goal setting

The Process I’m Using to Set Huge Goals (And Actually Hit Them) in 2025







  1. 7 powerful questions to help you reflect on your past year.
  2. The Goldilocks Rule for goals that stretch but don’t stress you.
  3. The crucial importance of regular check-ins.


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Can you feel it? That fresh, inspiring energy of 2025?

I adore this time of year for many reasons, but one of the biggest is that it’s when I do my most important goal-setting session of the year.

To be clear, I don’t *wait* until the New Year to set goals — I’m constantly aligning, assessing and refining my goals all the time throughout the year.

But that said, there’s something undeniably special about the momentum January brings, and riding that energetic wave can definitely add extra ‘oomph’ to your goals.

So with that in mind, today I want to share the exact process I use to set and achieve big, exhilarating, heart-expanding goals. 

I’ve refined and expanded this process over many years, and I SWEAR by it. Here’s how it works…

Step #1 — Reflect On The Challenges of 2024

Answer the following questions. 

These answers are just for you (and your partner, if that feels good for you). So please don’t censor or judge yourself. Be as honest, open, kind and compassionate with yourself as you can (that’s where the true gold lies!).

1. What felt hard this past year?

2. During the more challenging times in 2024, how did you show up? Are you happy with how you showed up or could you have shown up differently?

3. What’s something you’ve been doing that you’d like to stop doing?

4. What are you pretending is working in your life… but it’s really not?

5. What has caused you more stress or worry than it’s worth?

6. How have you been making things harder for yourself than they need to be?

7. How have you been complicit in creating the conditions you say you don’t want?

You’re doing great, let’s keep going.

Hot tip: To make your goal-setting as easy as possible, I’ve put this entire process into a Google Doc for you, that you can copy and fill out.

Step #2 — Celebrate Your 2024 Wins

You deserve a round of applause, babe.

For some of us, it can feel super uncomfortable to celebrate ourselves. If that’s you, I want to encourage you to step into the role of your own biggest cheerleader. Ask yourself:

1. What worked really well in 2024? (It doesn’t matter how big or how small these ‘wins’ are, list them all!)

2. What life areas or activities made you feel most fulfilled? Why?

3. What have you achieved or what are you most proud of over the past year?

4. What are the 3 biggest lessons you have learned?

5. What nourished you on a soul-level this past year?

6. When did you feel like the best version of yourself?

7. Describe your 3 favorite memories from the past year. What do they have in common?

Step #3 — Set Your Goals

Now that we have reflected on the year that’s passed, it’s time to ponder the year ahead. 

My personal rules for setting goals are that they have to:

  • Inspire me so much that I get goosebumps thinking about them. (If I don’t care that much about them, what’s the point?)
  • Be specific, measurable, and have a timeline.
  • They also have to meet the Goldilocks Rule: be big enough that they inspire you, but not so big that they overwhelm you and stress you out. Somewhere in between — where they stretch and inspire you, but still feel doable — is the sweet spot.

Ok, keeping the above in mind, let’s set your big, beautiful goals for 2025.

Answer the following:

1. For each of the following life areas, set 1-3 goals: 

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
  • Family / Parenting
  • Spiritual
  • Work / Business / Career
  • Creative
  • Personal Fulfillment

Phrase your goals in the present tense, eg “I have completed my first marathon by 31st December 2025.”

2. With all those goals in front of you, now pick THREE that will be your main focus. Break each of these three main goals down into smaller goals. (Continuing with the above example, your smaller goals could be to complete a 10km run, a 20km run and a half marathon by certain dates throughout the year.)

3. In order to hit these goals, what daily activities do you need to commit to?

4. In order to hit these goals, what habits or actions will you need to STOP doing?

5. How will you deal with setbacks?

6. What kind of person do you need to become to make all this possible?

7. Why is this year going to be different to other years?

Step #4 — Visualize it happening

Every morning take 2 minutes to sit somewhere quiet and comfortable, close your eyes, and envision yourself one year from now, having hit your goals out of the park. 

How do you feel? How do you act? What are your new habits? How did you make this happen? What feels easy now? What parts of your current identity have you left behind?

Sit there visualizing your success, smile and soak your cells in the feeling of achievement and completion.

Step #5 — Track your progress

As the saying goes, what gets measured gets managed. So: how are you going to measure your progress on your goals? Decide now, and go ahead and set it up (for example, create your spreadsheet or download a tracking app).

Step #6 — Schedule Check-Ins

Regularly reviewing your goals helps keep you on track, allows you to pivot when necessary, and significantly increases your chances of turning your dreams into reality.

Personally, I like to reread my goals at least a few times each week, and schedule a proper check-in and reevaluation approximately once per quarter.

Whatever frequency you decide, go ahead and schedule those sessions in your calendar now.

Step #7 — Take Inspired Action

From here, with all this epic groundwork done, there’s nothing to it but to do it!

So let’s get your year of goal-kicking off to the best possible start by taking inspired action right now

Pick one of your main goals, identify which sub-goal you’d like to get started on, and dive in. It doesn’t matter how small this first step is, it’s still a powerful way to show yourself and the Universe that you mean business!

The Key Takeaway

So there you have it: this is how I’m approaching my goal-setting this year. I hope this guide gives you some clarity on how to plan out your own goals and make 2025 your best year yet.

Remember, goals only work if *you* do, friend.

So what are you waiting for?! 

You’ve got this, Beautiful!

Hot tip: Don’t forget to download the Google Doc version of this guide, so that you can fill out the questions directly on your computer.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #635: The Secrets to Thriving on a Plant-Based Lifestyle—for You & Your Kids | Erin & Dusty Stanczyk

Episode #634: My Favorite Finds of 2024 — Books, TV Shows, Gift Ideas, Inspo & More!

Episode #633: Stop Caring What People Think: How to Own Your Truth, Be Real, & Live for YOU with Kat John

Episode #632: The Secret to Starting 2025 Strong? An Epic End-of-Year Business Review

Til next time, sending so much love,

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