
5 Ways To Avoid Burnout






This year has been big for so many people, with massive shifts and loads of uncertainty… No wonder lots of people are feeling wobbly and a tad burnout!

That was me too, for a little while there. In the past, I would have let those feelings derail me and burn me out completely, but I now know better and I have the tools to avoid it and I want to share them with you today.

So here goes….

5 of the best ways to avoid burnout.

1. Book yourself in for a getaway or a retreat every quarter. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will know that I recently got back from 2 nights at Gaia Retreat and feel like a completely different person. It was truly magical! My body, mind and soul feel completely rejuvenated and replenished. We ate all organic food straight from their garden, did yoga, pilates, qi-gong, soaked up the stunning rolling mountains, spent loads of time outdoors in nature, got organic facials and massages, and laughed until our bellies hurt. It was exactly what I needed, true soul medicine. I can’t recommend it enough and I will 100% be going back very soon. Book yourself in for quarterly getaways or a retreat and soak it up. You deserve it and you are worthy of it. 

2. Meditate. Another great way to avoid burnout is with a daily meditation practice. There’s so much science out there now on the benefits of meditation, it’s awesome. Meditation can help you with the following…

    • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
    • Building skills to manage your stress
    • Increasing self-awareness
    • Focusing on the present
    • Reducing negative emotions
    • Increasing imagination and creativity
    • Increasing patience and tolerance
    • Plus so much more!

If you don’t have a daily meditation practice, now is the time to start. Begin with one of my guided meditations and see how you feel. Start with doing it once in the morning and again before bed, and feel the shift through your entire being.

3. Do yoga, dancing or any form of movement every single day. Movement is hugely beneficial for your mind, body and soul. It’s also a powerful depression fighter. Most importantly though, it promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. It can also serve to help break you out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression. Find something you like and do it daily, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Try yoga, pilates, dancing, body weight exercises, qi-gong, walking, swimming, whatever you like. There are so many free exercise/movement videos online, so check them out if you want to find some cool new ideas and routines. I love using the app Down Dog each morning for a 15 minute yoga flow.

4. Spend time in nature every day. Spending time in nature can help relieve stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and boost feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Whatever you want to call it —  forest bathing, ecotherapy, mindfulness in nature, green time or the wilderness cure — humans evolved in the great outdoors, and your brain benefits from a journey back to nature. For me, I’m at the beach or walking outdoors every day. Even in the middle of winter, I make sure I get outside. Kick your shoes off and feel the grass or sand under your toes and take in some deep belly breaths. For extra mind, body and soul nourishment, take your meditation or movement outside and soak up as much of those negative ions as possible.

5. Get into bed at 9pm and get 8 hours of deep sleep. There are so many benefits of getting good quality sleep — including boosting your mood and avoiding burn out, being more focused and ‘sharp’, having a healthier heart, steadying your blood sugar (so that you’re not always reaching for a sugar hit), boosting your immune system and balancing your weight… and that’s just for starters! If you read my books and listen to my podcast, you will know that I LOVE my sleep and I’m in bed by 8pm each night (sometimes even 7:30pm), I LOVE it! I make sleep a priority. I get into bed, read, connect with my husband and take that time to wind down. If I have a few late nights I really feel it — I want sugar, I’m cranky, I get irritable and start to feel run down and burnt out. Make sleep your priority to avoid burnout. 

There you have it, my to 5 ways to avoid burnout.

Have you got any ideas to add to the list? I would LOVE to hear them, let me know in the comments below.

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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