When I first began my journey towards living a life bursting with love, I started from the outside in. Meaning I overhauled my diet, got rid of toxic relationships, cleared out my home environment, sorted out my finances, and ditched the career that was no longer lighting me up. (Disclaimer: This did not happen overnight; it took time. Years, actually!)
After I cleared out all the clutter in those areas of my life, I felt a big sense of relief — like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. However, I still felt kind of… empty. I still had this niggling feeling deep within me that something was missing; that something wasn’t quite right because I still didn’t actually feel bursting with love inside my own skin.
It was at that point that I was introduced to yoga and meditation, which completely changed the trajectory of my journey. Instead of simply scouring the outer surfaces of my life, all of a sudden I started looking inwards. This is when the real work began. Once I sat in stillness, I was able to see all the areas of my life where I was living in fear, all the games my Mean Girl was playing with me, and all the ways she was keeping me stuck firmly in Fear Town. But I wouldn’t have seen any of that if I didn’t learn how to turn inwards and stop, drop and meditate.
Starting a journey of transformation from the outside in is great, however, don’t think you can bypass or skip the inner work. All the steamed kale and green smoothies in the world won’t help you change the way you feel unless you’re also able to look within. Byron Katie calls this inward journey ‘The Work’ for a reason: because it’s the most important work of all…
Which is exactly why I created Get Your Glow On.
After working with hundreds of women one-on-one, speaking to thousands of people across the globe, and connecting with gorgeous members of this beautiful tribe every day, I know that so many of you are feeling that inner pull — an insistent tugging at your heart calling you to dive deeper and to really step up.
And let it be said: that inner work you’re being called to do is the best thing you can do for your health, your sanity and your happiness. And usually, once you sort out the Mean Girl stuff, everything else slots nicely into place like a jigsaw piece finding its spot.
Stop, drop and meditate. It’s the key to internal shifts (and to external results).
But the thing is, it ain’t always easy! Which I know all too well. Sometimes I have to drag my own tush kicking and screaming like a two-year-old to my meditation pillow, not wanting to sit with or face myself. But I hand-on-heart tell you that by merely showing up twice a day and committing to stop, drop and meditate, you get brownie points from the Universe. Even when you don’t want to do it. Even when your meditation is filled with Mean Girl chatter. Even when it feels like you haven’t quieted your mind for a one single second, you still get points because you have showed up for you.
Now, I am definitely not saying don’t do all the outer work — for the love of Zeus, please do! But at the same time, don’t forget about the inner stuff. Don’t forget to honour what lies under the surface. Be true to yourself and what’s really going on. Don’t forget to….
If you’ve been wanting to kick-start your own journey of transformation, now is the time to stop, drop and meditate. If you have been sitting on the fence about adopting some sort of meditation practice get off that fence and take action now! You will never experience the amazing benefits if you don’t give it a good go.
Meditation has changed my life and is the single most important tool I have in my wellness kit. It absolutely helps me feel wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love and you can have that too. All you have to do is stop, drop and mediate.
I know I bang on and on about meditation, but it seriously is the best shiz ever. If you’re still not sure about it give my guided meditations a go for a week and see how you feel. Commit to doing one every morning then check in with yourself. Ask yourself how do you feel? And at the end of the week share with me in the comments below how you feel. Are you up for the challenge? If so, tell me in the comments below what time you are going to commit to doing your daily practice each day for the next week. Then I want you to schedule it in your calendar, because if you don’t schedule it in, it won’t happen. Set yourself up for success and add it in now.
I can’t wait to hear how you go.
Thanks so much for being here. I freakin’ LOVE you!
About 6 months ago I started using your guided meditations (that you can get for free in the freebies section, thank you!!) and I would do one each night before bed. I actually started sleeping SO much better. I am a terrible sleeper who wakes up multiple times a night and this drastically changed that. I was feeling so much more rested and happier. Since then I have stopped, because I was lazy, but now after yet another perfectly timed blog post, I plan to start it up again. I have a really crazy schedule for the next couple of months and I really want to mediate in the morning and before bed – I’m hoping it will keep me grounded and sane while I’m going full force into catching my dream!
Wow! I LOVE hearing this. Meditating really is the best for insomnia and a well-rested sleep, isn’t it?
Switch to twice a day and you will be amazed at the difference it makes, darling.
I can’t agree more. There is truly nothing more powerful in my day than those moments of meditation for shifting my whole day in the direction of peace, purpose and joy. I’m so glad you do “bang on and on about it” because I bought Tom Cronin’s meditation at your suggestion a couple years ago and FINALLY got a regular practice going. Thank you so much for the nudge
You are so welcome darling xx
I LOVE THIS, MELISSA! You always share exactly what I need at the exact moment I need to hear it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
So glad you enjoyed it, beautiful
I absolutely LOVE your guided meditations Melissa. There is something different for how you are feeling – I scroll through them on my iPod every day and see which one jumps out at me and do that as a bare minimum. I love taking that bit of time at the start of the day to centre myself and with my new gratitude practice, it is a beautiful way to start the day.
I was one of those people who thought my mind is too busy and I can’t meditate but the guided meditations help to bring me back when my mind wanders (which is all part of meditation I have now learnt
) They are a fantastic, beautiful way for anyone to start into meditation and being around 10 minutes a perfect amount of time for people to squeeze into their busy days!
Thank you so much for putting them together they are awesome and help me daily clear my mind and take a minute to sit still and listen. Thank you xoxo
You are so, so welcome gorgeous!
It is truly the best way to start your day and to set yourself up to present the fullest version of you to the world.
We’ve banished the word ‘busy’ from our vocabulary at MA HQ and try to use the word ‘full’ in its place. It’s so easy to get swept up in how ‘busy’ you are and let what’s important slide…
That’s why my daily medi’s are non-negotiable!
Hi Mel,
I have all of your guided meditations and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Unfortunately I have been so stressed out with things lately that I haven’t been doing them, which is silly because that is exactly what helps me get through times like that.
I am definitely committing to doing them every day for a week. 6.00am I will get myself up and do a meditation. Just locked it in my phone
Thanks for always being so inspirational, and you always seem to know exactly the right things to talk about which resonate with me at that particular time
Just commit to it darling and you’ll notice the change.
So proud of you for setting that morning alarm.
Keep me updated with how you go!
Hi Melissa,
In your post you say that meditation is a very important part of your life, and I read in one of your other posts that you meditate twice a day… what times do you do it?
This post has definitely been the nudge that I need to start a proper practice, but it just seems like I always have something to do (and I know that’s just an “excuse”
Thanks Elle
Hi Elle,
I meditate first thing in the morning before yoga and breakfast and then meditate in the late afternoon at 5pm for 20 minutes with my team before we all head home. It’s the perfect way to set yourself up for going home and enjoying your evening!
I Love this Melissa! Thank you! Im currently on my own inner journey right now, im 27 and have a very active mind!!! lol It has ‘run the show’ for quite some time, and my mean girl can be my own worst enemy at times. But I am learning, and growing and evolving – learning to tune in within, breathe, have full awareness and learning to be more present. It is beautiful. I recently signed up for Tom Cronin’s 21 step Meditation and so far it has been amazing!!!
I have become so aware of everything within in myself, my mean girl and unhelpful thinking also, it amazes me how sometimes all of that stuff can feel natural and like your on autopilot…..its crazy! Stepping beyond those thoughts and habits has made me realise just how much those habits can consume us and blind us. I have had a lot of resistance toward changing these thoughts because they have been familiar and habit for so long…..but I know I am on a beautiful journey and will fill myself will so much love and peace
Thank you for sharing this post.
This is seriously music to my ears Carly. I am so proud of you. Keep going angel.
Hey Melissa,
I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on doing such a stellar job. Your writing is inspiring, and I totally agree with you on doing “the Work” – most important thing ever. Keep it up gorgeous, hope to run into you around the East sometime. Kylie x
Hi Kylie,
Thank you so much darling!
‘…The key to internal shifts (and external results)’ – this is brilliant!
I love that the focus of this post is on Meditation but I love (even more) the above sentence. Our external ‘results’ are intimately linked to our internal ‘shifts’ – in all aspects of our lives. Now that’s empowering!
So beautifully put, Melissa – thank you x
It’s so very true, isn’t it gorgeous?
Everything that we do (or don’t do) to or for ourselves internally shows externally too…
I am up for the challenge!!
Dive in baby!
You won’t regret it!
Thank you
this was exactly what I needed to hear at the perfect time. I have been fighting a niggling feeling that something is missing all the while my intuition has been telling me the answer is in meditation. xoxo
You will love it, darling.
Just remember to commit to it and be consistent
Hi Melissa,
I started meditating daily about 5 months ago and I really believe it has been the best thing I have ever done. Currently, I’m in transition between my current career and starting my own business. Which means still going into an office 5 days a week and investing time in something which doesn’t fulfil me and quite often makes me feel tense or stressed out. Cue meditation – I try to get in at least 20 minutes every morning before work as I have found it creates this little cloud around me for the rest of the day that stops most negative thoughts and feelings from sneaking up on me. It also keep the inner ‘mean girl’ at bay and I’ve noticed that I even criticise myself less and have so much faith in myself – more than ever before! I would encourage anyone to take it up. It doesn’t need to be a huge commitment of hours a day! Any little bit helps.
This makes me so happy to hear darling.
Every little bit counts…taking that time to focus on being present is something so precious.
Loveeee meditation thanks to you Melissa! Started off with your first lot of meditations and have now only just bought your second lot last night actually, and they are all freakin awesome. Totally recommend them, they are amazing for newbies like myself and you literally feel so much more grounded, centered, happy and ready to take on the day. I have started to do one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I would like to work up to doing 20 mins at one time as well- which I did for the first time this morning because I felt so blissed out that 10 minutes wasn’t enough
It takes small steps but consistency certainly does count!!
Great work Rhiannon!
Consistency counts! xx
Argh, yes! So much yes. I struggle with enormous resistance in my meditation so I keep starting then stopping, then I get to a point where I feel absolutely shithouse and empty in my life and I realise it’s because I haven’t meditated in quite some time. It’s a massive relief to read that you, who meditates so often, also feel this way sometimes about your practice. Thanks for the reminder, Melissa! I so needed that, as well as some inspiration to get back to the cushion!
You are so welcome, gorgeous girl.
This is everything! After struggling for years with depression and then an eating disorder that landed me in hospitals and treatment centers for a year and a half, I finally decided I’d had enough. It was my spiritual practice that literally saved my life and I wish I had someone tell me how important meditation was when I was 12 not 22. I heard so many people say how meditating changed their lives and brought them self-love, but I never thought that was possible for me. I thought I was too far gone to ever truly love myself…then I found the work of people like Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, and Gabby Bernstein. Through Gabby I found Kundalini yoga and through Kundalini I found myself. I finally deeply, truly love myself (and without a man by my side to tell me that!). Meditation gave that to me because I sat down at my altar and showed up. When we show up, so does the Universe. Thank you so much for this post and all the light you put into the world! <3
Absolutely darling. I am SO proud of you for showing up. Well done! I hope others are inspired as much as I am by your bravery.
Thanks for the great advice. I started meditating latrly. But every time I do it and actually get into a state of relaxation and calmness, my head also developes sort of a numb headache that leaves me foggy for several hours afterwards. It surely is a sign that meditarion does something (and I wont abandon it as it does me good overall), but it is uncomfortable, especially when I do it in the morning…
So my question is: do you happen to know this from you or someone else. What should it tell me and what can I ‘do’ to make it leave / will it stop sometime?
Thanks a lot again. This website of yours is full of precious information and I am always thrilled when you release a new post
Thank you so much Valery. I am so glad you like my online home, I LOVE it too!
In regards to the headache’s it’s just your body releasing and letting go of something. How long has it been happening?
Thanks for the response
Oh I have it since I started doing meditation… it’s definitively more than 6 months sometimes more sometimes less. I have to admit though that I am having a very stressful time since I am preparing for my final exam in university…
So it might have something to do with tensions and fears…
Absolutely honey! It sounds like it’s all the stress wanting to come out of your body, let it and try not to analyse it.
Keep me posted with how you go.
Hi Melissa
thank you so much for all the wonderful information on your blog, I always look forward to getting your updates
I have been using your guided meditations and they are wonderful! I would make all kind of excuses not to meditate but the guided ones are so helpful and I have really enjoy using them
Lots of love
Emma xx
So glad that you love it darling!
Dear Melissa,
Please read this as i would so love to make contact with you!
I am a 21 year old student and have had adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues (and all the plethora of unpleasant symptoms that come as secondary with those things that I know you relate to!) for 3 years now. I meditate twice a day with a mantra, work constantly on quietening my mean girl and have cultivated so much self love and peace within that i never had before. I feel like such a different person to the self conscious, anxious, angry person i used to be who developed this illness, although obviously i still experience these emotions sometimes because of how frustrating illness can be.
Of course I also eat a nourishing clean diet and look after myself. However i still continue to suffer all of these symptoms regardless of meditation etc
I feel so connected to you as I feel like we have had to deal with a similar predicament and that sense of just not being right even though you are trying so hard to be well.
Do you have any further suggestions or words of advice?
Thankyou for being you Melissa- you inspire me every day and whenever I feel down and overwhelmed by the difficulty of my situation i read something you have written or watch something where you share your wisdom. I feel so lucky to have you in the world at the same time as me as my role model.
With love and thanks, Olivia
Thank you so much for your beautiful words Olivia I absolutely love writing for you and having you part of my tribe.
This is all part of being human. We are going to constantly experience these emotions. They are never going to go away. What can change however is how you deal with them. Every time the frustration comes up just allow it to be there. Don’t judge it. Just allow your body to feel it. Sit with it and fully feel it then write it out. This really helps me.
Give this a go and let me know how it feels and keep up doing everything else, especially the meditation, it’s so important.
Synchronicity – that’s what Joshua calls it. Out of the 100s of emails that made its way into my inbox today no one of them is anywhere as important as this one. Thank you Melissa I really needed this ever so gentle reminder. I promise to you and to myself to commit to one meditation daily over the next 7 days. Either morning or night. Thank you, thank you, thank you xx
You’re so welcome honey. Please let me know how you go. And thank you for your kind words
I am relatively new to the meditation journey but after battling myself over my autoimmune disease and type 1 diabetes for the last 4.5 years, meditation has been the ONLY thing that has had dramatic results for me. I was the person you described above. Always stuck in Fear Town!! I still am to some extent. There are days when I am so scared at never feeling myself again and days when I am downright mean to my body for ‘failing’ me. But learning everyday to slow down, and really become in tune and in love with my body through meditation has been life changing for me. I have not been making it a priority lately however so I need to make it a daily habit again.
Thankyou for spreading your inspiration and love.
Hey Emily,
Please don’t be hard on yourself and remember that’s just your Mean Girl speaking. Your higher self would never speak to you like that. So when your Mean Girl pop’s in and says nasty things to you or about you, gently close the door on her.
Commit to your meditation every day, it helps so much.
Have you tried some of my guided meditations? I think you might like them. Give them a go and let me know how you go.
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
I’ve been meditating for almost a year now thanks to you leading me to Tom Cronin’s Faster Deeper Bliss program. It has been a game changer for me. Despite the chaos or demands of my tumultuous life, I show up and give myself that time in stillness. And boy does the universe sit up and take notice. I’m heading off to Tom’s retreat in Bali in a couple of weeks. I’m so grateful. I know this practice will be a commitment to myself for the rest of my life.
Hi Ann-Maree,
Yes, meditation truly is such a powerful tool and it’s free. How awesome is that! I am so glad you are loving it and experiencing such profound results. Keep it up!
Enjoy Tom’s retreat, it will be truly magical. Let me know how you go.
I Love this, been very ‘full’ lately haha, assignments, rehearsals and homework are making me slightly scattered. I have some of your beautiful guided meditations and loved the bursting with love one! I am working on not letting myself get stressed or even doing too much. Been getting 6 hours of sleep over the past week since school is back, exhausted but grateful for the experience haha Love your way shining soul xx
This article kindles my inner darkness. Thanks a lot. http://www.bellofpeace.org
thanks for the inspiration! I started with your meditations last year and they really are a great tool to help begin a practice in such a nice easy way. It took lots of the complication out of Iearning to meditate and not really knowing where to start. And now I meditating is a regular part of my day because it makes me feel so damn good! So thank you Melissa.
You’re so welcome Tania. I love meditation too.
Keep me posted with your progress.
[…] Why Salads and smoothies won’t change your life […]
Great Job really nice article, Thanks for sharing it with us.