
The Strength in Asking for Help: Why You Don’t Have to Do It All Alone





I used to think that if I needed help, it meant I was failing—failing at business, failing at life, failing at motherhood. Like I should be able to do it all on my own, like some kind of superhero.

Sound familiar?

But here’s the truth: We’re not meant to do this alone.

The other morning, after another long night without much sleep, I called my beautiful mama in tears. Without hesitation, she dropped everything, picked up organic groceries, made us a shepherd’s pie, and drove nearly two hours just to be here. And you know what? I needed her here. I needed her love, her support, her extra set of hands.

That same day, I saw a reel on Instagram about how raising children takes many hands. And in that moment, something clicked: I needed to allow myself to be supported. I had to let go of the idea that needing help was a weakness and start seeing it for what it really is—a necessity.

So let me ask you: Where do you need more support?

Is it at home? Can you ask your parents, in-laws, or friends for help? Can you hire someone to take some weight off your shoulders—maybe a babysitter, a nanny, a cleaner? Can you get meals delivered? What do you need? Write it down and get it.

Is it in your business? Do you need a VA or a coach?

A Little Homework for You

Grab a journal or a fresh note on your phone and write down:

  • What do I need help with right now? (Be brutally honest, no filtering.)
  • Who or what could help me? (Think big—people, services, investments.)
  • What’s ONE small step I can take today to receive that help? (It could be sending a text, booking a call, or simply admitting to yourself that you don’t have to do it all alone.)

Because here’s the thing: We are not supposed to do this alone. We are not supposed to struggle in silence. The more we allow ourselves to receive, the more energy we have to pour into the things that truly matter—our babies, our businesses, and ourselves.

Let’s get better at asking for support and receiving it.

Life is so much better when we do.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #643: Brain-Boosting Secrets Every Parent Needs to Know | Heather Mrak

Episode #642: Why Work-Life Balance Is a Myth (& What to Aim for Instead)

Episode #641: Want More Love & Connection? Here’s What You’re Probably Getting Wrong | Gary Chapman

Episode #640: The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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