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I’ve developed this set of principles based on my life experience — and the people I’ve coached and mentored throughout the years. These beliefs have been specifically designed to help your brain slide into a state of heightened positivity, where ANYTHING is possible. You’ll see that just by embodying ONE of these, creating change and taking inspired action will come naturally to you. You will learn how to become the embodiment of your beliefs and live your life on your terms in alignment with YOUR truth.

Tune in and listen how I create the life that I want (and how you can too!). These beliefs are varied and rich in the subjects they deal with like taking radical responsibility, having an attitude of gratitude, how to co-create with the Universe, how to see solutions instead of problems and so much more!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Learn the first and most important principle — and the one which everything else depends on (2:59)
  • How and from where can you create the life that you want? (4:43)
  • How to deal with polarity in your life (7:22)
  • How to focus on the things that you CAN control and take radical inspired action towards them (9:22)
  • The key to all your problems (10:50)
  • The important things to remember when manifesting (12:41)
  • How to get the most out of your one precious life (17:00)
  • How to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable (20:04)
  • Why it is important that you keep your eyes in your own lane (22:29)
  • How to free yourself from perfectionism (24:26)
  • How to be resilient, show up for yourself and trust life (26:19)

Episode resources:

    • Mastering your Mean Girl (book)
    • Open Wide (book)
    • Comparisonitis (book)
    • The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz (book)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

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  1. Kim S says:

    Thank you for all of these amazing principles Melissa! Sure I will be listening to this over and over again. xx

  2. Kim says:

    P.S. Put on ‘Heaven is a Heartbeat’ song from Nick after listening to this. Going through some struggles with debt/uncertainty/old behaviors and needing inspiration and direction. Thank you for both being so gentle in your approach to wellness and moving forward in life. And yes…this too shall pass. Namaste and God Bless.

  3. Kim says:

    It is truly actually ‘magic’. Direct from heaven I think. Possibly you two might be actual angels on this earth?? No? Ha! I think so. Do the best you can, be human, be enlightened…and still ‘chop wood, carry water’. Thanks again. Sorry I always write in comments…but so grateful for this ‘free’ content and I don’t do any social media. Hugs to you. Namaste xx

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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