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On January 1st of every year, Nick and I have a ritual that we do. We get up and watch the sunrise, as witnessing the first sunrise of the year feels like a really good omen to us. Then, for the rest of the day we reflect on the past year, we celebrate our achievements and what we learned. We then get crystal clear on what we want to manifest and achieve for the year to come.

When goal setting it’s very easy to skip over the reflection side of things, but reflection is a super-important piece of the puzzle because it allows us to re-align, tune in and ponder on our truth. So, before we zoom ahead to setting heart-centered goals and manifesting for the future, it’s imperative to begin by looking behind us. It’s all too easy to want to sprint through to the end of the year without stopping and taking a moment to acknowledge the year that’s been, all that you have achieved, and all the growth that’s taken place. In fact, I’ve heard a lot of people say they can’t wait for this year to be over, or that this year was their worst year yet. Now sure, I understand you may have had a challenging year — but it’s all perfect. Everything always is! Everything is always unfolding the way it’s supposed to. So, before you write this year off as a total crap sandwich, please take a moment to reflect back… you may be pleasantly surprised.

So, my sweet friend — boil the kettle, whip out your journal, diffuse some oils, or lay on your favorite rug outside in mother nature and answer these questions with an open wide heart, mind and soul, because we’re about to celebrate the year that’s just been…

2019 Wrap Up


  • During the more challenging times in 2019, how did you show up? Are you happy with how you showed up or could you have shown up differently?
  • Did you step outside your comfort zone? If yes, when? How did that make you feel? What did you learn during the process?
  • Did you love with your whole heart? If not, how come?
  • Were you fully present? If not, why not? Where could you have been more present?
  • Were you kind? Could you have been kinder?
  • How much did you love? Could you have loved more?
  • How did you serve overs? Could you have served more?
  • Where did any old limiting Mean Girl fears or beliefs pop up?
  • What do you want to let go of? For example, an old limiting belief, a job, a relationship, a situation, a pattern, a painful memory, resentment, hurt or a behaviour you are still holding onto?
  • What would you like to stop doing from 2019?


  • What did you birth / create in 2019?
  • What were the 3 best things that happened in 2019?
  • What have you achieved or what are you most proud of?
  • What are the 3 biggest things you have learned / remember?
  • What have been your top 3 biggest realisations / lessons?
  • How have you grown?
  • Describe 2019 in 3 words
  • What are you most grateful for in 2019?

You still with me, sista? Great!

Now that we have reflected on the year that’s passed, it’s time to ponder the year ahead. Before we do that, it’s super important to do a little ceremony to clean the slate and lay a fresh foundation for your dreams to manifest. You can do that by performing a sage cleansing ritual around yourself, home and office. I highly recommend doing this at least once a year to clear the stagnant energy.

Remember, you have the ability to manifest and create whatever your heart desires in the new year and any time… but it ain’t going to happen by just sitting back and wishing it to manifest! You gotta take inspired action daily, beautiful!

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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