with Jessica Swag, we are talking all about divine feminine leadership, personal branding online, finding your purpose, plus so much more. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini Show. I’m your host, Melissa, bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible. Are you ready, beautiful?

Hey beautiful, and welcome back to the show. I’m so excited about this episode because I absolutely love and adore Jessica. And for those of you that have [00:01:00] never heard of her, she has been described as a voice of her time by Marianne Williamson and a personal branding expert by Forbes, which is pretty amazing.

She is a serial entrepreneur and founded three businesses and recently sold her agency, Simply Bee, which was the nation’s premier personal branding company, which is pretty amazing. Now her first book, which was called Bee, a no BS guide to increasing your self worth and your net worth by simply being yourself.

That book became a bestseller. Now, her latest book, which is just out right now, it is called The Light Work. Reclaiming your feminine power, live your cosmic truth, illuminate the world. And like I said, it is out right now. She also is the host of the top ranked podcast, The Spiritual Hustler. And she is a highly sought after speaker for companies like Google and Nike.

She is a leader of a global community of spiritual women and hosts sold out retreats on business, branding, and spirituality all across the world. [00:02:00] She is a true goddess. You guys are going to love this conversation. And this is one that you will want to be taking notes. So if you can grab a pen and paper or open the notes on your phone and take some notes.

And for everything that we mentioned in today’s episode, you can check out in the show notes, and that’s over at melissaambrosini. com forward slash 601. And now without further ado, let’s bring on the amazing Jessica Zweig.

You look so beautiful. Oh, so do you, always. Seriously, your Instagram, I’m like, are you a supermodel? I think you are. Stop saying, 

Jessica: because you basically were a supermodel. I did a lot of research on you, babe. You’ve had quite the career, but you know, it takes a light to see a light. It takes a queen to see a queen.

Thank you for reflecting that, I think it’s powerful for your audience to hear two women shining light at each other. 

Melissa: Yes, oh my gosh, you are a goddess, babe, and I’m so excited to have you [00:03:00] here, one of my beautiful friends. But before we dive into all the magic, my darling, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning?


Jessica: I love this question. I had Ezekiel toast, it’s like a really healthy, clean, grain free toast, peanut butter, and bee pollen. 

Melissa: Ooh. My husband’s obsessed with peanut butter. I don’t really love it. Like, I’m an almond butter person, but he would like eat it with a spoon. I’m like, I don’t get it. It’s like a real addiction for a lot of us.

It’s not a joke. But I’m like that with almond butter to the point where I gave myself an almond allergy. I’ve heard that. 

Jessica: I was into almond butter for a while, and I over almond buttered myself out, and then I switched to peanut butter, and I never went back. Oh my gosh, I love it. 

Melissa: Well, I am so excited to have you here and to dive deep with you.

You are such a light in the world. You have so much wisdom and knowledge and you are this beautiful blend [00:04:00] of business strategy and then also spirituality, which I love, but your path to thriving transformational journey in Egypt. And you had a profound spiritual experience there. Can you take us back, tell us about that time in your life and how you got from there?

How old were you? Tell us everything and then how you got to here. 

Jessica: Oh God, I love this question and thank you for starting with Egypt. Egypt is my favorite topic. I’ve been to 35 countries, I’m a world traveler, I know you’ve traveled all around the world too. And that country, it wasn’t a vacation, it was a spiritual pilgrimage.

I went on that trip about two years ago. By yourself? Nope. I went with a group of about 20 people, like on a private tour. The thing about Egypt is that you can’t just like go if you want to do it right. You have to get hooked up with the right guides and the right mystics who kind of know all the secrets and the times to go and the portals and temples.

to walk through and all that to say that trip, [00:05:00] Melissa came at the tail end of probably the darkest year of my life. I’ve been a serial entrepreneur. I started my first company when I was 27, ran that for seven years that failed. I was critically successful with that company, but financially a mess. Went broke at 33, had to ask my parents to help me pay my phone bill because I had no, literally no money.

They had no idea. They thought I was their successful entrepreneurial daughter. Anyway, I picked myself up off the floor in pieces from that experience and got enough courage somehow to start a second company. And that second company took off and I started making so much money so fast, you know, applied all of my hard knock lessons from business one into business two and scaled it.

to a 30 person team in a matter of a few years, got a big book deal, doubled the team after that, was on all of the podcasts, won all the awards, got all the press, was really in this like deep [00:06:00] 100 hour workweek toxic hustle to kind of keep up and hold up the sky. I mean, I had a gargantuan payroll. I had so many demands on my time.

I was starting to really hate this beautiful thing that I had created and really. You know, been broken hearted by my staff and it was just, it was so much to hold. And yet here I was presenting this image to the world that I was this bright, sunny, high vibes, all about authenticity, simply be yourself kind of chick.

And it was working, but inside I was really tired. Just I was just tired. And I hit burnout at the beginning of 22 and I had just moved to my house in Nashville. I lived in the big city of Chicago and I got down to this like beautiful 10 acre farmhouse in Nashville that my husband and I found serendipitously.

And I think it was because I got out of all that [00:07:00] stimulation of the city that I was able to unravel. And that winter of 22. I couldn’t leave my house. I had no energy to shower. I cried every day. I just was like, wow, I think I’m just very tired. And then I had an appointment with the therapist, my therapist, and she diagnosed me with situational depression.

And I went on a deep journey to heal that through some holistic modalities. I regulated my sleep. I regulated my hormones. I did a ketamine protocol. Like it was a very important part of that year for me. And then I went right back into the hamster wheel. I often say that, like, ketamine, which was powerful, healed my depression, but it didn’t heal my habits.

And about six months later, I found myself on a plane to Egypt that I had very serendipitously, by the grace of the divine timing of the universe, planned. And I had no idea what that trip was going to do. I went to that country and [00:08:00] I died. Like I literally had a full on identity death, specifically in one of the temples there, the temple of Hathor, who’s the goddess of pleasure and the goddess of bliss.

And the goddess of play, and she was like, girl, you got it all wrong. You missed the point of this human experience. And I had all of these mirrors and accolades and validation points that I was winning in the world and that I was on purpose, but I was being so driven by a masculine vibration, and I had been.

Very spiritual. I’ve been on the journey since I was a little girl. Like I was always connected to angels and aliens since I was five. And I’ve done a lot of work in that space, but Egypt really brought it all home for me. And I came back from that trip different, like my DNA upgraded, my cells changed, my whole consciousness came online in a way that I [00:09:00] think I’d actually always been there.

It was a remembrance that trip. It wasn’t so much an awakening as it was a remembrance. And the long story short, and thank you for the beautiful question. I got clear that I was going to sell my business in 2023, which I did. I am so proud of that milestone as an entrepreneur. I channeled my second book, The Light Work, which is all about reclaiming your feminine power and started my own business, coaching, hosting retreats, doing what I love to do, which is being in community with women.

And reminding them as I awaken my own that we’re all the light and that we are so needed to lead right now in a new way and not the way that we’ve been taught, even if we’re winning at it, because I think many of us suffer in silence of the burnout and the exhaustion and the competitiveness and our inner mean girls, like you say, and I’m just more in alignment than I’ve ever been in [00:10:00] my life.

I’ve worked hard to get here, but I’m excited to be 

Melissa: here. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. And so when you’re in the temple and she said, girl, you’ve got it all wrong. You’re missing the point. What is the point? What is it? Is it to slow down? Is it to have more fun? Is it to not work so hard and hustle?

What was that for you? What she said was, 

Jessica: it was actually what they said. It was multiple voices. They said that the entire point of this human experience, every single waking minute of it. Is meant to be enjoyed, is meant to be blissful, take nothing for granted. I remember them saying to me, Jessica, you get to eat chocolate and kiss puppies and make love and wear cute clothes and work a job that you created and travel the world.

Every minute on this planet is a human body and a human being is a gift. And in order for it to really magnify, like for it to [00:11:00] really start to expand for you, it’s to get into your joy. And I say this in my new book, I’m really proud of what I created with my company as you know, built a very successful business that I sold that I was.

And so, the goddesses said to me, and they also said to me something I would love to also relay, is they were like, you didn’t incarnate as a human. anybody. You incarnated in this lifetime as a woman. You could have chosen to be a man, but you chose to be a woman. And the feminine frequency on this planet is returning.

We are now rising as leaders. We see it everywhere. And when women have money and women have power, which in this reality, those things are intertwined to some degree, fortunately or unfortunately, but it’s how it works. This world is going to be a better place. And I got the message that I am a leader of that feminine [00:12:00] frequency, but it’s not.

me as the lead. It’s like, we’re all the leaders. All the women that you reach and touch is part of this movement. And I’m really here to shift that. That the consciousness, and I know that’s a bold statement to say, but we’ve missed the point of the human experience. And it’s not only for joy, it’s for love.

You know, we’re all human. We all have such a deep entrenched connection because of that humanity. It’s called oneness. And we live in a world of separation and duality and judgment and fear, and it’s all part of the lie. 

Melissa: I have shared this on the podcast many years ago. I had a near death experience. And one of the messages that was coming through was you’re missing the point.

And when I was coming back, I’ll link to the episode. Everyone can go back and re listen to that episode. But when I was coming back to it, I was in hospital. I just started talking and my husband was taking notes because we both knew this was a spiritual [00:13:00] experience. We both knew it. And I was like, I’m okay.

And he’s like, I know you’re okay. And they were like, what the hell just happened? I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, completely unconscious, all these things. Anyway, you’ll have to go back and re listen to it. But one of the messages was. You’re missing the point. You’re all missing the point. This is meant to be fun and playful and not so freaking serious.

And it’s interesting because I had that experience and there are still times in my life where I start heading toward the other path and I’m going down that road. I’m driving on that street and I’m like, This is not the street. I want to go down this street. I want to remember that this is all joyful and this is all playful.

And this is what I teach inside. She launched, I want women to thrive in their businesses. I want them to have the business of their dreams, the impact and the income of their dreams without burning out, without sacrificing their relationships, because [00:14:00] that’s not what I want. I don’t want to kill myself in the process.

I don’t want to burn myself out in the process. So this is so beautiful. How can we keep reminding ourselves of this, to not drive down that street and to stay on the true path? Is it a matter of like, just simply reminding every day? Like, how do you do it? How do you remind yourself? I 

Jessica: mean, I really have built in, you’ll love this because you wrote a book on time, but it’s really about putting in structures and systems in place to start your day a little later.

Most of the world in America, like we know, starts at nine. I don’t start my day until ten. And I danced. Like as if I was at a rave by myself for like 30 minutes, just to move energy and raise my frequency and start my day. Can I come? Yes! Please! You of all people! I live to dance. I’ve always loved to dance, but I found like ecstatic dance, you know, in the last couple years and it really made that a practice [00:15:00] move, move my body, move energy, things get stuck when we’re going down that path, we’re stuck in an old pattern.

So we have to have a pattern interrupt. And for me, it’s movement, you know, for some people it’s audibly crying or screaming, like just get moving. The energy out of your body is really important. That’s the power of somatics. I think having accountability partners, being in a program like she launched, having a coach, like I have somebody that.

I text all the time. She’s my healer in my pocket. And you know, when I’m going down that path, I’m aware of it enough to ask for help. There’s no shame in that. I really try and build in playtime on my schedule. Like I shut my computer if I can by like three o’clock. I try to turn it off on the weekends.

If I’m in like launch mode, it’s different, but I think that we have to really harken back to our tools. I really love to personally study the science of spirituality. I read a lot of books on femininity. I listen to a lot of podcasts about it. I try and fill my brain with what I consider the truth, which isn’t this 3D.

[00:16:00] Matrix paradigm that is telling us all the time that we have to work and if we want to be successful, it has to be hard. I choose to fill my brain with other material and I feel like having a really honest look at your own thoughts, which requires work. I write about the Pleiadians. I don’t know if you’re familiar with them, Melissa.

All throughout my book, they’re my teachers, they’re my family, and there’s many things that I’ve learned from them, but one of the most powerful essences of their message is thought is, thought creates. therefore thought creates reality. It’s, it’s a thought, thought form is a thing in the universe, just like this microphone is.

It’s real. And making it a practice of coming home to my thoughts. I do that through meditation, nature walks, just really truly being with my thoughts, clearing my mind and understanding that it’s up to me if I want to change course. That’s no one else’s responsibility or power to do that. So, how do you 

Melissa: do it when you fall?

Do you ever fall into it? [00:17:00] I definitely see myself going down that path. I can see, oh, I’ve started to drive down that road. And it’s a feeling for me, like, I know it so well because I’ve been there. I’ve been at Burnout. I’ve been down this path. But for me, it’s the practices, like you said, the rituals. and reminding myself and just softening and coming back into my heart.

That really does help me. And I think the biggest thing is we can all hustle and we can all grind and we can all push, but truly like every day I wake up and I’m like, how can I feel at most peace today? How can I be at most joy? Like, I have fully become a different human since having my daughter. Can you believe it?

She’s almost three, right? And I’m a completely different version of myself. And I think about me before, and I think about me now, and like, About two years in, I fell [00:18:00] into this, I was either working or I’m mumming. And I used to be so good at self care, like, babe, I’m like the queen of self care. And I would take so much time for myself, but I was finding that any moment that I got When she was asleep or she was with our nanny, I would just laser focus and hustle and work.

And I got a lot done, but hello, where’s me, where’s time for me. And like, I was still doing little things, like I’d still exercise and I’d still meditate, but like thinking about work all the time. And I felt myself going toward burnout, driving down that road. And I was just like, I’m not having fun. This is not fun for me anymore.

And I either. want to stop doing everything or something has to shift, but I’m not having fun right now. And it’s meant to be fun. And so like what I’ve kind of done now is even though it’s very tempting for me, I get up early cause I go to bed early. My daughter sometimes sleeps till like seven, seven 30, eight o’clock.

[00:19:00] Sometimes I’m up sometimes at four, I’ve got so much time to like, do my morning routine, but a lot of the time I would just work. I would work, work. And then she would wake up and I would have time with her. And then she would be with the nanny and I would have my work time. And then when she would go to bed, I would work again.

So it’s just like, where’s the time for my relationship and where’s the time to fill myself up? And I was like, this is not fun and this is not how I want to live out my life. And so I’m very quick to catch it. And I change it really quickly. I know I just have a conversation with my husband. I’m like, this isn’t working.

This doesn’t feel good for me. We need to shift. And he’s like, yep. Okay, cool. What do we need to do? So awareness is really key. And then making changes as quickly as you possibly can is essential to steer you off going down that path. 

Jessica: I love that. If I can just offer, cause I’m not a mom and I don’t know how you do it.

I love all of you and admire and respect the ability to do it. And frankly, if I’m going to be super vulnerable, my career took off and I’ve [00:20:00] had a lot of fear around it, you know, balancing both, but that’s another conversation. You mentioned self care, which I love and I think is so important. And as I healed my burnout, right, I came home from Egypt and I really recognized how much time I needed for myself.

I kind of went into this, what I call slow life year and healing my nervous system was the first step. the real way I started to take care of myself. And I learned meditation is beautiful, exercise is beautiful, getting a facial, your nails done, like we, we need to fill ourselves up in that way. But I realized that there was real magic in like nothingness, like seriously sitting and being bored as a practice.

Filled my cup, And I think it’s so hard to achieve this because we’re women. Many of us are moms, but to have your cup, not just full, but like constantly overflowing so that there’s enough for you always and enough for them, if it’s at full, it’s still too low in my experience and [00:21:00] that stillness. And walking in nature, like quietly down my street, literally sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling with my dogs in my lap with no music, like truly just being with myself.

Those were the things that I started to really pick up that in my seasons of busy, like it’s hard to necessarily find the time to come back to that. But aside from the Pleiadians and, you know, my healer in my pocket. I have found that true stillness, solitude, have been some of the things that fill my cup up the most.

So that even if I do get off course, my nervous system is strong enough to hold it. That was really a huge unlock for me in the last few years. 

Melissa: Beautiful. I love it. And like I said at the very start, you are an incredible blend of business and spirituality. You’re a branding and you’re a business coach and you’re a spiritual coach.

So do you see spirituality as being intrinsically linked to the [00:22:00] success in your business? 

Jessica: One million percent. I really believe that your business will only grow to the extent of which you grow as a person and ultimately a spiritual being. I listened to your story, Melissa, and you know, you got like really hooked on the personal development path, right?

And I have to, and it’s life changing and I can’t get enough of it. It’s everything. I have had really profound spiritual experiences that have really shown me the truth of this whole human experience and our connection to the cosmos, to the stars. I’m not a religious person. I’ve sort of blended a bunch of different beliefs and modalities and kind of made them mine.

I think that your relationship to spirits, whatever you want to call that, God, Jesus, Allah, mother nature, like it’s the most intimate relationship in your life. No one can really tell you what that is. So I’m not really here to tell you what to believe as a spiritual coach, [00:23:00] but I do believe that everyone is here on a divine assignment.

We’ve come in. Incarnated in human form for a microcosm of time, literally 80, 90 years if we’re lucky. And we’re supposed to do something really important with that time. And that connection to that mission. I have a whole chapter in my new book called mission sort of turning the idea of purpose on its head.

So I think purpose is what we are kind of here to do. But our mission is why we are. And when we get in tune with that, we really stopped caring what people think of us. We stopped feeling like we have to get the message in the brand. Perfect. We’re coming from a deeper sense of why and Connection to where we came from and what we’re here to truly do in our lifetime, like not in this year or this quarter or this launch, but like what it’s all really connected to.

And I believe that that makes women, the people I work with, like come alive [00:24:00] and feel their power in a way that does drive their businesses to new heights. That’s because they’re embodied in that and that’s a whole frequency shift. So yes, to answer your question, I think that they’re intrinsically connected.

Melissa: Let’s talk about purpose. A big part of your work is helping women unlock who they truly are and what their true purpose is. For someone listening who’s like, I don’t know what my purpose is, what are the first steps that you would suggest to help them figure that out? 

Jessica: Yeah. I have a framework in my book that I take my clients through.

It has nothing to do with purpose. I mean, purpose is sort of where we land, but we get there in a very unique kind of way. So there’s a whole bunch of imagery of the triangle in my book, which is the divine feminine, right? It’s the womb, the yoni, it’s the chalice, it’s the magnetism, right? Where she attracts, she doesn’t push.

It’s reflected in my entire book through lots of different frameworks. And in the mission portion, the [00:25:00] triangle creates your mission is divided into three parts. Your creation, Your calling and your cause and your creation is typically your business, typically something that you build, that you’re proud of, that you make in the world, whether it’s a business, a multiple launches, a book you write, a corporate career you’re proud of, like it’s something you’ve created from your own unique DNA and point of view.

Your calling is something that is sometimes connected but separate, like what would you do for free is what I ask. What would you do if time and money wasn’t an issue and you just wanted to do it because it filled your soul? And then your cause is really why you’re here. Like how are we leaving this world a better place?

When you die, what difference did you make? What’s the legacy you’re leaving? A lot of people feel like they have to reach really far maybe to find that. A lot of clients I work with, it’s like their children, right? It’s, Paying it forward [00:26:00] to organizations that support animals, they don’t really have to be necessarily connected all three and sometimes they are and sometimes they’re totally different.

But when you really attune to the multidimensionality of what you’re here to do with your life and how important it is. No matter how big or small, I feel like that gives women a whole new sense of understanding of their why. It’s not just what they’re here to do with living out a purpose, but why they were incarnated, frankly, and how much they matter.

That’s how I would break it down. It’s a little different. It’s very 

Melissa: alien esque. Mm hmm. I love it. And how do we awaken our personal power? What are some practical things that we can do to remember our worth and to awaken that power within us? 

Jessica: Well, if I can start with maybe a non practical tip, my new book is called The Light [00:27:00] Work, right?

And while it’s a book about light, I, I say it’s actually a book about the dark. It’s about wading through the hard, messy, uncomfortable, painful, heartbreaking, shameful, grief stricken moments we have in our lives, and that’s where we find our light. That’s actually where we find our power to answer your question.

And so practice, I think number one, at least this was the unlock for me. was radical self responsibility. Like really knowing that I was in charge of it all, my pain and my joy, my greatness, my radiance, my sorrow. There was a real long stretch of time in my life years and years ago where I was like the victim to my entire life.

Like everything was happening to me. Everything was everyone else’s fault, from the fact that my planes were delayed out of O’Hare airport to like, my husband’s fear of not wanting me to leave my corporate job at the time, like, it was his fault I was miserable, it was their fault I was [00:28:00] late, it was just victimhood.

And so I think stepping out of that is step one is realizing you are fully responsible for all of it. I just want to highlight that. 

Melissa: You are fully responsible for all of it. The good and the ugly. We are creating everything. And when you really own that and get that, it can feel confronting at first, but it’s also the most liberating thing because you then get in the driver’s seat of your life and you go, okay, well, if I’m responsible and if I’m the creator, then what do I want to create?

What do I want to create? 

Jessica: I literally say that in my book, Verbatim. You are in the driver’s seat of your whole freaking life. And we’ve been searching for the keys in all sorts of people and teachers and validations and affirmations [00:29:00] and success. a partner and a physique, like the keys to your full responsibility of the right in your own pocket and the roadmap is in your heart.

And we outsource a lot. And I’m really here to say that to be fully activated, sovereign lightworkers in their full power, we have to claim responsibility. And that can be very uncomfortable and painful at times. But I believe that when like, You call yourself out on your own ish, like no one else, it doesn’t matter if anyone else does, 

Melissa: because 

Jessica: you already 

Melissa: know.

I know I’m just like thinking back to times where I like go to like want to blame my husband. He just looks at me and he’s like, babe, that’s all you, that’s all you. And I’m like, but yeah. And he’s just like, no, honey, that’s all you. And like, he says it in a really loving way. And he’s like, that’s, yeah, that’s for you.

And it’s big and it’s also very powerful. And we are in the [00:30:00] driver’s seat. Like you said. I want to talk about hustle culture because we kind of touched on this like pushing before. So many women are caught up in this hustle culture and you are very much about divine feminine leadership, which is very different to hustle culture.

And you have scaled to multiple seven figures with your agency. What is divine feminine leadership and how do we embody that? You know, everyone listening is like, Oh, that sounds good. Like I’d like some divine feminine leadership. What is it, and how do we do it? First and 

Jessica: foremost, it starts with safety in the body to receive in the first place.

I have a podcast, as you know you’re coming onto it, called The Spiritual Hustler. So I’m here to really reclaim that word and give it new meaning because it has become toxic for a good reason. I mean, it’s burning us out when we unconsciously hustle and hustle from a vibration of fear. and survival. And we’re doing this [00:31:00] very unconsciously.

Like we came up as humanity in our evolution based on survival of the fittest. Like it’s in our DNA. It’s okay that we landed here. It makes sense, but we’re no longer running away from tigers. We’re no longer starving on the streets in the middle of the middle ages. We’re safe. We have shelter and food and access and yet we’re still operating in these old paradigms based on this programming at a cellular level.

This is at least what I’ve learned. And so to answer your question, it’s really about learning how to feel safe in your own body. You’re not running from a tiger. The way that we feel safe, the way that we find our safety, I really believe from a pure health medical perspective is looking at our nervous systems.

softening, becoming more gentle and slow, as I’ve mentioned, and reframing what we’re hustling for, right? We’re not hustling necessarily from money. Like when I [00:32:00] started unlocking that my money, my wealth was tied to survival, I need to make money so I don’t die. Like that was really the underpinning of so much of my hustle because I had gone broke and I had that trauma in my body.

It was a PTSD. And I learned how to really slow down and trust the fact that I was worthy and that I could really hold money. That was a huge part of it. But starting to shift what I was hustling for, like I’m, I don’t want to just hustle for my own survival and gain and bank account. Like I want to make money to make the world better.

I want to make money so that I make my clients better. Like, not that I wasn’t doing that, but there’s just a different vibration when we realize. We’re creating wealth. We’re creating abundance for everyone to thrive. And there’s an equal exchange of value. When you have someone come into your program, you have someone hire you for your coaching, but it’s not about the transaction.

It’s about the service and coming from that vibration. And I have a chapter again in my [00:33:00] book on money called rewiring your abundance codes. Because We’re encoded with our DNA and it’s about rewiring as women, how we create wealth. At least this is what I’m here to teach. And those principles from my book come down to equanimity, ensuring that there’s an equal exchange, that things feel fair, that things feel right.

Generosity, like giving to give, like I believe like the queen move, like the goddess move is spending money on yourself, like throwing down, giving a really big tip to somebody, like that shows the universe that there’s an overflow. The experience of generosity will heal your soul. Reciprocity, ensuring that if there’s a, And a continuum, like don’t give too much, don’t take too much, make it a symbiotic relationship.

This is one of the highest codes of Mother Earth. Like we take so much from her and we don’t return it. And how is that reflected in our lives? Again, when we don’t do that, either [00:34:00] consciously or unconsciously, it’s disrupting our nervous systems where we’re out of balance and receptivity. This is one of my favorite things to ask and reflect to women, like, when a woman tells you you’re beautiful, or you get a compliment on your cute outfit, or someone tells you you did a great job at something, most of us deflect, Oh my God, I know I look like shit today.

Oh my God, stop. I love your bag. It’s so cute. Oh, you really thought I did a good job? I didn’t think it was that great. We have a hard time receiving a kind word. A compliment, practicing your receptivity muscle, like starting to really get into our divine feminine to answer your questions. This is some of the core principles and values and embodiments really that shift our frequency so that we don’t hustle in this patriarchal toxic masculine, nothing against men.

It’s not about gender. It’s just about the experience here on [00:35:00] this planet. That starts to unhook us from that programming so that we can really be in our true essence as women and soften and still make money when we do that. And that has been one of the most healing experiences of my life. And I’m so excited to be teaching it.

Melissa: And I think we need more examples of women thriving in their business, but doing it in a soft, feminine way. We need more expanders out there doing it. We need that because there’s not enough. We all know the other model. We’ve all seen the hustle, push, go. work so many hours a day, we haven’t grown up with that other model being shown to us.

So we need more examples of that. So I love that you are teaching this. Tell me how you structure your days so that you can stay in that feminine flow and not lead to burnout. Talk to [00:36:00] me about how you structure your days now differently to how you used to. 

Jessica: Well, I only work four days. I try and really take Fridays for me.

Obviously, sometimes if there’s overflow, I’ll do a few things, but Fridays are kind of off limits. I have to get into nature every single day. I try and take at least a 10, 20 minute walk in my neighborhood in the middle of the day. If I can, I ground, I put my feet on the earth every morning. I really try and connect with her when I wake up.

So I wake up to answer your, your question. I structure my day. I have to have coffee, Melissa. I’m like, you know, dead before it. And I go to my altar. I have a beautiful altar in my home with a whole bunch of really important things. And I used to over engineer it. Like now I’ve really simplified it. And I just say an invocation.

I say what I call a co creation invocation, where I call down the energies of Isis. of the Shekinah, which is the Hebrew word for divine light, and Alcyon, which is the brightest star [00:37:00] in the Pleiades star system. And I basically clear my channel and let that energy come through, and I really make the intention to get out of the way, like that my hunger and my desire for what I want isn’t as important or isn’t as necessary as the divine will that’s coming through and the highest good of all.

Like I always include that. So, I typically meditate with that invocation, just for a few minutes. I do a little workout. Melissa Wood, you look exactly like her. I’m sure you’ve heard that. You’re like a doppelganger of the Australian version of Melissa Wood. That is 

Melissa: such a compliment. Thank you so much.

Have you not been told that before? You look just like her. 

Jessica: She is a queen. I love her. Oh, I’m obsessed with her. I love her and I love you and you two remind me, you look like sisters. And so I’ll do a Melissa Wood workout and I typically have my toast and I shower and I start my day at 10. And I have meeting stack.

Mondays are all internal. Tuesdays are like coaching. Tuesdays and Thursdays are coaching [00:38:00] days. Wednesdays are typically like media days. Fridays are off. I really am a homebody. I don’t love going out for dinner. I like to stay home with my husband, snuggle with my dogs, but we’ll do date night on Saturday.

But I really have simplified my life. I don’t really, I don’t really run around. I keep it really grounded. My morning practice is really important to me. I love taking baths at night. I’m a big salt bath, oil girl, listen to a podcast, maybe go to bed, read a book. That’s not really exciting. It’s pretty boring and I kind of love it.

Melissa: Mm. It sounds like heaven. To me, heaven, all of those things. I’m just like, yes, delicious. So good. So, yeah, I love that. We can all infuse more of that into our every day, especially mamas, like especially everyone and mamas, come on, listen to this because it’s very easy to put your children’s [00:39:00] desires and needs before yours because you love them and you care for them so much.

You have to love and care for yourself so much. You have to. Otherwise you will burn out. Otherwise you will be a shitty mom. It’s true. You are not the best mom if you’re not filling yourself up. And you just have to do it every single day. I do it because I know I’m going to be a better mom. If I take time for me, if I go for a walk or if I do a workout or if I meditate, I’m going to be a way better mom, way better.

Jessica: I’m a better wife. I’m a better boss. I’m a better friend, like it manifests in so many ways and it’s hard, you know, and I find even the smallest things like, do I take a walk every day? Do I put my feet on the earth every day? I try and the simplest practices like if I stand outside of my backyard and put my feet on the earth for five minutes, it changes my energy.

It’s five minutes, not even sometimes I just think that it’s hard to hold yourself accountable to it. But if I put in structures and I’m super excited to [00:40:00] talk to you and learn how you schedule your day because I’m fascinated, but I have a pretty clear blueprint of my schedule and Again, I’m not a mom and I’m sure it complicates things by a lot, but if there’s some anchor points that you can build in that really bring you back to you, even if it’s for a few minutes, I think it’s how we thrive, not just survive, but thrive.


Melissa: Babe, I want to shift gears back to business and I want to talk about personal branding. Now you’ve worked with some of the biggest businesses on the planet, Google, Pinterest, and you’ve helped them discover their superpowers and build a magnetic personal brand. So I teach this inside SheLaunch.

Everybody needs a personal brand. Everybody. When I first started, I hid behind the path to wellness. I hid. Because it felt safe, right? But everyone knows that people buy from people. They want to know the person behind the brand. They want to know [00:41:00] who is the creator of this organic skincare or who is the creator of this amazing program.

And like I teach my girls, you have to build your personal brand. So I want to know, what are the secrets for creating a magnetic personal brand? I want to know that. And then, you know, we all know that authenticity is so important. How can entrepreneurs be more authentic in their branding and their content?

And how do we embrace and embody that authenticity more effectively? Let’s go. Let’s dive in here. 

Jessica: I love this question. Speaking to the choir around the power of a personal brand and the necessity of it, because people do business with people. And so the real big secret from my book, and I wrote a book about this, is clarity.

in the message and consistency in the message. You are what you say you are over and over again. You get to train the market how to see you. This work to me is personal empowerment as much as it is personal [00:42:00] branding. And so what we have done at Simply Be My Agency, we start with this really powerful framework.

And I won’t necessarily teach you the framework itself. I’ll give you the principles though. When someone thinks of your name, when someone hears your name, what’s the word or the thought or the feeling or the statement that you want people to think of when they hear your name? 

Melissa: That’s a good question. I want them to think helpful, light, love, generous, sunshine, happy, smart, playful, really squeeze the most juice out of life.

She’s the woman I follow because she is me. The embodiment of what she teaches and what she teaches is that you can live a life beyond your wildest dreams. You can have the business of your dreams and still have the life of your dreams. Be the mother that you want to be, be the friend that you want to be.

She is the living, breathing, walking, talking [00:43:00] embodiment of that. That’s what I want them to think. 

Jessica: So if I was your brand marketer. I would just boil that down to living the life of your dreams fully embodied. Encapsulates it all. Business and relationship and motherhood. And female empowerment, sisterhood, and wellness, and all the things that you do, validate that brand slogan.

That’s what we just basically workshopped, right? Your brand slogan. I called the headline to your brand name. And so you can figure out what, and I love that we just went there because it was a total like brainstorm. I actually threw out a bunch of words, like pushed you a little further, like we were metaphorically whiteboarding here.

Take it or leave it, but like, we got some crystallization there and from that one exact sort of concept and all of the words that sort of Melissa threw out just now, we’d grab like, okay, how do we want, what do we really [00:44:00] want to lead with? Like what do we really do? Is it relationships? Is it business? Is it women empowerment?

Is it health? And we try and boil it down to four. Just four. Four is what we have found is the sweet spot for brand clarity, because I often say branding is an exercise in clarity. It doesn’t matter how well you understand your brand, you will, you should. What matters is if someone else who’s never heard of you can understand your brand and feel your brand in less than 10 seconds.

That is branding done well. Like when we, when I spit out the word Starbucks, versus Dunkin Donuts versus Bulletproof. We have immediate feelings that like all those different coffees have different consumers, different brand experiences, different feelings. And so a personal brand is meant to be that clear.

But the problem is we’re humans and we’re not meant to be understood in less than 10 seconds. We’re complicated. We’re ever evolving. We’re multi faceted, multi layered, multi dimensional. So, four we find is the sweet spot [00:45:00] to really boil in that clarity so that again, you teach the market what you want them to know about you through that consistency and that clarity.

But four doesn’t sacrifice depth. You can still integrate in those sort of four areas of your message, aspects of you that are emotional, deep, personal, about your story, that have nothing to do with your career. Like you really identify as a mother and you share your story as a mother. So much, but you’re not teaching women how to breastfeed, you’re teaching women how to run businesses, but you lead with the fact that you’re a mother, which makes you ever more relatable and human to women.

And so that, you know, mixed with personal growth, I know you used to be really into like health and wellness and you started there. I know your story. Before that, you were an actress and an artist, like nothing is off the table, right? It’s about chiseling down what you want the market to know about you and crafting a [00:46:00] story about that.

And to your question about authenticity, all of these pieces are pieces of you, you know? So it’s the truth of who you are. You just get to be discretional. And strategic because that’s what a personal brand is here to help you do is to grow a business with how you want to be seen in the world. And so what I basically just did is walked you through this framework called the hologram by identifying your headline, the four brand pillars, four areas of your business and your life that you’re going to lead with, that you’re going to create content around.

And then inside the pillars, just one last thing is what we call unique insights. So there’s a lot of women who are beautiful like Melissa, not as beautiful as you, but are into business and are moms and freedom based lifestyles even. Let’s go one layer deeper. But no one has the perspectives and experiences and nuances and opinions and failures and successes around business, motherhood, and freedom based living that Melissa does because there’s only one Melissa.

And [00:47:00] so what we would do is really unpack why did she want to build a freedom based lifestyle? What does she love? What does she hate about business? What makes her a great mom? What makes her an awful mom sometimes? You know? And that’s what we’re Why did she want to have kids in the first place? Like we ask a bunch of really specific questions to start to really nail down the unique pillar of how Melissa expresses motherhood in the world as a brand.

And that becomes the foundation to your platform. And that starts to inform your content and potentially your products and your programs and your podcast title and your keynote talk and your press pitch. Like it can all come back to that. So that’s a long winded answer on the branding piece, but that’s how we do it.

Melissa: I love it. And when you were just talking, what came through to me was, ultimately what I want to do is I want to show women what is truly possible in this lifetime. I want to show them what is possible and I want to be the embodiment and the example of that. [00:48:00] Yeah, that was really beautiful and so powerful, but it kind of goes against a couple of people on the internet are saying, like, you have to just pick one thing and like you just speak about one thing, you a social media expert, then that’s the only thing that you can speak about on your Instagram.

Like you can’t drop in like a story of you being a mother, you’ve got a really niche and you’ve got to really home in on that one thing. So you say, you know, you can have four pillars. So. How does that work? So I 

Jessica: love this love this conversation. So let me take you back to when I first started my agency.

I was picking up the wounds from my brokenness. I was working a corporate career as a lifeline and then I quit to start simply be and I was like, I’m going to get on the internet. I’m going to make a bunch of noise and I’m everyone’s going to know me and I’m going to publish all this content and send out the emails and be on every social channel and do the blogs and do the videos.

And I went out to lunch with a really good friend of mine, a mentor. And he looked at me over the. Coffee table. And he was like, Jessica, [00:49:00] I see what you’re trying to do. You want to be known as like you’re starting this personal branding thing. I’m following you online and you are a hot mess. He literally said that to my face.

He’s like, I have no idea what you’re about. You’re talking about everything all at once. Like you’re a master of everything, an expert in nothing. And it was really painful actually to hear him say that because he was right. And I went back home that day and I, I love that you asked this question. I mean, it’s my approach and my philosophy that he said to me in that coffee date.

He’s like, if you want to be known for the thing you want to be known for, you’ve got to be about it. Just be about it. Be about that only thing. I think Gary Vaynerchuk says that. And I was like, okay, but I really just don’t, I don’t want to only be about personal branding. Like people are going to want to know me.

If I just talk about the power of personal branding all day long. It’s going to come off as like salesy and one noted. People are going to get bored. And you’ll get [00:50:00] bored. And I’ll get bored. Exactly. And I was like, I want to pick the things that make me dimensional. Like I’m a person. I’m not a product.

I’m not a website. I’m not a service. I’m a human. And I have more things to say that interests me than this one thing. That is really where the number four came up, Melissa, because we’ve done this for thousands of clients. And we’ve really run this. system through. It’s what achieves that human connection, that authenticity, that magnetism, that realness, without losing the plot.

Because we’re always going to share on behalf of our clients and build brands that are leading with the thing that they want to be known for to make money at, of course. But it’s about rounding out the three dimensional person. Because we’re talking about personal brands here. So you can’t be hot mess, Jess, like I was eight years ago, talking about 25 things and expect to be seen as an expert.

But I don’t believe that you can talk about the one thing and [00:51:00] expect to be seen as a human. And we need to be in that sweet spot. And that’s where I came up with that perspective and framework. And it’s been trademarked and we’ve used it for, again, so many clients and it just, it helps people see themselves with clarity.

As much as dimensionality. And I think we need both. 

Melissa: Can I share my four with you? Yes. Okay, so definitely one is like conscious business and helping women create businesses of their dreams. That’s definitely one. So conscious business. Another one I talk a lot about is obviously health and wellness because not to the degree that I used to where I would like.

give out recipes. I don’t do that anymore, but I talk about health and wellness as a pillar of like living a good life. You know, I don’t get as nitty gritty as I did, but more so like high level. The other one is obviously motherhood and being a mother. And that was also really tricky for me [00:52:00] because at the start I was like, how do I speak about motherhood without ever showing my daughter on social media?

That was tricky for me because I’m like, how do I do that? But then I was like, I don’t need to post a photo of her to like talk about her. I can talk about my experience of being a motherhood without actually showing a photo of her. So that was really big for me. If anyone’s like thinking in that same spot that I was in.

And then the fourth one is like mindset and spirituality. That’s my fourth pillar. Beautiful. Yes. 

Jessica: And how clear is that? How connected is that? I feel like you actually show up like if I were to not know you. And personally, as I do read that what you just wrote and go look at your platform, I would say, yeah, she’s on brand.

Like she’s, she is clearly sharing that message because you are very multidimensional, Melissa, you are, and you have a journey and I’ve seen it and you’ve taken your audience with you and you’ve evolved, but like where you’ve landed [00:53:00] is at that intersection of yes, health and wellness, but in a whole new expanded way, conscious, not just business, conscious business.

The fact that you are a mom is so beautifully prevalent in your brand and it’s a signature reflection of your growth, right? And you’ve welcomed women into that. And I just feel like it’s clear, expansive, but not limited. I really, Love that you did that for yourself. It’s spot on. Like that’s the power of this work.

When we take people through this whole hologram exercise, we step away from it. I’m like, you could not know this person and understand exactly who they are, what matters to them, their values, their value in four boxes in a circle. Like that’s the framework and it’s really powerful. I love that you just did that with me.

Melissa: Yes, thank you, babe. And like, to be honest, I’ve been in my business since 2011, babe. I’ve been doing this and I’ve definitely felt like, is that too [00:54:00] much? Am I going to dilute my message? Do I just need to focus on one thing? Do I just need to speak about business? Do I just need to speak about health?

Because my tagline from the very beginning was, I’ll teach you how to be wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. And health, wealth, love were like my pillars. And all of my content fell under one of those umbrellas and it still virtually does. Health and wellness and then wealth, business, mindset, money, and then love, self love and relationships.

And I’m like, is it too much? Is it too many things like that? I literally have thought that, but over the years and becoming more of my true self, and especially since becoming a mom, I’m like, I am a multi dimensional, multi faceted, multi passionate human being. And then there are things that are completely sacred to me that I do not share online.

And this is what I teach in I’m like, you have to get clear on What are you going [00:55:00] to talk about? What are you not going to talk about? What is sacred for you? Like for me, my daughter’s image is sacred. I will not share that. And I know that. And it’s not like a, or maybe I do it sometimes or maybe I do it just like, you know, whatever.

But for me, that’s like out of bounds. So you have to get clear on what is sacred to you, what you want to talk about, what lights you up. Literally, 

Jessica: this is all the work that I walk people through in this exercise. Like not everything belongs online. I’m very private with my marriage. Like I don’t really show my husband very often.

I lots of things I don’t show, but I’m still authentic. Right. And beautiful question to ask yourself, like what lights you up that you could talk about endlessly? Like forever, at least for now, forever, that’s where you’re going to become magnetic, where people are really going to feel that authenticity.

One thing I also wanted to reflect back around your journey, Melissa, and like personal brands aren’t like corporate companies. that are like [00:56:00] stagnant one thing. They’re meant to evolve. They’re meant to change and grow and shapeshift because we shapeshift like my personal brand today is completely different than what it was three or four years ago because I’m a different person.

And back to your hologram, read me the four pillars or conscious business, motherhood, health and wellness. What was the fourth one? Mindset and spirituality. Perfect. So let me ask you about SheLaunched real quick. Do you address, I know it’s a coaching program for women entrepreneurs, you’re teaching them how to build products and you talk about branding, you talk about the business side, conscious business, but are you incorporating?

a little bit of mindfulness and spirituality into that. Yes. Are you addressing, she’s nodding, are you addressing wellness, whole body wellness? Yes. And I’m sure you’re talking to a lot of moms in that program, right? A hundred percent. So your community has evolved with you and your current brand, [00:57:00] which you just painted in like three minutes, is a reflection of your product.

And your audience is an expression and a product of your brand as well. Like it’s, it all, that’s the power of clarity. You actually are very clear and your market is very clear. affirming that for you. So as much as the things you’re creating are stemming from your soul, and your brand should feel like your soul.

Your brand is you. 

Melissa: Yeah. Thank you for saying that, babe. And this is what I teach in SheLaunch. I’m like, it’s not Google. It’s not Apple. Like, you’re going to evolve. And maybe next year. When you have your baby or something happens and you’re like, maybe I don’t want to talk about health and wellness anymore.

Maybe I don’t want to even talk about business anymore. Maybe I don’t want to talk about whatever it is. And that is the beauty of you as a personal brand is your brand evolves as you evolve. And I’m sure when I have another baby, that’s going to be another whole evolution of me. I’m totally sure of it.

So [00:58:00] I love this so much and your work is so amazing and I want to literally recommend everyone go out and get both of your books and I’m going to link them in the show notes. They are incredible. But if you had a magic wand and you could put one book in the school curriculum of every high school around the world.

Besides your books, which should be in there, let’s pretend they’re already part of the curriculum. What is one book you would choose? It could be on any topic. And it’s for boys and girls like that 16, 17, 18 year old, just before they kind of go out onto their own. What book, babe? Any topic. This is 

Jessica: one of the hardest questions I’ve ever been asked on a podcast.

It’s a brilliant question. There is a book called The Great Cosmic Mother. and it’s about the history of our planet and how kind of civilization was formed and how we worked in different sort of harmonic [00:59:00] society and that women were exalted prior to the patriarchy 4, 000 years ago. If teenagers really understood the principles of the feminine, I really think it would be a beautiful thing for them to grow up with that awareness.

That’s why, that’s what came to me. It’s, it’s like really thick. It feels like a textbook. It was written in the eighties. It’s kind of a fringe, fringe spiritual book. It’s actually not a spiritual book at all. It’s a history book. And that’s what I would put on the bookshelf. 

Melissa: Beautiful. I’ll link to it in the show notes for everyone, as well as your amazing books.

Now, I have three rapid fire questions for you, babe. Are you ready? I love rapid fire. Let’s go. Because health, wealth, and love are a huge part of my brand. What is one thing that we can do for our health today? Get 

Jessica: in solitude for just a few minutes. No music, nothing, and just allow yourself to 

Melissa: breathe.

Beautiful. All right. Wealth. What’s one [01:00:00] thing we can do for more wealth in our life today? 

Jessica: Practice receiving. Look at the whole world as if it’s like giving you a love letter. Like if someone opens the door for you, like, wow, that was a love letter from the universe. Like if the waitress comes by and gives you an extra side of fries because she got the order wrong, it’s like, wow, thank you.

Love letter from the universe. Look at the micro blessings in your life as affirmations of your worth and how much you are born to receive and be in abundance, like in every way, like create a new vibration in your body for receptivity. And I believe that helps you hold money and ask for your worth with more safety.

in the body. 

Melissa: Yeah, beautiful. And last one. What’s one thing we can do for more love in our life? Oh my gosh. 

Jessica: Call people that you love more often. Make time. I, you [01:01:00] know, my mom, my dad, I don’t live in the same city as them. I often underestimate the power of a text, a loving word. I just think that we don’t use our voices to voice love as much as we, we should.

Just to tell people they matter to you. You miss them. Being vulnerable in the smallest, like today I told my best friend, because we, I just moved out of Chicago and we’re now in separate cities and that girl is like my home. She’s my best friend and we live in separate cities now. And I said to her, I’m afraid that I miss you more than you miss me.

And it was just like me being vulnerable and I kind of like put a smiley face like LOL, but that vulnerability opened up a conversation for us to just acknowledge how much we, much we missed each other. And it was. It left us with our hearts more open, you know, so long winded answer, like 

Melissa: speak it. I know.

So beautiful. Two of my best friends here, like, have recently [01:02:00] moved. Sally moved to a different state, and Natalie has, like, gone traveling with her family around the whole world, and I’m just like, I know. It’s so real. I know. But it’s beautiful voice messages that I love. I love that so much. So such a nice reminder to reach out to the people you love, tell them that you love them.

Life is so short and precious. We don’t know how long we’re here for. So reach out and tell those people that you love them. And my friend, I just have to tell you that I have loved this conversation with you and I’ve got so much out of it and I know that the audience has too. So I want to know, how can I and the audience give back and serve you today?

I love you, 

Jessica: Melissa. You’re such a light, brilliant in every level. I’m so grateful for this time with you. You can come find me at Jessica Zweig, that’s how you pronounce my last name, Zweig. com. Everyone, you know, it’s a tricky one. That’s my website. And you can find me there on Instagram to [01:03:00] Jessica’s y.

com. You can go to the light work book. com. That’s also my presale pre order page. And if you buy the book, now you get a whole bunch of bonuses, rebranding masterclass, live group coaching calls with me a ticket. I’m doing a lion’s gate event on eight, eight with Michael Beckwith Koya web. Danielle Page, this huge, massive virtual event that we’re going to open the portal and get all the downloads and manifestations and activations on that very special day.

You get all of that with my book. So come find me, come say hi. I have your tribe of Melissa’s. I’m sure we’ll vibrate because Melissa is a light and we attract what we are. And I’m honored to be here to share this conversation with all of you. So come say hi. And thank you again, Melissa. I really truly love you.

Melissa: Oh, thank you so much, babe. I’m so grateful. So, so, so grateful for your time today and everyone go and grab the book, go and do it. It is incredible. Jessica is incredible. Follow her on Instagram. I’ll link to everything in the show notes [01:04:00] for you guys, but I’m so excited. This was such a juicy conversation.

Thank you for being here. Beautiful goddess. Thank you for 

Jessica: having me goddess.

Melissa: I loved this conversation. I got so much out of it. I feel so inspired with my own brand and to just crystallize that even more. And I hope you got a lot out of this. And if you did, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review on Apple Podcasts. If you haven’t already, if you have left me a review, thank you so much.

If you haven’t send me a screenshot on Instagram and I’ll send you a little gift. And come and tell me on Instagram at Melissa Ambrosini what you got from this episode. I love hearing from you and I love connecting with you. So jump on over there right now. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest, and the happiest version of yourself, and for showing up today for you, my friend.

You are amazing. You rock. Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would [01:05:00] really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears.

And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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