Vienna Pharaon: Fighting Fast, Thriving Relationships & Overcoming Trauma

Fighting Fast, Thriving Relationships & Overcoming Trauma | Vienna Pharaon






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Are you carrying emotional wounds that are keeping you stuck… and maybe even hurting your relationship? Today’s guest Vienna Pharaon — recognized as one of the great relationship influencers of our time — is here to help. And in this episode, she’s revealing her expert strategies for healing trauma, nurturing trust, and building the thriving, rock-solid relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

Vienna Pharaon is the founder of Mindful Marriage and Family Therapy and is one of the most sought after Licensed Therapists in New York City. She has a way of leading people back home, connecting deeply to their needs, and helping people connect to their voice in order to create the change they wish to see in themselves and their relationships. She is the relationship expert for Motherly, and has been featured in The Economist, Fatherly, The New York Post, and Vogue, to name a few. With 300K followers on Instagram, Vienna’s hugely popular teachings help people across the globe to become more mindful about their emotional health and build deeply fulfilling relationships.

There’s so much gold in this conversation, but the part I loved most was Vienna’s insights on how to break the cycle of trauma so we can avoid passing our own emotional wounds onto future generations. As a step-mama (aka bonus-mama), I found this insanely important, and it’s something I’m working on within myself.

So if you want to discover the truth about love that lasts, get practical strategies on strengthening your relationship, and heal your emotional traumas once and for all, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about: 

  • How her painful childhood made her who she is today (06:13)
  • The best way to heal from trauma, so you can reclaim your life and experience emotional freedom (09:39)
  • Why modern couples are struggling to stay together — and what you can do to safeguard your own relationship (12:37)
  • How to avoid passing our trauma on to future generations (what she shares here is SO important!) (16:09) 
  • The must-have tools for a thriving relationship — no matter how long you’ve been together (18:13)
  • The surprising technique to resolve disagreements and get back on track FAST (22:06)
  • What research tells us about building complete trust with your partner (27:21)
  • How to embrace vulnerability to create richer and more loving relationships (31:54)
  • How crystal clear communication and a fun switch of perspectives will radically improve your relationship (39:46)
  • The one thing you MUST do before you make any decision ever! (46:02)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources: 

  • Follow Vienna on Instagram (Instagram)
  • Get the Love You Want (website)
  • Vienna’s upcoming retreats (website)
  • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown (Amazon)
  • Loving Bravely by Alexandra Solomon (Amazon)
  • The power of vulnerability TED Talk with Brené Brown. (YouTube)
  • Listening to shame TED Talk with Brené Brown (YouTube)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

This episode is brought to you by @boncharge_. Head to www.BONCHARGE.com now and enter the code MELISSA for 15% off your order.



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