be more organized

8 Simple Ways to Get Mega-Organized This January






  1. The surprising trigger that’s spiking your cortisol.
  2. How to turn 10 minutes into hundreds of dollars.
  3. An unexpected way to supercharge your health and nutrition goals.


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Happy New Year.

I love January so much. There’s so much magic and potential in the air, don’t you think? 

One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is to harness that fresh-start energy and get extra organized. 

For me, it’s not just about getting clean and tidy (although I love that part too!).

More importantly, it’s about creating an environment that enhances your productivity, reduces stress, and brings a sense of calm to your daily life and mind. 

So let’s jump into January with 8 simple yet powerful ways to bring organization and clarity to your new year.

1. Your Computer Desktop

Is your computer desktop cluttered with files, downloads and shortcuts?

This digital mess is the equivalent of having papers strewn all over your desk — and we all know how difficult it is to focus in that kind of environment!

Solution: Sort, file or delete everything that’s on your desktop, and set your desktop background as your 2025 vision board or a beautiful family photo (or something that makes you smile).  

If you’re completely overwhelmed by files, try creating a folder that’s time based (e.g. ‘2024’ or ‘December 2024’) and dump everything from that time period into the folder. This can save you the hassle of sorting through things manually, but still allows for easy searching should you need anything.  

Time needed: 3 minutes 

Result: A feeling of calm and clarity every time you log on to your computer.

2. Your Car

It’s startlingly easy for your car to turn into a storage unit for crumbs, trash, and random items. 

This mess can then trigger a stress response every time you sit in the driver’s seat. (Hello, cortisol spike!)

Solution: Take a clothes basket out to your car and fill it with every single item that doesn’t belong in there. Then bring it back inside and sort through everything, putting things away as needed and trashing or recycling what’s not. 

Time needed: 10 minutes 

Result: A huge feeling of satisfaction every time you get into your freshly cleaned car!

3. Your Subscriptions

Having subscriptions that you don’t use is like flushing money down the toilet. 

So check in with yourself — and your bank account. Do you really need all those streaming services? What about those business subscriptions you haven’t used for ages? 

Solution: Take a moment to glance through your bank statements and the subscriptions on your phone to spot your regular payments. (Some banks will even highlight them for you, making this process easier.) Identify the ones you don’t need and go ahead and cancel them right now. I’ll wait!  

Time needed: 10-15 minutes 

Result: Potentially hundreds if not thousands of dollars saved every year. (You’re welcome!)

4. Your Wardrobe

Do you feel a jolt of stress every time you open your wardrobe? 

Maybe it’s crammed too full to see anything properly. Maybe it’s stacked with clothes you don’t like, that don’t fit, or that don’t feel like *you* anymore. 

Solution: Go through your wardrobe with an editor’s eye and curate it down to the essentials that you regularly wear and love. For everything else, gift them to a friend, host a ‘clothes swap’ party, give them to a homeless or women’s shelter, or donate them to a charity shop. 

Time needed: 1-2 hours

Result: Sweet, sweet relief every morning when it’s time to get dressed and you’re confronted with a streamlined selection of clothes that you actually *like* wearing.

Hot tip: Want to learn more about streamlining your fashion choices, reducing the clothes you buy and extending the life of your garments? Check out my epic interview with mother-daughter fashion duo Daisy Burgess and Caroline Poiner on How To Quit Fast Fashion. Prepare to have your mind blown!

5. Your Inbox

An overflowing inbox can be super stressful. Let’s tackle it. 

Solution: Take some time right now to get back to Inbox Zero. Create folders or labels for different types of emails, delegate to your team, archive what you can, delete irrelevant messages, and unsubscribe from newsletters you never read.

Time needed: 15 minutes initially, then a few minutes daily.

Result: Radically reduced digital clutter along with radically reduced stress.

6. Your Home Office / Workspace

A cluttered home office can significantly hinder productivity. So why not ride that wave of fresh January momentum and get it looking spick and span?!

Solution: Start by decluttering your desk. Organize your paperwork, shred documents you no longer need, and arrange your office supplies. Consider cable management solutions to keep wires untangled and out of sight. Finish by sticking up a visual reminder of your goals for the year.

Time needed: 1-2 hours

Result: A more productive and less distracting workspace, boosting your efficiency and focus for months to come.

7. Kitchen Pantry and Refrigerator

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it can also be the epicentre of clutter! A clean pantry and fridge won’t just feel amazing and make cooking and meal planning easier, it will also make your 2024 health and nutrition goals far easier to stick to.

Solution: Organize your pantry by categorizing items and using storage solutions like bins and labels. Clean out your refrigerator, check expiration dates, and organize the contents for easy access.

Time needed: 1-2 hours

Result: The joy of a well-organized kitchen, easier meal preparation and a giant boost to your health and nutrition goals!

8. Personal Care and Wellness Items

Are you a bowerbird for makeup and skincare products? Does your bathroom cabinet rival Sephora in terms of the sheer number of items? Let’s do something about that.

Solution: Go through your bathroom cabinets and drawers. Dispose of expired products, organize your toiletries, wash your makeup brushes, and declutter items you no longer use. This is also a good time to review the ingredient listings on your products and toss any that don’t align with your values.

Time needed: 20-30 minutes

Result: A streamlined bathroom and wellness routine, making your daily rituals more enjoyable and efficient.

Key Takeaways From This Process

  • Each of these tasks takes a little time upfront, but pays off exponentially down the track in terms of peace of mind, efficiency, productivity and more.
  • By tackling these areas, you’ll not only create a more organized environment, you’ll also enhance your daily living experience.
  • Finally, the key to successful organization is to not overwhelm yourself – take it one step at a time, do a little bit every day, and revel in the process of creating more orderly and serene spaces in your life.

You’ve got this, Beautiful!

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #636: Want to Hit Your Biggest Goals? Forget Motivation — Try This

Episode #635: The Secrets to Thriving on a Plant-Based Lifestyle—for You & Your Kids | Erin & Dusty Stanczyk

Episode #634: My Favorite Finds of 2024 — Books, TV Shows, Gift Ideas, Inspo & More!

Episode #633: Stop Caring What People Think: How to Own Your Truth, Be Real, & Live for YOU with Kat John

Til next time, sending so much love,

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