The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About

The Game-Changing Productivity Hack That Nobody’s Talking About







  1. How to pinpoint and make the most of your natural energy highs.
  2. Why you’ll find me busting out dance moves in my kitchen every day.
  3. Expert tips to protect and supercharge your energy.


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Most people think productivity is all about managing their time. 

But have you ever considered managing your energy instead?

When you learn how to manage your energy, not only can you get LOADS more done, you’ll also *feel* a whole lot better along the way.

Here’s how to do it.

Even if you have all the time in the world, if you’re exhausted, distracted, or overwhelmed, it’s hard to be productive. 

That’s where energy management comes in.

Energy management is about aligning your tasks with your natural energy levels. 

When you do this, you’re not just more productive; you’re also happier, more fulfilled, and more likely to avoid burnout.

Here’s how to do it: 

1️⃣ Track Your Energy Peaks and Dips

We all have periods when we’re at our peak and times when we need a break. 

Spend a week tracking these ebbs and flows throughout your day — when do you feel most alert and energized? When do you want to curl up and take a nap?! 

Once you’ve tracked yourself for a week, look over the data you’ve collected and start connecting the dots… 

Do you feel energized in the morning, sluggish after lunch, and revitalized in the evening? Or is your natural pattern something else?

2️⃣ Match Your Tasks to Your Energy Levels

Once you’ve identified your energy patterns, it’s time to align your tasks with those natural rhythms.

The basic principle is to schedule your most demanding and important tasks for your peak energy times, and save the simpler, less demanding tasks for when your energy dips.

For me, my energy peaks in the morning. When I can, I aim to tackle my most cognitively demanding tasks then, when I’m fresh, while reserving easier tasks for the afternoon.

It doesn’t always happen that way (#mamalife), but when I can manage my energy in that way, I notice SUCH a difference.


Hot tip: Low energy tasks include things like answering emails, folding laundry, or running errands. High energy tasks include things like brainstorming, creative work, product/content creation, or challenging workouts, a.k.a. stuff that moves the needle in a meaningful way.

When I shared this technique with a client recently, she said to me, “That sounds great, but what if I feel low on energy ALL the time?!”

If you relate, first of all, I see you. I’ve been there too, and I’m sending love your way.

Secondly, here are some extra strategies that can help boost and protect your energy — 

// Make sure you’re pulling the biggest levers first.

If you’re low on energy, start by focusing on the basics: getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of filtered water, nourishing your body with real whole foods, and moving your body every day. 

These are the low hanging fruit. Prioritize them first to see the biggest difference.

// Be mindful of your environment.

The spaces around you have a huge impact on your energy. For example, natural light and certain types of music can enhance your energy, while a space filled with clutter and loud noise can spike your cortisol and make it difficult to concentrate. 

Learn what kind of environments your nervous system likes best, then intentionally bring more of those elements into your living and work spaces.


Hot tip: When in doubt, Mama Nature is one of the best energizers around. If you can’t shake your fatigue, get your buns outside to soak up some fresh air and sunshine. You’ll feel the difference fast!

// Harness the power of micro-breaks

These are short, intentional breaks that recharge your energy and reset your headspace. 

Try a quick bout of breathwork, some visualization, or any kind of movement (think: a few squats, some jumping jacks, or my personal favorite, a kitchen dance-off with your fam!)

// Practice intermittent fasting — of the DIGITAL kind!

We often underestimate the drain that constant connectivity can have on our energy. 

Try scheduling regular “digital fasts” where you disconnect from all electronic devices for a set period. 

Whether it’s an hour each day or a full digital detox day once a week, this practice can help reset your mental clarity and boost your energy.

The Bottom Line

When you match your tasks with your natural energy levels, you transform productivity from a struggle into a flow. 

It’s not just about ticking off tasks; it’s about creating a life where you feel vibrant and aligned — not constantly burnt out and exhausted.

So sweet friend, try out these strategies and feel the difference for yourself — not just in how much you accomplish, but in how deeply you enjoy the journey.

You’ve got this, Beautiful! ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #599: The Confidence Expert: ‘We’re Getting Confidence All Wrong!’ | Erika Cramer

Episode #598: Struggling to Grow Your Business? Learn 5 Simple Strategies That Work

Episode #597: Robin Sharma: “This Is What Billionaires Do Differently Each Day To Achieve Success”

Episode #596: Break These 3 Hidden Mindset Rules Blocking Your Success

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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