stress hack

The Stress Hack Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know Right Now






  1. How everyday business stressors could be sabotaging your performance — and your peace.
  2. The one nerve that holds the key to a calmer, more focused mind.
  3. Simple tools to quickly shift from overwhelm to calm, no matter what the Universe throws your way.


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You know that feeling when a small problem pops up in your business — like a reel that won’t load or a tech glitch — and suddenly, you’re spiraling into stress mode, even though you know it’s not that big of a deal?

We’ve all been there. Some days, it feels like the smallest issue can trigger a full-blown meltdown.

But here’s something you might not know: this kind of reaction can be a sign that your nervous system is out of balance.

That’s a big deal, because being an entrepreneur is not just about managing your business — it’s also about managing you

And if your nervous system is constantly in overdrive, not only will your work and performance suffer, you’re also not going to be feeling great, period.

There’s good news though: you can change how your nervous system responds to challenges and stress. 

And when you do, everything in your business (and life) gets easier.

We focus on this a LOT inside SheLaunch, because it’s such a game-changer.

Let me break down how it works…

You can’t talk about the root cause of stress without talking about the nervous system. 

Our nervous system is designed to protect us from life-threatening dangers — think a saber-tooth tiger hunting for its next meal. That’s a good thing (nobody wants to end up as dinner!).

But in today’s world, many of the things that trigger our stress response aren’t life-threatening at all. A customer complaint, a tech glitch, or even a curt text message can send your body into fight-or-flight mode, making you feel like you’re under attack — when really, it’s just another day at work.

This would be fine if it only happened occasionally, but it’s not so great if you get stuck in this stress state.

When that happens, everything feels harder. A simple task can feel overwhelming, your patience with others runs thin, and decision-making feels like an uphill battle.

Why? Because your brain is focused on keeping you safe — not on helping you thrive or solve problems creatively.

How To Activate Your Body’s Built-In Chill Button

Here’s the game-changer: you can teach your nervous system to respond differently to stress. 

One of the most powerful tools for doing this is working with your vagus nerve, which plays a huge role in regulating your nervous system.

The vagus nerve is like the body’s built-in calming device. When activated, it helps you shift from a state of stress (fight or flight) into a state of calm (rest and digest), where you can make better decisions, communicate more clearly, and respond to challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

Here are a few simple, actionable ways you can begin working with your vagus nerve and bring your nervous system back into balance:

1. Deep Breathing
One of the quickest ways to activate your vagus nerve is through slow, deep breathing. Try this: inhale deeply for a count of 4, hold for 4, and exhale for 8. This kind of controlled breathing helps send signals to your brain that it’s safe to relax.

2. Cold Exposure
Splashing cold water on your face or ending your shower with a blast of cold water stimulates the vagus nerve. It might sound uncomfortable, but it’s a simple way to signal to your body that it’s okay to shift out of fight-or-flight mode.

3. Hum, Sing, or Chant
The vagus nerve is connected to the muscles in the back of your throat, so activities like humming, singing, or chanting can help activate it. Next time you’re feeling stressed, hum or sing along to your favorite song — you’ll be calming your nervous system in the process.

4. Gentle Movement
Gentle movement stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system (the “rest-and-digest” part of your nervous system), helping to calm the mind, ease tension, and reduce stress hormones. Whether it’s a slow walk in nature or a few yoga poses, moving your body this way sends signals to your brain that it’s safe to relax.

5. Legs Up The Wall Pose
This is hands-down one of my favorite yoga poses (and I can’t wait to do it comfortably again once bubba arrives!).

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs extended straight up a wall. Get your hips as close to the wall as possible (so that you’re in a “L” shape), and rest your arms out to the sides. Stay in the pose for 3-10 minutes and feel your inner state shift.

I love pairing this pose with calming music or a guided meditation — it’s like hitting the reset button on both body and mind!

The Key Takeaway: When You Change Your Stress Response, You Change Your Life.

Stress will always be a part of running a business, but how your body responds to that stress is something you can control. 

When you help your nervous system in this way, you’ll find that you’re able to handle challenges with more ease, make better decisions, and show up as the calm, grounded leader your business needs.

So next time you feel frazzled or overwhelmed, remember that you have the power to shift how your body responds — and you’ve now got 5 powerful tools in your toolkit.

Put them to use and you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll perform better in your business, too.

You’ve got this, Beautiful.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #621: How To Go Viral On Social Media: Taylor Swift’s Social Media Guru Reveals All | Brendan Kane

Episode #620: Clear Your Mind Instantly With This Surprising Hack

Episode #619: Millionaire Mindset Unlocked: How To Build A 7-Figure Empire & Thrive As A Mama | Jill Stanton

Episode #618: Are You Neglecting Your Most Valuable Business Asset? (Hint: It’s You!)

Til next time, sending so much love,

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