

  1. The exact steps I’m taking to keep my business running smoothly while I’m in baby mode.
  2. How batching content now will save you so much time (and stress) later.
  3. The key systems and support I’m putting in place to keep the money flowing, even while I’m not working.


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This is my second go-round with maternity leave, and I’m taking all the insights I learned from the first time to heart.

Last time, I basically took a year off. I barely opened my laptop for the first 6 months (except for when my book Comparisonitis launched the same week Bambi was born… talk about timing!). 

By the end of the year, I’d eased back into it. But overall, I loved having that time to just be a mama and soak in every moment.

I know how lucky I am to have had that time — so many women don’t get that chance. It’s something the world seriously needs to fix, for mothers everywhere… but that’s a conversation for another day!

This time around, though? I’m feeling different.

I’m so lit up by SheLaunch and my amazing clients. Honestly, the thought of being away for a whole year again just isn’t something I want to do, I LOVE coaching, I LOVE my clients, I LOVE what I do and I don’t want to be away for too long. I know I’ll be ready to dive back in sooner, but I’m setting things up so that I can still be fully present in that beautiful newborn bubble.

The goal is to enjoy the baby bliss without worrying about my business losing momentum or money. 

So here’s how I’m babyproofing my business for baby #2 (with a few juicy lessons I’ve learned from last time):

1. Batching My Podcast NOW

Last time, I batched 4 months of podcasts before Bambi was born, and it saved me. I didn’t have to worry about creating content while navigating new motherhood, and my audience was still nurtured.

So, I’m doing it again. Right now, I’m in full-on batch mode, recording episodes so I can relax and focus on my family without stressing about consistency. 

If you’ve got a content-heavy business, I highly recommend batching your content in advance, whether it’s blogs, social media, or videos. It’s one less thing to think about.


Hot tip: Try batching in creative spurts. I’ll record a few episodes when I’m feeling extra energized, and then take breaks. Don’t force it — your energy will come through in the content.

2. Batching Weekly Emails

Let’s be honest: the idea of writing emails after a night of wake-ups to feed my little angel may not be the best creative thing to do.

So, I’m batching my weekly emails now. They’re lined up and scheduled, so even during those newborn months, you will still hear from me. How cool is that! 

And here’s the best part — I’m keeping things flexible. If inspiration strikes, or I get the urge to write, I can tweak the schedule and share something different to what is scheduled. But the pressure is off, which (as you can tell!) is how I like to roll.


Hot Tip: If you’re batch writing emails, focus on evergreen content. Share tips, insights, or stories that don’t need to be time-sensitive. This way, your emails can go out at any time without feeling out of place.

3. Getting Backup In Place

I do live coaching calls with my SheLaunch babes every week, and I love it. It’s one of my favorite things to do, a mega highlight of my work week. 

So even though taking some time off, I’m still planning to lead those weekly calls (except for two weeks off during Christmas and New Year’s).

But… I’ve also got one of our elite backup coaches on standby. Just in case. This gives me so much peace of mind — if anything doesn’t go according to plan (and let’s be real, babies rarely follow our plans), I’ve got support, I’ve got a backup and that feels really good for me.


Hot Tip: If you’re coaching clients, consider bringing in a trusted backup who can step in if needed. The last thing you want is to feel torn between your clients and your precious new baby. Set yourself up for success. Plan now and your future self will thank you for it.

4. Keeping the Money Coming In (Even When I’m Not Working)

Okay, so this one is BIG. It’s not something I’m doing right now — it’s something I’ve set up over time.

I’ve structured my dream business to keep the money flowing, even when I’m not actively working. So during my maternity leave, there’ll be no launches, no stress — just steady, reliable income.

This has been game-changing for our family, and it’s something I’m incredibly passionate about.

That’s why we teach this inside SheLaunch — because I want EVERY woman to be able to take time off with her baby without having to worry about how to pay the bills. I want every woman to be able to go on holiday without having to worry about money. I want every woman to be able to not work nights, or weekends, and still have the cash coming in while they’re making pancakes with their kiddies. 

That’s your birthright, that’s what you are worthy of, that’s what you deserve and that’s exactly what I help women achieve inside SheLaunch.


Hot Tip: If you’re planning on taking time off, set up systems and processes to keep the money coming in. Whether it’s payment plans, passive income, or automated services, give yourself the freedom of not having to worry about cash flow.

5. Flexibility Is Key (a.k.a. Babies Are Unpredictable!)

Even with all this planning, batching, and backup support, I know things won’t go 100% according to plan. And that’s okay.

With Bambi, I learned to go with the flow and accept the unpredictability of life with a newborn. 

I’ll be doing the same this time. 

I’ve built in flexibility for when things inevitably change. 

And I’m offering myself grace and love, always! 

Every new mama deserves bucketloads of that.

The Bottom Line

I’m so excited to take this time to be fully present with my new baby, but I’m also excited to step back into my business when I’m ready. The beauty of babyproofing your business is that it lets you do both — you don’t have to choose between being the mama you want to be and being a great business owner.

If you’re planning your own maternity leave (or just want to step away from your business for a while), know that it’s possible to do it on your own terms.

And if you want my help on the best way to do that, I’m always here for you.

You’ve got this, Beautiful. ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #619: Millionaire Mindset Unlocked: How To Build A 7-Figure Empire & Thrive As A Mama | Jill Stanton

Episode #618: Are You Neglecting Your Most Valuable Business Asset? (Hint: It’s You!)

Episode #617: Warning: The Heartbreaking Reality Of Child Sacrifice & Human Trafficking | Peter Sewakiryanga

Episode #616: 3 Times I Changed My Mind In My Business & The Unexpected Success That Followed

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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