Elena Brower - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Powerful Daily Rituals For Living Your Best Life With Elena Brower






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Figuring out your ideal daily rituals that can enable you to really thrive can be tricky… but not for today’s guest, Elena Brower, who’s totally mastered the art. She’s also a master of many other things — including co-parenting with ease and grace, self-love, compassion, busting through fear, and dismantling addictions. I couldn’t wait to pick her brains on these topics in this heart-expanding, soul-stretching episode.

Elena’s story is a fascinating one. After struggling with addiction for years, she figured out how to heal her pain (and ditch her self-destructive patterns) through self-love, daily rituals, meditation and various healing practices.

These days, she’s a world-renowned yoga teacher with her NYC classes always packed to the rafters, an author, teacher, speaker and self-love guru, as well as a loving Mama. She’s also the author of Art of Attention — an artful yoga workbook now translated into six languages — and the creator of Teach.yoga, a virtual home for yoga teachers worldwide.

If you want to amp up your self-love, learn how to consciously co-parent, and create life-changing daily practices, then this episode is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How Elena got to where she is today and how she learned to love herself (04:40)
  • Conscious parenting and how to lead by example (09:00)
  • How blended families can co-parent with grace (11:50)
  • Why treating your children like an adult is imperative for their growth (14:16)
  • Why lying to your children will break their respect (14:50)
  • Why compassion is the key to self-love (16:35)
  • How to love yourself (17:32)
  • The breath exercise to rock your daily practice and amp up your self-love (22:52)
  • How to bust through limiting beliefs and how to re-write your fear-based stories (27:28)
  • What the powerful ‘miracle practice’ is and why it’s imperative to conscious creation (27:50)
  • Why our children are not ‘ours’, why we can not control them, and why letting them make mistakes is key to their expansion and growth (37:00)
  • The importance of vulnerability in all our relationships (and how to embody this sacred quality) (43:00)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Elena Brower’s Instagram (Instagram)
  • Books by Elena Brower (Amazon)
  • Elena Brower: The Ritual of Recovery (YouTube)
  • Art of Attention by Elena Brower (Amazon)
  • Teach.Yoga (website)
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama) (article)
  • Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup (Amazon)
  • Books by Rudolf Steiner (Amazon)
  • Chakra Yoga by Anodea Judith (Amazon)
  • The Deepest Acceptance by Jeff Foster (Amazon)
  • The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh (Amazon)
  • Making Space by Thich Nhat Hanh (Amazon)
  • Practice You by Elena Brower (Coming out September 2017) (website)
  • Practice You on Instagram (Instagram)

This episode is brought to you by My Wellness Community. Join the movement that spreads wellness across the globe, empowering every home to live a more natural lifestyle. Learn more at mywellnessentials.net today.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Britt says:

    I literally exploded when I saw this notification in my email. I cannot tell you how much of a sister Elena is to me (although she doesn’t know it). I’ve never met her, but she is almost entirely responsible for guiding me back to my mat and for me finally being able to stay there. I do her classes almost everyday on Yogaglo. Thank you so, so much both of you. You have been instrumental in me finding the strength not only to give up my chronic addictions but to believe that my gifts are worth developing and serving people with. I’m inspired to make my own watercolour of the miracle chart Elena mentioned. I’m also super interested in her Kundalini teacher now too. Anyway this has become a total ramble but I’m overflowing with gratitude and love for both of you! Melissa your last three guests especially have been even more mindblowingly relative to me than usual. t h a n k y o u xxx

    • Pleasure angel. I am so glad you loved them! Elena is an angel, just like you. xx

      • britt day says:

        last four episodes, I should’ve said! Laura Plumb, Ayurveda and Jyotish astrology was also one of my total favourites. can’t wait to hear what’s next ^_____^ thanks Mel x

  2. Stephanie says:

    That podcast was beautiful, I loved hearing her speak and you ask some delicious questions xx

  3. Ann Marie Jones says:

    Thank you for another juicy episode Melissa! I cannot wait to sit with the miracle practice and am excited about Elena’s next book.

  4. Stephanie says:

    I had the pleasure of recently taking a yoga class with Elena at Wanderlust in Vermont. It was such a beautiful experience. I first started dabbling with yoga with her DVD’s about a decade ago!!! Since then I’ve always admired her from afar. But to be in her presence was such a serene and inspiring experience I will forever be grateful for. So happy you had a chance to share more!

  5. Martine Tseung says:

    That was a beautiful listen. So much grace in the questions asked and the answers. Thank you so much.

  6. Kristin Clemens says:

    Thank you for having such inspiring people on your show! I have engaged in some very basic meditation practices without much guidance but would like to be more intentional. For a beginner in this area, what resources do you recommend to learn more about and get more engaged in meditation and other mindfulness practices? Thanks!

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