Drinking Urine, Genital Sunbathing & Plant Medicine | Troy Casey

Drinking Urine, Genital Sunbathing & Plant Medicine | Troy Casey






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When it comes to creating peak wellness, sometimes we need to shake up our ideas and think outside the box. After all, if we want to experience uncommonly good health, by definition, we have to look beyond what’s considered ‘common’. That’s one of the reasons why I was so thrilled to chat with today’s podcast guest, Troy Casey, a.k.a. the Certified Health Nut, whose approach to wellness is innovative, ingenious… and definitely not common! And he’s here on the show to share some of his signature biohacking strategies with us, which he says ANYONE can use to create epic health and stand out from the crowd.

Troy Casey is a leading longevity expert who works with clients around the globe to restore physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance, using a simple, nature-centric biohacking system he designed, with himself as chief guinea pig. And honestly, he’s the perfect poster boy to prove that his holistic approach works. (Seriously, check out the pics on his Instagram — it’s amazing how ripped he is in his 50s!)

We chatted about so many fascinating topics in this conversation — from why sunbaking in the nude can dial up your vitality, to the most effective way to overcome addiction, to the ancient art of urine autotherapy (yep — drinking your own pee) and why it’s so incredibly powerful for creating optimum health. I walked away feeling crazy inspired to get creative with my own health and longevity, and I know you’re going to feel just as pumped to take action too.

So if you want to learn about how our individual health is inextricably linked to the health of the planet, hear what it’s really like to journey with ayahuasca, and discover the #1 thing all expectant mothers need to know before giving birth, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • His incredibly challenging upbringing and how he became homeless at 14 (04:02)
  • How Troy went from prison… to modelling (If you ever think your dreams aren’t possible, listen to this!) (09:15) 
  • The three powerful tools that triggered his three spiritual awakenings (Have you tried them?) (14:32)
  • The #1 step you MUST take first, if you want to face an addiction and turn your life around (19:35) 
  • How our own comfort is distracting us from seeing how we are destroying ourselves, our society, and our planet (21:51)
  • The unexpected benefits of drinking your own urine (and why it’s not as weird as it sounds!) (27:53)
  • Why you should consider home birthing if possible, and important things to be aware of if you end up in a hospital (33:37)
  • The fastest way to improve your relationship with yourself and your partner (39:17) 

Episode resources: 

  • Follow Troy on Instagram (Instagram)
  • #RIPPEDAT50: A Journey to Self Love by Troy Casey (Amazon)
  • Troy Casey, The Certified Health Nut – AWordPressSite (website)
  • Baby under water, Natural Water Birth at Home (YouTube)
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave me a review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.


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