
The Power of Taking Responsibility: How Owning Your Energy Transforms Your Life & Business






Last night was one of those raw, real moments. Prince woke at 1am for a feed; I fed him, got back into bed, and couldn’t stop replaying the day in my head. I spent 90 minutes berating myself for getting frustrated with Bambi. My inner critic was screaming, “You’re a shit mama,” and I felt like I was failing.

After beating myself up, I realized something: my frustration wasn’t about Bambi—it was my nervous system crying out for care. I’m running on little sleep at the moment, and I ended up projecting my stress onto my sweet, darling girl. It’s not okay, and it’s not the mama I want to be. At 2am, all I wanted to do was go into her room, scoop her up, hold her tight, and tell her how sorry I am and how much I love her.

This experience reminded me of a core principle I live by and teach to my SheLaunch clients: I take responsibility for how I show up. Whether it’s at home or in your business, owning our energy is the catalyst for transformation and action. When we take responsibility for how we show up, we move into action and out of blame. Nothing good comes when we sit in blame with no movement forward. Taking ownership rewires our brain for action.

So ask yourself this, babe: In which area of your life do you need to take responsibility?

  • Is it with your work? Do you need to stop blaming others, the algorithm, or the climate, and start doing the work and taking responsibility?
  • Or is it at home? Do you need to take 10 minutes to fill yourself up so you aren’t projecting your stress onto your children or partner? What do you need… some sun, a meditation, a workout?

Wherever it is, it’s time to take responsibility. It’s empowering and essential for our own happiness, as well as the happiness within our homes and businesses.

So, my sweet sister, this is your invitation to take responsibility in your business and life—because everything is so much better when you do.

Here’s to showing up powerfully in every part of your life.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #643: Brain-Boosting Secrets Every Parent Needs to Know | Heather Mrak

Episode #642: Why Work-Life Balance Is a Myth (& What to Aim for Instead)

Episode #641: Want More Love & Connection? Here’s What You’re Probably Getting Wrong | Gary Chapman

Episode #640: The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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