
The Unexpected Grief of Growing: Navigating Big Life Transitions with Love






If you follow me on Instagram, you may already know the news—I had a baby! A beautiful, healthy baby boy named Prince. We are completely in love, soaking up every moment with him. His eyes, his smell, his smile… I’m absolutely obsessed.

But today, I want to get real with you about something not often talked about.

The transition from one child to two has been big. Not in the same way as becoming a first-time parent, though. With my first babe, I felt a lot of self-doubt: Am I doing this right? Should I swaddle or not? Pacifier or no pacifier? Co-sleeping? Pumping? There were so many questions and so little confidence at the start.

This time, with Prince, it’s different. I feel much more confident—I’ve been here before, and I trust myself more now.

But here’s what caught me off guard: the grief.

I’ve been grieving the shift in my relationship with Bambi. I miss her so much and there’s a deep sadness that comes with letting go of what was to make space for what is. And no one talks about this.

I imagine that this happens with each new baby, and maybe even other big life transitions. But here’s the truth: feeling this grief is normal. It’s human.

It’s something we don’t need to hide from or push away. When we allow ourselves to feel, to process, and to talk about these emotions, we move through them. I’m sharing this because I want you to know: if you’ve felt something similar, you’re not alone.

Maybe you don’t have children, but you’ve felt grief in other forms—the end of a chapter, a change in a relationship, or the closing of a door. Whatever it looks like for you, I want to encourage you to lean in. Feel it fully. Let it flow through and wash over you.

And most importantly, remember: nothing is wrong with you. You are simply a human having a human experience.

It’s easy to look at people on social media and think their lives are perfect, but let me give a mega truth bomb on you… no one’s life is perfect. Don’t forget that.

Here’s my 3-step process I do when big feelings arise…

1. Embrace it. I used to avoid emotions, but that never worked. Now, I open my arms to them and welcome what comes up.

2. Feel it fully. Let the emotions wash over you like a wave. Did you know that most emotions only last 90 seconds when we fully feel them? And remember: this too shall pass.

3. Move it through your body. My favorite way to do this? Dance it out. Put on a Nick Broadhurst or enobe track, grab your hairbrush microphone, and bust out your best moves. It’s the ultimate energy-shifter!

No matter what you’re going through right now, I want you to know: you are not alone. You’re stronger than you think, and you can move through hard things.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #643: Brain-Boosting Secrets Every Parent Needs to Know | Heather Mrak

Episode #642: Why Work-Life Balance Is a Myth (& What to Aim for Instead)

Episode #641: Want More Love & Connection? Here’s What You’re Probably Getting Wrong | Gary Chapman

Episode #640: The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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