If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I’m a HUGE fan of meditation—I even have my own guided meditations! I learned Vedic meditation in 2012, and I was hooked. Twenty minutes, twice a day, baby.
At first, decades of fatigue were released, stress melted away, and my anxiety dissolved. Then, in 2013, Nick and I got together, and guess what? He was also a Vedic meditator. Meditating together—morning and night—became our sacred ritual.
We’d wake at 4am, light a beeswax candle, and sit. After our workday, before dinner, we’d come together again and meditate. Reflecting on that time, I realize it was the calmest, most peaceful, and grounded I’ve ever felt. My nervous system was so chill.
When I was pregnant with Bambi, I meditated even more—and I loved it! After she arrived, I shifted to the “Mother’s Program”: meditating while breastfeeding, or whenever and however long I could. It was perfect for that season of life.
Eventually, when we found our rhythm as parents, I returned to my 20-minute morning practice. I didn’t always manage the second session, though, and honestly, I felt the difference. Now, with two children, I crave (and my nervous system craves) those twice-daily meditations more than ever.
The other day, as my nervous system felt fried, I was putting Prince to sleep while Bambi yelled for me from downstairs, “I want Mama.” In that moment, I reminded myself:
This is my meditation.
And everything shifted. My body relaxed. My nervous system found calm amidst the chaos.
So right now, if I can’t do my formal practice, I meditate whilst breastfeeding, whilst shushing and patting, whilst sitting beside him waiting for him to fall into a deep sleep so I can tend to Bambi, whilst both kids are wanting me, whilst Bambi is losing it, and Prince is crying. This is my meditation.
I know there will come a time when I’ll return to twice-daily, formal meditations. But for now, I meditate in the beautiful chaos.
If you’re a working mama like me, and you’re in the thick of it, let this be your reminder: Don’t be hard on yourself. Meditate in the mess. Your nervous system will love you for it, your children will feel it, and you’ll show up as a happier, more grounded version of yourself.
I hope this inspires you.
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Episode #641: Want More Love & Connection? Here’s What You’re Probably Getting Wrong | Gary Chapman
Episode #640: The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About
Til next time, sending so much love,
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