Melissa Ambrosini

Our Favorite Biohacks, Day on a Plate, Open Relationships & More | Nick & Melissa






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Welcome to Episode #600!

Can you believe it? We’ve reached SIX HUNDRED EPISODES together! 

This milestone is a testament to the incredible community we’ve built here, and I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you — your listens, downloads, ratings, and kind words have made this journey possible.

To celebrate this special occasion, I’m joined by my favorite guest, my amazing husband, Nick Broadhurst. 

Together, we’re diving into some of the most thought-provoking topics we’ve ever discussed on the show as we answer your burning questions on things like: whether we could ever have an open relationship, the cool new biohacking device we’re loving right now, an update on our dream house, how not to be insecure when your partner is around other women, what we reach for when we need an immune boost, the biggest thing that causes friction in relationships, how to avoid eating glyphosate, Nick’s current biohacking protocol, and so much more.

Whether you’re a first time listener or you’ve been here since the beginning, I’m sending so much love and gratitude your way. Beautiful, press play now… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Our incredible experience launching SheLaunch (2:44)
  • Nick’s latest music update and the exciting projects he’s working on (4:13)
  • Where we’re at with crypto right now (5:24)
  • The lessons we’ve learned while building our dream house (6:59)
  • Our candid thoughts on open relationships (11:16)
  • Powerful strategies for keeping the love alive in a long-term relationship (14:00)
  • How to overcome insecurity when your partner is around beautiful women (18:45)
  • The #1 cause of friction in relationships and how to effectively address it (19:31)
  • Essential advice for anyone wanting to call in their soulmate (20:51)
  • The bio-hacking device we’re obsessed with right now and its incredible benefits (21:45)
  • Nick’s latest bio-hacking protocol and how it’s optimizing his health (23:33)
  • Are we still using doTERRA? (27:19)
  • Thoughts on the long-term use of melatonin and Nick’s personal experience with it (27:39)
  • Our go-to immune booster to avoid winter bugs (30:07)
  • How we split the cooking and chores (32:14)
  • Our day on a plate, and the meals we’re loving right now (33:06)
  • Our daily protein intake and Nick’s thoughts on the use of amino acids (39:28)
  • The impact of glyphosate in our food and how it affects our health (40:29)
  • Why water quality matters to us and how we ensure it’s as clean as possible (41:01)
  • Do red wine and coffee have a place in a balanced diet? (43:40)
  • Our thoughts on travel in this season of life (50:20)
  • The sleep routine that ensures Bambi gets quality rest every night (53:09)
  • An update on Wholy Mama and what to expect in the future (56:08)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Wholy Mama (website)
  • Nick Broadhurst (spotify)
  • Enobe (spotify)
  • Aerodrome Finance (website)
  • Using Quantum Science To Unlock Healing, Abundance & Potential with Espen Wold-Jensen (podcast)
  • Oura ring (website)
  • Apple Watch (website)
  • Hydrogen Health Portable Molecular Hydrogen Breathing System (Use Melissa20 for 20% off)
  • Hydrogen Health (Use Melissa20 for 20% off)
  • Bon Charge Red Light Face Wand (Use Melissa for 15% off)
  • Bon Charge Blue Light Blocking Light Bulb (Use Melissa for 15% off)
  • Bon Charge Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Use Melissa for 15% off)
  • Blue Light Blocking Clip Light (Use Melissa for 15% off)
  • ArmaForce Immune Support for Juniors (website)
  • Daily Nutritional Support (website)
  • The Plant-Based Athlete: A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke (book)
  • Treat Your Body Like a Pro Athlete with Matt Frazier & Robert Cheeke (podcast)
  • How Not to Age: The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older by Michael Greger (book)
  • Your Baby Doesn’t Come with a Book: Dr Golly’s Guide to the First Four Weeks of Parenthood (Dr Golly’s Emparenting Guides) by Daniel Golshevsky (book)
  • Save Our Sleep by Tizzie Hall (book)
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​​Melissa: [00:00:00] In episode 600, can you believe it? We are at episode 600. I have a very special guest, my favorite guest, the most requested guest on the show, my beautiful husband, Nick Broadhurst. I’m so excited. We are answering your burning questions. Let’s dive in. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini show. I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, and Time Magic.

And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week, I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create it. Epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready? Beautiful.[00:01:00] 

It’s been a while. A really long time, but Nick Broadhurst is back in the house to celebrate 600 episodes. Can you believe it? 

Nick: Yes, and for those of you who don’t know me, I am Melissa’s husband. Nice to meet you. 600. Wow. When did we start this? 

Melissa: You tell me. 

Nick: February 2017. 

Melissa: Was it? 

Nick: I think so. 

Melissa: I don’t even know when it was.

But. It feels like a long time ago, but we have been consistent. We have showed up every week since then. 

Nick: That’s a lot. Now. When you say we, you mean you? 

Melissa: Yeah, I mean me and the team, you know, I mean me and the team, like the editing team. That’s what I mean. 

Nick: Yeah. It’s amazing. And one thing I will give you credit for is, well, I’ve got more than one thing, but one of the things I can give you credit for is how prolific you are with your content.

I’m rather hopeless with that. But you’re amazing. 

Melissa: But you are [00:02:00] only hopeless of that because you’re building an empire and. Building a house and being a present loving father and husband and crypto investor. And what else do you do? Manifesting generator? 

Nick: Get ripped. 

Melissa: Oh, full time musician as well. 

Nick: True, true, true.

There’s a bit going on. I am actually feeling the, what would you call it? The load. Today, I was feeling a bit stressy, being a bit snappy at lunch. 

Melissa: He had a tantrum, got home from ballet and he’s in a mood. 

Nick: I wasn’t doing ballet. 

Melissa: No. Bambi was doing ballet, but he was in a mood. I could tell it was in a mood.

And I said, what’s wrong, darling? And he said, I just, I’m feeling the load right now. 

Nick: Yep. Anyway, we can talk about that. In fact, maybe that’s a good segue into what have we actually been doing? 

Melissa: Or since you were last on the show. 

Nick: Yeah. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably have seen lots of ads from [00:03:00] Melissa, which has been part of the new business that we launched.

Melissa: Which is called SheLaunch. SheLaunch. You’ve probably heard me talk about it many times on the podcast, but it helps female coaches and consultants. grow their businesses fast without the burnout. And we are loving it so much. 

Nick: Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. We have an incredible team, incredible coaching team on faculty, and it’s just been amazing to see the results of our students and really, you know, that sets them up like for life.

It’s such a big deal to help female coaches, consultants, navigate this part of business and get them launched or get them scaling. It’s, it’s a lot of fun. Yeah. And it’s done really well. We hit over seven figures in the first, I think it was either just in four months or maybe five months, which has been great.

So now it’s just scale and taking care of our clients and yeah. So that’s why I haven’t been around because I’m the [00:04:00] CEO and it’s, it’s a lot. 

Melissa: I’ve tried to get him to come on and do episodes and he’s just so full. So this is a treat. I said, it’s 600 episodes. You’ve got to come and celebrate. So he is here.

And like I said, he is very full. He is a musician. You’ve got some new music coming out, which is amazing. If you’re not following Nick Broadhurst on Spotify, please go and do yourself a favor and follow. 

Nick: Actually this week we have. A new song by my other project, Anobi, which is my sort of pop soul project.

And that song’s called Moving On, and it’s sung by A girl called Sydney Franklin, also known as Leo Green. It’s an absolute cracker. And then a few weeks after that, we’ll have my alternate version of that song with me singing it. 

Melissa: Hmm. It’s so good. I’m so excited for you guys to listen to it. It’s amazing.

So make sure you’re following Nick Broadhurst on Instagram as well, so you don’t miss it. 

Nick: And Anobi, that’s E N O B E on Spotify. [00:05:00] 

Melissa: And on top of that, there’s so many other things that you’ve been up to. But what we did to celebrate this episode was I asked you guys on Instagram to send in your questions.

Now we have so many amazing questions that I want to get through and one of them was on business. So we’ve covered what Nick has been up to business wise with SheLaunch. He is also the music that’s been huge for him. Crypto, we had a lot of crypto questions come in. Are we still doing crypto? Give us a little quick crypto update.

Nick: Okay. Crypto is in a very, very interesting time right now and I have been patiently holding for many years since the last bear cycle, or last bull cycle I should say. And I have changed my portfolio quite a lot the last few months and. For those of you who know what I’m talking about, I’m pretty bullish on the, the uh, base protocol [00:06:00] narrative, and projects that are launching on the base protocol.

So, I would say probably the best project on base would be Aerodrome Finance. I love this project. It’s very cool. And other than that, the portfolio is pretty diverse. I’m still holding some Bitcoin, which I’ll probably be selling if we get back to 70, 000 and diversifying into different altcoins.

preparing for hopefully an alt season. So yeah, we still have a pretty decent portfolio and I’m as bullish as ever, if not more bullish, especially with the most likely outcome of the presidential election in America being Trump winning because he’s bullish on crypto. So yeah, I think it’s amazing. If you aren’t in it, you can’t win it.

Melissa: This is true. So you’ve done music, we’ve done, she launched, you’ve done crypto. A [00:07:00] lot of other questions that we had come in are about our dream house build. So on top of all of that, that Nick’s been doing, he’s also project managing our dream house build, which we should be in end of October. We’ve got lots of questions that have come in around that.

Will we be documenting the whole thing? Absolutely. We’re going to do a whole podcast series on this. So hold tight for that. Someone wants to know, how is it going? Well, I’m just going to jump in here and say, we had a bit of a delay. So what happened was, we had about three months of rain, right? And so It was the 

Nick: wettest summer in history here.

And that was exactly just before the roof went on. 

Melissa: So we had no roof, timber up. And three months of rain. So all of our timber got moldy. So much fun. It like so fun. So that obviously delayed a lot of things. And now we have to do a two week intensive [00:08:00] mold remediation, which is very deep. It gets rid of all of the mold.

and quite expensive. 

Nick: It’s an amazing process. Even just finding someone who knew what they were doing was quite challenging. There’s literally probably one person in Queensland who knew what to do. Maybe two people in all of Australia. It’s very, very niche. Most builders wouldn’t even know. They would just plaster over the top of it and you’d have some moldy timber and hope that it doesn’t cause any issues.

But the problem with that is if you get a leak or some really humid weather, that moisture just reactivates it and it can just go absolutely wild behind the walls and then come through the walls. So it’s really important in construction, especially in tropical climates that you have essentially perfectly clean and dried timber before you do any sheeting.

So yeah, it’s been a process that’s over 40, 000 to fix, which [00:09:00] is 

Melissa: Wait, I thought you said it was 37, 000. 

Nick: Yes. 

Melissa: Why? Why has it gone up? 

Nick: Plus GST and we had to install four new power boards in the house temporarily to run the 50 or so commercial dehumidifiers to dry the house out. So this is the process, right?

So they use a whole bunch of different chemicals that. I’m mixed with like a solvent or a wetting agent. And these wetting agents are like, this is what I hear, they’re a thousand times wetter than water. And what that does is it pushes the chemicals through the timber. And what was like pretty disgusting black looking timber now looks brand new, which is great.

And it smells like oxygen in the bedrooms, whereas before it smelled moldy. So it’s been, it’s been great. an amazing investment, thank god we did it, especially since the worst hit areas were the bedrooms, the three bedrooms downstairs, and from there [00:10:00] they dry the whole place out for like a week with an insane amount of commercial dehumidifiers.

They use negative air pressure thingamajiggies, I don’t know why, so you’ve got to make the whole house airtight, and then they sand and HEPA vacuum and scrub all the air in the house. It’s a full on process and you’ll hear all about it. if we can get Jim on the podcast, which I just spoke to him about.

Melissa: And so don’t worry, for those that keep asking me, we will do a whole podcast series on creating our dream toxic free home. We’re so excited about it. It’s just amazing. Like, yeah, the amount of love that has gone into this, it’s just going to be beautiful. So who’s coming for a pool party? a magnesium ozone pool party.

Nick: Yeah, it’s pretty cool. This house is like a full on wellness retreat. And when we do the first video, you’ll see how much effort’s gone into creating something very, very special. I think it’s going to be, [00:11:00] I think one of the most beautiful houses I’ve ever seen. 

Melissa: Me too. So that’s a little house update for you guys.

Keep shooting over any questions because I am taking podcast series, I will have all of those questions. So keep sending them over. Now let’s move to some relationship questions. We’ve got quite a few relationship questions and because we’re in a relationship, well, we’re kind of in two relationships, we’re married and we’re also business partners, which they’re two different relationships.

So let’s dive into some relationship questions that we have been sent in by you lovely people. 

Nick: Question one, thoughts on open relationships. 

Melissa: It’s a hard no for me. 

Nick: It’s a quick response. I mean, look, I’ve been thinking, babe. 

Melissa: No, you haven’t. 

Nick: Look, I’m struggling, struggling to manage one. I ain’t taking two. 

Melissa: He understands how the feminine works.

Like why would he take on [00:12:00] more? 

Nick: Look, open relationships. It’s a very personal thing. It’s not something I’ve tried. It’s not something I really plan on trying. No judgment. It’s just not, I don’t know. I’m very happy with my wife and I can’t imagine. Bringing someone else into that, it’s, that just seems very complex.

It’s a no for me, but only because. 

Melissa: I’m amazing. Yeah. And 

Nick: yeah, it just hasn’t come up for me, but that’s, you know, it’s very personal. I haven’t really given it a lot of thought. 

Melissa: This, this is like, no, this is, I’m just not interested, not interested at all. You know what? 

Nick: I’m sorry. Something’s come to mind. So.

The thing with monogamy, which I love, is that it’s essentially, well, I’ve said this before, but 

Melissa: personal development. 

Nick: It is, it’s a container. It’s a container of, yeah, personal development. And the opportunity I [00:13:00] see in monogamy is to go deep. And I think this is why You know, modern sexual practices like Tantra and Kama Sutra came about because these were born around times many, many thousands of years ago when the householder model really came, came about that sort of nuclear family.

And It makes sense that in a nuclear family environment, you would want to go deep, not just emotionally, spiritually, but also sexually. So I think monogamy is an incredible opportunity to get over your own bullshit, to be perfectly frank, because there’s no escape. 

Melissa: There’s no hiding. 

Nick: There’s no hiding.

Mm-Hmm. I mean, you can kind, you can try and hide, but the, if you’re committed, there’s no escape. You’re like, it’s literally okay, we’re in it. How do we move through this? And you do it together. And I love that about monogamy. I think that’s an incredible thing about it. 

Melissa: Mm. [00:14:00] Me too. All right. Next question.

How do you keep the love alive? So this year in April, we celebrated 10 years, married 10 years, and we’re gonna do a whole episode. solely dedicated to what we’ve learned over the last 10 years. So keep an eye out for that. But how do we keep the love alive? 

Nick: Well, obviously when we talk about love, we’re talking a bit about sex.

So let’s go there. Intimacy, of course, if you’ve been listening to this podcast, you’ve heard us go blue in the face about this, but we see intimacy as the glue and the love as the foundation of the house. Right? So a huge part of that is taking care of yourself, but there’s this personal responsibility we have to literally physically take care of ourselves to remain healthy and fit and not to smell little things.

Melissa: But when you feel good, you feel sexy, you feel [00:15:00] confident. And then you’re going to show up to your partner as that confident, sexy version of yourself. But if you don’t feel good in your own body because you’re not working out because you’re overreading, because you don’t feel good for whatever reason, then you’re not showing up as your best self to your partner.

So. Definitely taking care of yourself is one of the ways that we keep the love alive, for sure. We take self care very seriously. 

Nick: Yeah. And it’s interesting, even like recently, Melissa totally like dropped a nuclear bomb in my guts.

You know where I’m going with this. And she got camu camu powder. 

Melissa: Organic camu camu. 

Nick: And this is very 

Melissa: high in vitamin C. And I put two heaping 

Nick: tablespoons maybe, 

Melissa: because I felt like. Maybe, I think maybe I was getting run down. I’m not sure. I felt like I was getting run down. 

Nick: And I, I looked at it. I was like, babe, you are not drinking that.

Melissa: Well, I tried to drink it and it was [00:16:00] so disgusting. I was like, I can’t drink this. And he’s like, Oh, don’t worry. Leave it. I’ll have it. I don’t want to waste it. 

Nick: Well, I didn’t want to waste it. So the next morning when I woke up and I usually have my green powder, a bit of camu camu, et cetera. On an empty tummy, I decided to mix it into her, Chernobyl concoction and let’s just say the results were not pleasant for a few days and I was not feeling sexy.

So if you take that out to, I guess, anyone who doesn’t feel good in their body, absolutely has an impact. Cause I remember one night when this was kind of like, you know, up for it. And I said, there’s no way it’s like Chernobyl in my guts. It’s not happening. So 

Melissa: the moral of the story is take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself. That is definitely one of the ways that you can keep the love alive. Some other things that we do is like, we prioritize time together. We prioritize weekly dates. We prioritize every evening is our [00:17:00] time together. Every evening is our sacred time together. We don’t go out at night.

Very, very rarely. And so that is our time. Like once Bambi is in bed, that is our time to. Cuddle to chat to massage. It’s just, that is very, very sacred time. So. We have it in our calendar daily and then weekly dates if we can. In summer, we’ll go for walks together. We used to like get up at like 5am and go for sunrise walks, but it’s so cold at the moment.

So we’re not doing that at the moment. But I think that is another huge way that you keep the love alive is that you’ve got to make time for each other, especially when you have because it’s very easy to Put everything else ahead of your time together. It is the foundation of the family and it’s so important.

So I think they’re probably the two biggest things. Is there anything else that you want to add? 

Nick: I mean, there’s so much just being kind, [00:18:00] treating each other kindly, which I think we’re pretty good at in general. 

Melissa: I think another big one, actually, this just came to me is like whenever you see yourselves or you feel yourselves.

Slipping into a bit of like resentment or like tit for tat, you know, any unhealthy behavior. I think what we’re really good at is we get support straight away. We have spiritual mentors and coaches and things like that, and I think that’s really important not to let things fester. And so if you wanna keep the love alive, then notice very quickly if you guys are heading into.

an unhealthy territory. 

Nick: Yeah. Resentment is like kryptonite for intimacy. That’s for sure. Okay. Next question. Moving on. How to deal, how do you deal with feeling insecure if your partner is around beautiful women? I mean, I’ve got no problem with you being around beautiful women. 

Melissa: I don’t have it. I don’t feel insecure.

Now. The thing is, is I [00:19:00] would Ask yourself why you feel insecure. Like what is it? Like you need to look at that. It’s not about the partner being around beautiful women. It’s about why that feeling of insecurity is coming up for you. Like I would look at that. Where in your life did that first start? And why do you not feel comfortable and confident with your partner?

So I would look at that. I would really look at that. But that is definitely not something that I deal with at all. We’ve spoken so much about relationships on this podcast. We’ve done so many episodes together. I wrote Open Wide, which is all about relationships, but I have a question for you. What do you think is the biggest thing that is causing so much friction in people’s relationships these days?

Nick: 100 percent communication. It’s, communication is key. I know you’ve spoken a lot about this, you wrote about this in Open [00:20:00] Wide, but you know, we’ve experienced this in our own life just with relationships where communication hasn’t been clear and it has a huge impact and It’s a rare, honestly, people who have the courage to communicate openly and transparently is actually, I believe, quite a rare trait.

So really just encouraging the listeners to, if there’s something which they haven’t spoken to their partner, to their friends, to their family, you know, maybe there’s time to, to do that because silence is quite painful and quite hurtful. 

Melissa: Yeah, I totally agree. Communication is absolutely key. in all of your relationships, but you know, even more so in your romantic relationship.

So yeah, 100%. And one piece of advice for people seeking their partner. I’d love to hear. 

Nick: Hmm. [00:21:00] Yeah. I think you have to be the type of person that would be attracted to the person that you want to attract. That’s it. 

Melissa: Yeah, definitely be that person and then go and hang out. where that person would hang out.

So I have a lot of friends that are like, where do you find conscious men? And so we recently had dinner with Espen, who’s one of our friends, and he’s been on the show. He’s amazing. And, uh, he brought his girlfriend and I said, where did you guys meet? They met at Tony Robbins. Of course, you want to meet conscious, amazing people go to an event like that.

So. Be the type of partner you want and go to where they would hang out. Good tip. I love it. Let’s move to some health questions, health and diet questions. We always get lots of these, which is so much fun. I love it. What is your favorite biohacking device right now? For me, it’s the 

Nick: Oura Ring. [00:22:00] I mean, out of anything that I wear, I just love the Oura Ring.

I also love the Apple Watch. It’s a new edition. It’s always on airplane mode. So don’t criticize me. But I love the Apple watch for so many reasons. But in terms of health, I just love the uber ring because it really gives me a good glimpse very quickly at how well recovered I am because I am training pretty hard and it helps me temper how I’m going to show up at the gym and whether I do an extra walk that day, whether I do this, whether I do that, it’s an absolute needle mover for me.

I love it. 

Melissa: Yes. And for me, if you follow me on Instagram, which you definitely should. You will know that at my desk, I have my hydrogen health breathing machine. I’ll link to it in the show notes and you can get 20 percent off with the code Melissa20. I’ll put that all in the show notes. So what I do is I walk on my walking pad whilst breathing in the hydrogen.

[00:23:00] This is a relatively new biohacking device, and it is just a shoulder brace to make sure that my posture is good while I’m standing at my desk. And then I also have my BonCharge red light therapy wand. And you can also get 15 percent off with the code Melissa for that as well and off anything at BonCharge.

So I’ll link to those in the show notes, but they are the four things that are always at my desk and things that I use almost every single day. So they are my favorite biohacking devices that I’m using on the daily. 

Nick: Next question. Nick, what’s on your latest biohacking protocol? Okay, well, I’ve got lots of machines that I haven’t used very much lately.

Mainly, look, I know this sounds crazy coming from the co author of Time Magic, but because of time, and that’s okay, at this point, this season of my life, I am growing something pretty aggressively. This new business, this house and my body, even I’m [00:24:00] training my body. I just don’t have the space like I used to.

And you know, being a father as well, like I’ve got my son Leo arriving today who somehow ended up being 18 at university with a girlfriend. And like, it’s crazy. I can’t believe that’s even real. And he’s a beautiful boy, but I still do use the infrared sauna. That’s an absolute staple. Always feel incredible.

in that. The hyperbaric chamber I absolutely love. I tend to use that when I know that I’m fatigued or have some sort of injury or just need more recovery. But I could be using that way more often because you can sit up straight in that and work, which is pretty cool. Little things like using the Bonchage lights around the house at night.

It’s a huge biohack. It’s like massive. The glasses. Huge biohack using Bonchage blue light blocking glasses. Massive. Huge. Like, if you don’t have them, 100%, you should absolutely get a pair. Another small thing, but not insignificant, is using the Bonchard reading lights. [00:25:00] It’s just, I can’t imagine reading a book without those lights.

I just can’t imagine it. It literally just puts me to sleep so quickly. It’s beautiful. And I also have a exercise with oxygen therapy machine, and You can look that up, EWOT. These things are pretty insane. I have found when I’m training really hard and I do EWOT, it’s a bit too much for my nervous system.

So I haven’t found a rhythm with that yet that feels good, but it’s, you can just simply do a workout and then just go and pedal really gently on the bike and breathe pure oxygen and just get like a massive hit of oxygen into your bloodstream, which has got a lot of scientifically validated benefits.

So that’s that. And of course, let’s not forget the basics, right? Resistance training, walking, sleeping, meditating, and eating well. Drinking clean water. You can achieve everything without. Any biohacks? Zero. And I [00:26:00] think that gets often overlooked. What’s the new supplement? What’s the new tool? What’s the That stuff’s cool, but it’s like 5%.

I think the biggest needle mover is your diet, first of all. And then exercise would be definitely the next one. And if you’re not doing those two things properly, then start there. 100%. 

Melissa: This is what we talk about inside Time Magic. And these are the low hanging fruits. The longevity hacks. These are the things that everybody does every single day, but they need to be optimized, like Nick said, food, water, sleep, movement, nature.

All of those things are so important and they’re free. They’re absolutely free. And I want to just second everything Nick said about biohacking protocol. And then, like I said before, the things that I do at my desk every day, which is the walking, whenever I’ve got a meeting, I’ll do a walking meeting, the breathing machine.

The shoulder brace, and the boncharge [00:27:00] wand. I absolutely love. Anything else? Have we missed anything? No, I don’t think we have. And in our new house, we’re going to have an amazing sauna and a cold plunge, which I’m so excited about. 

Nick: And circadian lighting. 

Melissa: Mm. 

Nick: So we don’t even need glasses. The lighting changes with the sun.

How cool is that? 

Melissa: Very, very cool. Okay, next question. Do you both still use doTERRA? Absolutely. Every single day. Just before we started this, I was rolling oregano onto Bambi’s feet because she has a little bit of a blocked nose, runny nose situation happening right now. So I literally used it just before.

And so yeah, we use those oils every single day. We love them. 

Nick: Question for me, Nick, do you still take melatonin? I’ve been using it for years and worried if it’s okay long term. Well, As far as I’m aware, the science shows that it doesn’t disrupt your natural production of melatonin. So I don’t think you need to be particularly concerned about that.

I actually have been working towards a zero supplement [00:28:00] life, which is where I’m at right now. And I’m loving that, partly because I’m experimenting with getting everything from Whole Foods, but I’m formulating my own, I won’t call it a supplement because it’s not, it’s a supplement. 

Melissa: Just to add to his list of manifesting generator things that he does.

Nick: Yeah, it’s stupid, really, but I can’t help myself because I wanted to solve the challenge of how do we get key nutrients, especially if you’re plant based, like B12, even if you’re not plant based, and zinc and some of these key things, how do we get it? In a whole food form, that’s potent yet sustainable and ethical.

Pretty interesting, right? And guess what? I have the answer. And you know that we’re big on a plant based lifestyle. I would be probably 99 percent plant [00:29:00] based, I would say. Melissa would be, you’re 100%. And it’s really important for us. that at some point, hopefully in the near future, that this starts to become more common.

Because we definitely are in an era where change has to happen in relation to diets. The dietary patterns of the Western world are incredibly destructive, especially with the reliance on the cattle industry. And we need to make a move to plant based, whether it’s predominantly plant based, 100%, whatever.

There’s no agenda here of pushing veganism. That’s not at all. You’ve never heard us say that before. But we do need to move to a predominantly plant based diet. diet full stop for the world. There’s no debating that. And hence why I’ve been looking to create something, which by the way is not plant based.

It’s [00:30:00] actually vegan friendly. Let’s try and figure it out. 

Melissa: Watch this space. 

Nick: That’s a riddle for you. 

Melissa: Very exciting. What’s your go to winter immunity booster for the whole family, but specifically for Bambi. Okay. So if Bambi has a runny nose or something, I will do essential oils, so oregano on her feet. We have used homeopathy with her at different phases, you know, for different things that she’s got going on.

We also use Armourforce, which is a kid’s immunity booster. And so I’ll just put that in a little bit of water for her. And I give that to her for a couple of days and it seems to really kick things very quickly. For us, I mean, if we feel like we’re getting run down, we’ll just up the Camu Camu and go to bed early a couple of nights, but is there anything else you do?

I just usually do the camu camu and sleep. 

Nick: It depends what it is. Honestly, neither of us have actually been sick. When was the last time? [00:31:00] 

Melissa: Bambi and I got influenza when you went to Italy. Was that last year? Was that this time last year? 

Nick: It was. And that’s when I took it overseas with me. 

Melissa: Yes. So like a year ago was the last time.

That was intense. That was so intense. Influenza whilst I was solo parenting. Hmm. It was fun, guys. 

Nick: Actually, I did have like a one day fever in April. I remember that now. So if it’s kind of like sore throat based, I instantly go to three oils, oregano, clove, and thyme. 

Melissa: Mixed in a little bit of water. 

Nick: Yeah. So most people would tell you, do not do that because you can burn your throat.

But if you do it right, that little bit of bernie bernie is actually what you want. I find that insanely effective against sore throat. So one drop of each tiny bit of water, you sort of shot it, swallow it without it touching your lips, without it touching too much of your mouth. Let it hit the back of your throat.

For me, that’s [00:32:00] insane. But honestly, guys, when it comes to immunity, diet, sleep, sunshine, exercise. 

Melissa: Water, do those things. The things we were talking about before. And that is going to boost your immune system. Okay. Who cooks the most? Hmm. I would say it’s maybe more me, slightly more me. 

Nick: I think it’s more you now.

On the weekends, it’s more me. 

Melissa: Yes. And that’s when he’ll whip out his like amazing. vegan mushroom risottos and the most delicious things, but during the week you haven’t created the space. I’m not going to say you don’t have the time. Well, you know, you don’t really, with all those things your manifesting generator head is doing.

It’s by choice though. Yeah, it’s by choice. So, during the week, I tend to do most of the cooking and we keep it super simple, which I’ll share what we do, but on the weekend, you know, you might do one or two different delicious dishes that we haven’t done in a while. 

Nick: Although right now we do have a red kidney bean curry, which I [00:33:00] cooked as well as some millet chips, which are cooking in the oven right now, which we must not forget.

Melissa: No, they are so good. And that kind of brings me to the next question is what is a day on your plate like at the moment? Has anything changed? And not a lot has changed for us. in years. It changes seasonally, but in terms of predominantly what’s on there, it’s very similar. So it’s winter where we are right now.

So in the mornings we’re doing things like oats, where in summer we’ll do smoothies and green juices and things like that, more cooling things. But in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, you know, in winter you want to be having warming, cooked foods. And in summer, that’s when you have like the smoothies and the juices and things like that.

I still love those things, but I’m just organically drawn to more warming things. So we will have oats for breakfast and lunch. 

Nick: Being specific, actually. So we, we do do it a little bit differently. I’ll give you my day and you give [00:34:00] them yours. You ready? Okay, so I do an oats, like a muesli, where I make it myself, where it’s got oats, nuts and seeds, a whole bunch of fun powders like raw carrot powder or maca, macuma, mesquite, different things like that which add some vibes.

Always lots of spices, so I always have ginger, dry ginger, as much as I can, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, these sorts of things which are just like super high in antioxidants. And then I put fresh fruit on top, usually berries, with a plant based milk. And I love that. And through the day, I will have a smoothie, which is wild blueberries, and I’ll generally just try and throw in whatever I can to increase the, the protein content of that while I’m training.

Lunchtime is always the same for us. It’s always a bean or a lentil, right? With some sort of vegetable [00:35:00] or vegetables, whether it’s roasted, steamed or a salad. And then we have a carb, which is often sweet potato, you know, white or orange sweet potato, it could be quinoa, it could be millet chips like today.

And then some fat like avocado, olive oil. It’s like, seriously, it’s so basic, but we’ve arrived at that because of a lot of research and what we feel is going to give us the best chance at living disease free, having lifespan into the hundreds. That’s our goal. And we think that predominantly plant based diet based on the science is where that’s at.

That’s why we do it. 

Melissa: And then the same for dinner, literally the same. We only cook once. So, we make enough at breakfast time for lunch and dinner so we’re not cooking twice. And that works really well for us. We don’t get sick of it. We love it. Our food is so delicious. Everything is all organic. It tastes so good.

So we just keep it super, super simple. And then I am loving at the moment overnight oats. [00:36:00] So when we are cleaning up at dinnertime. I will make overnight oats with like half a cup of oats, wild blueberries and then fresh blueberries and strawberries, cinnamon. I put in two scoops of my daily nutritional support, vegan protein, vitamin and mineral powder.

I’ll link to the one that I have from Dr. Stephen Cabral in the show notes for you. And then I’ll put in chia, flax. and maybe some other spices, kind of whatever is available. And then I will make my own hemp milk, just with hemp seeds and water, filtered water. Or last night I used coconut water, which was so yummy.

So I just make that at nighttime. It probably takes me a minute and a half and then put that in the fridge and I pull that out first thing in the morning so that it’s not freezing cold. So I let that kind of go to room temperature. As soon as I wake up, I’ll pull that out. And I love it. I’m loving that so much at the moment.

Oh, delicious. 

Nick: You’re saying you make your bowl in a minute and a half. 

Melissa: Yeah. 

Nick: When I, when I make you a bowl, it takes me like 10 minutes. 

Melissa: Look, I’ll [00:37:00] time it tonight. 

Nick: I don’t believe you. 

Melissa: All right. I’ll time it. It doesn’t take long, that’s what I’m getting at. 

Nick: You’re in a time warp, girl. 

Melissa: Oh, okay, I’m gonna time it.

Anyway, so that’s what I do, and then we have the same lunch and dinner, and lots of clean, filtered water. And for Bambi, I’ll tell you what she eats in a day, because my friends are blown away with how well she eats and how much she eats. So she wakes up, she always has some water. I’ve got her into that habit from the moment she was drinking water, so she always has some water first.

Then she will make herself a fruit face and she cuts up her own fruit and it’s so cute. She sits there and she cuts up her own fruit and makes herself the most gorgeous little, we call it Fred, Fred fruit face. And then she will have after that some cooked oats with blueberries and cinnamon and things like that.

And she loves it. And then usually we call her the seagull. She’ll go over to Nick and sit on his lap and eat a [00:38:00] quarter of his breakfast. It’s so cute. And sometimes, yeah, she might just keep eating. And then she has morning tea and in her morning tea there’s always fresh fruit. She loves seaweed. She loves organic activated nuts and seeds.

She loves, like we’ve got organic buckwheat crackers. 

Nick: Coconut wraps. 

Melissa: Coconut wraps. But I try and make sure there’s like fruit always in there. There’s some seaweed for iodine and there’s protein from the nuts and seeds. She loves it. Sometimes we’ll make something like a little energy ball or something and put that in there.

She always eats the same lunches us and the same dinner and for afternoon tea, it’s very similar to her morning tea, similar sort of thing. And then she, yeah, drinks clean filtered water and coconut water throughout the day. She’s an amazing eater. She eats really well. And she loves her food. So that’s what she is eating at the moment.

Nick: Yeah, there was one thing I missed was my pre workout, which tends to be a banana [00:39:00] and a handful of cashews. And I, you know, I got that from reading The Plant Based Athlete, which the authors have been on this show. I actually interviewed them when Melissa was, uh, Yeah. When Melissa had had Bambi. So I did that interview.

Super fascinating. And Robert Cheek, I think his name is, he, um, just has cashews before training and he’s huge. I was like, really? Wow. I’m going to try that. And I really love it. Banana and cashews. That’s my, my pre workout. 

Melissa: Which brings us to our next question. How much protein do you both have per day? And Nick, do you still take perfect aminos?

Nick: I do not take Perfect Immunos because I’ve been on the supplement free mission for a while. I’ve got different theories on that. I’ve got nothing against supplements. I think they have a role to play. It’s more of a personal experiment. But no, I don’t take them. Protein wise, I am anywhere from 120 to 150 grams a day without supplements.

So there you go. I mean, I just literally am super mindful of [00:40:00] that and it adds up very quickly. Melissa’s only real supplement she takes in terms of protein is the daily nutritional support from Equilife, two scoops of that, and I think you’re about 80 grams a day. 

Melissa: I haven’t measured in so long, but the last time I measured when we fully entered everything into chronometer was About 80.

It’d be interesting to do that again, actually. But yeah, I definitely feel like I’m getting enough and I feel really good. Okay, are you guys concerned about glyphosate in your foods, even when eating organic? 

Nick: Honestly, no, because there’s just no point worrying about it, because I can’t change it. Just, we just buy the cleanest food we can and that’s all we can do.

Melissa: And we grow some of our own food too. We had the most delicious bok choy from our garden the other day. It was so good. I don’t know. It tastes better when you grow it yourself, truly. So anything else you want to talk [00:41:00] about regarding diet? Oh, let’s talk about water. You know, I get asked about water so much on my Instagram.

And it blows my mind that people are still drinking non filtered town water. If you do not have clean filtered water, it is definitely something you want to invest in. Ask all your friends and family for your next birthday to get you some sort of water filtration system. We love the hydrogen health systems.

We have two of those actually. We travel with our travel shower filter and our water bottles. Like we have Almost all of their products. Actually, I think we have all of their products, even their biohacking products as well, we have them. And it’s so important. It’s a very low hanging fruit. So please make sure, like, get yourself clean, filtered water, put a whole house water filtration system on your house.

Nick: Which, actually, Hydrogen Health are releasing their own whole house [00:42:00] filter very soon and guess who gets to have the very first one? Us! On our new house, which we’re super excited about. Because it’s in Hydrogen Health style, it’s like, looks good and it’s small and it’s compact but it’s super effective.

So we’re very excited about that, but that’s a big needle mover. 

Melissa: And make sure you use the code MELISSA and you can get 20 percent off everything from Hydrogen Health. It’s just a game changer. So, yeah, diet, water, anything else. 

Nick: No, I mean, look, the basics. What are you eating? The basics. It’s just, that is the most important thing.

Melissa: And I just want to say to that, like, we eat 100 percent organic and spray free and it is a non negotiable for us. You know, we don’t. Go out to dinners a lot. We might go out to dinner. Yeah. Once every two weeks, we’re not having a date night this week, but we might have a family date night. So we’re not spending a lot of money.

We don’t drink alcohol. We don’t spend money on taxis. We don’t spend a lot of [00:43:00] money on clothes and things like that. So, this is where we choose to spend our money on organic, spray free produce. We go to the organic farmer’s market every Sunday, the local farmer’s market, and it is so important to nourish your temple and take care of your temple.

Whatever you put in your body, you are going to become. And it’s the same with the products that you use. Whatever you put on your body. What you spray onto your body, what you lather onto your body, that becomes who you are and that gets absorbed straight into your bloodstream. So this is just an absolute non negotiable for us.

We don’t even think about it though. You know, it’s just so part of our life. 

Nick: Yeah. I will say that I did experiment with the last month having a few glasses of wine, red wine, which was fun, mind you. 

Melissa: When we went out to dinner. 

Nick: Yeah, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not really a high performance food.

Melissa: And the thing is, guys, he snores. When he [00:44:00] drinks red wine and he had one glass and I’m like, you have to go sleep downstairs. I kicked him out of the bed. I was like, if you’re going to drink red wine and snore, you can’t sleep in this bed with me. So he’s out. He’s out guys. 

Nick: Yeah, look, a great book on longevity, other than our chapter, Everyday Longevity in Time Magic, is How Not to Age, by Dr.

Michael Greger, who’s been on the podcast. 

Melissa: And I’ll link to that in the show notes for you guys. It’s an incredible episode. I’ve actually got him coming back on again soon. I 

Nick: think you’ve had him twice already. Yeah. Anyway, so how not to age speaks about red wine and at, Oh my gosh, I’ve got to speak to you about coffee too.

Melissa: He’s back on the coffee bandwagon guys. Oh shush. Definitely not. He came home with this full on beautiful, it’s very beautiful, white coffee machine one day and I was like, Oh no. At 

Nick: least it looks good. 

Melissa: It does look good, but really. 

Nick: Anyway, we’ll get to that. So. It’s [00:45:00] very clear with the science that, okay, if you want antioxidants from red wine, just eat some wild blueberries.

Seriously, it’s a much healthier way to get the antioxidants. The alcohol, hands down, creates oxidative stress, oxidative damage, that, 

Melissa: and it makes you snore. That’s enough for me. 

Nick: That’s your problem. Deal with it. 

Melissa: But I guarantee if you checked your Oura ring, it would affect your sleep. 

Nick: I did check and it did affect my sleep.

A hundred percent. There 

Melissa: you go. 

Nick: Yeah. So, but oxidative damage, we don’t want that. So there’s much better ways to get your antioxidants. And look, if you drink red wine, go for it. No judgment. I’ve got plenty of friends who love it and love spending a bunch of money on a good bottle of wine. I’m a huge fan of that because the social side of that is incredibly important.

I think that’s what’s responsible for the longevity benefits in the blue zones around the world, is the social side, [00:46:00] not so much the antioxidants. 

Melissa: Yes, but I can still be social with my sparkling water and fresh lime squeezed into it in a wine glass, which is what I do. 

Nick: But I’m like. 20 percent more social.

So that’s, that’s the red wine situation. I would say if you’re going to have it, it’s a once a month thing in my opinion. 

Melissa: And you want to make sure it’s like organic and biodynamic. 

Nick: Well, biodynamic is the way to go. Organic is not particularly that sure a thing anymore. Now let’s talk about coffee. In the same book, I was really impressed with the evidence on coffee.

Now I cannot do normal coffee. I’m an absolute. mess. I had one by mistake about six months ago from our local organic shop called Organica and Dear Lord. 

Melissa: Why did you have it by mistake? 

Nick: I just didn’t ask for it. I just forgot. 

Melissa: What did you say? Not decaf? 

Nick: Yeah, I just said coffee. That was stupid, but I just didn’t think and I was [00:47:00] drinking it and then two hours later I was just shaking and I couldn’t think.

My teeth were like shaking in my mouth. It was like awful. So there’s different types of People who metabolize caffeine with it fast or slow. So it’s important to know that because it can really impact your day. Like it impacted me. Sally, funny enough, did the same thing. Our friend Sally from the same place by mistake.

And she was an absolute mess. I actually saw her. It was hilarious. So yeah, coffee though, in terms of longevity benefits, pretty hands down. It’s like. Serious, whether it’s decaf or not decaf, one cup, two cups, obviously mixing that with dairy is not a good idea. Look guys, I don’t care what you say, dairy is not good for you.

Just, I don’t care what you say. You can’t convince me. Just rule that out with your coffee and replace it with a clean nut milk if you want milk. I mostly drink it black. 

Melissa: And the [00:48:00] thing is, when it comes to nut milks, like I went to an organic cafe last weekend with one of my best friends, Nat, and I was going to get a turmeric latte and they usually have a very clean coconut milk and they didn’t have this one.

And so I got her to pull out all of the milks and literally every single one had emulsifiers, emulsifiers. Transcripts provided by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC. And I have friends that if their favourite coffee shop doesn’t have their nut milk, they’ll take it. Just do not drink crap. Take care of your temple.

Nourish your temple. 

Nick: Yeah, when I said dairy before, I just want to clarify. There are forms of dairy that can be beneficial, like, you know, and depends on whether you are lactase persistent. So if you have the enzyme, so yeah, there are definitely, um, caveats to that. But the biggest issue with it is saturated fat.

So I just wanted to put that out there. I’ve been on the saturated fat bandwagon. I’ve been Mr. Bulletproof, blending butter, blah, blah, blah, blah. It still amazes me that the narrative of saturated fat is so [00:49:00] strong. And I know that I’ll probably rub a few people up just by saying this, but I’m sorry, the science is not there on saturated fat.

It just is not there. If you want to live a long, happy, healthy life, and avoid the biggest killer in the Western world, which is heart disease, you have to reduce your saturated fat intake. It’s literally that simple. So yeah, there you go. There’s my rant for the day. 

Melissa: Is there anything else that you want to cover when it comes to diet, health, water, anything else?

I think we’ve nailed it. Are we missing anything? 

Nick: Look, I think that the only thing that you would throw in there is, when it comes to food, is sharing that with people you love. That’s a huge piece too. So, community, friendship, love. And you know, we have rituals at our dinner table, and lunch, but mainly our dinner table, we have rituals every night with Bambi, and Leo when he’s here, it’s really sweet.

And those sorts of rituals are really important, it brings us together, and we don’t miss it. Ever. [00:50:00] So, I think, you know, food is a privilege. Not everyone has access to food like we do in Australia. And being grateful for that food is half of it, I would say. Really really feeling their gratitude that we have an abundance of it, but also such high quality.

So that would be it. The next question is on travel. Do you have any interest in traveling overseas? 

Melissa: Oh gosh. Here we go. Here we go. How long have you guys got? Okay. My 

Nick: wife is so annoying. 

Melissa: Okay. So let’s just. Let’s talk about this. I have not. Let’s 

Nick: just come up with some excuses. 

Melissa: Okay. So Nick would travel overseas every year.

He would go to Europe every year for months if I would go with him. Okay. So the reason why I haven’t, well, we had COVID guys and then I got pregnant and then I was in the baby bubble and the thought of going to Europe with [00:51:00] a toddler, not so much now, but like, you know, last year when you went. It just, just wasn’t on the top of my list, but now I am really feeling it.

Like I am bursting my soul and my cells want to be in the Mediterranean. I am just like so excited. So not next year, the year after that, which is 2026. I am turning 40. Can you believe that I’m turning 40? Just sounds so huge. I still feel like I’m 25, but anyway, I’m turning 40 in two years and we are going to go to Greece and possibly Croatia for two or three months, and we are so excited about that, but we absolutely love traveling.

I’ve just been in pregnant and Mama hood mode that it hasn’t been like a big priority for me. And the thing is, I [00:52:00] don’t fly when I am pregnant. 

Nick: I don’t, 10 months, you can’t travel. 

Melissa: Yeah. There’s 10 months, almost a whole year where I don’t travel. And that’s my personal choice because of radiation and EMFs and things like that.

And then I don’t really love the idea of traveling with a new, new newborn because they’re just so precious. And then they get to Toddlerhood and I’m like, okay, so under two, like they’re on your lap and Nick’s like, it’ll be fine. And I’m like, that’s because she’ll be on me for 24 hours. Not on you. She wants to be on me.

So it just wasn’t at the top of my priority list, but I am feeling it now. My cells want to be in the Mediterranean. I feel like I was a Greek goddess in a past life and I want to get back 

Nick: there. What you waiting for? Bloody hell, seriously. Tries to be nice. I went last year, had a great time, but it’s not the same without your 

Melissa: soulmate.

But yeah, we definitely have interest to travel more, but [00:53:00] yeah, we’ve also had a toddler. We’ve been building a house, building a business, SheLaunch, and. nurturing our gorgeous daughter. So it just hasn’t been at the top of our list right now. 

Nick: Okay, so let’s move on to the last category, which is parenting.

And this question relates to Bambi and sleep. What approach did we take for Bambi and her sleep? And I will say that she is an absolute freaking rock star. Sleeper always has been, um, and it’s not by accident. It’s because Here’s the answer to your question. Because we did get her into a rhythm and that rhythm has served us extremely well.

Melissa: And we did that from what age was she? Four months, 

Nick: four months. 

Melissa: We got her into a routine from four months and that has served her so well. And I’ve spoken about this before on the podcast. Like she just thrived. She’s usually asleep by 6 And she sleeps till 6. 30. She does [00:54:00] 12 hours. She is a dream. And I’m so grateful, but you know, we put her into a routine and that was something that I learned from different people and it has served her and us so well.

Nick: Yeah, I did this with Leo as well, many moons ago. It worked extremely well for him. So I came into this child, Melissa, with having experienced having structure and routine and it was just so good and each to their own, but for us it’s worked extremely well and we pretty much based that off Dr. Golli and Tizzy Hall’s book, Save Our Sleep.

We did a bit of a hybrid of those two approaches and um, she’s amazing. She’s amazing. I remember when she was, you know, You know, like six, seven months old. We’d have friends over for dinner and I’d say, I’m just going to go and put Bambi to sleep. And they’d think I was going to be gone for like an hour or so.

I’d come back like four minutes later and they’re like, [00:55:00] where’s Bambi? She’s asleep. Because you have all these little rituals and these cues and these routines and it just tells them, oh, it’s sleep time. And even now Bambi will get to like before six o’clock, like 10 to six and she’ll go, I want to go to sleep now.

And we silently high five each other in our minds because that means we get time together. And what I do love, one of the huge things I love about routine for parents is that. It’s predictable, which means you can plan to do things. And at its basic form, every night, that means I know, come 6. 30, that Melissa and I have time together.

Whether it’s to watch something, to do some yoga together, to just talk, to make love, to do a massage, whatever it is, we have that every night together. And I think one of the biggest benefits of having a baby who is in routine is what that does [00:56:00] for your relationship as parents. Yeah, that’s that. And another question here, will you share more mother or Holy Mama related content again?

Melissa: Well, Holy Mama, you can join at any time. It is still open. We have beautiful women joining all the time. It’s such an incredible program. It’s for anyone who is interested in conscious conception, powerful pregnancies, empowered birthing and conscious parenting. So if that’s you, check out holymama. com and I’ll put the link in the show notes.

Nick: That’s W-H-O-L-Y-M-A-M-A, 

Melissa: and it’s an incredible program. Absolutely amazing. So you can join that at any time. Will I be sharing more Holy Mama content or motherhood? I do still share bits of motherhood stuff, but I have really focused in on the business coaching and mindset coaching over the last year, and I’ve just absolutely loved it.

I’ve [00:57:00] loved it so much. I’m good at it. But who knows? Tomorrow I might turn around and be like, I’m going to be a doula. Who knows? We just don’t know. But right now I’m loving sharing about business and mindset and really teaching people how to create the business and the life of their dreams. So that they can have the income and the impact that they truly desire.

And that’s, what’s really exciting me and fueling me right now. But who knows? 

Nick: Yeah. And if that’s you, a female coach or consultant, you can get a free one on one strategy call. If you go to she launched dot and see if you can qualify for that call, just fill out a quick application. And one of our amazing coaches will have a call with you.

I know you’ll never be a doula. 

Melissa: I know, cause I love my sleep too much. But I love the idea of like supporting women, but no, 

Nick: you do support women, babe. 

Melissa: I know, but supporting women in that space. That’s what I meant. That’s what I meant. But no, I could never be a doula or a midwife because you have to leave your phone beside your bed [00:58:00] and you have to be on call.

And I would just be like, someone’s woken me up. Like, if Nick wakes me up, it’s not good. It’s not good. 

Nick: Here’s an example. Oh, my God. 

Melissa: Oh, no. What are you going to say? 

Nick: Oh, just a couple of nights ago, I, heaven forbid, I had to go to the toilet, which I don’t do very often, like maybe once a quarter. And I did, and it woke her up, and she turns on her light, her reading light, and she’s like, why did you wake me up?

I’m like, I didn’t wake you up. I went to the toilet. There’s a difference. 

Melissa: But where we’re renting right now, the stairs are so creaky. Every floorboard creaks and cracks, and it’s so noisy and 

Nick: Well, I weigh 20 kilos more than you, so it creaks way more with me. And I was trying to be so quiet. I was [00:59:00] like, you should have seen me if you had filmed it, it would have been hilarious.

Trying to go down there quietly. I was walking down the very edge at the strongest point of the steps and missing the noisiest step, which unfortunately, because I couldn’t see what I was doing, I actually clipped it and made even more noise, which probably woke her up. I don’t, didn’t flush the toilet.

Anyway, I woke her up. I’m like, this is my, me being reactive, I’m like, chill out and go back to sleep. That’s Well, that didn’t work. 

Melissa: I packed up and went downstairs. 

Nick: Yeah, she left. She left me. 

Melissa: I was so upset. But anyway, I ended up falling back asleep. Had to read for a while, but I ended up falling back asleep.

Nick: There’s no room for error in this relationship. As the man. 

Melissa: I keep you on your toes. It’s good. 

Nick: You wake me up every night. I don’t say anything. Anyway. 

Melissa: Anyway. 

Nick: So that’s the end of this episode. 

Melissa: Thank you so much guys for sending in all of your awesome questions and thank you [01:00:00] for listening and thank you for Tuning in each and every week.

We are so grateful. I am so grateful. 

Nick: 600. How many downloads now? 

Melissa: We’re about 26 million downloads. 

Nick: Hurrah. 

Melissa: Very exciting. So thank you for being here. I appreciate you so much. And I do have a little favor to ask to celebrate 600 episodes. Please, please, please. If you’re not already following and subscribe to the show, please do that.

And leave me a review. I would love that so much. If you haven’t already done that, even if you have done that, please leave me a new one. I would love that so, so much. Send me a screenshot of your review on Instagram at Melissa Rambristain, and I’ll send you a little gift as a thank you, but I am so grateful, truly so grateful to have you here.

To have you listening each and every week and to have you as part of this amazing community. I’m so, so, so grateful. So thank you for being here. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, [01:01:00] for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you and for me.

I’m so grateful. 

Nick: And for me. 

Melissa: And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. We love you guys. Thank you.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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