Melissa Ambrosini

From Dreams to Deadlines: My Road to Becoming a Bestselling Author






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Curious about how I went from being a professional performer to a bestselling author? You’re in the right place!

In this extra special episode, I’m switching roles — I’m the one in the hot seat in this crossover episode with one of my favorite podcasts, The Daily Author.

Tune in to discover: the pivotal moment that pushed me to leave the stage and follow my true passion, the transformative philosophy behind ‘Time Magic,’ surprising truths about the publishing world that most people don’t realize, the different marketing tactics I’ve used for each of my books, how being intentional with your time can revolutionize your writing journey, and my top advice for new writers looking to make their mark.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The surprising path I took to become a multiple bestselling author and entrepreneur (1:48)
  • How giving up my dancing career helped me uncover my true passion (5:55)
  • The powerful philosophy that sparked our award-winning book, ‘Time Magic’ (7:38)
  • Why being intentional with your time is the ultimate success strategy (12:27)
  • The game-changing actions that move the needle most (16:36)
  • The winning marketing strategy behind ‘Time Magic’ (19:34)
  • Behind-the-scenes on how I work with my publishers (21:26)
  • The key differences in the marketing strategies behind ‘Mastering Your Mean Girl’ and ‘Time Magic’ (24:01)
  • The single best piece of advice every new writer needs to hear (27:19)
  • The inside scoop on the projects that are currently lighting me up (31:46)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • The Daily Author (podcast)
  • Melissa Ambrosini (Instagram)
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Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 610, I am sharing an interview that I did on the Daily Author podcast. It was so good that I have to share it with you. For anyone who wants to write a book, who is currently writing a book, You are going to love this episode. Grab your pen and paper and let’s dive 

  1. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini show.

I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, and Time Magic. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready beautiful?[00:01:00] 

Daily Author: Welcome to the daily author podcast, where we talk all things, nonfiction books with authors and discuss how they’re using their book as a leverage point into more income and impact. My guest today is Melissa Ambrosini. Thanks so much for joining me. 

Melissa: Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here.

Daily Author: Definitely. I’m looking forward to this conversation. You’ve been named self help a guru by Elle magazine, which I think is an amazing accomplishment. And you have this new book out fairly new time magic, which we supported you on sharing. It’s the unleash the knowledge audience. So for those that are coming to the show right now that are a follower, I’m sure you’ve seen Melissa’s book with that.

She co wrote with her husband, Nick Broadhurst. Awesome book about reclaiming your time in your life, which of course we all have the same 24 hours, but we all seem to spend it in different ways. So the first kind of question I want to frame up is really kind of the origin story that you’ve taken on. You have a deep commitment to empower others.

You’ve built a business, a great podcast. You’ve written many books. What was kind of [00:02:00] lifelike for you, maybe before all those accolades or all these things that you pushed into the world and what kind of made you build this life that you live today? 

Melissa: So it all happened in October, 2010. So there was life like, this is what I do now, this life, that kind of all started in 2010 when I hit rock bottom and I ended up in hospital.

And before that I was living a very different life. I was a professional dancer, actress, TV presenter and model. And I was living in Paris, dancing at the Moulin Rouge in Paris and traveling around the world and doing performing and I loved it. But I was burning myself out. I had a lot of toxic relationships.

I didn’t nourish my body. I didn’t prioritize sleep. I literally burnt myself out to the point of ending up in hospital. And it was in hospital where I realized that I needed to change my ways. And it was that moment that was such a pivotal [00:03:00] turning point for me, where I realized I needed to get healthy and happy again, and I was introduced to the world of personal development and spirituality, and I dove headfirst into reading every single book that I possibly could.

on those topics. And I became obsessed with personal development, spirituality, entrepreneurship, health, wellness, and just dove head first. And so that was such a pivotal moment in my life. It was one of the hardest things I’ve been through because my health was so bad. And then also on top of that, I had no money.

I was sleeping on my friend’s sister’s fold out single bed in her lounge room. My friends dumped me because I’d moved back from London. And the guy that I was seeing dumped me. So it’s literally like every area of my life was falling apart. But the beautiful thing about that is that from rock bottom, there’s only up.

And I went up and it was challenging and it was just so much growth in it. But from there, I started what [00:04:00] I do now. I went and learned how to become a health coach and a life coach and a meditation teacher. yoga teacher, energy healer. And that’s where my entrepreneurial journey started. I began sharing everything that I was learning on my blog, which was back in 2011.

Like this was like before blogs were really cool. And I blogged five days a week and people were stopping me in the street saying, Oh my gosh, that article that you wrote about your inner mean girl or your struggles with your emotional eating or whatever it was has resonated so deeply with me. And I was like, Oh, I just thought it was my mom reading this.

You like forget that there’s all these other people out there reading your work. And then I started being booked to speak as a motivational, inspirational speaker and started creating online products like eBooks and courses and was doing one on one coaching at this time. And it all just snowballed from there.

I got my first book deal, started [00:05:00] my podcast. I’ve now written five books. My podcast, The Melissa Ambrosini Show, has had 26 million downloads. My company, SheLaunch, which is a coaching company, it helps female coaches, consultants and service providers grow with their business to six and seven figures without the burnout because that part’s really important because I’ve been there.

That’s thriving now and it’s just been a snowball since 2010 to where I am now. And I just love the work that I do. I love helping people. I was born to do this. I truly believe that I was born to be a teacher and to help others. And I love it. And I do that through all those different mediums, the books, the podcast, the coaching, the live events, the virtual events, all of those things.

Daily Author: Wow. That’s incredible. Thanks for sharing all that. It’s tough to obviously hear of the rock bottom stories, but sometimes those are the moments that obviously can catapult us to The great levels that we want to get to just on that note. Cause like, you’re not doing the work. I’m sure you were doing as a model [00:06:00] dancer, actress, was that, has that been tough for you to put what once was maybe a passion of yours behind you, or have you come to realize that maybe it wasn’t a passion, it was just something that maybe you were good at and life just threw it your way and now you’re finding your rhythm.

Melissa: Yeah, well, I started dancing when I was three and I loved it. And it’s more that feeling of being in total flow. And I get to do that when I’m on stage speaking now. So I get to use a lot of those tools, like even presenting and being an actress, like I get to bring that to the stage when I do my speaking gigs.

So I feel like that was all dress rehearsal for what I was really meant to do in this world, which is what I’m doing now. And I truly believe that it was all perfect and I don’t miss it. The only thing I do miss is dancing, like just performing, but I get to do that in my lounge room every day with my daughter and that’s enough.

Daily Author: Yeah, that’s great. I love that. Like, Maybe the thing you do changes, but the feeling it gave you can be [00:07:00] replicated through other actions, whether it’s do you on stage is that same type of feeling of you performing or spending time with your daughter and dancing. You might not be under the lights in front of a crowd, like maybe you once were, but now you’re doing something with someone you love and you’re still reclaiming that passion.

So super cool. And it’s always interesting for me to hear that of when. Someone might’ve had a whole life for 10 some years, 20 years doing whatever else. And they were known by that. And then they made that pivot or that transition, whether it was forced to be done through health or challenge, or it was just a change of mindset or passion.

So it’s great that you found that in your life through those avenues. Well, the book I want to highlight, of course, time magic, it’s this book about obviously figuring out how you can use your time to best live the life you want. Reclaim your time, reclaim your life. What’s the philosophy behind time magic in particular?

You listed obviously off of many things you were doing when you burnt out. So I’m sure there is a component of that journey that has [00:08:00] allowed you to become very conscious and intentional about your time and your energy. 

Melissa: Yeah, so the way that this book actually came about was because so many of our friends and our clients would say to us, to my husband and I, how do you guys do it all?

How do you run multiple businesses? How do you be present parents, still go on date nights and have a Wednesday afternoon at the beach as a family? Like how do you do it all? And we would literally scratch our head and we’re like. What do you mean? Like you just do it. Like we have systems and we have flows and we have systems that allow us to thrive in our everyday life.

And people would literally scratch their heads, our clients and our friends, and they’re like, we don’t know what you’re talking about. Like very basic things like a calendar system that you follow. Just really basic things like that. And so we started sharing about it and then people would say, you need to write a book, you [00:09:00] need to write a book, you need to write a book.

And then when we started researching for this book, we were like, okay, we do need to put all of our little rituals and our systems into a book. And then when we started researching how we spend our time, we were completely shocked. Like we could not believe it. The average person lives to 79 years.

Firstly, that stat on its own. And we were like, 79 years, like, are you kidding me? Like I’m going for 110 and anyone is welcome to come with me along that journey. But I was like, 79 years, that is not a lot. And then when you add up how long you spend sleeping, 13 years or how long you spend working, how long you spend on social media, how long you spend on email.

When you literally add all of those up, you’re left with 1. 2 years to do what you love. And that’s it. And Nick and I were like, 1. 2 years to do what you love? Are you kidding me? [00:10:00] We have this all backwards. And so the book is about reclaiming more of that time to do more of what you love. Life is so precious.

We only get one. I have lost many friends along this journey. And it reminds How precious life really is. So we’ve got to get intentional with it. And if we’re not, it gets sucked up by the seven years on emails or whatever. It’s just like, I’m not okay with that. Like, that’s not how I want to live my life.

And so we need healthy boundaries. We need these systems that allow us to stay in that zone of. joy and that zone of genius that we love and doing what we love and spending more time with the people that we love. So the book really helps you get clear on where you’re spending your time, what it is that you actually want and lights you up.

Like, where do you want to be spending your time? And then it helps you reclaim that through [00:11:00] some of our systems and philosophies and frameworks. So that’s how it all came about. And it’s just so important because like I said, life is so precious and. I am able to run a company and still be a present mother.

And that’s what I’ve always wanted, but I wouldn’t be able to do it if I didn’t have these systems in place. 

Daily Author: Yeah, that’s amazing. Oh my gosh. From the beginning of what you shared there. For authors listening, I think it’s so important that you, the book idea was birthed from client problems or challenges that clients or friends were having.

I have a bit of a shtick with the whole author world that you use the book as a stepping stone right into like coaching, consulting, speaking a lot to make a lot of money off the book itself. It can be done, but it’s a bit of a challenge when you can really move people through. But to make that all work is because the clients or the people that you could be helping are telling you what they need help with.

And then you write the book around those problems to provide those [00:12:00] solutions as you guys have done. So it’s really interesting to see here all about that. And then of course the research, like if you’re working a dead end job that you hate and then you’re sleeping eight hours a day to obviously keep yourself healthy, you have those 1.

2 years actually to what you love, like that really can ground you. And that’s as if you were to live a full, healthy life, which. Again, I agree with you that we have this one life, it’s so precious and it could end at any moment. So you really wanna be grateful for the time we do have. Now, would you say like from an online business standpoint or all the work you’ve done with your business and and kind of coaching, consulting, that being intentional with your time has been like one of the major pillars to having all that success.

And then maybe on the inverse, like you’ve noticed people who struggle. In business in particular, it’s their time that is just so wonky. And that’s a direct reason why they’re not having the results they want. 

Melissa: Definitely one of the reasons, one of the biggest reasons is procrastination, not organized. And so therefore [00:13:00] spending time on things that are just not needle movers in their business.

You know what I mean? They’re spending time on admin and things that just aren’t important. That is probably one of the biggest things and self worth. So mindset, which is inside SheLaunch. We have a whole mindset module because. Mindset is so important. It is so important. If you don’t believe that you can have the business and the life of your dreams, like we need to start there.

So yes, definitely. This is something that I witnessed and it’s about. Self discipline as well and setting healthy boundaries for yourself in your business and your life. Discipline is freedom. And when you have these healthy boundaries around your business and around your personal life, that’s when you can truly thrive.

I know for me personally, when I let my boundaries, when I let my discipline go, that’s when the wheels start to fall off. And so this is what I’ve seen so much time and time again with my clients, the ones that are very [00:14:00] intentional, the ones that are Very disciplined, the ones that follow the system and they have the worthiness, they feel worthy, they’re the ones that just thrive and really excelling and reaching their business goals.

But it’s the ones that have a lot of inner mean girl, I call it a lot of like, I’m not good enough or I’m not smart enough. They have a lot of that worthiness stuff. Mixed with procrastination. Oh, I’m just going to tweak my website one more time. Like they get distracted by these things that aren’t needle movers in their business and in their life.

I’m just going to clean out the kitchen drawer. And I’m like, is that really going to help you get to where you want to go? So I think it’s also really important to mention, like, you have to know what you want. Like, what are your goals? Like, what do you actually want in your business and in your life? So often people might just set these goals and then they write them down in a journal and they put them in a drawer and then you don’t touch them until the end of the year.

But I’m such a big fan [00:15:00] of like constantly. Checking in with your goals, like, are you heading in the right direction? And if not, like, do you need to pivot and change course? And so I am huge fan of like, what are your goals and what are your core values? Like, I know my core values so deeply that anytime an invitation lands in my inbox or comes to me, if it doesn’t align with my goals and my core values, it’s a no thank you.

And I think a lot of people get really distracted with that as well. I call it shiny object syndrome. They’re looking and they’re like, Oh, maybe I’ll go start that business or maybe I’ll go to that event. But if it’s not serving your higher goal and your higher vision, then it’s a no thank you. 

Daily Author: No, I love all those points.

I can speak from experience here. Like I. I came from a college basketball job, which is a way beyond a nine to five. I can’t even so much compared to a nine to five because you actually have bookends to your day. Basketball was almost like entrepreneurship [00:16:00] where probably like dancing to just wake up to going to bed and you think to yourself, you’re like, okay, I’m spending all my time doing this job or that I’m losing like love in.

I don’t have a passion for as much as I once did. And then you jump into kind of running your own thing and entrepreneurship and you’re like, Oh, I have all the time in the day, but then it seems to get filled with like the minutia and the crap that you really don’t need to be doing. So whether you have all the time in the day and you’re sitting on your butt or you’re super busy raising a bunch of kids and working two jobs or whatever, you got the same 24 hours and you can, you have to protect that time and energy and, and the distractions.

Cause there are so many today than ever before, right? With social media. But I love, Shiny object syndrome. I’ve heard that before, but I love the needle movers. I think that’s a great thing to hone in on to really focus on those big levers that actually move things are going to move the business forward or your brand forward versus the little ins and outs, tiny things that might not.

Melissa: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I always say to my girls inside SheLaunch is like, do those needle [00:17:00] movers first thing in the morning. Because if you sit down or stand up, I’m standing up right now, but if you get to your desk and you just start checking emails and scrolling social media, you get lost in that vortex, that time wasting vortex, you’re clocking up the hours on your emails and your social media, but you’re not moving the needle forward on the things that really mean a lot to you.

And so I get them to write down three. We call them time magic tasks. These are the big needle movers. These are the revenue drivers and you do those three things first. For all five of my books, like I wrote Mastering Your Mean Girl, my first book in six weeks, and that is because I woke up, brushed my teeth, had a shower, had breakfast, and I sat down at my desk and I did not do anything else until I had written for four hours.

This is before kids, by the way, that would not happen now. So. [00:18:00] I would sit and I would write. So I wrote Mastering Your Mean Girl in six weeks. All of my other books I wrote in, I think I wrote Open Wide in two months. I wrote Time Magic in a couple of months. I wrote Comparisonitis in three months. And that’s purely because I sat down and I did the needle movers first, which was writing the book before I did anything else.

So what is it that is really on your heart right now? Like, is it writing the book or starting the business? Like, What is it that you really want? And whatever it is, no matter what, do that first before you respond to anybody else on email or social media, do your big needle movers first, because that is how you’re going to get to your big goal.

Daily Author: And that’s really good advice because even if someone’s like a night owl or an early bird, I, I really, cause I’ve gone through a life where I thought I was a night owl and that’s dwindled down now as I’ve gotten older. But I think regardless of what you are, those morning, first thing in the morning, like [00:19:00] you’re at the highest energy with a coffee in you or a shower, like you’re feeling the best.

And the second you pick up the phone and you check Instagram or you check your texts or emails, like you’re just losing so much time. I’m sure you, you’ve had this experience with those listening. Like I’ve had moments. Even from a business standpoint, like creating content when 9am to 12pm has gone by in a flash of time and I wake look up and it’s like noon.

I’m like, Oh my gosh, I really did not get as much as I thought I wanted to get done during this time. So better planning and then better time management is definitely super key with all things that you’re sharing too. But I do want to segue the conversation a bit into marketing now I love that you have multiple books out so I want to start with kind of what the marketing game plan was for you to get Time Magic out, and then I want to backtrack to how life has changed since book one to, to now, because now I’m sure you have a larger audience, email list, etc.

that you could pull upon, but perhaps you didn’t have that initially. So we’ll first start with kind of what the game plan was to get Time Magic out into the reader’s hands. [00:20:00] 

Melissa: So with Time Magic, we did a podcast tour, which is where you go on a lot of different podcasts to promote the book, which is awesome.

And then also I leveraged a lot of my own platforms. So my social media, my email list, my podcast, and then obviously the publishers, they have They’re things that they get you on, their connections, but it’s really not enough. You do need to do a lot of your own marketing and you can hire an external publicist that works together with your publisher’s publicist.

And then you’ve got your channels as well. So you all need to work together. It’s a beautiful symbiotic relationship that needs to happen and you all need to pull your weight. And I think no one is going to really market your book as best as you. And so you do need to have your own [00:21:00] plan, whether that is a whole email strategy, podcast strategy for yourself, and then a podcast tour where you’re getting on other podcasts and social media, all of those things, they’re all so important.

And yeah, you can pay a big publicist outside to get you in some big magazines and TV shows, the morning shows and all of those sorts of things as well. Do it all and do what you can do. 

Daily Author: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think it’s really great to hear from you too, because to get first and foremost, like you were with HarperCollins leadership, which is incredible.

Congrats to even have that partnership and as great as they are and as great as they’ve been around, They’re still not going to drive the ship as well as you might do it yourself. So I think there’s a bit of a stigma with getting that traditional deal that you could just sit back and coast and they’ll kind of handle everything.

But if anything, they’re betting on you because you have the distribution networks to amplify even further and further. Of course they can leverage what they have, but the [00:22:00] weight is definitely on your shoulders. Was that clear to you going into it that they weren’t going to do a ton for you, or was it something you learned through the process and you were a little disappointed?

What was like that process for you? 

Melissa: Going back to my first book, Mastering Your Mean Girl, so having that experience, and I had lots of friends who had published books before, who had told me that, You need to really do a lot of the heavy lifting. And so I knew that that was going to be the case. So I didn’t have any expectations.

Like I thought anything that they get is just a bonus. So, I’ve known this from Mastering Your Mean Girl, from that first book that you’ve got to do a lot. And like you said, anyone who thinks, okay, I’m going to get one of the big six publishing houses and I just sit back and let them do everything, that does not happen.

So know that you’re going to have to do a lot of the publicity and come up with your own strategies. And of course they’ll work [00:23:00] with you. Absolutely. Like they are amazing. You kind of work as a team. It’s beautiful, but they get you to leverage all of your connections. They get you to leverage. Any other media that you’ve done in the past and they, of course, help you with everything, which is amazing.

They’ll do a lot of the reach out and things like that, but they do really want you to leverage your existing connections and platforms. 

Daily Author: And was Time Magic the only one that went with the top tier publisher where the rest self published or hybrid published? 

Melissa: No, they were all Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and then Harper Leadership.

So yeah. Why there was a few different was because like for Mastering Your Mingle, for example, that was HarperCollins in Australia and Penguin Random House in America, in New York. And I flew over to New York and met them. It was amazing. So we had separate deals for Australia and New Zealand and then America and the rest of the world.

That’s why there’s a couple of different publishers. 

Daily Author: Yeah, [00:24:00] no, that’s incredible. So, I mean, yeah, I think it’s clear to say, correct me if I’m wrong, but obviously today you have a much larger audience than you did when you had mastering your Mean Girl. Was there any kind of specifics that, like, what has changed from marketing your books from all the ones you’ve had?

Like anything you could pinpoint of maybe what you leaned in more when you had a smaller budget and not much of a brand name just for those listening, like those that might not have 20. Million plays on your downloads on your podcast things. I’m sure you still have to hustle obviously, but things might be a little slightly easier with those outlets, but what can you share of like the earlier days of building what you have now and tactics implemented for those listening?

Melissa: Yeah, I think, like, if you do have a smaller audience, then you can leverage other people’s audiences. Like what I said about going on other people’s podcasts and doing Instagram Lives with other people and, you know. Any way that you can [00:25:00] leverage other people’s audiences, do that. So write a list of all of your connections and all of your relationships and see if you can offer a masterclass to someone’s audience or.

Yeah. Some sort of, how can you offer value to someone else’s audience for them? That’s a really amazing thing to do is like, then you’re getting exposed to other people’s audiences. So that’s definitely something that you can do. And I think a podcast tour is an amazing thing to do. Yeah. I really think there’s a lot of value in a big podcast tour.

It’s a lot of work. Like there was, I think one book, I probably went on a hundred and something podcasts. And I didn’t do that with this one because I had a toddler. So I chose to either Nick or I would split them. So he would do some, I would do some, we would do some together, like I’m doing this one. We would split them, but yeah, it was an amazing thing to get in front of other people’s audiences.

So however you can do that, absolutely. [00:26:00] Even if your friend down the street has a hundred followers on Instagram, that’s still you being exposed to a hundred people. So don’t take that lightly. Everyone matters. And. However, you can get exposed to other people’s audiences. Absolutely do it. 

Daily Author: No, I love that.

I’m so glad you shared that because I think we’re definitely conditioned that you have to have 10, 000, a hundred thousand, a million followers, and then you’re somebody. I think Alex Ramosi just put out this post recently. He was like, you’re whining about your 300 views on your video, but here’s what a room of 300 people looks like.

And it’s like a filled room. So to your point, like. To be humble and just not have an ego. And if Joey down the street has something to offer, like a hundred people, that’s a hundred more people than you would have not reached if you hadn’t gone forward with them. So I think there’s a lot of. There’s a great mentality as an author with an, with an audience or without to give value, offer value constantly and be willing to say yes, because you never know, like that one person that their life can be changed.

So I’m really glad you, you shared that, [00:27:00] especially from someone like yourself who has the audience where you don’t have to necessarily think that way anymore. But I think just Instagram live lives. I’ve experienced doing that. That’s been super beneficial. Offering up your time and giving value is definitely key.

So awesome points. With you being obviously now a multi time author, like if we could go back to before the first book and someone listening right now who’s a first time author, what’s like some, the best advice you might be able to give them going into this new chapter that they’re putting their name on a book, they’re sharing with the world.

Obviously they’re opening up the world to potential criticism, but also they’re opening up to amazing positivity. What’s maybe something you wish someone had told you, or you can now give advice to. Uh, the next person who’s about to launch that first book. 

Melissa: I think there’s so many people that want to write a book.

There’s so many people that have that within them and it’s like one of their dream things to do. Yet they let their inner mean girl [00:28:00] stop them. Who do you think you are? You’re not smart enough. All of that inner dialogue that so many people have. And my biggest piece of advice would be read Mastering Your Mean Girl and learn how to master that voice.

So that you can show up and write the book because we all have so much within us. So much wisdom, so much magic, so much to give. We all have that within us. And think about the person, the ideal reader. Think about that person and how much you’re going to help them. That person with your words, whatever your niches, like if you’re writing a business book, like think about that avatar.

If you’re writing a parenting book, like think about that avatar and don’t make it about you and make it about serving them. And so when you sit down every day to write, you have. That avatar in your mind and you are helping them and you make it all about them. How [00:29:00] can I write this to really serve that person?

And then it takes the focus and the spotlight off yourself and puts it on them. And you become of service. And that’s how I’ve written all of my books. I’m like, I’ve visualized that avatar I have written for that person. I’ve gotten out of my own way. It’s not about me. And yes, like in saying all of that.

The nights before I hand it in, I have full vulnerability hangovers, I have full anxiety. I’m like, wake up in the middle of the night and I’m like, roll over to my husband. I’m like, did I really share that story? Oh my gosh, how embarrassing. What’s everyone going to think? This is so embarrassing. Like I have all of that and more.

And. So what? Like, it’s just like, now I look back and I’m like, it’s all good. Like, they’re just stories. Like, they’re not the truth of who I am now in Melissa in this moment. They are all stories that happened to me in the past. And there’s nothing to be ashamed about or [00:30:00] embarrassed about. It’s all just part of my journey.

So yeah, I just wanted to also say that because I know, especially if you’re writing, yeah, nonfiction and you’re using your stories as part of a lot of the anecdotes. Like, it’s like, well, yeah, it can feel really nerve wracking. I always ask myself whenever I’m sharing a story, is this story going to serve my reader?

And if the answer is yes, I leave it in. If the answer is no, then I take it out. So, yeah. Yeah, just remember that those feelings are okay too, and you can always just do what feels right for you. But just make it about your reader, make it about who you’re writing for, and that will take the attention off you and put you into service mode.

Daily Author: I love it. Such good advice. To think about that too, right? Like you’re leaning into your vulnerable side of sharing those dark stories or the stories that maybe you weren’t in your best light. But to think that the reader is actually in that current situation right now. So for them to read you going through it and relate to [00:31:00] you to then see where you’re at today, I think that’s like the ultimate launchpad and it takes you going down those tough routes again, mentally of remembering maybe those tough times or whatever the stories, I’m just assuming that they’re negative, but stories that maybe don’t show the best side of you, they’re actually Might be the most pivotal pieces of the book because it actually is what builds the connection with the reader.

But just to recap a couple things, I mean, I love the mindset and self belief in yourself. Obviously, you got to silence that inner critic or else you won’t be able to achieve anything great. Time magic is just being intentional with each minute you have because we all have the same time and we want to live a long, healthy life.

And then keeping the focus on the reader as an important piece. So, Melissa, this was an amazing conversation. I really appreciate you coming on the show. Thank you. Is there anything fun you’re working on for the rest of the year or maybe coming out 2025 that you want to let listeners in on now?

Melissa: Definitely the podcast is still soaring. We have four episodes a week, so we’ve got the Melissa Ambrosini show. Come and check out the [00:32:00] podcast. Come and check out my Instagram at Melissa Ambrosini. I send out a lot of high value business and mindset emails every week. So you can sign up to my list and get that.

And then also SheLaunch, which is helping female coaches, consultants, and service providers grow their business to six and seven figures without the burnout. We’ve got so many epic things happening inside SheLaunch, that company, live events, a couple more things that I can’t share just now, so you can check out SheLaunch.

com and follow along there too, but we’re just so excited. It’s going to be an amazing rest of the year. So many awesome things happening that I’m just so excited about. No more writing books right now, like toddler nurturing season. 


like the thought of writing a book with a toddler, I’m like, how do I manage that?

Unless I’m doing it in the night and I’m just not willing to do that right now, but I will write another book, but not right now. Maybe when I’ve had all my babies in there at school or something. 

Daily Author: Yeah, absolutely. Well, we’ll definitely [00:33:00] look out for future books, but you have so many already out into the world that people can learn from you through, and of course, the coaching and all else.

So we’re excited for all that you have coming out for the rest of the year. And yeah, we’ll be looking forward to future books and we’ll keep pushing Time Magic cause it’s still super fresh. And I don’t think handling someone’s time is ever going to go out of style. It’s going to be something that will be with us till forever.

for all of life. So it’s a very relevant book. But once again, Melissa, I appreciate you coming on the show and we hope you have a great day. 

Melissa: Thank you so much. This has been such a treat. Beautiful way to start my day. Thank you.

I hope you got a lot out of this conversation. I absolutely loved doing it and I hope that it has inspired you to write a book one day. And if it Please come and tell me. I want to know on Instagram. What your book is about, come and share it with me. I absolutely love talking all things books. I’ve written five and I [00:34:00] absolutely love the whole writing process.

I think it is amazing and super creative. So come and share that with me. And if you haven’t already, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review on Apple podcasts, because that means that I can keep getting on amazing guests for you and keep doing this show. And before I go, I just wanted to say, thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest, and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you.

You rock. Now, if there is someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now. You can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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