
Conscious Parenting & Healing Your Inner Child With Dr Shefali






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Ask any parent and they’ll tell you: raising children can be hugely challenging… but what if it’s also our greatest opportunity for spiritual awakening?

That’s the message from today’s podcast guest, parenting expert Dr. Shefali Tsabary. And she’s here to tell us why becoming a fully conscious parent is the greatest gift you can give to your child… and yourself.

Dr. Shefali is one of a kind in the parenting field. An acclaimed author, world-renowned wisdom teacher, clinical psychologist and international speaker, she integrates Eastern mindfulness with Western psychology to reach a global audience. Her genius insights into parenting and raising empowered kids has seen her books rocket to the top of bestseller lists and become firm favourites with the consciousness crowd. Ms Oprah Winfrey herself is even a mega fan, saying that The Conscious Parent (Dr. Shefali’s first book) is one of the most profound books on parenting she has ever read. (Quite the endorsement, right?!)

I’ve been wanting to get this amazing woman on the show for ages now — she’s been one of the biggest influences on my journey as a step mama, and has quite literally changed the way I view parenting… She truly is something special, and I am beyond excited for you to soak up the wisdom in this wide-ranging conversation.

So if you’re a parent, or you want kids one day, or perhaps you just want to find out how to parent YOURSELF more consciously, then strap in for an episode packed with why-didn’t-I-think-of-that moments and truth-bombs galore… Beautiful, this one’s for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her story — from growing up in India, to moving to America at 21, to where she is today (10:35)
  • What is conscious parenting? (14:05)
  • How to consciously parent your children (and how we can transform ourselves in the process) (15:39)
  • Becoming a conscious step parent (18:40) 
  • How to quit being reactive when your kids trigger you (21:23)
  • Why relinquishing control is so important in parenting (and how to truly let go) (23:39)
  • Why our children are not our easels (27:05)
  • How to heal your inner child (30:48)
  • What to do if your partner is not on board and does not share your parenting style and beliefs (33:58)
  • Her best tips for a conscious relationship (36:29)
  • How to heal your relationship with your parents (41:35)
  • How to reparent yourself (44:55)
  • How to find your tribe (50:37)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • The Awakened Family by Dr Shefali Tsabary (Amazon)
  • The Conscious Parent by Dr Shefali Tsabary (Amazon)
  • Out of Control by Dr Shefali Tsabary (Amazon)
  • A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle (Amazon)
  • Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations with Dr Shefali Tsabary (video)
  • Dr Shefali’s website (website)
  • Join the Melissa Ambrosini Tribe on Facebook (Facebook Group)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)
  • Open Wide Video Masterclass (podcast)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

Today’s podcast is brought to you by the brand new Certification program created by my health guru and one of my all-time favourite humans on the planet, Dr. Stephen Cabral (Naturopathic Doctor, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Ayurvedic Expert). This is a program like no other — it literally *saved* my husband’s life, and changed mine forever. With a powerhouse combo of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and cutting-edge science, this program is for anyone who wants to create epic health and next level healing for themselves and their family, or for anyone who wants a career in the health industry. Click here to get all the details and take control of your health and future today.

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  1. Elena says:

    I love, love, love this episode! I have been listening to it twice .
    Dr. Shefali is amassing … we need more people like her in the world. I became interested in conscious parenting after I give birth to my son, 2,5 years ago and started reading as listening all YouTube videos about it. One day one of my friends ask me how do I deal with serten situation with my boy ( I don’t remember exactly what she asked me) and after I told her my opinion in that she said “ DR. Shefali sais that as well” and that’s how I’ve been intoduse to her work but I did nice the chance to read her book but after this podcast I share I will do soon.
    From this episode I really liked her approach on how to quite bee go reactive when kids trigger you.
    Thank both of you for your amaizing work!

  2. Ishita Khan says:

    2 key takeaways from that insight full conversation (amongst many others were)

    1. Reparenting ourselves- ie- providing ourselves with a listening heart,validation and deep compassion when the inner child comes out as a result of which we are less likely to act out. It’s beautiful how you (Melissa) said that it’s powerful work that everyone needs to embark on in order to realize /visualize how we want to show up as parents and the list of things you wrote on what you want your child say you taught them.

    2.Dr Shefali’s attitude/positive perspective towards having the realization that she has an issue(ie- the need to detox from being an empathy) and that this was an opportunity to grow and evolve in and why it’s of key importance to show up and do the work needed in these spaces.

    I was not expecting to write so much down from this episode but was truly benefited by such a beautiful podcast episode .

    P.s- in a post later,can you please share that list you mentioned Melissa (on what you wish your child to remembering as your teachings)- would love to get some more inspiration

    • Thanks for sharing Ishaita, I love your takeaways. In both my books I talk about my legacy I want to leave so you can read about it there, but that’s also a great idea to write down exactly what I want him to remember. Thanks for the inspo angel. xx

  3. Colette says:

    Wow Mel, I now know why you were so excited for this podcast… so so good. It makes so much sense that we don’t own our children and they are their own beings from the start. I totally get now that being triggered and reacting to something that a child has done is coming from my own egos fear. And i love how you touched on understanding our own relationship with our parents and how to work on this and our own inner child for ourselves and our relationships. Thank you so much for this podcast. xx

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