When I gave birth to Prince, it was a dream—a 1.5-hour, textbook home water birth. It happened fast. I laboured on the bed, then the toilet, then the bathroom floor, where my waters broke. In that moment, I knew it was game on. I was yelling for my birth team to hurry up and fill the pool because he was coming—fast.
Just in time, the pool was ready. My midwife helped me in, and as I settled into the water, I felt the first big push building. Then, fear crept in. I had a choice: resist the sensation or surrender to it. I chose to surrender. I breathed into the moment, let go, and within two pushes, his head was out.
I waited for the next wave, with Nick behind me in the water, hands ready to catch our little darling. The same feeling returned—resist or surrender? I surrendered. And just like that, Prince was born into the water and into his Papa’s hands. It was magical, like a dream.
This moment made me reflect on how often in life, motherhood and in business we resist. We hold on, we fight, we control. And in doing so, we make things so much harder than they need to be. But when we trust, surrender, and let go, everything flows so much more effortlessly.
Think about it in business…
- Maybe you’re holding on tightly to an offer that no longer feels aligned, afraid to pivot.
- Perhaps you’re resisting showing up more because it feels vulnerable, even though deep down, you know it’s the next step.
- Or you’re gripping onto an outcome, wanting things to happen on your timeline instead of trusting that things are unfolding exactly as they should.
And in motherhood…
- Maybe you’re trying to control every little thing—naps, routines, feeding schedules—only to find yourself exhausted and frustrated when things don’t go to plan.
- Perhaps you’re resisting help, trying to do it all on your own, when deep down, you know surrendering and allowing support is exactly what you need and would feel so much lighter.
- Or maybe you’re clinging to an idea of how things should be, rather than embracing the beautiful chaos of what is.
So let me ask you—where are you resisting in your business? In your life? In motherhood?
What would happen if you let go, trusted, and allowed just a little bit more?
This is your invitation sweet sister to not resist, to surrender, to lean in and trust the process. Life, motherhood and business flow so much more effortlessly when you do.
Here’s to surrendering instead of resiting.
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Til next time, sending so much love,
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